literary world

Chapter 295 Fang Nan: The God Who Broke Box Office Records

Chapter 295 Fang Nan: The God Who Broke Box Office Records

There are eight hours left before "Painted Skin" hits theaters.

The manager of Xinyinglian Cinemas accepted the media interview:

As for Director Fang Nan's goal of over 4 million box office for "Painted Skin", judging from the performance of the major National Day films in the past four years, I personally think that there is a certain risk.

In 2004, the National Day blockbuster film "New Police Story" had a total box office of 4300 million, which is hardly satisfactory.

In 2005, "Mythology" starring Cheng Long chose the National Day file again, and the box office came to an abrupt end again when it reached 9600 million.

In 2006, the National Day file ushered in the competition of "Night Banquet" and "Baby Project".

"Night Banquet" took 18 days to surpass 8000 million at the box office, and "Baby Project" ended hastily with a total box office of [-] million, again missing the [-] million club.

From this point of view, the box office performance of the National Day stalls is not satisfactory compared with the box office performance of the Spring Festival stalls that have emerged in recent years.

The so-called National Day file may just be our fantasy.

This schedule is not very mature, because there has not been a real high-grossing movie.

But how to put it, the box office depends on the quality of the film and the audience in the end. Director Fang Nan said it well, a good movie will be sought after by the audience, and the audience will make the impossible possible.

In front of the microphone of the six princesses dispatched reporters, the manager of the New Film Federation euphemistically explained his personal opinion on the box office of "Painted Skin" breaking [-] million.

The New Film Federation has many cooperations with Fang Nan and Tangtang Film and Television, so he should save some face for others.

But the data he listed actually stabbed "Painted Skin" in the back.

The New Film Federation has also arranged for the National Day movie "Keep Calling", and the two companies have to stage a box office battle.

Of course, their box office expectations for "Keep Calling" are not as high as Fang Nan's.

The manager of the New Film Federation is not the first, nor the last one to insinuate Fang Nan's bragging. The premiere of "Painted Skin" is not over yet, and there are already many audiences discussing his bragging.

There were many people who scolded Fang Nan, and there were also many spectators waiting to watch the midnight show.

Fang Nan didn't care so much, went home, packed some clothes, and stepped into the hotel where the promotional team was stationed.

At dawn, he will start the national roadshow mode with the group.

Carrying his bag and boarding the elevator, Pang Hong in the corridor saw him arriving, and hurriedly waved, "The theater in Hangzhou has already started selling tickets. It is said that due to the strong request of movie fans, it had to start broadcasting earlier."

Pang Hong looked very excited.

From the look on his face, he knew that he didn't understand what it means to be black and red, and he also overestimated the public opinion on the Internet.

Of course, the sudden popularity of "Painted Skin" in Hangzhou also proves another point.

There are many people who don't like Fang Nan's [Painted Skin], but there are also many people who like Fang Nan's [Painted Skin]. But in comparison, the people who like it may be more low-key, and they don't like to show their teeth and claws so much.

This gave people a kind of misjudgment.

"Oh" and realized that there was nothing else to do, Fang Nan went into the guest room to wash up and fell asleep with his head covered. He had to use the only time he had to recharge his batteries.

As time passed by, Fang Nan's snoring became louder and louder.

Midnight falls.

The Xingmei International Cinemas, a subsidiary of China Film and Xingmei Cinemas, is dazzling, and the ticketing area is crowded with people. Wang Haibing finally came to the front row with a sigh of relief.

"Two copies of "Painted Skin"."

"100 dollars."

"So expensive?"

"The first round of broadcasting will cost 50 yuan a ticket nationwide, or you can wait for half-price tickets next week."

"Okay, give me another Coke and a small popcorn."

Wang Haibing said cruelly.

The unscrupulous boss just lowered his salary on the pretext of the global financial crisis that the company is not doing well, and his girlfriend wants to watch such an expensive movie again. His living expenses will bottom out next month.

The embarrassment of life prevented him from supporting Fang Nan as he did in college.

Instead, it turned into a love-hate relationship.

If he hadn't brought his girlfriend to watch "Youth in Youth" last time, and Fang Nan hadn't made "Youth in Youth" so tear-jerking, his girlfriend might not have liked Fang Nan.

He might save the living expenses tonight.

Life in the big capital is not easy!
Wang Haibing came to his girlfriend with a sigh.

"You are so stingy, just buy a small cup of Coke and a small portion of popcorn?"

"I've eaten and drank enough to come here, why do I still eat these?"

Wang Haibing licked his dry lips.

He came here in a hurry on a bicycle, and he knew whether he was thirsty or not.

But let him buy drinks that are more expensive than outside. After entering the society, he would rather endure the temporary hunger and thirst after seeing that he was hungry.

After queuing up to enter the theater, Wang Haibing dragged his girlfriend to sit down on the seat, and handed Bing Kuoluo to her reluctantly.

The girl gave him an angry look, snorted coldly, and moved her red lips closer to the straw.

Wang Haibing was embarrassed, and the lights went out.

A line of writing appeared on the big screen.

Huaxia Pujiang Film Company
Huaxia Ningxia Film Company
Peking University
Leading Starring: Chen Kun, Zhou Xun; Zheng Zidan, Zhao Yanzi; Huang Ze, Sun Li

Starring: Liu Yan
"Painted Skin"

Director: Fang Nan

The subtitles that started as soon as they came up made many audiences in the theater shiver.

What about Sao Bao's boat that can carry a boat with water and capsize it?
The words "Fang Nan's Works" by Sao Bao are gone?
[Fang Nan's works] The four characters are the first domestic directors to pretend to be aggressive.

Nowadays, before the movie screen comes out, if there is no [work of XX], the audience will feel that the director is not big enough, and they will not get such a little right to speak.

While the audience was surprised, the first scene of "Painted Skin" came into everyone's eyes.

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

A picture of the scenery beyond the Great Wall with a broad realm and a majestic atmosphere.

"I love it, I love it, the poems in "The Envoy to the Fortress" are nothing more than that."

People who have read poetry and books have just finished the first scene with admiration. One, two, three, and dozens of cavalry appeared on the sand dunes, all with black armor and iron helmets.

Lean slightly.

The telescopic mirror became a wide mirror, and a sandstone city appeared on the big screen.

"Got home"

After the knight on the dune shouted excitedly, Chen Kun, who played the role of the general, looked back at the woman in white on the pony.

Staring at each other, it shows that the two have a story.

The screen picture then turned to gray and dark, and a memory began.

The general played by Chen Kun is using the night to attack the sand bandits in the desert, and then ran into Xiao Wei who was about to eat people.

After a small flashback arouses people's daydreams, the plot starts to move forward. Xiao Wei, who can eat people's hearts, enters the general's mansion, and the thrilling plot unfolds in full swing.

Xiao Wei wants to maintain her life by eating people's hearts, so she should keep a distance from humans.

But she fell in love with Wang Sheng, a married man, and Wang Sheng's wife, Pei Rong, was an extremely stubborn woman with advanced ideas.

This is how the strongest junior fights against the virtuous wife.

When Xiao Wei, who is pure, cunning, knows how to get caught and refuses to fight back, and is scheming, Pei Rong is losing ground.

The audience shouted directly, Xiaosan is on the top?

The big tits were defeated by the mistress?

Halfway through the plot, when Pei Rong discovered Xiao Wei's true colors and had to drink poisoned wine to protect Wang Sheng and his family, her white hair and blood and tears in an instant made the audience's blood pressure soar.

The extremely high-ranking female audience even pointed at Xiao Wei on the screen and cursed.

But at the end, when Xiaowei vomited out the inner alchemy to save Wang Sheng from losing his body and Taoism, the atmosphere in the theater changed again.

There was no more scolding, but a lot of sighing.

The female audience who had been pointing at Xiao Wei and scolding her began to feel sad for this female vixen again.

When they looked back and thought about the plot of the whole movie, they couldn't help feeling that this is a tear-jerking and sad love movie.

"Fang Nan really has two talents. Xiao Wei is obviously a monster who kills people without blinking an eye. He eats people's hearts to maintain his youth and longevity. He just passed a love story so abruptly that the audience can't hate this character."

Gou Lin watched coldly.

【Not seeing through is your lost soul】

[I can't guess the color of your pupils]

[A gust of wind, a dream, love is as unpredictable as life]

【What is bewitching your heart】

The tear-jerking song sounded.

"Xiao Wei doesn't seem to be wrong, she just fell in love with someone she shouldn't fall in love with."

With red eyes, Wang Haibing's girlfriend handed Kuoluo to her boyfriend.

"So much, you didn't drink?"

Wang Haibing shook his hands in surprise.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I just want to see how long you can endure."

"Wang Haibing, remember, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, if we can't even share weal and woe, we can't even trust, then why are we still together?"

"I have to die like Pei Rong once to prove whether I am sincere? Is it worth sharing suffering?"

After watching "Painted Skin", Wang Haibing's girlfriend said excitedly.

Wang Haibing was stunned, dumbfounded.

Watching "Painted Skin" can make your girlfriend reveal her true feelings?

It turned out that the sarcastic girlfriend didn't dislike his poverty?

Excited, Wang Haibing turned around and hugged his girlfriend. With such strength in his hand, he pinched Kuoluo "Zi" and flew out along the straw.

Gou Lin got up and was about to leave when his eyes went numb suddenly, and an unknown liquid snaked down.

"What the hell, don't you have eyes?"

He took off his eyes, squinted and cursed angrily at the two figures who left quickly.

On Friday, September 9, "Painted Skin" landed in major theaters across the country at midnight.

On the night of its launch, some theater audiences were fascinated by the plot and shed tears.

Some audience members applauded the actor's acting skills.

Especially Zhou Xun's heart-wrenching cry at the end of the film won praise from many film critics and audiences.

There are also audiences who enter the cinema to play.

The audience also applauded "Painting Heart".

The word-of-mouth of the movie has developed to the end, and even horror movie fans say that "Zhao Yanzi's white-haired blood and tears scene" and "Zhou Xun's peeling scene" are two extremely large-scale horror scenes that are rare in domestic Chinese movies.

So far, on the day of the premiere of "Painted Skin", word-of-mouth has reversed overnight.

"Painted Skin" is a horror film?

No, it is a beautiful and touching romance film!
Many netizens started Amway "Painted Skin" spontaneously.

The faster-moving media also left the stage one after another.

Zha Lang Entertainment:

[Shock: After 40 years of shock, the big tits finally defeated the mistresses]

"Painted Skin" has been released in multiple versions so far. In the first version in 1965, the female ghost of "Painted Skin" set up a trick to drive away the main house, and the mistress won.

In the second-generation version in 1989, the female ghost in "Painted Skin" had no intention of destroying the family, and the main house acquiesced to enter the door, and the big tits and the little three win-win.

In 2008, the third generation of Fang Nan's "Painted Skin", the big tit finally defeated the small three after untold hardships.

The big tit Pei Rong played by Zhao Yanzi can be said to be alive and fighting, resolutely safeguarding socialist values.

Sohu Entertainment:

["Painted Skin" and "Keep Calling" National Day File Big PK]

A few days ago, the gangster action blockbuster "Keep Talking" starring Gu Yule, Big S, Liu Ye and Zha Zhahui held a national theater preview event in Shenzhen, and received good reviews.

The theater said that this Hollywood-style localized film is expected to win the National Day box office champion.

At the same time, after the release of "Painted Skin", directed by Fang Nan and starring Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi and others, the word-of-mouth polarity reversed, and the National Day war was inevitable.

Netease Entertainment:

【Six Highlights of Fang Nan's "Painted Skin"】

1: Magic Blockbuster

2: Stunt Blockbuster
3: Banshees and women rob men

4: Passionate play
5: Well-made

6: Produced by Fang Nan

CCTV Six Princesses:
["Painted Skin" swept 1520 million box office on the first day, setting a benchmark for National Day films]

The box office of "Painted Skin" was released on the first day, and the portal website has more secondary links about this movie.

Chen Kun, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, Zheng Zidan, Huang Ze, and Sun Li instantly became the hottest stars on the Internet.

There are countless related links on Chen Kun scandal, Zhao Yanzi Wang Liqin, Chen Kun Zhou Xun, Deng Chaosun Li, Fang Nan Huang Ze, Zhou Xun movies, what is "Painted Skin" and so on.

Even people related to "Painted Skin" could not escape this wave of searches.

Wang Zuxian's recent photos, Wang Zuxian's recent situation, Wang Zuxian's hobbies
In just one day, the popularity of "Painted Skin" completely exploded.

Producer Pang Hongle went crazy, the word of mouth of the film reversed overnight, and the box office ushered in a good start again, the corner of his mouth almost grinned to the back of his head.

The leading actors were also very excited.

But they are all veterans, and the box office of 1520 million on the first day did not make her happy.

Fang Nan was the most calm existence among all of them.

In terms of his several years of directing career, the box office of 1520 million on the first day is nothing.

His first-day box office of "Lost in Thailand" and "Xihong City" is far more than this figure.

But in the eyes of other insiders.

1520 million is a shocking box office figure.

This number is the highest-grossing movie on the first day of the National Day blockbusters over the years.

This figure is even higher than the box office on the first day of "Assembly" and "Certificate of Voting" which were released on the Christmas file last year.

And please remember that the National Day file is a schedule that is not recognized by the industry.

In other words, "Painted Skin" chose an ordinary time to release, and won a box office of 1520 million.

If the box office of "Painted Skin" can be stabilized, Fang Nan's bragging a few days ago will really come true.

Even, he really wants to open up a new schedule.

Live up to expectations.

On the second day after its release, "Painted Skin" broke through 2000 million at the box office.

On the third day of its release, Sunday, the box office was more than 1800 million.

Six days after its release, the box office of "Painted Skin" exceeded [-] million.

Crazy, all crazy, Fang Nan is a freak.

When everyone was not optimistic about "Painted Skin" and the National Day file, "Painted Skin" was the first to break through 1 million box office before the National Day holiday.

Fang Nan used extremely rough methods to break through all external doubts.

At the same time, the box office data of breaking 6 million in [-] days has undoubtedly broken the box office records of all movies released before and after the National Day.

No one would have thought about this situation.

No one expected "Painted Skin" to be so brutal.

Fang Nan is really a god-like existence. When "On the Journey" landed on the Spring Festival file, no one believed that he would succeed, but he succeeded, and laid the foundation for the formation of the Spring Festival file.

Now, he has succeeded again when everyone is not optimistic, and may create a National Day file.

The voice of doubt is gone, now there are praises from all aspects of Fang Nanquan, and there are fewer praises for actors.

After all, Zhouxun is a perennial literary film.

Zhao Yanzi is a disheartened supporting role in the commercial film "Red Cliff".

Zheng Zidan's kung fu movies fail again and again.

Therefore, the success of "Painted Skin" cannot be separated from Fang Nan!

Not only ordinary people think this way, but the main creators of "Painted Skin" and the media, theaters, and distributors also have similar ideas, and they can be regarded as holding Fang Nan to the sky.


"Painted Skin" lived up to expectations and became a bulldozer.

Breaking through 12 million in 1 days.

Breaking through 19 million in [-] days.

And the rate of breaking through 19 million box office in 11 days is only slightly inferior to "Red Cliff" [15 days], "Curse of the Golden Flower" [17 days], and "Lost in Thailand" [[-] days].

Four days faster than "Assembly".

This record ranks No.4 among domestic films.

at the same time.

"Painted Skin" also became the third film directed by Fang Nan to break [-] million at the box office.

"Painted Skin" is also the seventh movie to break [-] million at the box office after "Heroes", "Golden Armor", "囧囧", "Youth in Thailand", "Assembly", "Certificate of Fame" and "Red Cliff".

Among the seven movies with a box office of [-] million, Fang Nan personally accounted for three.

Fang Nan!

The most profitable commercial director in China!

On the day "Painted Skin" broke [-] million at the box office, multiple portals awarded this honorary title to Fang Nan.

 Recommend Ben Huayu, the author is Little Black Cat, this guy is pretty bad, if you are interested, you can take a look


(End of this chapter)

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