literary world

Chapter 288 Qian Qian: I'm a little violent

Chapter 288 Qian Qian: I'm a little violent


The actors and filming locations of "Parasite" were all decided, but Fang Nan still couldn't return to China.

He had to stay with the creators in front of and behind the scenes to chat about scripts, camera shots, and learn some Korean.

After all, when a word is translated from Chinese to English, and then translated from English to Korean, it may change drastically.

Therefore, during filming, it is best to use the same language for communication between the director and actors.

It should have been the actor accommodating him as the director.

But there are too many Korean actors in the crew, and it is difficult to expect everyone to learn Mandarin well in a month.

Compared with Chinese, Korean is not at the same level of difficulty at all.

Fang Nan had no choice but to be a good student with Liu Qianqian who came later, learning Korean related to the lines of the script with the Korean teacher for two hours every day.

"Hey, I'll treat you to Korean food tonight."

At the end of another day of class, Liu Qianqian slapped Fang Nan's arm.

Fang Nan asked her, "Why?"

"Sister Xi Jun helped me to negotiate the North American brokerage contract with Hollywood's Williams, and she said it should be fine." Liu Qianqian fell back on the carpet comfortably, with a heartfelt smile on her face.

In North America, Williams' popularity, scale, and number of stars are second only to CAA, namely Creative Artists Agency, and is the second largest artist agency in Hollywood.

To be able to sign a brokerage contract into such a company is to have one foot in Hollywood.

It also proves the personal starlight from the side.

Hollywood brokerage companies are indeed a service industry, but they have to be strong to be willing to sign.

"Zhang Ziyi seems to have signed with this company too." Fang Nan said very flatly.

He is not optimistic about Liu Qianqian's signing this time.

Not to mention signing Williams, but what about signing CAA?

It still cannot change the status quo that Chinese actors are disadvantaged groups in Hollywood.

Still, there will be no good roles for her.

Zhang Ziyi's road to Hollywood has been stable enough. After the success of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", without Cheng Long, she would still not be able to get the role in the mainstream Hollywood film "Rush Hour 2".

Without "Rush Hour", wouldn't Zhang Ziyi obediently come back after filming the feature film "Memoirs of a Geisha".

Even Li Ang, who had made his way in Hollywood, couldn't take care of her.

"Yes, we are in the same company as Zhang Ziyi." Liu Qianqian said.

Fang Nan smacked his lips: "Then you just sign it. It's fine to expect them to help you find some good characters. It's too whimsical."

"Can't you expect me to order?" After casting a sidelong glance at Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian, who was puffed up, was moved in her heart, and said, "Otherwise, I will be with you for the rest of my life."

"Pull it down, you are so edible, I can't afford you."

Fang Nan dodged the kicks, ran out with a smile, and bumped into Ma Dayong who came over to call for dinner.

Ma Dayong looked at the two people who were laughing and hesitated for a while, but finally chose not to vomit: "Brother Nan, put it down, you are 8 years old, you can handle it now, can you handle it in the future?"

Fang Nan was frustrated, and glared at Ma Dayong angrily: "Ma Dayong!"


"Why is your mind so dirty? Sissi and I, and you, are colleagues in the same company. Isn't it normal for colleagues to fight occasionally? Don't you and Yu Hai often get along too?"

"We are men, and you are a man and a woman." Ma Dayong rolled his eyes up and looked disdainful.

"Then I'm her girlfriend, and she's my brother, okay?"

Ma Dayong was even more disdainful: "Brother Nan, why do you believe this? Even a three-year-old child can't be fooled by such words. Men and women can only have a super-friendship relationship, and this super-friendliness relationship can only happen in one place." place, bed!"

"I can't tell you what the hell, hurry up and go down to eat." Fang Nan kicked Ma Dayong angrily.

At noon, I ate bibimbap, spicy cabbage, and almost a table of fried snacks.

Mao Jianguo, Yu Hai, Ma Dayong, Zheng Zhaoqiang, and Liu Qianqian are all eaters in their group. The biggest daily expense is three meals a day.

After eating and resting in the private room, several people drove to CJ Entertainment. At the same time, actors such as Song Kanghao would also come from various places.

But today was rather special, Fang Nan and the others bumped into an acquaintance before entering the elevator.

Li Gang from Tomato Station.

"Meet an old friend in a foreign land, Director Li, are you here for business or pleasure?" Fang Nan asked curiously as he looked at Li Gang and his party in suits and leather shoes.

"You kid, you always have no clue. We came out to exchange learning experience. SMG and SBS are cooperative TV stations. Fortunately, I remembered that you are here, so I came here to see how you are doing." Li Gang pretended to be beautiful Dissatisfied, he reprimanded Fang Nan.

"Ham, I thought you were traveling. We're fine. We have enough food and shelter."

"I'll be reminiscing about the past later, let me introduce you to some senior executives of SBS."

Li Gang got out of his way and introduced the group of people behind him. Fang Nan, who was the executive, director, and executive, was the first and the second big.

"You should be familiar with this guy, Jiang Dongchi, the head of the SBS drama production department. He was the one who went to Tang Tang Film and Television to learn about the copyright of the adaptation of "You Who Came from the Star". President Cai should have told you about it."

Finally, Li Gang pointed to the middle-aged man wearing small glasses and smiled.

Fang Nan knows a fart, he has seen the financial statements of "You Who Came from the Star", but Jiang Dongchi has never seen anything.

Meeting a fellow countryman abroad, and it was also the territory of the partner CJ Entertainment, Fang Nan, who had come a few days earlier, naturally acted as a guide, and brought the group to the large conference room where they usually chatted about scripts.

Watching the group sit down, Fang Nan pulled Li Gang aside and asked in a low voice about the current situation in Sichuan Province.

"The search and rescue is still in progress, but those who haven't been found have little hope. Now we can only focus on the Olympics."

"In the first half of the year, the whole world was not peaceful. The subprime mortgage financial crisis in the United States affected the economies of many countries. Many bosses in Xiangjiang have chosen to jump off the building. The mainland has encountered such a natural disaster. But as long as everyone can only connect hearts and hold hands Holding hands, difficulties will always pass.”

After Li Gang finished speaking with emotion, he lifted his spirits and said: "Your literary and art circles have done a good job this time, and you have managed to donate money and make a strong contribution."

"Big names like Li Lianlian and Liu Dehua even went to the scene as volunteers. Zhang Ziyi and others also launched a donation campaign at the Cannes Film Festival. It's not a small amount for you to spend 1000 million at once. There will definitely be an explanation afterwards."

Fang Nan shook his head: "I don't care what I say or not, as long as I can help a little bit."

As for Zhang Ziyi's fundraising activities, Fang Nan probably remembered that they didn't get the money, but no one wanted to care about it at this meeting.

Just like what Li Gang said, get over the difficulties first and then talk about other things.

Fang Nan chatted with Li Gang, and the chairman of CJ Entertainment came to greet him.

The Chinese market is too big, and no Korean company is willing to give up, let alone a film and television company that invests in extremely risky.

So Li Gang will be a guest of honor wherever he goes in South Korea.

Because as long as he buys the drama, the price is definitely much higher than that of several major TV stations in Korea.

Behind Li Gang is SMG, the richest TV station in China.

Li Gang took an interpreter to chat with SBS, CJ Entertainment and others, and Fang Nan went straight back to the conference room inside, and continued to ponder over the script with the screenwriter and actors.

He was watching, and Jiang Dongchi from SBS stood next to him and asked curiously in English: "Director Fang, are all the actors of "Parasite" here?"

Fang Nan nodded: "Yes, I hope you SBS will promote the movie more after it is released next year."

"Of course, our SBS and you Tang Tang Film and Television are very good partners." Jiang Dongchi looked determined.

Fang Nan glanced at him and saw that Jiang Dongchi looked like that, but why did he look so unreliable.

He has been in South Korea for more than 10 days, several major local TV stations in South Korea, and even SBS's own station have reported that Fang Nan is casting and choosing locations for his next movie.

Moreover, as Song Kanghao and others frequently entered and exited CJ Entertainment, there were more and more news, and now there are media stationed outside every day.

But SBS didn't say to send someone to visit the president of his partner. Is this a good partner?
Thinking of this, Fang Nan nodded noncommittally: "Maybe."

Jiang Dongchi didn't hear the impatience in Fang Nan's heart, flattered him and said, "Chairman Fang, maybe SBS and Tang Tang Film and Television can talk about new cooperation."

"Don't ask me for cooperation in the company's business, I don't know much."

"Puchi. Keke"

Just as Fang Nan finished speaking, the conference table was near the end, and Lin Yuner, who was drinking water with a ballpoint pen, sprayed it out. The attack was so fierce that the water droplets splashed on the face of Han Xiaozhou opposite, and Liu Qianqian beside her couldn't avoid it either.

Lin Yun'er panicked, she hurriedly got up and left her seat and kept bowing: "Sui Song hey, sin Song hey yo!"

Fang Nan frowned and was about to say, "Drink slowly", Jiang Dongchi's entire face turned cold: "What are you laughing at?"

"Minister Jiang, hey, Sin Song, I didn't laugh, I just coughed."

Fang Nan's Korean skills were not enough, and he couldn't understand the next confrontation between the two, but judging from the expression, Lin Yuner, who was standing in the position with a red face like a monkey's butt, was obviously trained very badly.

And he didn't even dare to speak.

Trembling, trembling.

Jiang Dongchi, who was grinning beside Fang Nan, and Liu Qianqian, who also didn't understand Korean, couldn't take it anymore: "Brother Nan, what is this guy doing? Slap a little girl on the nose, and you drive him away."

"It's this culture, what do you do? And the little girl next to you was really rude just now."

Fang Nan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Liu Qianqian is joking with him here, Jiang Dongchi is the head of the production department of SBS anyway, except because SBS is a private station, Jiang Dongchi has no administrative level, so he is on the same level as Li Gang.

Therefore, even if he didn't mention the cooperation between the two companies, he couldn't make a sound to push people away.

But it is natural to help, but it is not necessary to use the method of pushing.

"Brother Nan, are you still a man? Didn't you say that you are a martial arts student? What about the martial arts student's spirit of eliminating the strong and helping the weak, and the spirit of being a hero to save the beauty?"

Seeing Jiang Dongchi approaching Lin Yuner and her while saliva flying, his eyes were red, as if he was going to bite someone.

Liu Qianqian hastily teased Fang Nan repeatedly.

The muscles on Fang Nan's face trembled unconsciously, he gave Liu Qianqian a hard look, and was about to ask Song Kanghao to speak for him.

Liu Qianqian, who couldn't stand it for a long time, already rolled up her sleeves and stood up with a "shua", and pushed Jiang Dongchi who was condescending and yelling at Lin Yuner.

"You are arguing, what are you arguing about, how can people offend you? What are a big man and a little girl doing here with ordinary knowledge? You can do what you can."

Liu Qianqian, with her willow eyebrows erect and her face flushed with anger, shouted in fast English.

After shouting, she took a small step back, using a chair to slightly cover her trembling calf.

Today, it was the first time in her life that she had an argument with a stranger, and even started a fight.

He was also terrified in his heart. In fact, only half of that flushed face was flushed with anger, and the other half was really frightened.

After Liu Qianqian was impulsive, Fang Nan had no choice but to speak: "Minister Jiang, it's almost done. The little girl may have caught a cold, so she couldn't help coughing."

If this kind of bullying is done domestically, he might help out without thinking too much.

But this is South Korea, and their workplace rules are such that one level bullies one level, what can he do.

If Jiang Dongchi was a villain, his help might even harm Lin Yuner.

So what he wanted was to let the older Song Kanghao stand up.

Who knows that Liu Qianqian is so jealous, and I don't know if it is the follow-up impact of the filming of "Youth in Youth".

"President Fang, the behavior of the two of them is very impolite, which is not allowed in our country."

Fang Nan was a little annoyed. After scolding for so long, it was almost enough. Is it unreasonable to like him so much?
"She's not Korean."

Fang Nan pointed at Liu Qianqian and finished speaking angrily, then pointed at Lin Yuner:

"She is an actor of my production crew, and if she made an extremely rude move, she also disrespected me. If Minister Jiang can't stand it, please leave. I broke the rules. There shouldn't be anyone outside the production team here. .”

"Since Chairman Fang is willing to be insulted by the juniors, I won't meddle in other people's business. I will leave with Minister Li and others later." Jiang Dongchi dusted off his suit, glanced at Lin Yuner and sat down opposite Fang Nan.

Fang Nan glanced at Jiang Dongchi, seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Fang Nan couldn't help being at a loss.

What's wrong with this?

Just now she "shuashua" Lin Yuner's tears.

Liu Qianqian's calves trembled wildly in fright, whoever wanted to "whoosh" suddenly restrained her violent temper.

"Minister Jiang can rest in the conference room, but please don't say a word."

Fang Nan agreed to Jiang Dongchi's request to rest for a while, but he also said his ugly words in front of him. If there is a big trouble, it's fine. If there is another trouble, he will definitely fork him out.

The little turmoil came to an end, Han Xiaozhou and Liu Qianqian went to wash their faces, Fang Nan also took Lin Yuner outside, he also wondered why Lin Yuner would burst out laughing after drinking well.

After all, it was those words that reached her itching spot.


Can't communicate in Korean, Fang Nan can only try to use English, but Lin Yuner's English is very bad, and in the end it is chicken and duck.

(End of this chapter)

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