literary world

Chapter 290 Turn off the lights and read the script?

Chapter 290 Turn off the lights and read the script?

Girls' Generation, who greeted Fang Nan, became an eggplant beaten by Shuang again—completely wilted.

Fang Nan took a look, this is nothing.

"You all have to stand up, especially Yun'er, you have to be happy, even if you pretend to be happy!" He said anxiously.

"Sorry, I'll be fine."

Lin Yun'er muttered in a low voice as if she lost her soul, but in Fang Nan's eyes, her facial expression looked like she was about to show off.

Fang Nan was depressed, today's incident is so serious?
It's just one performance, no matter how cruel the life of a trainee is, SM won't even allow one failure, right? At worst, try harder next time!

He looked at Mi Yong suspiciously, but Mi Yong's cell phone rang.

Seeing that the manager bowed his head for a while, his face was covered with the same ashen color as that of Girls' Generation, Fang Nan's face ached.

"The company will make another mini-album for you to test the waters, if it fails again, Girls' Generation may face disbandment."

"Translate, translate." Fang Nan didn't know why.

Mi Yong said: "If they can't seize the last chance, the company may disband Girls' Generation."

"Damn, SM is really cheating." Fang Nan's face was ugly: "What is the last chance?"

"The company will help them create another mini-album."

Fang Nan asked again, "When will the album come out?"

"Do it well in the second half of the year, and try it out next year."

"Next year? How am I kidding, waiting until next year's day lily is cold, it's just nonsense."

Fang Nan slandered, Suomei began to recall Girls' Generation's famous work "GEE".

But because he doesn't understand Korean, he only remembers the opening narration: Aha! Listen Boy, My First Love Story.

And the most well-known Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby.

On the contrary, I can hum a lot of tunes.

But this is enough, the next moment, Fang Nan said coldly:
"Today is June 6th. If you can trust me, discuss with the company and find some good Korean songwriters to help me write songs. But SM has to promise to release songs for Girls' Generation in August at the latest. I will Put Yoona's part in August to film."

Mi Yong and Girls' Generation Nine are indifferent, especially Girls' Generation.

A few days ago, they discussed letting Fang Nan write a song in the dormitory, and they ended up laughing and joking.

Fang Nan is really good at writing songs, he is a well-known songwriter in China.

"Like Being Shot" and "My Destiny" were even popular in South Korea, winning number one on multiple music charts.

But these two songs were adapted by Korean songwriters, and Fang Nan, who doesn't understand Korean, didn't participate at all.

It is true that he is working hard to learn Korean for his own works and to be able to communicate well with actors.

But the time is short, so it is not possible to write Korean songs now.

Maybe that's why he asked Korean songwriters to help?

Girls' Generation was moved inwardly, but remained silent on the surface. Obviously, Fang Nan lacked trust in writing songs and was even more anxious about the future of the group.

As a manager, Mi Yong had no choice but to say, "Director Fang, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I look like a joke? That's it, okay, you call me tomorrow."

After Fang Nan finished speaking to Mi Yong, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yuner: "If SM doesn't agree to my conditions, and you don't recover well, then you don't need to come to my crew again."

After frowning, Fang Nan shook his sleeves and left. The older members of Girls' Generation cheered up and encouraged Lin Yuner. Regardless of whether Girls' Generation is disbanded, Yuner should not lose this great opportunity.

"I think Director Fang is so manly. Is this the persistence of an artist? He doesn't hesitate to change actors and write songs for his own work?"

"Oh, Penny, stop talking."

Seeing the heartless Pani sprinkle salt on Lim Yoona's tight lips, the team leader Taeyeon hurriedly yelled.

Mi Yong said listlessly: "Children, go back, I also want to talk to the minister."

The next day.

While Fang Nan was hiding under the covers and chatting nonsense with his daughter "Yeah", Mi Yong and a director of SM Company knocked on his door, wanting to chat with him about new songs.

This did not bother Fang Nan.

As the saying goes, music knows no borders, and there are only a few styles of songs.

Combined with the fact that the members of the Girls' Generation group are young, Fang Nan can just make the song style youthful, sweet, and cheerful, and it's over.

When it is hot, the most important thing is to be catchy and brainwashing enough.

"GEE" is a typical mouth-watering song.

When Mi Yong and the two left, they were still skeptical.

But he is also willing to spend some money to give Fang Nan a try. After all, he is not famous.

So, in the following days, Fang Nan changed from two o'clock and one line to three o'clock and one line, and there was an extra route to the recording studio.

In the recording studio, his main task is also very simple, to perfect the tune of "GEE" through multiple instruments according to the known tune combination and composition.

As for writing lyrics, he can't control it.

Still, he lost Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby to the lyricists.

More than 10 days later, "GEE" took shape, and Fang Nan still didn't know if the lyrics were the original version.

But the style of R&B and Hip Hop sounds very similar to him, and the lyrics are wrong, so it's not that bad.

Later, he signed a contract with SM as the chairman of Fangnan Culture, and then handed over "GEE".

In Girls' Generation's dance practice room, when Mi Yong got the tape from the minister and put "GEE" on the radio, the faces of Mi Yong and the Nine of Girls' Generation who were sitting on the ground turned green.

After a few minutes of "GEE", they didn't remember other words, only GEEbaby
It seems that the whole song is full of these two English words.

It's understandable, Fang Nan doesn't speak Korean very well after all, and he repeats a lot of the past in English lyrics.

But can this song be our first mini-album?

This mini-album is related to the disbandment of Girls' Generation, the importance can be imagined.

The nine members of Girls' Generation are full of doubts.

"Children, this is the company's decision. We have no way out, so no matter what, let's dance with the choreographer first."

Mi Yong clapped his hands and stood up.

Girls' Generation started choreographing with suspicion.

After "GEE" was handed over to SM, Fang Nan didn't care about the future. If the "GEE" he created didn't become popular, it would be his fate, so he had to work harder to find another actress.

Therefore, a few days later, Fang Nan disbanded the script study session, and "Parasite" officially started filming in Serim-dong, Seoul two days later on June 6.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Parasite" started shooting.

On the same day, many Korean media came to Xilindong, and even the official media came to promote it in person.

Many media described the shooting of "Parasite" as another close cooperation between Huaxia and Korean film circles after "Myth", "The Promise" and "Assembly" in the late 2000s.

The difference is that there are more Korean actors in this cooperation, and it is no longer just a foil, or only providing technical support.

For this reason, the high-level [General Bureau] of the Korean Film Promotion Association specially flew to Huaxia.

Discuss with the State Administration for the establishment of a cooperation platform for Chinese and Korean films, hoping to make the films of the two countries complement each other's advantages, so as to jointly enter the global film market.

The General Administration was disgusted by Fang Nan and "Parasite".

But he still nodded and agreed to South Korea's establishment of a Korean film center in the capital.

He also admitted that co-productions, co-productions, remakes, etc. are all indispensable and important parts of the cooperation between China and South Korea, and will continue to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries in the field of film in the future.

The first honeymoon period of China and South Korea's film and television industry has officially arrived.

Co-produced films such as "Late Autumn", "Perfect", "Di Renjie's Heavenly Empire", and "1942" were derived.

However, South Korea's behavior was not friendly to Fang Nan. He stayed well on the set and was trained by domestic calls.

"Baffling!" He muttered in bewilderment, then squatted down next to Liu Qianqian and Song Kanghao.

The room he lived in was half on the ground and half underground. It was already dark and cramped. The addition of several actors, photographers, and lighting engineers made them send people to people.

"Do you want to drink more?" Fang Nan asked Song Kanghao whose face was turning red.

Kim Ki-taek, played by Song Kanghao, is a middle-aged man who has been unemployed for a long time. He has been lying at home for a long time. Fang Nan asked him to act out the decadence with swollen eyelids. He used soju without thinking.

Once Fang Nan "clicked", he drank one bottle, and he had already opened the third bottle.


Halfway down the third bottle of soju, Fang Nan glanced at Song Kanghao who started to droop his eyes from time to time.

"Every department is ready, and the shooting will start immediately. Mr. Song is scratching his hair, I want to be messy. Brother Qiang, start from the window and slowly pull down the camera, and then follow Lee Jun-ki all the way to Song Kanghao's side without stopping."

Fang Nan withdrew from the camera while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Three numbers, 3, 2, 1, action." It's not easy for Korean board players, and they have to be able to speak English.

With the camera on, the socks hanging in the house, the slopes outside the windows come into the monitor.

The camera slowly moves down, and a boy squatting on the ground holding a mobile phone enters the camera.

"Ji Ting, the aunt upstairs has locked the code again." Li Junji rubbed his eyes and stood up while saying.

At the same time, Liu Qianqian, who was wiping her long hair and her face was water-stained, came out of the hut next to the aisle about one meter wide, followed behind Li Junji and said, "Have you changed your password again? Try 123456789? Put your phone down." come over?"

At this point, the camera came to the house of Kim Jize and his wife.

A fat woman knitting appeared, and at her feet was a man sleeping soundly with his back to the door.

Facing her son who was in a hurry and couldn't send messages, the fat woman kicked the man's ass: "Ah, Kim Jize, Xiba, stop pretending to be asleep, Kim Jize, get up and think of a way, the phone is shut down, the network is disconnected .”

Kim Jize stood up amidst his wife's complaints. In the camera, his bird's nest-like hairstyle and his entire swollen face were expounding the decadence, incompetence, and embarrassment of this middle-aged man.


After completing the informative long shot at the beginning in just three passes, Fang Nan clapped his hands happily and stood up.

"Yeah, is it finally over? I almost drank three bottles of soju."

Song Kanghao's almost incomprehensible Chinese made the audience burst into laughter.

Fang Nan cheered everyone up with a smile, "Keep up your efforts and prepare for the next scene."

Photographed his sixth work.

Fang Nan's requirements for himself have changed again, he wants to hide more details in the long shot.

This method of filming is easy to say, but it requires the perfect cooperation of actors, photographers, and props.

Because of an inadvertent small mistake, the whole shot will have to be restarted from scratch, which will waste a lot of time, money and energy.

But Fang Nan enjoyed it very much.

More time to polish better work - worth it.

Money is the least important thing to him.

Energy, sleep well.

It is worthwhile to exchange these three things for his directing skills.

After resting and putting on makeup, the filming continued, and the camera turned to the highest point of the room, where the toilet needs to be climbed three stairs.

The reason for this design is to prevent the sewage in the toilet from backfilling when it rains at home.

A very unique design, but it was used by Fang Nan to embody the hardship and embarrassment of this family again.

Shooting continues.

The elder brother Jin Jiyu found the signal in the toilet, and the younger sister Jin Jiting hurriedly followed. A pair of barefoot brother and sister squatted side by side next to the toilet with their mobile phones in hand.

At the end of the scene, Fang Nan said to Liu Qianqian and Lee Jun-ki, "Do it again."

Li Junji honestly prepared to start from scratch, while Liu Qianqian, who was more familiar with Fang Nan, said, "I can't speak Korean well? Or is there a problem with the performance?"

"It's okay, just do it again."

The film "Parasite" actually does not require actors to perform superb acting skills. The most powerful part of this film is the story, the photography, the irony, the metaphor, the vigilance and the concern about the gap between the rich and the poor.

After shooting two backup shots, Fang Nan yelled "pass", and the set entered the mode of resting and waiting for eating. Everyone ran out of the house in a swarm. It was too hot in the room, and it was estimated that it could reach more than 40 degrees Celsius.

"Director, I'll treat you to pizza."

When Fang Nan was drinking mung bean soup, Han Xiaozhou, who plays the pizzeria in the film, handed him a piece of pizza with a sweet smile.

"You came early, it will be your turn when the sun is about to set."

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian each took a bite of the delicious pizza.

Han Xiaozhou said: "I want to learn the acting skills of Song Kanghao's seniors."

"That's fine, I'll ask the scene manager to give you a pass, so that you can come to watch the scene even after you finish the scene."

For studious young actors, whether they are from China or Korea, Fang Nan is willing to help.

"Really? Thank you, thank you Director Fang."

Han Xiaozhou continued to distribute pizza excitedly, Liu Qianqian looked at her long white legs and shorts and asked Fang Nan, "Why are you so kind to her?"

"What's wrong? You want to bury someone while eating their pizza?"

"Then I'll give you this piece too." Liu Qianqian took a picture of the pizza in Fang Nan's lunch box: "Now we can talk about it."

"Are you disgusting or not? If you bite, it's full of saliva."

"I'll bring it."

Reaching out to fish out the pizza in Fang Nan's lunch box, Liu Qianqian pouted her buttocks and slipped away in a panic. Fang Nan made a "cut" sound to her twisting two petals, "Little girl, just do it with me fight!"

After cooking a box of lunch, eating a piece of pizza, and two big bowls of mung bean soup, Fang Nan lay down under the electric fan in the room, sweating.

He doesn't pay attention to his appearance at all, and the Korean actors and staff look at him with a slovenly posture. You are the chairman of a company with hundreds of billions of won, so why do you look like a street person?

People with a little strength in South Korea who go out don't wear suit pants and white shirts, they clean themselves up meticulously.

Fang Nan sneered at this.

People like that are mostly beasts in clothes, especially in Korea.

Of course, it's not like he didn't have any precautions at all. Why did Ma Dayong and Yu Hai come to South Korea together to act as bodyguards?

The scene inside the house was filmed in the evening, and the crew moved outside. After finishing the scene, Liu Qianqian stood in the corner without shaking her head. Fang Nan was amused watching it.

This child is still in an emotional idiot state, and he likes to attract people by playing a small temper!

There are not many scenes in the evening, and the main actor is Han Xiaozhou, the owner of the pizzeria. This scene is to tell the audience that making paper boxes for the pizzeria is the current main source of income for the Jin family of four.

In addition, Jin Jiyu perfected the character setting that Jin Jiyu can brag and brag, so as to lay the groundwork for him to make a fuss about the rich lady in the future.

It happened again, twice, three or four times, and Fang Nan, who had been tempered by the irritable weather, started to make old mistakes, yelling "hesitation, hesitation" at Han Xiaozhou in Chinese.

No matter how good Jin Jiyu can be, as the owner of the pizza shop, Han Xiaozhou has to be hesitant. You can't lose the excellent quality of a businessman.

Seeing that Han Xiaozhou was frightened and stunned on the spot, and his acting performance was worse than the first time, Fang Nan shouted to the outside of the crowd: "Translate, tell her, I have to hesitate and vacillate."

After the interpreter explained loudly, Fang Nan frowned and looked at Han Xiaozhou: "areyoureday."

Han Xiaozhou nodded, and said "I'm sorry" crazily like a rap, which made Fang Nan unable to respond. There are too many broken etiquette in Korea, which is very annoying.

"I'm calling action, can you act it out again?"

"it is good."


"Axi." Han Xiaozhou, who was wearing a baseball cap, swears, pursed his lips, looked back and forth, hesitated, and finally pulled the leather bag on his waist and buried his head in counting the money.

"We'll act like this later." Fang Nan waved at Zhang Zhaoqiang: "Get ready to start filming."

""Parasite" has eight scenes and three shots, 5 real shots, action."

The fifth pass was okay, Fang Nan waved his hand to the back, Zhang Zhaoqiang understood and started the sixth pass, but before it even started, Han Xiaozhou collapsed in an instant.

Then I squatted down.

Fang Nan was stunned, could he not take such a small blow?This is only the sixth time.

Liu Qianqian is about the same age as Han Hyo-joo, and she did not break down even after filming a single scene of "Youth in Youth" dozens of times.

In the end experience is shallow.

Fang Nan left the monitor helplessly, touched his pocket, and pulled out the wet toilet paper. Luckily, Liu Qianqian kindly handed her a pack of wet tissues.

He was not comforted, no one dared to do it, and a group of Korean staff even laughed as brightly as if they had eaten bee poo.

Fang Nan stuffed a tissue into Han Xiaozhou's arm: "Don't cry, the makeup needs to be touched up, when will the filming be finished? Translate."

Han Xiaozhou sobbed for 2 minutes, and after getting up, there was another burst of "I'm sorry", which made Fang Nan want to vomit.

He even vowed silently in his heart that he would never cooperate with Korean actors again after this time, and half of a scene was spent apologizing.

After the eighth filming, the scene that Fang Nan seemed to be a sideshow finally came to an end.

He glanced at the sunset glow in the sky. The first day of shooting was a little bad, so he called it a day.

The actor went back to take off his makeup first. The director Fang Nan didn't dare to sneak away like he did in China. He watched the staff load all the equipment into the car, and then he took a big sip of water and prepared to leave. Unexpectedly, Han Xiaozhou jumped suddenly. out.

"Did you forget something?"

Fang Nan smiled all over his face.

The girl in front of me is only 20 years old, she has a good personality, and she loves to laugh. Who would have thought that he would cry fiercely on the first day? Fang Nan felt guilty when he thought about it. asked gently.

"Ouba, I want to treat you to pomegranate juice."

"Hiss Ouba?" Fang Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead and blinked. He didn't understand the pomegranate juice, but he understood the general meaning, "Where should I drink it?" he asked.

"I know a store that's famous."

The anger in his chest caused Fang Nan to follow him unexpectedly. This night, he could only say that the pomegranate juice was not very sweet, but it was quite refreshing. What made him more comfortable was the activity after drinking the juice.

"Your role is over, so what are you thinking now?"

Afterwards, Fang Nan stroked those long legs and asked tentatively in broken Korean.

"Ouba, Salang hey yo."

Satisfied, Han Xiaozhou hugged Fang Nan's arm, regardless of what Fang Nan thought was there or not. Fang Nan's head hurt, and he was most afraid of this thing.

But this meeting doesn't care about these things anymore, he will be drunk tonight if he has wine tonight, and he has been holding back a lot these days.

What caught him off guard was that the two of them were photographed by the media as soon as they got out of the hotel the next day.

"Damn, was it calculated?"

Fang Nan glanced at Han Xiaozhou who was beside him, seeing her put down her hat and quickly pull away, Fang Nan felt better.

At least the girl who brought him joy last night should not have framed him.

What were he and Han Xiaozhou doing in the same hotel last night?
Faced with the Korean media's short-sighted guns, Fang Nan said confidently: "Isn't it normal to discuss scripts?"

Why turn off the lights?
"Isn't the desk lamp turned on? Doesn't it waste electricity if there are so many lights on?"

After Fang Nan finished speaking brazenly, he went back to the hotel and waited for someone to pick him up.

But his heart began to beat, Zeng Li didn't explode, but Han Xiaozhou suddenly came, Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what was going to happen.

 I haven't finished writing a chapter, so let's finish it tomorrow. I originally wanted to use the spring and autumn style of brushwork to write it down, but after thinking about it, I should go according to my own plan, regardless of the grades and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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