literary world

Chapter 294 Fang Nan: The Founder of the National Day Movie File

Chapter 294 Fang Nan: The Founder of the National Day Movie File

December 2008, 9.

Global stock markets plummeted as Lehman Brothers, one of the world's most powerful underwriting dealers for stocks and bonds, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Numerous investors became debt-laden beggars overnight, the net worth of the richest people in the rankings shrank, and the global unemployment rate soared.

In response to the crisis, countries around the world have launched rescue plans.

Huaxia didn't give up too much, and 4 trillion yuan was spent on a package of infrastructure projects.

At this critical moment, Fang Nan originally wanted to fly to the United States to chat with Dashuibi Elon Musk of the space search company.

But the opposite happened. Pang Hong, the producer of "Painted Skin", was an iron boy, and he forbade Fang Nan to miss any movie promotion.

Fang Nan had no choice but to hand over the task to Yan Hong and Hou Qiang, and asked them to focus on Space Search and Netflix.

A week later, Fang Nan received an announcement call.

Yan Hong used US$750 million to acquire [-]% of the equity from Space Search founder Elon Musk and partners.

Fang Nan was stunned.

Is space search so cheap?

After careful inquiry, I learned that Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Before the biggest financial crisis came, Space Search launched another self-developed recyclable rocket, and it failed again, which made the company's financial situation even worse.

And before the negotiation, Yan Hong and Hou Qiang also got a gossip.

In order to save the space search that he founded, Elon Musk invested all the remaining $300 million in the bank into the company.

A few years ago, a rich man with a net worth of [-] million and a great reputation is now a penniless pauper!
Fang Nan laughed.

He has never been in contact with Elon Musk.

But I will never believe that Elon Musk, who is as foolish as Jack Ma, will turn himself into a pauper.

As long as this kind of person doesn't expand to a certain extent, he is smart.

However, no matter how shrewd Elon Musk is, he managed to dig him into a corner when the space search was at its weakest. This alone made Fang Nan's future safe and secure.

He remembered that the company would be valued at hundreds of billions of dollars in the future.

"Director Fang, if you don't wear makeup, why don't you get a new haircut?"

In the dressing room of Phoenix TV's capital branch, the makeup artist asked Fang Nan, who was smiling.

"You cut it shorter as before, I like to keep cropped."

After Fang Nan finished speaking to himself in the mirror, Zhou Xun beside him sighed, "I just envy you guys, you can keep your hair so short, it's so cool in summer."

After Zhou Xun finished speaking, Zhao Yanzi followed behind him: "You and Sun Li both have short hair, but mine is long, so I hate summer filming the most."

The chatterbox opened, and the dressing room became lively.

Fang Nan watched coldly and nodded silently. Generally speaking, the atmosphere was good.

The male and female protagonists of "Painted Skin" who gathered again at least managed to meet you and me offline.

Lean slightly.

Luyu, the host of "A Date with Luyu", walked into the dressing room together with the director and director.

"Director Fang, your agent and assistant haven't come, so we can only chat with you." The director handed the content list to Fang Nan who was the first to put on makeup.

Fang Nan glanced at it, and crossed out the content and relationship issues related to childhood.

Everything was in place, everyone went on stage after Lu Yu finished his opening remarks.

The seats on the stage were very interesting. Zheng Zidan, who was next to Fang Nan, sat at the end, next to Sun Li, followed by Chen Kun, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, Fang Nan, and Lu Yu.

This arrangement may be due to Zheng Zidan's lack of roles, not the lead role.

But in the past, no matter how few roles Zheng Zidan had, he would definitely sit next to Fang Nan.

In the eyes of some people, for actors of the same level, Hong Kong actors are higher than mainland actors.

And according to the practice in the entertainment industry, the status of actresses is inherently lower than that of male actors, but this does not exist in domestic entertainment, and many actresses and female stars in domestic entertainment are still desperate Saburo.

But most young male actors look like fucking sissies.

The little girl's white skin and red lips make people look horrified.

Fang Nan led the main creators of "Painted Skin" to sit down around an oval one-piece sofa, and the recording of the new issue of "A Date with Luyu" began.

"Director Fang, you seem to be reluctant to appear on the show. You are one of the hardest people in the entertainment industry to hire. Have you been on 5 official shows?"

Fang Nan thought for a while and said, "There must be five, but there should be no more than ten."

"Why are you so resistant? Are you afraid of facing the camera?"

Just as Fang Nan was about to answer "No", Lu Yu, who was as thin as a paper man, was already showing off to the audience.

"Don't think that if he is a director, he will not be afraid of the camera. I know that many people in the entertainment industry are afraid of facing the camera."

Fang Nan's face hurts, can you wait for me to finish?
"So what's your reason?" Lu Yu put his hand on his chin.

"After all, the director is behind the scenes, and the things on stage are still left to them."

Fang Nan pointed to the actor beside him, and incidentally hinted to Lu Yu not to ask him, but to the actor.

He is famous. Among the many directors in Huaxia, his reputation is only weaker than that of Zhang Yimou and Zhou Xingxing, so he is quite famous.

But it is definitely not as good as compared with big stars.

I also knew from watching the scene that many fans held the fan cards of Zhao Yanzi and Zhou Xun.

The choreographer and director were pretty solid, after understanding Fang Nan's voice, he hurriedly asked Lu Yu to interrogate the actor.

As a result, the stage entered the exaggeration mode.

Zhao Yanzi envied Zhou Xun to enter the role for a second.

Zhou Xun praised Zhao Yanzi for being full of emotions, and even took the initiative to learn Zhao Yanzi's movements when brewing emotions for the audience.

Sun Li praised Zheng Zidan for his good skills and learned a few skills.

Zheng Zidan praised Sun Li for learning quickly.

Chen Kun glanced left and right. Others were boasting to each other. He couldn't boast, so he had to praise Fang Nan. The sentence "I think the best acting is the director" once again set the fire on Fang Nan.

The atmosphere on the stage was harmonious, and the fans below were especially happy. After fighting with other fans, the praise from the peers is the best evidence to prove the idol's popularity.

"Why did the director have the best acting skills and he didn't play?" Lu Yu asked Chen Kun curiously.

Chen Kun, who hadn't even seen the finished film, said nonsense: "Because the director really made a different movie."

"Painted Skin has been filmed many times, and one of them was said to scare people to death at the time. But as far as I know, Fang Nan's "Painted Skin" is not only not scary, but several protagonists in the film also fall in love, and the relationship is intricate. You guys Did it feel weird?"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

Falling in love in horror movies is really scary and confusing.

Not only the audience, but as early as the filming of "Painted Skin", many netizens questioned the love-themed "Painted Skin". At that time, many people thought that Fang Nan would suffer this time.

Until now, the doubts have not dissipated, and because "Painted Skin" is about to be released, the voices are even louder and louder.

"Everyone knows that horror movies cannot be released in China. In order to meet everyone in "Painted Skin", we had to drastically adapt the original story of Painted Skin, reducing a lot of horror scenes and adding intricate emotional scenes. I think everyone Will love it."

Lu Yu asked: "How complicated is it?"

Fang Nan turned to Zhou Xun, asking you to introduce yourself.

Zhou Xun: "I like Chen Kun in the film."

Zhao Yanzi: "I also like Chen Kun."

Audience: "Wow"

Chen Kun: "I love both of them."

Audience: "Wow."

Sun Li: "I like the character played by Brother Zidan in the film."

Zheng Zidan: "I like Pei Rong, the character played by Zhao Yanzi."

Luyu, the audience: "."

Zhou Xun covered his mouth and forcibly reminded: "The actor Huang Ze who played the lizard spirit didn't come. He liked my character Xiao Wei in the movie."

The audience was completely dumbfounded, and the hearts of the fans were even more chilled.

What kind of broken plot did Fang Nante adapt? This is a movie that people can make. I would like to call it the strongest third-party movie on the surface of the earth.

What do you love him, he loves her, he loves her, and she loves his cerebral thrombosis plot.

Just like the performance of the live audience, the second day after the new issue of "A Date with Luyu" landed on Phoenix Satellite TV, netizens, fans and film critics were all over the place.

Baidu Post Bar.

Zhao Yanzi's little fan was the first to throw the pot away.

001: Leaving aside the fact that a horror movie has turned into a romance movie, just so many emotional scenes are overwhelming.

When "Painted Skin" started filming, I said that Fang Nan has never made a costume film so far, so don't have too much hope for "Painted Skin", the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Looking at it now, Fang Nan was underestimated at the beginning. How could he turn a costume movie with an investment of tens of millions into a bloody urban romance drama!

I suggest that Sister Yanzi still pay attention to cooperating with director Xiangjiang.

Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Fang Nan, all the costume films directed by mainland directors are terrible.

[email protected]: "Painted Skin" at least looks much better. The existing pictures of Pei Rong are very dignified. Director Xiangjiang's costume films are called bad. Sister Yan's appearance in "Red Cliff" is ugly.

012: Be rational, can you wait three days after watching the movie before scolding?

054: "Painted Skin" has a bad box office, a bad reputation, and a bad schedule.

Bar owner: Please focus on Sister Yanzi, don't mention other directors and actors, even if "Painted Skin" fails at the box office, please don't bring her as the main creative rhythm.

The Zhao Yanzi bar quarreled, and their attitudes were polarized. Zhou Xun and Chen Kun's bars did not give up too much, exactly the same.

On the other hand, Sun Li is very calm. Sun Li's position is small, and it is a blessing to be able to participate in a big-cast movie, and the requirements are not so high.

Apart from fans, passers-by and netizens are also rarely optimistic about Fang Nan's new work.

The main reason is that "Painted Skin" has not yet been released, and its reputation has collapsed first.

The schedule is also very bad. It is said that the National Day is a small long holiday. How many young people really have a seven-day holiday?
Young people are the main force at the box office!
Netizens were largely pessimistic about the box office of "Painted Skin", and rivals who had a rift with Fang Nan came out from time to time to set the pace. For a while, "Painted Skin", which had not yet been released, seemed to be sentenced to death.

Pang Hong was in a hurry, while negotiating with the publisher to increase the promotion fee.

While using their contacts to invite celebrities everywhere, they are preparing to hold a grand premiere ceremony for "Painted Skin".

As for the other person in the vortex, Fang Nan, he has no worries about the negative reviews on the Internet, not to mention his "wisdom eyes", but based on his achievements in recent years, even if "Painted Skin" fails, he cannot be shaken. His status as a great director.

It's just a movie, but it can ruin him now?

Fang Nan leisurely hid at home drinking tea, reading a book, sitting with his children and waiting for the premiere, but his real estate agent Wu Jie arrived first.

"There is an out-of-print good property. If you miss this time, you may not have a chance to get it again in the future."

The moment Fang Nan opened the door, Wu Jie spoke in a hurry.

"Out of print? The Forbidden City with more than 100 entries?" Fang Nan teased with a smile.

Wu Jie rolled her eyes: "Nan's Study Room is not far from No. 28 Courtyard, it's on the back sea."


Fang Nan was startled. The Nan Study that Wu Jie mentioned was an antique building designed by Zhang Kaiji, the designer of the Great Hall of the People, in comparison with the South Study in the Forbidden City. It was later assigned to a newspaper office as an office building, and he often walked there.

Out of print is indeed out of print.

"The newspaper office has moved? How much is it?"

"7000 million! The newspaper office has already moved out, how can they still live in a house at this price."

"So expensive? I don't see much of that place."

"On paper, it is about 400 square meters. The front and back of the house must add up to more than that. The key is that this house is a rare commodity."

"Then go ahead and buy it. I'm short of money. You try to install it in installments. If the other party doesn't want it, I'll transfer the money from the company."

Fang Nan made up his mind in an instant, not to mention that he only had 5000 million yuan left in his hand, even if he didn't have that much money, he had to borrow money to buy it. If he missed this kind of real estate, he would definitely regret it for life.

After the matter was handed over to Wu Jie, Fang Nan stopped paying attention, packed up and went to the premiere venue of "Painted Skin".

Pang Hong has a good network. Hundreds of stars and reporters participated in the premiere of "Painted Skin". Fans and spectators stood on both sides of the red carpet tens of meters away. The scene was comparable to an awards ceremony.

The publisher also invited Six Princesses to do a live broadcast promotion for the premiere.

Fang Nan, Zheng Zidan, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Huang Ze, Sun Li, and Zhang Jingying's incomparably luxurious lineup walked the red carpet and entered the infield. Fang Nan exchanged greetings with the participating stars.

"Old Jiang, how is your bullet preparation, why are you still free to attend the premiere of "Painted Skin"?"

"Huh? Your film promotion manager told me that if you invited me to the premiere, no matter how busy I am, I have to pay off the debt?"

Knowing that it was another trick played by Pang Hong, Fang Nan drooped his eyelids and curled his lips, what else could he say, he was just such a person.

It is estimated that a small half of the insiders at the scene were invited in this way.

This person, even if he is killed, there will be no second cooperation.

Unhappy, they sat down in the front row, and the host of the sixth princess, Jing Wei, came on stage. After a brief opening speech, Fang Nan and the other main creators came on stage.

Movie promotion is to blow the rainbow fart of the movie, then talk about the interesting stories of the crew, answer the questions of the media and the audience, use various methods once, and if you can attract the audience into the movie theater, it is considered a success.

"Hello, Director Fang, you have always been the king of the summer vacation. "Xihong City", "囧囧 in Thailand", including the earliest "The Unknown" all achieved impressive box office results in the summer vacation, but the schedule of "Painted Skin" But you chose October because you were afraid of Wu Baige's "Red Cliff"?"

"What the hell, which reporter is this? When you come up, take the rhythm."

Fang Nan slandered, and said calmly: "I don't have the word fear in my life dictionary, and the choice of "Painted Skin" to be released on September 9th is a decision made by the producer and distributor, so I don't have much to say. "

"Since they chose October, then October will be fine. When will the quality of "Painted Skin" be released, and whether it has a good schedule or not, the box office will not be bad!"

"Hello, Director Fang, I'm a reporter from Zhalang Entertainment. How much do you personally think the box office of "Painted Skin" will be?"

"It's estimated to be about [-] million. There is still a lot to be done for the seven-day long holiday. The National Day holiday should be a good time."

Seeing Fang Nan's confident face, everyone in the audience was a little at a loss.

It is said that people in the entertainment industry don’t know how to brag, and if they are not thick-skinned, they can’t get away with it. People as thick-skinned as Fang Nan are rare. After 12 midnight, "Painted Skin" is about to start. Fang Nan still dares to brag Being so awesome, he is really not afraid of being slapped and swollen in the face.

The hearts of the people below were tumbling, and they felt uncomfortable with Fang Nan's oversized cowhide.

Movie fans and the media have already talked about it unscrupulously.

The corner of Huayi Wang Lei's mouth almost cracked to the back of his head: "Liangying, congratulations, the first time you sang the theme song of a film and television is a movie that opened up the National Day schedule."

"Boss, are you not optimistic about the box office of the movie "Painted Skin"?"

"Fang Nan said [-] million. I think it's possible. After all, this kid already has a foundation. [-] million? I think he's a rat that climbed up a treetop—he's arrogant!"

Pang Hong was about to vomit. He deliberately arranged two media outlets for Fang Nan, hoping to keep it from Fang Nan's knowledge, so that "Painted Skin" would not lose money.

Now it's all right, it's completely fried!

Two hundred million?
This word of mouth, this schedule, more than [-] million, I recognize you Fang Nan as my father!

(End of this chapter)

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