literary world

Chapter 289 That piece of black sea will never be forgotten

Chapter 289 That piece of black sea will never be forgotten

In the collective dormitory provided by South Korea’s SM Group to Girls’ Generation, Lim Yoon-ah, who finished her new day’s "Parasite" script study session, hugged her with tears in her eyes the moment Girls’ Generation leader Kim Taeyeon opened the door.

"Ah, Lin Yuner, are you trying to kill me, my new T-shirt!"

Kim Taeyeon thought that Lin Yoona, who was usually the liveliest in the group, was acting weird again, and subconsciously pushed her away in disgust.

But when she raised her head again, she couldn't help being stunned, Lin Yuner's tears welled up in her eyes, it was obvious that she had really been wronged this trip.

Pulling Yun'er into the room, the rest of the group members swarmed over, sandwiching Lin Yun'er in the middle.

Under the inquiries of the sisters, Lin Yuner explained the reason for the laughter.

She couldn't hold back Fang Nan's cold joke that she didn't understand company affairs, and spit out all the mineral water in her mouth, and then she was scolded loudly by SBS Director Jiang Dongchi.

It's really ridiculous to think about it, except for Fang Nan's director status, he is the president of a company with a production value of hundreds of billions of won!

"Ah, Lin Yoona, is it the first day you have been wronged? Take heart, it is a film directed by the Golden Bear Award, and you are cooperating with Senior Song Kanghao! For the sake of Girls' Generation, you must bear the humiliation!"

As the team leader, when the little sisters of the members are scolded so much that they can't hold their heads up, even if Taeyeon can't offend the other party, she should comfort the team members.

But not only did she not do so, she even cruelly reprimanded Lin Yuner.

It's been two years since Girls' Generation formed a group. In the past two years, the members of the group have finally ushered in a full body, but every time they played songs in the past two years, they all ended in failure. Girls' Generation is about to fall apart.

About to be banned by SM company because they can't make money, they all tried their best to find a possible exposure opportunity, but they are newcomers after all.

It's still a rookie girl group with a poor reputation.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yun'er got the right to participate in Fang Nan's movie. With such an opportunity, it doesn't matter if she is wronged by the world.

She wished she could replace Yoona, and then take advantage of the starlight when the movie is released next year to start their girlhood!

"Unnie, I see."

Lin Yuner wiped away tears sensiblely.

"Yuner doesn't cry, didn't Fang Nan help you talk?" Jung Soo-yeon, who has the best relationship with Lin Yuner, put her arms around Lin Yuner's shoulder.

"He ended up helping me."

"Axi, don't cry, let him write songs for us when you become familiar with the crew."

"He just learned Korean."

"Axi, English songs are also fine."

"Ah, Yuri, stop swearing." Kim Taeyeon yelled extremely dissatisfied.

"Ah, Taeyeon, stop yelling at me!"

The next moment, the nine members of Girls' Generation were noisily wrestling into a ball.

At the same time, Fang Nan was struggling to make a shooting plan.

"Parasite" is expected to be filmed for two and a half to three months. The filming will officially start on July 7, and all scenes will be completed by the end of September at the latest.

He returned to China just in time for the national road show of "Painted Skin".

"Brother Nan, I want to ask for leave. I will fly to America tomorrow to sign with Williams."

Fang Nan was writing and drawing when Liu Qianqian opened the door and walked in.

"Go early and return early, don't take it too seriously. After you see Mr. Chu, tell her not to rush back to China after finishing her work. Go to Silicon Valley and help me collect technology companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy due to the stock market crash."

Liu Qianqian was curious: "What are you going to do?"

"Investment, keep the dollars in your hand, and find a technology company with good qualifications to invest in and increase the value."

"Isn't it a waste of money to vote now?"

"Investment is the coexistence of risks and opportunities. Now investing may be in vain, or it may be a disguised bargain hunting."

"Are you sure?" Liu Qianqian thought, "I also have 50 US dollars, which is Dior's endorsement fee. Can you help me operate it?"

"Okay, but I'm doing long lines."

50 US dollars is not too much, thinking that even if it loses, it will be fine, so Fang Nan agreed.

Moreover, strengthening cooperation in other areas will also help Liu Qianqian to have a closer relationship with Tangtang Film and Television.

"You give me the account, and I will go to the United States to break into your account."

Liu Qianqian accepted Fang Nan's bank account without hesitation.

In her heart, Fang Nan's character of abandoning his wife and son may be a little bit scumbag.

But he has nothing to say to his friends. There are so many old employees in the company, and no friends around him have said anything bad about him.

The day after Liu Qianqian flew to the United States, Fang Nan accepted Li Gang's invitation to participate in the annual "Dream Concert" held by the Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Sitting in the front row of the Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Seoul, Fang Nan wondered, "Director Li, why do you still like to watch this thing? We don't understand it either."

"We are not here to come to the concert, but to learn from others' advanced artist promotion model. Last year's "Come on, Good Man" we did on the station was not bad. There are a few good seedlings. But who do you remember after a year, this is the follow-up The promotion problem is not resolved."

"Speaking of which, I have to complain to you, how could you entrust Zhang Jie to sing "Dream Chaser" in the Spring Festival Gala. He has already been on fire with Mango TV."

Fang Nan was speechless, our two families really have an unusual relationship.

But you can't expect Tang Tang Film and Television to be involved in the ranks of local TV stations.

After all, Tang Tang Film and Television is just a company that focuses on film and television production, and any station may be their client.

Having nothing to say, Fang Nan rushed to the stage and raised his chin: "Let's go to the concert, it's full of white and long legs."

Li Gang was upset: "You little Fang, you always speak out."

Fang Nan smiled, raised his legs and focused on singing and dancing the boy group named 'Mythology' on stage.

Compared with domestic entertainment that has just started to improve and is still enclosing itself, Korean entertainment in 2008 has achieved the feat of being popular in Asia and entering North America.

Male and female groups and singers such as Super Junior, TVXQ, Shinhwa, Wonder Girls, and BoA have made fortunes of foreign exchange for South Korea. Korean pop culture once became one of South Korea's important economic sources.

That's why there is a dream concert created by the Korean Ministry of Sports and Culture, which aims to let Korean teenagers have more dreams and hopes.

Throughout the 2000s, Hallyu and Korean dramas are like Hong Kong movies in the 90s and [-]s, which can be said to have influenced the entire Asia.

Looking at it like this, it can also show that Fang Nan is different.

His "You Who Came from the Stars" actually counterattacked the Korean TV drama market when the Korean wave was at its peak.

A new round of performances began, and several girls from Wonder Girls danced a sexy and charming dance. Fang Nan was quite familiar with this group, and the song "Nobody" was too popular back then.

It seems that overnight, people and ghosts all over the world are singing "nobody nobody but You".

"Oh, that's great, O'Neill, the director is sitting in the audience."

Waiting for the entrance to the stage, Lin Yuner covered her face and exclaimed the moment she saw Fang Nan.

The remaining members rushed over: "Where? Where?"

Lin Yuner pointed to Fang Nan who was crossing his legs under the faint light.

"You look too ordinary, but Yoona, you have to behave well later, maybe he will add more drama." Zheng Xiuyan, who was lying on Lin Yuner's shoulder, laughed and laughed.

"Ah, Jessica, what are you talking about, we all need to perform well, don't let down my manager's expectations of me, don't let Girls' Generation down."

After the captain Kim Taeyeon finished speaking, she clapped her hands: "Children, it's time to cheer up."

"Three two one, we are Girls' Generation!"

At the end of the two songs, amidst the shouts of the fans, Wonder Girls bowed and thanked to leave the stage, and the nine-member group of Girls' Generation that Fang Nan is most familiar with stood on the stage amidst the sound of music.

There were too many people, Fang Nan searched for a long time before finding Lin Yuner.

"That girl is from my crew."

Fang Nan introduced Lin Yun'er, who was showing slender bamboo legs on the stage, to Li Gang.

"After filming this feature film, you have to change the genre. The news that this film was approved to audition actors in South Korea spread to China, and many people blamed the relevant departments with rhythm. It's embarrassing."

"After the filming of "Parasite", I will not use movies to reflect social issues within five years." Fang Nan nodded his head sincerely.

He was low-key enough to come to Korea, but he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the Korean media.

Therefore, the news that Fang Nan was preparing for his sixth work in South Korea had already spread back to China, and it was discovered that the film was actually approved in South Korea. Fan Nan's fans and many domestic netizens were instantly upset.

To what extent is the subject matter so sharp that Fang Nan chooses to put the work in Korea for project approval and shooting?

After arguing and arguing, netizens finally talked about the General Administration, and more netizens began to mock the General Administration with South Korea's film review mechanism, which put Fang Nan on the fire.

Fang Nan also once wanted to call him from the outside bureau to stop it.

It's just that what happened later caused netizens to divert their attention.

"That's good. It is said that movies should be separated from politics, but it is obviously impossible, because movies are made by people, and people cannot do without politics. You should try to read "Marxism-Leninism" in your spare time. "Books like this are good for you and will let you know more about our China."

Fang Nan nodded in agreement with Li Gang's statement, but what surprised him even more was why the venue was so quiet.

In addition to the rhythmic music, lights, and singers, what about the applause and shouts just now?

Fang Nan turned his head and looked back, then he was surprised.

In the huge venue, the lights of various colors that were originally emitted by the fluorescent sticks in the hands of the fans disappeared, and there was a large area of ​​darkness behind them. When the stage lights occasionally swept across, there were extremely cold and indifferent faces of various colors.

"What does this mean?"

Li Gang asked the Korean translator beside him in a bewildered expression, he would not be so stupid that this was a special event held on purpose.

The Korean translator was embarrassed, but had to explain: "It should be a spontaneous boycott by the fans in the audience."

"Who are you boycotting? The combination on stage?" Li Gang was curious.

"should be."

After the translator finished speaking even more embarrassingly, seeing that Girls' Generation, who had finished one song on stage, began to move and prepare for the next song, the fans booed one after another.

Thousands of boos echoed throughout the venue.

"Hey, shit, what the hell, "Parasite" will start filming in another 20 days. Doesn't this affect my actor's emotions? Park Dahui is a character who has fallen into love and happiness."

With a headache, Fang Nan scolded fans who are idle and making trouble.

But it's impossible to expect him to stand up and fight hard. He doesn't chase Korean stars anymore, and he has heard of Korean fans' extremes.

Compared with Chinese movie fans who tend to hide behind the scenes and scold celebrities, Korean extreme fans are really daring to prey, send razor blades, stalk and threaten, a terrifying horse.

"This matter is confusing. The little girls in my stands are not very old. What did they do to be hated so much?" Li Gang asked the translator with a smile.

"Probably for no reason other than a simple dislike."

Li Gang lives in Bengbu, is this okay?

As the saying goes, killing people is nothing more than a nod, at least there must be a reason, what is the reason for simply not liking it?
Seeing the members of Girls' Generation on the stage with sad faces, holding back tears, or trembling with awkward smiles, Fang Nan got up and said:

"Director Li, I'll go to the backstage and wait to comfort the young actors of the crew, in case I can't adjust my mood and delay my filming progress. So if you don't come back after the end, you should leave first."

"You are busy, work is important, we have to fly to Japan tomorrow, so I won't greet you."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Success, I will return to China in mid-to-late September, and Pujiang will meet again at that time."

After Li Gang agreed with a smile, Fang Nan, accompanied by a staff member, walked through the aisle to the backstage where Girls' Generation was located. At the same time, the fans shouting for Wonder Girls became louder and louder.

"Director Fang Nan, this is Girls' Generation's team manager Mi Yong."

"Ah, you, Saiyo, Director Fang Nan, thank you for choosing Yoona."

"Don't thank me in a hurry, if she can't adjust her emotions because of this incident and delay my progress, I will change actors." Fang Nan glanced at Mi Yong who looked depressed.

Mi Yong was startled, he calmed himself down, and hurriedly said in broken English: "Ah, no, no, I will definitely urge Yun'er to adjust her mood."

"hope so."

Fang Nan pulled up the chair beside him, and sat down in front of the simple dressing table.

After a while, Girls' Generation hugged each other amidst boos, and returned to the backstage in great frustration. The first two members saw Mi Yong, they hugged and burst into tears.

The remaining members also sobbed from time to time.

Since their debut, they have been slandered and abused, but they have never encountered a situation like today.

The darkness under the stage was like a boundless black sea. This peaceful, lightless black sea deeply shocked their fragile hearts.

According to their memory, no team or singer in the history of Korean entertainment has ever encountered such a situation.

They will never forget this day in their life.

Therefore, after a while, all nine members of Girls' Generation cried into colorful cats, suffering and aggrieved by today's shame.

"Children, forget about today, you are the best Girls' Generation, now say hello to our director Fang."

Mi Yong sucked his sore nose, forced a smile and said.

After Fang Nan understood this sentence with limited Korean, he interrupted Mi Yong indifferently: "Forget it, cry when you should cry, laugh when you should laugh, what kind of messy rules are there?"

Unexpectedly, a girl stubbornly stood up and began to give orders, and in the end she yelled "Ah, you, director Fang, we are Girls' Generation" in unison.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes while watching.

 Looking at the subscription, I think everyone doesn't like to watch the Korean section, so let's finish writing it all tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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