literary world

Chapter 296 Box Office Breaks 2.5 Million Company Reorganization

Chapter 296 Box Office Breaks 2.5 Million Company Reorganization
Sichuan province.

Tianfu Square.

The main creators of "Painted Skin" accompanied the audience to watch the movie, and entered the questioning session of the media and the audience.

"Hi Zhou Xun, I'm a reporter from Sichuan Provincial Daily. What I want to ask is, did you have any special feelings about filming "Painted Skin" this time?"

"Uh, actually, uh, the special feeling is that I shot a lot of fighting scenes, uh, and then the set is very happy, and the director is also very good!"

"Which one is better, Director Fang Nan or Director Chen Kexin?"

Zhou Xun was already afraid of the society, and when he encountered such a difficult problem, he couldn't help but panic even more.

"Uh, that, it's different, um."

"PASS this question." Fang Nan hurriedly smiled to save the situation: "Next question."

"I want to ask Sun Li, this is your first time making a movie, what do you think is the difference between movies and TV dramas?"

"Actually, "Painted Skin" is my third movie, but it is the first costume drama. My feeling is that my characters are well dressed. Sister Yanzi and Sister Zhou Xun are all beautiful, with fluttering clothes. Makes me envious."

"Have you ever complained to the director?"

"Of course not." Sun Li hurriedly denied.

After Zhou Xun and Sun Li, Zhao Yanzi once again talked about Fang Nan when answering media questions. He wanted to seek a second cooperation, but Fang Nan felt helpless.

Since "Painted Skin" broke [-] million at the box office, and during the national road show, he has been cared by the media and his own people all over the world.

What kind of food do you have for breakfast and lunch?

When are you going to get married.

The scandal with Qin Lan.

The scandal with Han Hyo Joo.

relationship with Girls' Generation.

When is the next work coming out.

There are no local tourist areas to visit.

How to see such and such actor.

Will you find a certain actor to cooperate with?

Various problems, care, and flattery swarmed in, ranging from personal board and lodging, work, and emotional life, which made it difficult for Fang Nan to cope.

He can blow it, he can blow it, but he can't stand others treating him like a giant baby and looking at him with watery eyes full of hope.

Very responsive.

When Fang Nan stood on the stage and laughed awkwardly, an extremely handsome girl stood up holding a microphone.

"Hello, Brother Nan, we are members of Fang Nan's official fan club. We have known you since "A Chinese Ghost Story" and watched your "Medical Heroes", and then we couldn't help ourselves when we were in "Legend of Sword". , we've seen all the movies you directed."

When Fang Nan and the main creators on stage smiled, the host emphasized: "My fans, our time is limited, please hurry up."

"We participated in this road show to give Director Fang the birthday gift that our fan group bought for him."

The girl entered the stage through the crowd, and there were a group of curious faces on and off the stage.

Fang Nan looked at the girl with a smile: "What's your name?"

"Hi Brother Nan, my name is Bai Shan."

After introducing herself, Bai Shan said: "According to the observations of many fans of our fan group in recent years, Brother Nan's favorite accessory should be a watch, so our fan group raised funds to buy this Longines watch worth 13 yuan. Make it a birthday present for Brother Nan."

The box burst open, and there was a lot of "wow" on and off the stage.

A watch worth more than 10 yuan is an absolute luxury for ordinary people who generally spend more than 1000 yuan a month.

For the main creators on stage, it is also a big deal for fans to send more than 10 gifts.

Authentic iron powder.

No wonder it is said that Fang Nan knows how to market and has a basic market.

Many people complained in their hearts, Fang Nan silently closed the jewelry box.

"You take the gift first, let me explain a few mistakes you just made."

""A Chinese Ghost Story", "The Legend of Doctor Heroes", including "Legend of Sword and Fairy I" are not my works."

"The director of "A Chinese Ghost Story" is director Li Zhu, "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" is directed by Lai Qingshui, and the general director of "Sword" is director Li Guoli from our company."

"You can't be wrong about this, the martial arts instructor behind the scenes of my roles in these three dramas."

Seeing Bai Shan nodding her head in approval, Fang Nan smiled and said, "As for my liking watches, this is also wrong."

"I'm not that keen on luxury goods. You can't buy those expensive watches you see, because sometimes you need some accessories to embellish yourself on some occasions, so you buy them for use."

"Finally, let's talk about the official fan club and what to do with your gift."

"It's the first time I've heard of the official fan group today. It should be newly organized for me by the artiste economics department of the company. This fan group is very good. It allows everyone to chat about movies together. I will apply to join the official group later. , Chatting with everyone in my spare time, or talking about work plans.”

"However, you must keep in mind one thing, which is to resolutely stop raising money to buy me gifts. After the event is over, I will ask Chu Yujun for an explanation, because I have repeatedly told her that the company is not allowed to organize fans to give me gifts."

Bai Shan was puzzled, and Fang Nan asked her with piercing eyes: "Looking at your clothes, you should be entering the society. How much is your monthly salary?"

"More than 3000."

"The salary is really high."

Fang Nan nodded and asked, "Do you know how much I was paid for directing "Painted Skin"?"

The girl said honestly: "It should be a lot!"

"Let me tell you, 1200 million yuan after tax."

"This number is not many, it is very many!"

"It's because the annual income of all the people on the scene may not be as high as mine."

"You have more money than me? If I don't have money, you are not allowed to give me gifts in the future?"

Bai Shan said stubbornly: "This is the heart of all our movie fans."

Fang Nan patted her on the shoulder: "Just use your heart to support my movie."

He has seen celebrity entertainers who shyly ask fans for expensive gifts, even money.

I've also seen people who almost ruined their careers because of fan gifts.

I have also seen artists who received gifts from fans, were personally dissatisfied, and then threw the gifts away like garbage.

What does he think?

One word - cheap!

If you have a fan base in the entertainment circle, even in 2008, you can earn enough.

While earning so much, he also frequently pulls out fans who like him [her], what is this kind of person not cheap?
Fang Nan didn't bother to do such things.

He can't use up all the money he makes personally!

"I kept the watch. Bai Shan, as the organizer, please go back and make a list first, and write down how much each person has paid. Someone will pay you at that time."

"Can it be done?"

Fang Nan smiled and asked Bai Shan who had nowhere to rest her hands and feet.


In the end, Bai Shan was forced to agree helplessly.

When she hugged and said goodbye to Fang Nan, she also became more determined. Fang Nan deserves to be liked by her and many movie fans.

There was thunderous applause on and off the stage.

Viewing character through details, Fang Nan's deeds are worthy of praise.

Fang Nan didn't feel how great he was.

He does have money to spend.

Even if he bought Nan's study room for 7000 million and 750% shares in space exploration for US$9 million, it seemed that he had spent all his savings.

But there are also many subsequent deposits.

After the episode, Fang Nan and the others ate in the car before leaving for the next theater.

On the way, Fang Nan received a call. Teacher Yao Fang and the leaders of the city where the comprehensive school was located knew that he was going to Rongcheng and wanted to see him.

What you see.

Fang Nan knew it well, so he used the excuse that he was about to go to Pujiang to refuse.

In the past few days since he returned to the capital from South Korea, he has received enough praise and honors, too much is too much.

Unexpectedly, Yao Fang decided to come to Chengdu. Before he boarded the plane, he presented a pair of double-sided Shu embroidery with a length of more than 4 meters and a dragon in the front and a phoenix in the back.

"I really can't get away to see you. Anyway, if you encounter any problems, remember to call Yan Hong."

Fang Nan took the gift and said with emotion.

"No need, no need, the country has launched a counterpart assistance plan, and I'm here to say thank you!"

"Success, then I'm leaving, Mr. Yao, take care!"


After boarding the plane, Zhou Xun and several people were curious about the relationship between Teacher Yao and him. Fang Nan contacted Yao Fang on his blog to donate to him, and when he talked about his construction of a comprehensive school, everyone couldn't help admiring the female teacher. Heart.

Her persistence has saved many people in disguise.

It took only two or three hours to fly from Rongcheng to the Pujiang River. Everyone chatted and arrived at Hongqiao. As soon as they got out of the airport, Pang Hong announced the good news.

"Painted Skin" was released for 28 days, and its box office exceeded 2.5 million, ranking fifth in the box office list of domestic movies.

The top four are "Red Cliff", "Curse of the Golden Flower", "Lost in Thailand", and "Assembly Number"

2.5 million, a jaw-dropping number.

The scary thing is that the movie got the key to delayed downloading, which means that 2.5 million box office is not the end of "Painted Skin".

And depending on the box office trend, "Painted Skin" may break the box office record that "Red Cliff" just broke.

Therefore, Pang Hong seemed extremely enthusiastic.

The local landlord and one of the producers of "Painted Skin", Shanghai Film Group, was also particularly enthusiastic. He specially arranged a five-star hotel and top chefs for Fang Nan, who came to Shanghai for the second round of publicity.

"I won't participate tomorrow, I'll go back to the company."

At the dinner table, Fang Nan said to Pang Hong.

The film has already grossed 2.5 million yuan, and it has generated countless topics. Even the fox and lizard special effects at the end of the film have been exaggerated. It really doesn't matter if it is publicized or not.

"No problem, but Director Fang, I want to discuss something with you." Pang Hong agreed.

"You say it."

The more he got in touch with Pang Hong, the more he disliked this person. This person has no limit to what he can do, and he even cheats his own people. Fang Nan has been played by him several times.

Pang Hong raised his glass and said with a grin: "The sequel of "Painted Skin" has to be arranged. It's still the main creators, and you will still be the director. How about it? Let's work together again!"

"I don't have time, and the work schedule for the next few years is full."

Fang Nan refused straight away, already annoyed, and the leading actors in the sequel were so rowdy, this muddy water cannot be passed.

"Come on, we had a great time working together. If the original crew makes another "Painted Skin 2", the box office of the movie will definitely not be bad, and everyone will gain something."

"Forget it, I'm not very interested, you guys can play by yourself, let's go."

Fang Nan didn't want to talk nonsense, so he clinked glasses with Pang Hong, raised his head and went straight back to the room after drinking.

Pang Hong was taken aback, "Hey, hey" twice, Fang Nan didn't show the slightest intention to stop, his face flushed instantly.

"Let's drink, let's drink. Director Fang must be too tired. He traveled to almost all movie theaters in first- and second-tier cities in the country in a month. The promotional intensity is indeed too great."

Noticing that Pang Hong's face was extremely embarrassing, the vice president of Shanghai Film Group quickly got up with a glass of wine.

The ordinary people of Fang Nan can't afford to offend them now.

Counting on the capital involved in the film and television industry to look for people to establish a relationship with him.

The actor hopes for the stars and the moon wants his role.

The film and television investment company waited for his next project with wide eyes.

Even they hoped that Fang Nan would happily take over the job of directing the sequel of "Painted Skin".

So you, Pang Hong, hurry up and rest, Fang Nan has the capital to play with his character.

Back to the guest room.

After taking a shower, Fang Nan lay on the bed and flipped through the TV. Seeing that the entertainment news on every channel was inseparable from the word "Painted Skin", he threw the remote control directly in anger.

He heard these two words thousands of times in a month, and the initial passion was extinguished long ago.

Someone is now telling him that "Painted Skin" has grossed over [-] million at the box office, so don't expect him to get excited.

After all, no matter how delicious a dish is, if you eat it hundreds of times, it is also the worst dish in the world.

He fell asleep happily.

The next day.

Fang Nan went back to Tangtang Film and Television on Jindu Road without stopping.

I haven't been to the company for a few months, and this time there are more documents to be processed, like a hill, Fang Nan's headache is endless.

While signing and listening to the report, Cai Yinong came to show off the photos they took in Egypt not long ago when he was dizzy.

I saw Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Sun Yizhou, Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, Mei Ting, Hai Qing, Yang Function and others embracing each other in twos and threes for funny and scenic shots.

Or take a big group photo around a building.

Fang Nan was furious, and asked Cai Yinong to notify all the high-level executives and artists who had spare time to hold a meeting in the afternoon.

In the afternoon meeting, Fang Nan gave the order for the first time without any doubt.

First: Director Shi Nansheng Shi can no longer frequently go to the Bund construction site, and from tomorrow onwards, he will take over all work of film production and investment.

Second: President Cai will focus on TV drama production and investment from tomorrow.

Third: Starting tomorrow, the artist management department managed by Chu Peijun will not be able to sign male and female artists with large tattoos. Don't ask why, I won't do it if I say no.

Fourth: The agents of the artist management department should always tell the artists they bring to keep learning about performing arts.

Fifth: The financial part is divided into five departments. The five departments are the financial headquarters, the film finance department, the TV drama finance department, the Tangtang cinema finance department, and the artist finance department.

The specific allocation plan will be handed over to me by the chief financial officer a week later, and recruitment will be sent out if there are not enough people.

Sixth: Ma Dayong and Yu Hai's Fangjiaban stopped recruiting independently, and kept 20 people as the standard.

Seventh: The screenwriting department will be self-contained from tomorrow, and can take orders from outsiders.

Eighth: Artists, in order not to waste resources repeatedly, from next year, the company will decide whether you will follow the film route or the small screen route based on your popularity and acting style.

Or take the route of costume drama, or the route of modern drama.

protagonist or supporting role.

What I can guarantee is that there will be no more than two people in each play.

Let's talk about this sometime.

Ninth: Hu Wen, please prepare, organize an annual meeting this year, and then have a good chat with everyone.

"That's all I can think of for the time being. After we've been busy for a while, we'll hold an enlarged meeting to discuss checking for omissions and filling vacancies. Director Ma Sanyou Ma, come to my office."

In the personal office, Fang Nan took a big sip of tea and said to Chief Financial Officer Ma Sanyou, "Do you know how many small shareholders there are in Xiangjiang?"


Fang Nan asked, "Is there a way to get them to hand over their shares obediently."

"It's easy to handle, but we need to borrow money from the land on the Bund."

"That piece of land borrowed 10 billion from the bank at the beginning, and another 4 million was borrowed at the beginning of the year. When the financial crisis was at its worst last month, as soon as the national 5 trillion bailout plan came out, Director Shi successfully borrowed another 20 million. There are [-] billion , Tang Tang Film and Television is currently in debt."

"Then you go ahead and do it. I'll wait for those small shareholders to pass me the word." Fang Nan said with a smile.

After finally coming to the company for a day, he was so angry that he didn't do anything, but it would be a good thing to make him resolutely reorganize the company, and by the way, solve the problem of minority shareholders once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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