literary world

Chapter 298 Peach Blossoms Bloom

Chapter 298 Peach Blossoms Bloom
Wake up again.

Fang Nan's mind was in chaos.

The eye-catching roofs are carved with painted beams and painted buildings.

The crystal chandelier hanging on the roof exudes a hazy yellow light.

Fang Nan pinched his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief. He was in the hotel room.

Look at the decoration of at least the top presidential room.


The right hand that was holding the forehead slid down lazily, but it didn't land on the soft bed, what was touched was a piece of skin as smooth as silk satin.

Fang Nan opened his eyes suddenly, and then heard a somewhat ferocious voice.

"Go away, don't touch me!"


In one breath, it was as if someone had thrown a thunder in Fang Nan's mind!
"Liu...Liu Qianqian!"

"What the hell did I do last night!"

Fang Nan's pupils trembled, and while he quickly withdrew his right hand, his mind was running wildly.

last night.

After Liu Qianqian introduced him to Shu Chang, she insisted on taking him to disco.

He was too noisy to go, but Liu Qianqian willfully refused to let him get out of the car.

There is no way to be run on.

Fang Nan had no choice but to agree to play outside with the two of them for a while.

But he asked to change the location, and change the disco to a quieter bar.

Liu Qianqian agreed, and just like that, Fang Nan, who left the celebration banquet halfway, packed some food and followed behind the two of them.

He figured that with their three faces, it should be no problem to order snacks at the bar.

I didn't expect to hit the iron plate.

The bar manager is unwilling to break the rules, even if he is Fang Nan.

Who doesn't have a background yet?

Noisy room.

Wang Yu and the bodyguard arrived, and the bar is his property.

Seeing that it was Fang Nan, Wang Yu personally brought the three of them into the bar and drank a lot of wine with them.

Then it broke.

Wang Yu, who drank too much, talked about the process of getting acquainted with Li Yu.

Fang Nan knew a lot about this matter.

He also specially gave Li Yu the role of Ding Baiying in "Embroidered Spring Knife".

It's a pity that Li Yu's illness worsened this year and he was unable to play the role in the end, and Mei Ting took the role.

The prodigal son in love, a real-life love story completely remodeled for an unknown actress, the two little girls who heard it were teary-eyed and drank a lot of wine.

Fang Nan also drank less.

He is a morally corrupt scum emotionally, but he can also admire love and infatuation.

You come and go, the four of them drank in a daze.

After drinking at the bar, the four of them had a barbecue outside again, and now they even stumbled.

As for how they stayed in the hotel, Fang Nan probably remembered that one of Wang Yu's bodyguards sent them here.

There were two rooms open, but just as he lay down on the bed, there was a knock on the door, and a hotel staff member who was a fan of his movie specially brought him a fruit plate.

Then maybe because he drank too much wine, he was bored, so he wanted to take a walk.

Or maybe he really cared about the two girls.

So, he knocked on the door of Liu Qianqian's room with a fruit plate.

So far.

Fang Nan's mind became fuzzy, the only thing he was sure of was that he didn't fly two
Thinking of this, Fang Nan hurriedly withdrew his mixed thoughts, and gently lifted the quilt from Liu Qianqian's body.


There are peach blossoms on the white sheets.

"By the way, where is Shu Chang?"

Fang Nan's scalp felt numb, he sat up straight and looked around.

Only then did I see that Shu Chang was sleeping soundly on the carpet beside Liu Qianqian, and her body was also disheveled.

But at least there are still strands to cover the scenery.

Half fruit is nothing to look at.

Fang Nan wanted to see that actresses who were willing to do everything in front of him could form a reinforced row.

What gave him a headache was that the situation was clear, what should he do now!
Who took the initiative last night?

Fang Nan couldn't remember.

The sky turned white, and Fang Nan knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he hurriedly patted Liu Qianqian's light-white back: "Hey, Qianqian, get up quickly."

The two have known each other for several years, and he knows whether Liu Qianqian has any thoughts about him.

The reason why I didn't see it.

Just afraid of being in too much debt.

As for whether he has any ideas, it is also the same sentence, if he has ideas, he is afraid of debt.

But now that things have happened, Fang Nan will not regret it.

But to be clear, if he just left without paying attention, the nature will change.

"Don't make trouble with me, I'm angry about getting up!"

"Get up angry? The melons are all broken, and you still get up angry!"

Speechless, Fang Nan quietly got out of bed, wet his hands in the bathroom, returned to the bed, and gave Liu Qianqian a face-cleaning.


Liu Qianqian sat up screaming, Fang Nan quickly covered her mouth, and pointed to Shu Chang who was sleeping soundly on the ground.

"Why are you here?"

Fang Nan thought to himself: "It's over, Liu Qianqian probably won't remember what happened last night at all, and he's definitely blamed for this."

"At night, I will give you a fruit plate, and then I don't know how to sleep on the bed."

He pointed to the scattered fruits beside the bed, and said embarrassingly.

"We have"

When Liu Qianqian looked horrified, she caught sight of the evidence after the tragedy on the bed, followed by tearing pain on her body.

Quiet for a long time.

Fang Nan bit the bullet and said, "It's all my fault. I made a mistake by drinking. Think about it, what should I do to make up for my mistake."

"What I'm thinking is, how about cultivating you into an international superstar, a real international superstar, the kind that can get an A-level movie contract in Hollywood."

"I'm a material girl in your eyes?"

"Besides asking for money, is he asking for fame?"

Liu Qianqian stared at Fang Nan coldly with her upper body covered.

She has feelings for Fang Nan, and doesn't care about the age difference, and Fang Nan is a second-hand man with a daughter.

And his transnational scandal.

So during the silent time just now, she had been waiting for Fang Nan to confess to her.

Tell her that he and Sister Lizi have divorced.

What I didn't expect was a blow to the head!
It's fine that Fang Nan didn't have the idea of ​​getting together with her, but he still regarded her as an extremely realistic material girl!

"I know you are not a materialistic person, but I really have no other compensation."

Fang Nan apologized for his embarrassment.

Liu Qianqian had a flash of inspiration, and then said sadly: "You and Sister Lizi want to remarry?"

If Fang Nan wanted to remarry Zeng Li, she really couldn't tell Fang Nan to choose between the two.

Zeng Li is her older sister whom she has known for a long time.

"How do you know we're divorced? Lizi told you?" Fang Nan asked in surprise.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me, right?"

The sky was about to brighten, Fang Nan didn't dare to smear any more ink, he broke the jar and said, "Let me tell you the truth, I have lived with Gao Yuanyuan for several years."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he saw Liu Qianqian's chest rising and falling while sitting on the bed, her face also turned from red to white, and then from white to blue.

"Get lost, even if I, Liu Qianqian, don't look for stinky men for the rest of my life, I will still live well!"

Finally, she let out a low growl from her throat.

In Liu Qianqian's eyes full of evil spirits, Fang Nan didn't dare to say more, and he couldn't say more. As if he had been pardoned, he grabbed his clothes and hurried away.

The moment the door closes.

Liu Qianqian curled up and sobbed.

It wasn't until Shu Chang under the bed turned over and said "Ouch", that she woke up and sat up, and rolled up the sheet under her body indiscriminately.

Fang Nan returned to his personal room. Once he got dressed, he went out of the room and went down to the front desk to check out without washing his clothes. By the time Liu Qianqian walked out of the hotel, he had already disappeared into the vast crowd.

"Brother Nan, I drank a lot at the celebration banquet last night. I'm obviously not in good spirits."

13 Swordsman, when Fang Nan appeared with disheveled clothes and gums in the corners of his eyes, Lu Qing teased.

"Drinking is a mistake. From now on, each drink is limited to half a catty."

Lu Qing was confused, Fang Nan had already taken out toothpaste and toothbrush from his pocket and walked into the toilet.

After washing up and coming out, Fang Nan chose to temporarily forget about the ridiculous things of the previous night.

Take a look at the "Assassination of Novelists" visual effects addition project.

"When will the production team be ready?"

Lu Qing: "Hurry up, develop two or three more softwares, and expect to add all the special effects in April."

Fang Nan nodded. The "Avatar" he wants to borrow from Dongfeng seems to be released around Christmas in 09, and there is still nearly a year to go. There is no need to rush the progress of "Assassination of Novelists".

"After "Painted Skin", 13 Swordsmen are well-known in China. Will you make a profit next year?"

He poured more than 13 million yuan into [-] swordsmen back and forth.

The "Assassination of Novelists" project also provided 13 swordsmen with more than [-] million yuan in technology research and development funds in a disguised form.

He thought, next year, he shouldn't need to help the 13 swordsmen.

He also ran out of money.

"It depends on what you think, if you want the 13 swordsmen to improve, you should continue to spend money, or take on big projects."

"If 13 Swordsmen want to make money, our current technology is sufficient to cope with the domestic film market. But we will be thrown far away by world-class visual effects companies."

"After finishing "Assassination of Novelists", our technology has only caught up a little bit."

"What the hell, do it, I'm here to find money, to find project funds."

Fang Nan understood, nodded his head viciously, and walked towards the visual effects team of the TV series, "This is Xian San."

"Well, "Immortal Three" is definitely amazing. With the funds required by Tangtang Film and Television, we have produced the top TV visual effects on the market. It will definitely surprise many young people."

"What is the biggest expense now? Is it electricity, labor, and sponsorship fees from several universities?"

"Well, the third one, but the cost of Douyin has also risen, and the cost is estimated to increase by 20% next year."

Lu Qing pointed to the 'Douyin Video Department' in another area.

"Huh? How much is the cost of a fledgling video website? You didn't buy the rights to broadcast the video, you don't need fast broadband, or you rent a bigger server."

"We started doing animation in the first year. Have you heard of "Zhu Xian"? Fang Nan Culture bought the copyright of Zhu Xian and serialized it on Dream Literature. If it is good, we will cooperate frequently in the future.”


Fang Nan raised his head and sighed, the property was getting bigger and bigger, the burden was getting heavier, and life was getting more and more difficult.

"what happened?"

Lu Qing was puzzled, Brother Nan was quite a generous person, so he wouldn't suspect him of colluding with Yan Hong in private.

"I was thinking, if we have done animations, why not do online dramas together."

"Online dramas? The Netflix kind? We can't afford it. We can't do ordinary TV dramas in China. At least tens of millions of investment in a drama."

"The online dramas I'm talking about refer to low-cost dramas that can only be watched on the Internet. These dramas mainly attract people's attention with their eye-catching plots. It doesn't matter if they are less convincing, let alone big-name actors."

"The most important thing is that there are no online dramas in China, so the General Administration has not imposed restrictions on online dramas. There are many niche themes that can be filmed. We will do it first, and we will seize the market."

As the saying goes, one does not do two things.

Since Lu Qing and Yan Hong had already started thinking about making animation, what Fang Nan wanted was to do online dramas together.

Either quit, or be the first to eat crabs.

"Where's the production team? External hire? I guess we can only hire some unknown directors."

"It's enough to recruit a few new directors, a few behind-the-scenes, a few actors, and a camera, and you can make a web drama."

Lu Qing was speechless: "Is it too childish?"

Fang Nan was depressed, Lu Qing's thinking still didn't spread, and he couldn't understand what it means that there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

With a huge market, it is destined that online dramas with poor quality will still have an audience.

vice versa.

No matter how good the quality of a movie is, it will be disliked by some people.

After spending one day explaining to Lu Qing and others the production of the web drama and its market in detail, Fang Nan's trip to the 13 Swordsmen came to an end.

Before leaving, Fang Nan promised to pass on a web drama script in a few days.

He hasn't watched many online dramas.

However, classic web dramas such as "Mao Lie", "Soul Ferry", and "White Night Chase" have also been involved.

A night of imagination.

Early the next morning.

Fang Nan went to the Bund first, beside the foggy Huangpu River.

The 20-storey ecological office building of Tangtang Film and Television already needs to look up.

The foundation of the oval-shaped Cultural Palace next to it has also been laid.

The shopping mall is covered to the third floor.

In this vibrant morning, Fang Nan looked relieved.

"Why didn't you call me in advance?" Shi Nansheng's voice came from behind.

Fang Nan turned his head and saw that Shi Nansheng and Old Freak Xu were walking hand in hand.

"I just took a look along the way, why are you here again? Director Xu, why are you here too?"

"On the 25th, the press conference for the premiere of "Xiu Chun Knife 2" will be held." Old Freak Xu said, looking up at the tall building in front of him: "Stop by and see Mr. Fang's great work."

At the same time, Shi Nansheng said with a smile: "I am responsible for accompanying you."

Fang Nan nodded, pointed to a large open space in the distance and asked curiously, "That land is also ours? It shouldn't be that big."

"You think beautifully, but it's a pity that the land belongs to our partner Zhengda Technology."

"Why not develop it?"

"Being caught off guard by the financial crisis, Chia Tai Technology's stock price fell too sharply, and the cash flow was completely broken. In a few years, it is estimated that it will not be slowed down."

Shi Nansheng narrowed his eyes and finished speaking, then asked Fang Nan with a smile, "You are going to see the shareholders from Xiangjiang today. It's almost time. Several shareholders should already be in the company. You'd better take precautions."

"Just kidding, a few people are not enough for me."

"Hey, then I have to go with you, and take a look at Fang Dao's boxing skills by the way."

Fang Nan smiled: "Let's go together."

In Shi Nansheng's car, Fang Nan and Old Freak Xu were chatting about this year's New Year's Eve. They didn't know if they didn't ask, but they were startled when they asked.

From December to the Spring Festival, there are as many as 12 movies in total for Christmas and Lunar New Year.

And every movie looks like a premium quality movie.

Old Freak Xu even played with himself in the ring.

He not only has "Embroidered Spring Knife 2", but also a romantic comedy "Women Are Not Bad".

Two films by Mr. Xu, "Ip Man" by Zheng Zidan, "Under the Red Cliff" by Wu Baige, "If You Are the One" by Feng Dapao, "Mei Lanfang" by Chen Baige, "You Long Xi Feng" by Liu Dehua and Su Qi ", and Hollywood's "Madagascar 2".

Fang Nan exclaimed, good guy, this New Year holiday must be crazy.

However, with such fierce competition, the publisher still set "Xiu Chun Knife" as a Lunar New Year file, which is obviously full of confidence.
So Fang Nan didn't say much, "Xiu Chun Knife 2" is a sequel, it has a certain foundation, and he is not afraid of who will come.

In addition, Tangtang Film and Television is not afraid of the failure of one or two projects.

The company has money!

Several small shareholders also thought so, but when they saw the financial report as high as a mountain and listened to the report by the chief financial officer Ma Sanyou, the dreams of several small shareholders were shattered.

What the hell, there are blockbuster dramas every year, and there are movies that earn box office. Ma Sanyou, you bastard, tell me that the company owes more than 10 billion in debt?
Was it embezzled by you?

In the meeting room, several minority shareholders took the case.

"Director Wang, screenwriter Liang, Director Gan, and Director Ma have made it very clear that the debt mainly comes from the bank's 20 billion loan, and there are too many copyrights for film and television adaptations purchased."

"Please don't worry about the copyright fee of nearly 10 billion. If I dare to let people buy it, the copyright can be realized. It's just that the copyright realization time may be very long. It may be more than 10 years, or 20 years."

"But within this period of time, the company has to spend a lot of money to produce drama series. If there are too many people, people will easily panic when they are idle, so there will be no dividends for the time being."

"Fang Nan, you little bastard, you're playing dirty? I've been in Xiangjiang for so many years, have you seen any dirty tricks? I'm really not afraid of you! I want to play with me and play slowly with you!"

After the shareholder surnamed Gan pointed at Fang Nan's nose and yelled, screenwriter Liang began to play the emotional card.

"Mr. Cai, Director Li, when Tang Tang Film and Television was first established, you didn't guarantee that."

Cai Yinong nodded and said, "Brother Liang, if you ask me, it's almost done. Fang Nan was negotiating with you two years ago on the acquisition of shares, and the price he offered was clearly beyond the company's market value, more than 10 times the money you paid back then. "

"But just the three of you, you thought you had found a high-level wage earner, and you always wanted to bite off a piece of the company's meat, so why bother!"

After Cai Yinong finished speaking, Director Wang, who was the oldest, stood up and said, "I'll quit, Nan Tsai. The agreed price won't change, will it?"

"Director Wang, don't worry, Mr. Fang nails every mouthful! After signing, the money will arrive at HSBC within a week!" Fang Nan nodded with a smile.

"Fang Nan, you little B"

As soon as Fang Nan's eyes turned cold, Boss Gan received a "slap" slap on the face.

"Gan Jing, I fucked your old mother, who did you talk to! You were the only one who was in the rivers and lakes, and when you Ma Ye and Xiao Hei brother were in Taiwan, you were still squatting!" Ma Dayong yelled.

"Ma Dayong, get out of here, what are you doing, don't you know that beating someone is breaking the law?"

After Fang Nan dismissed Ma Dayong, he turned to screenwriter Liang: "Brother Liang, my price has reached the highest price. If I try to find it after passing this village, it will never be there. What do you think?"

After thinking over and over again, screenwriter Liang finally compromised: "Forget it, I'll sign it. To be honest, the rewards are indeed very generous. I have to thank you, Nan Tsai."

Fang Nan got up and stretched out his hand: "Thank you!"

Watching screenwriter Liang sign the transfer document, Fang Nan left the conference room without looking at Gan Jing.

Ma Dayong, who was following behind, said: "Brother Nan, let's forget about Gan Jing being so ignorant?"

"You don't need to join the war, just do what you like." Kicking Ma Dayong away, Fang Nan took out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call.

A month later, Gan Jing, who was wandering around and couldn't get out of Pujiang, signed a share transfer contract.

(End of this chapter)

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