literary world

Chapter 293

Chapter 293
I went to Beijing Film Studio to edit "Parasite" during the day, and I didn't enjoy the leisurely life at Yonghe Villa at night for a few days.

Fang Nan was forced to show up by Pang Hong's insane phone calls.

It's less than a month before "Painted Skin" hits major theaters, are you in no hurry?
The schedule of "Painted Skin" is so bad, as a director, you are not worried about the box office?
Faced with Pang Hong's accusation, Fang Nan felt a little ashamed.

It has been half a month since he came back from South Korea, and indeed he has never participated in the promotion before the release of "Painted Skin".

I haven't even seen the finished film yet, so I really can't justify it.

But the schedule is poor, how can he be blamed.

Obviously, several producers and publishers were afraid of competing with Wu Baige's "Red Cliff", so they took the initiative to set the schedule to the nondescript September 9th. What can he do?

The first episode of Wu Baige's "Red Cliff" officially landed in theaters this summer.

As soon as the film was released, it broke multiple box office records in a row. Now it has broken [-] million at the box office, surpassing "The Golden Flower", officially becoming the highest-grossing Chinese-language film in China.

Wu Baige and "Red Cliff" had the same scenery for a while.

Corresponding to the box office, "Red Cliff" also has a lot of slots.

Supermodel Lin Chiling named Ma Ju Mengmeng.

In order to catch the heat of the Olympics, Wu Baige played football and archery competitions in the movie.

The lines of Tony Leung and other actors make people play.

The dialogue is too funny and a series of slots.

Fang Nan is very clear about these shortcomings.

So he suggested that Pang Hong should not give up the summer vacation file, and let "Painted Skin" and "Red Cliff" fight in the summer vacation file.

The slots in "Red Cliff" can bring great convenience to the promotion of "Painted Skin".

Moreover, he is not an unknown person. He has already proved his strength in the summer vacation through several movies such as "Xihong City" and "Thailand".

It's a pity that Pang Hong and the distributor were terrified by the big director, big investment, and big star of "Red Cliff".

Also, Fang Nan's love theme "Painted Skin" was not confident enough, so he insisted on pushing the schedule to the end of September, hoping to use the National Day holiday to get more blood.

Fang Nan was timid before fighting, what else could Fang Nan say.

He can only follow the principle of doing things with money and stop persuading him.

Fortunately, he remembered that "Painted Skin" was not bad at the box office, and finally opened up a National Day file, so it would not lose his reputation.

After greetings.

Pang Hong told Fang Nan to participate in the next publicity programs such as "A Date with Luyu" in his ear, and said anxiously: "Netizens have a lot of doubts about the subject matter, which is a hidden danger."

"Word of mouth will change after the premiere." Fang Nan didn't take it seriously.

The movie hasn't been released yet, so I'm worried that word of mouth will be too much.

The success of film and television works always depends on the quality.

Only quality can lead to word-of-mouth, and no matter how the subject matter meets the tastes of most people, the box office of the movie will not be too bad.

After chatting with Pang Hong, the manager in charge of publishing asked him if he could have another scandal.

"You stir up the relationship between Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, and Zhao Yanzi, and I'll let it go."

Fang Nan refused.

He can't take the initiative to meet the gossip, the forced gossip is enough to cause headaches.

After learning about the publicity plan, Fang Nan and Pang Hong went to watch "Painted Skin" in the small screening room of Beijing Film Studio. The finished film of "Painted Skin" did not change much from what they remembered.

Actors perform well.

A small number of scenes are more beautiful.

Playing is realistic enough.

The ending song "Painting Heart" is amazing.

The last white fox and lizard are particularly realistic. Two years ago, the Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow were not capable of making such realistic special effects.

Fang Nan stood up in relief: "Mr. Pang, I'm going home if there's nothing wrong. "Painted Skin" is generally fine. The publicity and distribution is done well, and the domestic box office has at least exceeded [-] million."

The cost of "Painted Skin" is about 8000 million. If the domestic box office exceeds [-] million, plus the audio-visual market, Internet and TV broadcasting rights, free downloads, and foreign markets, you don't have to worry too much about getting back the cost.

Invest in movies, no loss is profit!

"Hopefully, do you have any good suggestions for publicity?"

"What did you choose [Poignant Love], [Magic Epic], [The Most Freehand Martial Arts], [Produced by the Top Special Effects Team in China], [Big Production with [-] Million Investment] are pretty good, I have nothing to add .”

"Are you doing some stunt?"

"What kind of gimmick are you doing?"

"Swearing at people on the Internet? In my opinion, take Wu Baige's "Red Cliff" as the starting point. If you comment sharply on "Red Cliff", it will be very topical."

Fang Nan looked at Pang Hong in a daze.

He knew why "Painted Skin 2" was able to open up a precedent for domestic entertainment. The film producer is first and foremost an unscrupulous hype master.

And when he used others, he didn't even bat an eyelid, and he still gave a generous speech face to face.

"Not interested, go back."

Fang Nan didn't shake off Pang Hong, opened the door and got into the cab.

Yonghe Villa.

Zeng Li hadn't come back from 'Xixi Rest' yet, and Thong Wanzhuo was climbing the stairs in crotchless pants, surrounded by her aunt and Jin Mao.

"Go and rest for a while, I'll come and see."

Fang Nan walked away from his aunt, took out a few documents and sat down next to his daughter.

Instruct Chu Yujun to collect the information collected. At present, there are too many companies in Silicon Valley that need money, and he only has part of it.

But it still made him overjoyed.

Elon Musk is a space exploration company [SpaceX], which mainly develops the secondary use of rockets.

And it is a space exploration company that the American Space Agency has not yet invested in.

As for whether there was flirting in secret, no one knew. Fang Nan decided to give it a try anyway, to see if Elon Musk, who will be awesome in the future, would accept his funding when he was desperate.

In addition to Space Exploration Company, Fang Nan also turned to Netflix, which is famous in later generations and has produced many classic dramas.

The impending bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

Seeing some unfamiliar and familiar companies appearing frequently, Fang Nan only hated that there were too few US dollars in the Swiss bank. His money plus Liu Qianqian's 50 was only worth 700 million US dollars.

Otherwise, no matter whether you vote for SpaceX or Netflix, you will definitely be a guest of the two companies in the future.

When he scrolled down with a little regret, the little one who crawled away at some point slid down from his side, and Fang Nan was so frightened that he hurriedly dropped the document and stopped him.

After catching someone, he took a closer look at his little face. Fortunately, the carpet was thick enough, and there were no scars on his face except for stains.


Chao Wanzhuo in her arms was dancing and laughing happily, she was not at all horrified by the scene just now, Fang Nan looked depressed, this girl is too skinny, she might suffer in the future.

He wondered if he would teach his daughter how to practice martial arts when she was older, and then pass the dog fist to her for self-defense.

The patriarch of the dog boxing of his school was originally a female boxer, and passing it on to his daughter is considered to be on the right track.

After all, only a woman's slender figure can maximize the power of the dog fist.

When Zeng Li came back at night, when Fang Nan told the story, she applauded again and again.

However, she also emphasized that practicing martial arts can only be used as a hobby after school, and the main task is to learn knowledge from books. Fang Nan can imagine that in a few years, Zong Wanzhuo will live a life of suffering.

 There are so many big guys today, it’s too hot, I’m so dry, I’ll go to the supermarket to buy a fan.

(End of this chapter)

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