literary world

Chapter 297 Box Office Breaks 3 Million

Chapter 297
After Fang Nan gave a series of orders, Shi Nansheng was the first to come to the door to make a theory.

She put too much effort into the land on the Bund. How could she let go of the first ecological building in the country?

Fang Nan gave a roundabout explanation for his laziness.

"It's not that you are not allowed to go to the Bund construction site to follow, but to focus on company management. If the company does well, more and more beautiful ecological buildings will be built in the future."

Shi Nansheng had no choice but to ask his assistant to carry the mountain of folders on Fang Nan's desk to his office.

When Fang Nan looked relieved, Chu Peijun came again.

In the previous meeting, Fang Nan's so-called entertainer's way of acting was very clear.

But she didn't mention who was in the movie or who was the main TV show. After the meeting was over, several agents in the company asked her one after another, so she had no choice but to come to Fang Nan again.

"Sissy focuses on the big screen, while Zhang Jiayi, Hai Qing, and Mei Ting focus on modern dramas in TV dramas."

"Sun Yizhou should go to a youth idol drama. Didn't he participate in "Love Apartment"?"

"Huang Ze and Yuan Hong are playing supporting roles."

"Si Shi follows the route of the heroine in costumes on the small screen, let's praise her with "Scary Step by Step"."

"Ni Ni will stay in "Running Man" for the time being, and watch the follow-up."

Chu Peijun reminded: "Ni Ni was selected by Zhang Yimou, and she will soon star in Director Zhang's new project."

Fang Nan was taken aback, he didn't expect that Ni Ni changed the route and was still caught by Zhang Yimou.

"Then put movie, variety show, and fashion resources on her."

"By the way, there is also Hu Ge. What is he doing after filming "Xian San"? He didn't come today."

Chu Peijun was speechless: "He is running a road show for "Sword Butterfly"."

"Remember, which city is he in? Let him fly back while I'm in Pujiang, I want to talk to him."

Hu Ge's recovery is average, the scars at the corners of the eyes are more obvious, and the close-up shots are not very easy to handle.

But this is not the point, the point is that he is not confident enough now.

When Fang Nan was on the road show, he saw the poster of "Sword Butterfly" in the cinema.

On the poster, Ma Chengen, the character played by Hu Ge, has very long bangs. He doesn't know if it's the style requested by the director, or Hu Ge himself is too afraid to look directly at him and asks for it.

"You need to talk to him, I'll call him later."

Fang Nan nodded: "That's how it is. If there are dissatisfied artists, let them talk to me."

"No, what's more, what about Yang Function? Mr. Cai had a good chat with her. She promised to join Tangtang Film and Television after the contract expires. How will the contracted artists decide which route to take?"

"Chen Kun, Yang Function, wait until you join."

"Subsequent signing artists are the same. But you should not blindly sign artists, let alone hit rabbits with grass. One hit is one. We take the quality route."

Fang Nan remembered clearly.

In the original time and space, Cai Yinong, Hu Ge, Si Shi and Yang Fun finished the collaboration of "The Three Immortals", and they also traveled to Egypt. They took photos together and were as close as sisters.

But in the end.

When Cai Yinong used a crusade against Yu Ma, he implied that Yang Function was ungrateful.

This time.

Liu Sishi and Yang Funn changed from close sisters to strangers.

Hu Ge was the worst. He was blocked by Yang Funn's Weibo for many years, and he almost became a husband-wife stone.

Before that, the two exchanged many small blog posts.

What Populus euphratica.

What about your family, my cat.

When the Gemi Party was at its hottest, it once suppressed the Yaoling Party.

In the end, there was only a chicken feather left.

So, Fang Nan was not very optimistic about Yang Function's signing with Tangtang Film and Television.

One is to know the follow-up situation.


Yang Function is not a person willing to be trampled underfoot.

Ambitious, she would not watch Liu Qianqian make a movie, she could only linger on the small screen.

So, just wait.

Chu Peijun left, Fang Nan called Zhao Zhu.

Ask him to prepare "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" and "The Wind".

Zhao Zhu asked, "Which movie are you making?"

""The Wind" and "Those Years" are for Wang Liang."

"He is still filming "Du Lala" in Japan, and he will take a break after filming."

"Take a break, think beautifully!"

Fang Nan said unhappily.

His boss is working non-stop, how many senior workers still want to be idle?

"You prepare for "The Wind" first. The film needs to be set up. Let people find a flat cliff to speed up the construction. After completing "The Wind" and "Those Years", I will take a long vacation with you."

At least I sat for a day.

The next day, Fang Nan joined the propaganda army again.

Facing the media and movie fans again, regarding the sequel of "Painted Skin".

Fang Nan, who had almost turned against Pang Hong, did not perfunctory, and insisted that he would not participate.

who thinks.

His denial and what he did in Rong City not long ago aroused another wave of movie watching among the audience.

"Painted Skin" landed in theaters for 40 days, with a box office of 2.7 million.

45 days, 2.9 million.

50 days, 3 million.

55 days, 3.1 million.

60 days, 3.2 million.

"Painted Skin" has been in history for two months, and the box office officially surpassed "Red Cliff" to win the box office champion in 2008.

And easily won the domestic film box office champion honor.

【When everyone thinks that Fang Nan will fail, he will surprise everyone】

CCTV movie channel, the new "Light and Movie Star Podcast" year-end inventory to the box office champion movie "Painted Skin".

The host Jingwei commented on Fang Nan and his "Painted Skin".


【The Birth of the National Day File - Fang Nan】

The birth of a schedule is inseparable from the wishes of the audience.

It is also inseparable from personnel marketing.

But in the end it depends on the income generated by the work.

On September 9th, "Painted Skin" premiered. Its box office exceeded 26 million in the first six days, and 2 million in the 60th day. After 3.2 days of release, the box office reached [-] million.

This box office result is enough to prove that the National Day file can support at least one super blockbuster, and the audience is willing to enter the cinema during the National Day holiday.

A new schedule is thus formed.

I think next year, there will be more movies to choose from the National Day file where the competition is not very fierce.

Zha Lang Entertainment:

[Scary: Fang Nan has not missed yet]

According to evidence, Fang Nan made his debut for seven years, engaged in group performances in his early years, and later in martial arts.

In Su Youpeng's version of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", with the approval of Lai Qingshui, he took the position of assistant director of chores.

After being recognized by Li Zhuhui, she worked as an action director in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Later, he successively acted as a martial arts instructor in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "The Legend of Doctor Heroes".

The four small-screen dramas were all hits of the year.

During his hard work for the small screen, Fang Nan set out to film a "Backgammon" commercial, which is the only one he has filmed so far.

This advertisement has not been abandoned until now, and it appears on the TV screen from time to time, which shows the deep and great influence.

Turning to 2004, Fang Nan, who was unwilling to be behind the small screen, wrote and directed "The Unknown", which was a dark horse at the box office that year.

Since then, his success in the film industry has been out of control.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City", "Lost in Thailand", "Youth in Youth", and "Painted Skin", 5 films have aroused heated discussions 5 times, and all of them have achieved great success at the box office.

Even the feature film "Youth in Youth", which we subconsciously agree with, took 2 million at the box office last year.

To sum up, you in front of the screen may sigh what a movie genius!
But the editor knows that Fang Nan's achievements above are nothing compared to another filmmaker.

Zhang Yimou.

One who shines brightly in his own professional field.

But in the non-professional field, he is an actor director who has won international awards for his personal performance.

But let's not forget that Fang Nan also has non-professional fields.

He can't perform like Zhang Yimou, but he can write songs.

When he managed 200% of his main business, he wrote as many as dozens of popular songs.

The editor even saw a very surprising name in the lyricist column of "GEE", which has been popular in Asia recently - Fang Nan!
After knowing that Fang Nan is indeed Fang Nan, the editor was completely horrified.

Fang Nan made commercial films, and the films made money.

Make a feature film, and the movie wins an award.

Writing songs, the popularity of the songs is hot in Asia.

Again, the editor would like to ask: Fang Nan, will he fail in the end!
"Director Fang, did you see that many people want to see you fail. Let us breathe a sigh of relief when you fail once, otherwise no one can stand the pressure."


In a huge box in a hotel, Zhao Yanzi took the assistant's notebook and teased Fang Nandao.

Fang Nan picked up his wine glass and shrugged.

"Do you believe it? I know a few words of Korean. I made up two lines of "GEE". Who knew it would become so popular."

"That's also very powerful, your brain is not ordinary."

While Zhao Yanzi was chasing after her, Pang Hong put one hand on her shoulder, raised his glass with the other to signal to Fang Nan, but said unforgivingly: "It's not an ordinary brain, it can't be a pig's brain."

Fang Nan glanced at Pang Hong: "Mr. Pang, as the saying goes, there is no righteousness in business. Do you really want to embarrass today's celebration banquet?"

He hadn't planned to attend the "Painted Skin" celebration party, but when he edited "Parasite" and went back to Pujiang to check the progress of "Assassination of Novelists", he received an invitation call from Shanghai Film Studio, which seemed to coincide with the meeting.

Now, Pang Hong was given a chance to use his words in vain.

But Fang Nan didn't love this person either.

Really screwed him up, tore his face to see who lost face, there were hundreds of people at the celebration banquet, so many fans of "Painted Skin" in China looked to scold who was not authentic.

What the hell did he take on a foreign show, and even a hot potato?

When the fire comes, the table will be turned over for you.

Fang Nan drank the red wine in one gulp and stood up, looking at Pang Hong coldly.

He really didn't pay attention to Ningying Factory.

"Oh, I accidentally drank too much and became very dizzy. Director Fang, can you show your gentlemanly spirit and send me back to my room?"

Zhao Yanzi got up and inserted herself between the two men.

"Let's go, I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't drink anymore."

Fang Nan frowned and glanced at Pang Hong, and the movement of supporting Zhao Yanzi's waist was regarded as the last courtesy to "Painted Skin" and Pang Hong.

Someone on the rostrum shouted: "Hey, Director Fang, it's your turn to come on stage and knock on eggs."

"If you drink too much, you can't hold the hammer firmly. Don't hit the wrong person."

After Fang Nan taunted, he walked towards the door without looking back, the air in the box stagnated, and all the guests looked at the two in surprise.

Especially those celebrity guests.

A group of people are very envious, Ning Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio, and several producers, not only can't offend them, but they have to flatter them.

Fang Nan is not a bird.

"President Pang, what are you doing?"

On the rostrum, the vice president of Shanghai Film Studio couldn't help it.

The last time Pang Hong and Fang Nan had a conflict, he reminded Pang Hong, "Picture it slowly".

Unexpectedly, Pang Hong was so anxious that his appendix had an appendix attack, and the critical moment came again, and this time he was completely overwhelmed.

After leaving the private room, in the elevator, Fang Nan felt the fat in Hui Hui's palm, and took the initiative to let go of Zhao Yanzi.

"I offended many people because of you today, why don't you go to my room to have a drink with me, thank you?"

I understood the meaning, but Fang Nan was not interested, "Forget it, I really have something to do." He refused.

Four Dan Shuangbing can play except Zhou Xun, these five are masters with lofty hearts, sensible, and will not cling to the transaction partner, but how to put it, Fang Nan is afraid that this person will lead him into the ditch.

So, go back to sleep honestly.

He wasn't interested, but Zhao Yanzi was very interested in him. Taking advantage of Fang Nan's trance, she quickly stuck up to him, hugged Fang Nan's head and gnawed, and took the initiative to drag Fang Nan's big rough hands to the bottom of her skirt.

Fang Nan was stunned for two seconds, then hurriedly pushed the person away.

Now, he was even less interested in this woman, and the smell of cigarettes in his mouth was too strong to bear.

"You're not a coward, isn't this bullet loaded, and the capital is so strong."

Fang Nan was speechless: "It's almost done, I really have something to do."

"Forget it then. This stuff has to cooperate with each other. It's not fun for me to play alone. It's done. Then I'll go back to the box. There are characters to think about."

"Okay." Fang Nan nodded.

The two separated, Fang Nan hailed a taxi on the side of the road and was about to go back to the apartment next to Tang Tang Film and Television, when his cell phone rang.

"What's the matter with you?"

"You are in the capital, I will go to the capital tomorrow to introduce a friend to you."

"I'm in Pujiang now, how can I introduce a friend?"

"You're in Pujiang, where are you? I'll pick you up."

"That's fine, I'll take a taxi to save money, and I'll wait for you in front of the Hilton Hotel in Changning."

Reporting the address to Liu Qianqian, Fang Nan rubbed his cool hands, the end of the year, another year will pass.

After sighing for a while, a pair of Land Rover stopped beside him, "Get in the car." Liu Qianqian in the driver's seat shouted out the window.

Fang Nan was stunned, Liu Qianqian's taste is quite unique, a girl drives a Land Rover!

Sitting in the co-pilot, he glanced down and was even more speechless: "Aren't you cold? Wear net socks at night?"

"Why is it cold in the car?" Asked back, Liu Qianqian realized that there was someone behind, and said, "Brother Nan, there is a beautiful woman behind, look, if you think it's okay, take her in."

"Can you speak? Is it so ugly? Make me look like a pimp business."

"What kind of good person do you still think you are? The earliest sister Liu Tao and Li Zi, Han Xiaozhou from South Korea, and Gao Yuanyuan are probably not clear."

Liu Qianqian raised her upper lip to slander, Fang Nan turned and looked back.

at the same time.

A delicate little hand stretched out.

"Hi, Director Fang, I'm actor Shu Chang. I became friends with Sissy when I starred in "Dragon Babu"."

Shu Chang said with a blushing face.


Fang Nan and Shu Chang shook hands, and there would be nothing more to say, he was not familiar with this woman.

Yuan Shikong had heard a lot of gossip.

Most of them are plastic surgery monsters.

As long as an actor makes a big move on his face, he basically bid farewell to the big screen.

The big screen has very high requirements for performances, and plastic surgery monsters can't make subtle expressions, and they are just a piece of wood on the big screen.

Therefore, he has no interest in Shu Chang joining Tang Tang Film and Television.

There are many TV drama actors, but what he wants are film actors.

"Are you two going to go back after playing outside, or just came out?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian.

"Just come out, Brother Nan, come with us."

"What are you doing?"

"Go disco."

Fang Nan immediately refused: "Forget it, it's too noisy."

Discos, bars, KTVs, clubs, when he was behind the management, producers, and directors, he had never played it before, and he was proficient in all of them, so he was tired of these things in this life.

"In your 20s, why do you look like an old man? I will show you tonight and let you rekindle your masculinity!"

Liu Qianqian rolled up her sleeves in an extremely arrogant way.

(End of this chapter)

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