literary world

Chapter 292 My Garden

Chapter 292 My Garden

After being away from home for a few months, Fang Nan returned to No. 28 courtyard and found that the house was a little more desolate.

Some green grass sprouts emerged from the cracks in the bricks of the two small courtyards.

A few more koi floated up on the surface of the pond, and there was moss on the wooden dummy.

The air in the house is also a little more humid.

"Damn, it's difficult."

Putting down the luggage in the bedroom, Fang Nan opened the doors and windows to let the air in, thinking again about how to appease Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan was obviously very angry, otherwise he would have made the house look like this.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing the phone for a while, Fang Nan finally dialed the number, and then lay down on the bed.

After a long ringing, the call got through, but the other party didn't even make a sound of panting, "Where are you filming? I've lost all the fish." The villain Fang Nan complained first.

"Hmph, it's not bad if I didn't raise you."

Fang Nan turned around: "What do you mean? You want to murder your own husband? How did I offend you again?"

Gao Yuanyuan mocked: "What do you mean you don't know?"

"What do I want to know? Where are you making trouble?"

"Just stay at home and pretend to be stupid, don't call me."

The signal was interrupted, Fang Nan rubbed his head, lit a cigarette, and continued to press Gao Yuanyuan's number.

As a veteran who read countless women in his previous life, Fang Nan knew that when a woman is angry, she must not turn her head away and ignore it. The cold war is the key reason for the breakup of boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wives.

It doesn't matter if you lie or tell the truth, as long as you explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly and let Gao Yuanyuan have a place to vent his anger, there is room for redemption.

After dialing seven or eight times in a row, the other party turned off the phone as expected. Fang Nan was not in a hurry, took off his shirt and leisurely came to the yard to make a wooden dummy.

After hitting the wooden dummy for 20 minutes, and then spent another 20 minutes practicing a few sets of boxing, Fang Nan sat in front of the computer while drinking soda water and put his phone on his hands.

Note Yuanyuan's number was connected again, Fang Nan smiled knowingly.

He and Gao Yuanyuan have known each other for almost seven years, and he had already pinpointed this woman's pissy nature early in the morning.

In other words, most women who fall in love are almost like this. While feeling angry, they hope that the other party will explain and apologize.

"What are you doing?" Gao Yuanyuan's voice became louder, showing his inner anger to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Don't you remember why you eat vinegar?"

"You are dreaming, why am I jealous?"

"Isn't it because of the scandal from the Korean media?"

"Hmph." Gao Yuanyuan sneered, "What? Do you want to explain?"

Fang Nan puffed out his cigarette, and said brazenly, "What are you explaining? What can I explain to you about cooperating with the producer to do a movie promotion?"

"In another month, I may have an affair with an actress again. Pang Hong, the producer of "Painted Skin", asked me to choose a scandal candidate among Zhou Xun and Zhao Yanzi."

"Why, in the future, this kind of routine publicity will also be reported?"


After another sneer, Gao Yuanyuan put down the phone.

This time Fang Nan didn't rush to call back.

He has already finished explaining, and the rest of the time is left to Gao Yuanyuan to think about it. If she loves deeply, she will take the initiative to defend him in her heart, and then come to the door angrily. At that time, he will behave again on the bed, and things will be over It should be almost there.

Gao Yuanyuan came very quickly, and also brought a domestic tabloid. The picture of Han Xiaozhou hiding behind Fang Nan in the newspaper was quite clear.

"You are waiting, in a few days, maybe there will be clearer pictures of the scandal than this."

While Fang Nan snorted, he dragged the angry Gao Yuanyuan into the bedroom.

As the old saying goes, if one time doesn't work, then two, three times.

That's why Fang Nan put in all his strength today, and showed off ruthlessly. He didn't end the fight until the sun was setting, turning Gao Yuanyuan into a slime monster who couldn't even move his toes.

"I didn't mess around for more than a month after the loss."

After the battle, Fang Nan took a long breath in his heart, and he was also flustered with exhaustion.

After tidying up Li Gao Yuanyuan's messy hair, Fang Nan was about to ask if "Du Lala's Promotion" was filmed when the cell phone rang.

When Liu saw the news of his return to China, he wanted to invite him to dinner. Two or three months ago, "Three-Body Problem 2" was launched by Fangnan Culture, so he just happened to be free.

"Wait for a while." Fang Nan covered the phone and asked Gao Yuanyuan who was lying beside him: "Today is Saturday, is your brother free tonight? Let him accompany us to dinner."

Big Liu is not an ordinary person, he is a master who has raised Chinese science fiction literature to the world level by himself, and Fang Nan has to find a good person to eat with him so that the table will not be left alone.

Gao Yuanyuan's eldest brother graduated from Tsinghua University and is a good candidate to work in the National Aviation Academy.

"Let me ask."

Gao Yuanyuan lazily grabbed the phone to call someone, and said after a while: "My brother is free, but my sister-in-law wants to come here and have a look."

When she was talking, she glanced at Fang Nan from time to time.

Courtyard 28 had many guests, but the relatives of the Gao family did not visit the door, and Fang Nan never took the initiative to mention this matter, so when Fang Nan had another scandal, Gao Yuanyuan had to think about it.

Of course, there was also a bit of pressing every step of the way, which meant that Fang Nan could further integrate into the Gao family.

"Then I'll let Da Liu come to eat at home, and I'll cook a few dishes myself."

Fang Nan didn't think so deeply, he never thought of giving up Gao Yuanyuan, so the Gao family can come to No. 28 courtyard anytime and anywhere.

When he was with Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li, besides being caught stealing food, he would frantically use his brain to defend himself, running the train with his mouth full.

Normally, he wouldn't play tricks with Gao and Zeng.

It can even be said that he will give the two of them the greatest trust, and take whatever money they have from the family. It can be said that they are short of money and give money.

Fang Nan agreed without hesitation to let his elder brother and sister-in-law come to No. 28 courtyard. Gao Yuanyuan looked very happy, and forced his limp limbs to clean up the battlefield.

Fang Nan reported Liu's address and repeatedly urged him to come to eat at home, while packing up and getting out of bed to go out to buy vegetables.

During the period, he called Lin Hao, Yan Hong, and Hou Qiang again.

Who wants Lin Hao to direct "Crazy Racing" in Xiamen, Yan Hong and Hou Qiang have time.

Da Liu came very quickly. As soon as Fang Nan went out, he ran into Da Liu who was still carrying his luggage at the door of his house. "What's wrong? Are you going back?" Fang Nan asked him.

"After the matter is settled, of course I have to go back to work. I didn't expect to see the news of your return, so I had to postpone the flight until the evening."

"Leave your luggage at home first, go shopping with me." Fang Nan nodded and took his bag and put it by the door.

"The outside of your yard is doing well, and the traffic is also convenient."

Looking at the ginkgo trees outside the courtyard where Fang Nan lived, which looked like three steps and one post, five steps and one post, Da Liu couldn't help but praise.

"It's the greenery specially made for the Olympic Games. I just planted it before I went to Korea. Did you go to the Bird's Nest to watch the opening ceremony?"

Mentioning the Olympics, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

When the Olympics opened more than 10 days ago, the filming of "Parasite" was coming to an end. He couldn't walk, so he had to miss the 08 Olympics again.

"I watched it at home. Director Zhang is amazing. This time, Huaxia has shown its face in the world. By the way, the design of your big-footed fireworks is also amazing, which added a lot of attention to the opening ceremony that night."

After Liu finished speaking, Fang Nan couldn't help laughing.

When he was filming "The Richest Man in Xihong City", the big-footed fireworks that Zhou Dalu created really made Lao Mouzi quite miserable.

The brilliant idea made Lao Mouzi unable to find an alternative.

In the end, he had no choice but to pinch his nose and name Fang Nan as the original designer, and added him to the team's creation list. Fang Nan left a strong mark on the Olympic opening ceremony in disguise.

After buying seven or eight dishes together, Fang Nan and the others returned the same way, and Yan Hong and Hou Qiang had already arrived.

Da Liu and the two are acquaintances, after telling Hou Qiang and Da Liu to go for a casual stroll, Fang Nan dragged Yan Hong into the side room [kitchen] to help.

"You've got the wrong person, I can't cook."

"Choose vegetables, wash vegetables."

Fang Nan was speechless, Yan Hong was a few years older than him, and an older girl in her 30s couldn't even cook, no wonder she couldn't find a man.

In 2008, there was no such thing as a delicate little princess.

The girls nowadays are very simple, most of them can go to the living room and the kitchen. Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li can also cook, but they are not as good as him.

"Director Fang, I'll lend you a few books to take home and read."

When Fang Nan was cooking fried squid, Da Liu ran over with two books.

"Take it back and have a look."

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously, he had a lot of books, there were hundreds of them in his study, most of them were brand new, no matter how strong his thirst for knowledge was, he would have to read them on and off for several years, it didn't matter how few books he had.

Gao Yuanyuan came in and liberated Yan Hong, and he helped Fang Nan himself. The kitchen immediately became romantic, and a sneaky boo from time to time completely dissipated the remaining resentment in Gao Yuanyuan's heart.

When Gao Yuanyuan's brother and sister-in-law's family of three arrived, all the dishes prepared by Fang Nan had already been cooked, and the wine had just woken up. Follow her on a night tour of No. 28 Courtyard.

"It seems that you two have made up again. In the car before you came, your brother asked me to ask you, what's the matter?" In the courtyard of Sanjin, Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law said abruptly.

Gao Yuanyuan frowned and said: "He said it was to cooperate with the producer's scandal, and there will probably be another one in a few days."

"You just believe what he says? And there's going to be another show? With whom? If you don't talk about Fang Nan, what if Mom can't stand it? Or your brother is right, you shouldn't be in any entertainment circle, three days Which family member can bear a scandal that doesn't know whether it's true or not? The reputation is so bad that you can't hold your head up when you go out."

"What should I do if I have already selected this line?"

After replying, Gao Yuanyuan thought about it and said: ""Painted Skin" is a foreign play, and I don't know if there is a contract for rumors in his contract with the producer. If his company's play can make him Cancel."

"Regardless of whether there is a contract for scandal speculation or not, Fang Nan must cancel it. Not just this time, you and he are not allowed to stir up scandal in the future. If you don't tell me, I will tell you later."

After Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law finished speaking, she walked straight to the restaurant, and when she was still far away, she heard her husband talking loudly there, completely forgetting that she came here to give Fang Nan a blow.

"Let me do all the bad guys." Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law rolled her eyes angrily.

Brother Gao is indeed talking, not only him, but everyone else at the dinner table is talking, except for Gao Yuanyuan's little nephew and Yan Hong. Science fiction is meant to be full of unlimited imagination.

Without imagination, Da Liu could not write "The Three-Body Problem".

The difference is that Brother Gao's imagination relies on knowledge and work experience to make more in-depth reasoning.

During the days when he was an electrician, Liu worked out his own set of theories painstakingly.

Fang Nan is a wild nonsense.

But the "Interstellar" script he produced was quite bluffing, but Liu didn't believe in five-dimensional space.

Moved to the side and sat down next to Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan asked Brother Gao, "Brother, last time I said to take some pictures at your work place, did you ask for me? I want to start preparing Liu's The Wandering Earth."

"I asked, but the bureau didn't agree. We still have to immerse ourselves in development for the time being."

Fang Nan smacked his lips: "I donated 1000 million to your bureau for your scientific research, can you agree now?"

It doesn't matter whether there are shots of the space agency in "The Wandering Earth", and it can be done with fake props.

The reason for throwing money in is that there are a lot of sci-fi projects in hand, and dealing with the space agency will be indispensable in the future.

Secondly, he happens to have some spare money at this time, so it is understandable to use some support to support China's aerospace industry.

As an occasional angry youth from Huaxia, when he saw that Huaxia's application to join the International Space Station was repeatedly rejected, it would be false to say that he was not angry.


Brother Gao was shocked. His brother-in-law just opened his mouth and donated 1000 million for free, which was too scary.

A few months ago, he just learned that Fang Nan had donated 7.30 million from the 1000:[-] news. It's only been a few days, and donated again?
It's not that he has never seen money. He kept all the money Gao Yuanyuan earned, and he had tens of millions in his card.

But even if he had seen the world, he couldn't help being shocked by Fang Nan's handwriting.

"I'll give you news tomorrow." Brother Gao said seriously.

Fang Nan nodded, and continued drinking and chatting with a few people until the dinner was over at nearly 22 o'clock in the evening. Before the three members of the Gao family left, Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law pulled Fang Nan aside.

Facing his sister-in-law's persuasion to cancel the scandal hype before the release of "Painted Skin", Fang Nan pretended to be cruel and nodded his head.

Pang Hong actually had a plan to stir up scandals, and it was obviously unrealistic to expect him to be the leading actor, and it was impossible for him to agree.

After seeing off all the guests, Fang Nan and the two took a shower and then turned off the lights early.

The next day.

Opening their eyes again, the two chatted about "Du Lala's Promotion".

According to Gaoyuanyuankou Zhongfangnan, the film project has been approved, and the funds come from Tangtang Film and Television, China Film, Poly Bona and Emperor.

With a total investment of 2000 million, the advertising sponsorship has almost recovered the cost, and Dove and other advertisements have been arranged upwards.

In another week, Gao Yuanyuan will leave for Thailand, and then fly to Japan for filming.

In terms of actors, the female number one is naturally Gao Yuanyuan who plays Du Lala. The supporting roles for her are Mo Wenwei and Wu Peici, and the male number one is Huang Stanley. Hu Ge missed it again.

Thinking of Hu Ge, Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and called Cai Yinong, "Hello, Mr. Fang, I am President Cai's assistant, President Cai and Hu Ge, Si Shi, Xiao Mi, Qian Qian, Miss Xiao Li, Yuan Hong, Hai Qing , Mei Ting, Sun Yizhou, Director Chu, and Director Hu have traveled to Egypt."

Fang Nan hung up the phone depressed. No wonder Liu Qianqian was in a hurry to take her shots first when she was in South Korea. Good guy, it turned out that she was flying to Egypt earlier to join the big army.

"Damn, I'm a boss who is short of living as 996, but these employees are so happy that they travel at public expense!"

After complaining, Fang Nan said to Gao Yuanyuan, "Let's go out for a walk next year too."

"Where are you going? Europe, Japan, South Korea, and North America? I went to Milan this year to participate in the show and walked around Europe. I will soon go to Thailand and Japan to shoot scenes. You also stayed in Korea for a few months this year. Next year, you will participate in the film competition." Go to Europe."

Fang Nan was speechless, as if there were really no good places to go, and Gao Yuanyuan also said that he missed a little bit, he might fly to the United States soon.

"Come on, let's enjoy our beautiful mountains and rivers." Fang Nan got out of bed.

In the next few days, Fang Nan chatted with the leaders brought by Brother Gao and donated a sum of money.

He completely put down the work at hand and lived with Gao Yuanyuan for a few days without shame or shame.

As soon as Gao Yuanyuan walked away, he immediately ran towards Dongcheng Lama Temple. Fortunately, his daughter still knew him, and Zeng Li was too lazy to expose his scandal.

(End of this chapter)

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