literary world

Chapter 299 Annual Meeting

Chapter 299 Annual Meeting
Acquired shares from three shareholders.

Fang Nan's shares in Tangtang Film and Television have reached 78%.

In the true sense, the turned serfs sang and covered the sky with one hand.

So far, his first step plan is completed.

The next step is to communicate with Cai Yinong, the second largest shareholder, and each give up some shares as incentive shares.

After many discussions between the two, Tang Tang Film and Television's long-term equity incentive mechanism was launched.

This incentive equity is as high as 16%.

The first batch of candidates included in the pre-selection are four high-level executives, namely Shi Nansheng, director of the film production department, Hu Wen, director of publicity, Chu Peijun, director of the artist management department, and Ma Sanyou, director of finance.

Four producers and directors.

1: Huang Weiming, representative works "The Unknown", "The Richest Man in Xihong City", etc.

2: Zhao Zhu, representative works "Youth in Youth", "囧 One Two", "Embroidered Spring Knife One Two"

3: Wang Liang, representative works "People on the Journey", "Love Call Transfer One or Two", "Nightclub", "Du Lala's Promotion" and so on.

4: Li Yufen, representative works "Legend of Sword and Fairy One and Three", "You Who Came from the Stars", etc.

Three actors and entertainers.

1: Hu Ge, representative works "Legend of Sword and Fairy One and Three", "Flying Immortals", "Youth in Youth", etc.

2: Liu Qianqian, representative works "The Richest Man in Xihong City", "Legend of Sword and Fairy I", "Youth in Youth", etc.

3: Ni Ni, representative works "Youth in Youth", "running man", newcomer fashion model.

In addition to high-level actors, there are three other hard-working ordinary old employees who are also in the pre-selection sequence.

The first batch of observers was not many.

But Fang Nan firmly believes that in the future, more and more people will be willing to become the masters of Tangtang Film and Television and grow together with Tangtang Film and Television.

Tang Tang Film and Television's sudden launch of the equity incentive mechanism really shocked many people.

Ordinary employees in the company first embraced great enthusiasm.

These days, there are many people working hard for the capitalists. Who has ever seen themselves become the masters of the company?
Although not yet implemented.

But as soon as the public announcement came out, at least people saw the dawn.

At least it proves that Tang Tang Film and Television under Fang Nan's control has no capitalist idea of ​​exploiting ordinary employees to enrich himself.

The cohesion of ordinary employees soared.

The company's actors and artists are similar.

Celebrities do earn a lot every year.

But no one thinks too much money.

Wouldn't it be more delicious if they became the masters of Tangtang Film and Television with the business indicators of "ownership" and have more voice and an extra dividend!
Tang Tang Film and Television is a film and television company with a market value of over 20 billion and is still booming.

Moreover, guaranteed income during drought and flood is too friendly for some artists who do not have a strong desire for money.

From the perspective of such artists, the equity incentive mechanism is a high-end pension insurance.

No, on the second day after the shareholding mechanism was announced to the public, Zhou Xun, who had completed the contract with Huayi, officially announced that he had joined Tangtang Film and Television.

at the signing ceremony.

Zhou Xun not only successfully jumped into the preliminaries, but also got the main role in Fang Nan's next play.

The next day, Tang Tang Film and Television officially announced that Huang Bo joined Tang Tang Film and Television.

For a while, the major domestic film and television companies were panicked.

While strengthening the management of artists, major companies win people's hearts.

In order to stabilize the hearts of the artists, Huayi, a leading film and television company, hastily held a press conference, announcing that it has completed three rounds of financing, and will strive to become the first stock of Huaxia Film and Television in 09.

Fang Nan laughed, and didn't think much about Huayi's listing, or his equity incentive mechanism, which was better.

There should be benefits to each.

The listing of a film and television company is a one-shot deal.

At the beginning, it was full of gimmicks, and it could make money from shareholders and develop the company.

However, if there are more failed projects, the stock price will drop, and small shareholders will naturally choose to sell their shares.

The non-listed equity incentive mechanism he formulated may be short of funds in the early stage, and pay attention to the long-term flow of water.

If there are more failed projects in one year, everyone will share less dividends, and when the harvest is good in the coming year, we will share more.

But there is no need to worry about external pressure.

Of course, the biggest use of the equity incentive mechanism is to gather talents. He always said that investing in film and television is extremely risky, and film and television companies especially need talents.

"Brother Nan!"

"come in."

After Hu Ge, who was wearing a baseball cap, sat down on the sofa, Fang Nan stood up and sat next to him: "Why don't you want to act in "Those Years"? Do you know how many actors of the right age are vying for the leading role?"

Hu Ge rubbed his palms: "I'm afraid of delaying the company and this drama. The scars on the eyes are too obvious, so I can't give close-ups."

"Then you are going to use your hair to cover the filming all the time? "Shooting the Condor" is like this, and "Xian San" is also like this. Looking at the makeup photo of "Mythology", it seems that bangs are also blocking the corners of the eyes. You are so afraid of the flaws on your face. Find?"

"Are you going to spend your whole life in idol costume dramas like this, or become an actor, play more roles, and climb higher?"

"If you choose the former, then you go out and close the door for me; if you choose the latter, just cut my bangs and be more confident."

"The company has just drafted the first rule for recruiting and cultivating new artists: don't recruit amateurs with large tattoos or tattoos, do you care about scars?"

After a long time, Hu Ge nodded heavily: "Brother Nan, I understand!"

After Hu Ge left, Fang Nan simply tidied up his desk, left the company and went straight to the airport.

There are still more than 20 days before the company's annual meeting. Instead of staying in the company boringly, he might as well go back to the capital. At least there are beauties at home to accompany him.

Think of beauty.

Fang Nan accidentally thought of Liu Qianqian.

Although Liu Qianqian went to South Korea to dub "Parasite" and was not around, but thinking about it still gave her a headache.

For other female stars, he used one or two roles to get the job done.

Liu Qianqian is different,
She is an entertainer of the company, and the unintentional combination of the two broke the rule he had set for himself that rabbits do not eat grass by the side of their nests.


People have endured the pain of breaking melons.

The sacrifice was too great.

Fang Nan smacked his lips and went through the security check. He really couldn't think of anything else to make up for, he could only promise to make Liu Qianqian a so-called international superstar.

The plane landed safely.

Back home, Gao Yuanyuan was hanging a new lantern under the eaves of the porch. Seeing Fang Nan came back, he found a helper.

"I saw an acquaintance yesterday when I was shopping. You won't believe me when I tell you!"

When Fang Nan was going to lower the ladder to the verandah, Gao Yuanyuan said abruptly, holding a lantern.

"Tch, why haven't you met your husband before? Tell me!" Fang Nan's expression was extremely disdainful.

In the past few years of filming, he has traveled almost all over the country, and he has also been to several foreign countries. He has seen many strange people and strange things.

"My sister-in-law and my nephew went shopping on Guijie Street. When we were tired, we went to the shop to have a rest and drink. Guess who the owner of the coffee shop is, it's Zeng Li. She's still hugging a two or three-year-old girl."

Fang Nan's little hands on the ladder trembled, feeling extremely depressed, how could Gao Yuanyuan be so good at shopping, where was the best place to go, he had to go to Guijie Street.

"Ceng Li has a child? You read that right, have you guys talked? I never received a wedding invitation at all."

Gao Yuanyuan waved the lantern, very convinced: "I didn't say anything, but I'm sure I won't read it wrong. I can assure you."

Fang Nan pretended to be annoyed and said, "It's so boring, you don't even invite us to get married? I'll call tonight and ask."

"Tch, you really treat yourself as a treasure, no one cares about you except me, don't call!"

Gao Yuanyuan put down a lantern, and walked cheerfully to the house to get one.

After hanging dozens of lanterns, the two went out for a meal.

When they go home again, they each start their own business.

Gao Yuanyuan doesn't know how to play games, doesn't like surfing the Internet, and doesn't like other people's speculations. At night, she likes cats watching dramas and watching movies under the covers.

When I am free during the day, I love to flip through books. In recent years, I have also loved to flip through books related to Chinese medicine.

For this reason, a small medicine garden was even built around the green bamboo in the front yard.

Fang Nan is not taboo about meat and vegetables.

When he has nothing to do at night, he will prepare two WAR3 discs, surf the Internet, conceive scripts, draw storyboards, and write two plausible lyrics.

In short, it is inseparable from the computer.

Just after writing "Soul Ferry", Gao Yuanyuan clamored to "go to bed and warm the bed", Fang Nan had no choice but to turn off the computer.

"Are you mistaken, wearing two long johns to bed?"

In the bed, Fang Nan, who had been struggling for a long time and couldn't get in, had a sore face.

"Shall I ask you to warm the bed?"

Fang Nan was speechless, so he could only continue to drag, it would be easier after removing the armor.

Don't look at Gao Yuanyuan's ferocity, but she is commonly known as Gao Ruanruan, and she will voluntarily surrender in two rounds.

After it was over, Fang Nan didn't bother to get out of bed again, tuned to the movie channel, hugged Gao Yuanyuan and said something.

While teasing the other party for being a soft-legged shrimp, the show host mentioned "Spike Fang".

Only then did Fang Nan know that Wu Jing had also joined the extremely competitive Lunar New Year stall.

Unfortunately, "Spike Fang" did not do well at the box office. On the day of its premiere, it only took hundreds of thousands of box office. His investment of several million yuan was a waste of money.

This investment is also the first time he has missed since he became famous.

"It's boring."

Fang Nan clicked his lips and lay down dissatisfied.

"Spike Fang" losing money is a trivial matter.

Don't care about the two or three million yuan.

What makes him unhappy is that Wu Jing is very estranged from him now, and he didn't even make a notification call.

With him on the platform, the box office of "Spike Fang" at least doubled on the first day.

several days in a row.

Fang Nan lived an extremely comfortable life.

every morning.

He got up first to run in the morning, and came back early after the morning run, and continued to output the wooden dummy.

At the same time, Gao Yuanyuan started to do aerobics, and after the exercise, the two sat down to have breakfast together.

after that.

Gao Yuanyuan manages her small medicine garden according to the books.

Fang Nan went out for a walk like a bird walker.

Recently, several large courtyards around the No. 28 courtyard were discussing demolition and relocation, and there were many arguing and setting fires.

Sometimes I can't help it, and I will kindly intervene to persuade my neighbors who I don't see a few times a year.

Why is the demolition promised now? If you have money and a house, the house is still within the Fourth Ring Road.

Wait a few more years, maybe it will be in Tong County, and it will be moved directly from the Second Ring Road to Hebei Province.

"Then you can't go to work three hours earlier?"

A neighbor laughed and called Fang Nan an alarmist.

Four Rings?

That's all country!
It's hard to persuade the goddamn hell.

Fang Nan said "Yes" and walked away with his hands behind his back. He walked all the way to Nan's study, and saw Wu Jie directing several workers to trim the green plants and repair the beams and tiles of the house.

"Boss Fang, do you want to give me a great credit?"

"What's the matter?"

Wu Jie proudly said: "Not long ago, a big boss in Pujiang approached me and offered me 9000 million yuan to transfer Nan's study, which increased by 2000 million yuan in a few months!"

"It's really a great achievement. I'll give you a big red envelope this year." Fang Nan was surprised and nodded immediately.

He knew that the price of houses would go up, and the price of scarce houses such as Nan Study Room would rise to sky-high prices.

But I didn't dare to think about the increase of 2000 million in a few months, which is a bit too exaggerated.

"Boss, what do you want to use Nan's study for?"

"I don't know either. I've been thinking about it for many days, but I don't know why. I rent it out as a private club. The place is small, and I think it's dirty. High-end private kitchen dishes, and I'm afraid of bumping into them."

Wu Jie suggested: "It can be provided to people for exhibitions of antiques, calligraphy and painting, etc. The location and transportation are very suitable."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "That's a good suggestion."

The two stood and chatted for a while, Fang Nan remembered that Happy Twist had no theater of his own so far, so he handed over the matter to Wu Jie.

Half a day passed in the morning.

After lunch.

Gao Yuanyuan studied traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation in the same way.

Fang Nan handles some company affairs by telephone and computer.

During this period, Gao Yuanyuan either went back to her natal home or went out to work, Fang Nan ran non-stop to Yonghe Villa to accompany Zeng Li and her daughter.

In short, he is in pain and happiness every day.

In a blink of an eye, January 1th.

The day before Tangtang Film and Television held its first annual meeting since its establishment 10 years ago, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan boarded a plane flying to Feipu River.

In the evening, Hu Wen brought the annual meeting planning team to the Shangri-La Hotel where he stayed to exchange recent work.

"In addition to our own artists, there are more than 80 artists, directors and behind-the-scenes personnel in the circle who have agreed to attend."

"They are Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, Li Bing, Gao Yuanyuan, Xu Jinglei, and Fan Bing."

"Old Monster Xu, Lin Hao, Zhang Yang, Li Lianjie, Deng Chao, Sun Li, Big and Small S, Su Youpeng, Tong Dawei, Guo Tao, Xu Zheng, Wang Bao, Wang Jianhui, Chen Jianbing."

"Zhang Jie, Zhou Jielun, Chen Yixun and many other singers."

"Representatives of the partners who agreed to attend include: China Film Director Han, Xiying Pang Hong, Shanghai Film Group Director Qin, Hengdian Director He, China Film Warner Hengdian Manager Mao, Emperor Yang, and President Jiang."

"Poly Bona Yudong, Ray Wang Changtian, Tudou Video Yu Zong."

"Mr. Yan from Fangnan Culture, and Mr. Lu, the Swordsman of Light and Shadow 13."

"Mr. Wu from Hengdian Film and Television Equipment Rental, and Happy Twist Ma Li, Shen Teng, Wei Xiang and others."

"Besides that, there are many non-entertainment people and hundreds of media people."

"According to the number of guests, there are about 40 tables. In order to prevent too many family members, we booked 48 tables and asked the hotel to basically prepare 5 more tables."

"The length of the red carpet is 16 meters. Half an hour after all the staff walked the red carpet and entered the hotel, the host came on stage to make opening remarks."

"Then President Cai came on stage to talk about the mental journey of founding Tangtang Film and Television. After that, Brother Nan, you came to the stage to summarize, look forward, and announce the work plan for next year. There are so many performances."

"Brother Nan, this is your manuscript."

Fang Nan glanced at the manuscript handed over by his assistant, and then put it aside. He also prepared a draft himself, with a more profound summary and prospect.

"It's done, you go back to rest, don't have any pressure, and it's not a formal meeting, but don't make such a big battle next time, it's tiring and cost money, that's why I don't want to hold an annual meeting."

"Tang Tang Film and Television has been established for ten years. It is unreasonable not to make it bigger."

Hu Wen yawned and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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