literary world

Chapter 300 Our journey is the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 300 Our journey is the sea of ​​stars
The next day, early in the morning.

Gao Yuanyuan rarely got out of bed first.

Today is an important day for Fang Nan, so why not for her.

Nothing makes her happier than watching her man become the one in the limelight.

So, she got up early and asked the front desk to deliver breakfast, ironed shirts and suits, and polished and shiny leather shoes.

As soon as Ying was fully dressed, Fang Nan just got out of bed, and when he was drinking bird's nest porridge after taking a shower, Gao Yuanyuan carefully put the baby on his chest and back to warm him.

"It's almost there, don't burn it if you post too much."

Seeing that there was almost no exposed skin on the upper body, Fang Nan hurriedly stopped the overly caring Gao Yuanyuan.

He has been exercising all year round, but he is not too afraid of the cold, but according to Chinese medicine, the cold in winter corresponds to the kidneys, and the yang qi that is most likely to damage the kidneys is the innate foundation of the kidneys.

So Fang Nan thinks about happiness, and always keeps warm when he should, without any hypocrisy.

"Can't you say something auspicious?" Gao Yuanyuan patted Fang Nan's butt.

"It's done, I'll go first."

Fang Nan smiled, touched Gao Yuanyuan's lips, opened the door and walked out of the guest room.

All the way to the Pullman Hotel in Xujiahui.

Ma Dayong and Yu Haizheng directed people to lay out the red carpet at the entrance of the hotel, Fang Nan stopped chattering a few words and went straight to the elevator.

In the hotel box, Hu Wen, Cai Yinong, Chu Peijun and others have arrived in a new dress. I think they are on the same mind with him, checking for omissions and making up for vacancies. The company's first annual meeting is as perfect as possible.

"Brother Nan, you can't get drunk in the main box, and then go to the next box to chat with the staff for a while."

"Ah? Isn't it in a private room? I was still thinking yesterday that something was wrong. There are 800 employees in the company, and the tables you said yesterday were not enough."

Hu Wen explained: "We separate the employees from the guests, and the next box is our own employees."

"Why is this? The biggest box in the hotel can't accommodate so many people?"

"That's not true. The largest box in the hotel can accommodate 1200 people. The reason for the separation is that employees and family members are afraid of asking for autographs and photos from celebrities, which will cause chaos on the scene, and the price of food and drinks does not exist."

"You're doing this wrong. Today is our own annual meeting of Tangtang Film and Television. The guests are just here to watch the ceremony. You can't distinguish between priorities."

"Another one, the quality of our company's employees is so poor? No way."

"As for the family members, let the supervisors remind the employees in the group to restrain their family members a little bit."

"It's understandable if you want to sign something, and you can discuss with the participating stars to help sign a few, but not too many."

Hu Wen asked: "Then I will discuss with the hotel about changing to the largest box?"

Fang Nan nodded and said, "It's definitely going to be changed, hurry up, luckily there's half a day left."

Hu Wen ran to change boxes and rearrange the stage.

at the same time.

Fang Nan chatted with Li Guoli and Cai Yinong about the first batch of beneficiaries of the equity incentive plan.

After chatting for a while, the company's high-level executives and interested artists arrived, and the group of people chatted even more happily.

Everyone is in the same company, but getting together is not common.

"Cissy's clothes are getting better and better recently, and she feels more mature."

Facing the compliment, Liu Qianqian glanced at Fang Nan and chuckled, "That's right, hehe."

Cai Yinong glanced at Qianqian, then at Sishi next to her, and said affirmatively: "Sici seems to be different after returning from Korea this time, and Sishi is a little bit worse."

"Pay attention to your clothes, wrap a big padded jacket and stand next to Qianqian and Ni Ni, like a college student who just left campus, your brother Nan was just saying that he will push you out this year no matter what."

push out?
Liu Sishi's face turned pale.

Turning his head to look at the gorgeous dresses on both sides, then at the exquisite ladies' suits of Haiqing and Mei Ting, and Zhang Jiayi, Huang Ze, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Sun Yizhou and others in neat suits, he said aggrievedly:

"Brother Nan, Miss K, I haven't played games recently, I've been studying acting, I don't want to leave Tang Tang!"

Everyone laughed, and Yuan Hong, who had the best relationship with Sishi, said, "Sishi is very cute."

Ni Ni also jumped out and made funny gestures: "Sishi has prepared a dress, and she will wear it in front of the red carpet, shining your eyes!"

Fang Nan glared: "Take care of yourself, don't mess up Director Zhang's "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling"."

Now, everyone turned the topic to Ni Ni again.

But Ni Ni is not as boring as Si Shi, she is not cowardly, and when others shout, she dares to grab her dress and jump up to argue with the company executives.

Some people quarreled, some people sat in the distance and chatted.

The chattering crowd made the atmosphere of the box extremely warm.

Looking at this scene.

Fang Nan was very pleased.

The rudiment of Tang Tang Film and Television has become a big family. If it is managed and maintained carefully, it will be a company with love.

After another meeting, employees and guests entered the box one after another, and everyone got up to entertain the guests.

But there were not many times when Fang Nan was required to be dispatched. Mr. Han, the boss of Emperor, the guests of the General Administration, and several people at the same level as the leaders of the TV stations appeared, so he went up to greet and sit with him for a while.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, more celebrity guests set foot on the red carpet.

Sidan Shuangbing, Gao Yuanyuan, Big and Small S, Yang Function, Li Xiaolu, Jiang Yiyan, Ma Li, and Zhang Jingying staged a fashion show that competed with each other.

Xu Shanzheng, Huang Lei, and Li Lianlian, who were leading the family, dragged their children calmly.

Shen Teng, Chen Kun, Su Youpeng, Deng Chao, Xiao Shenyang, Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei, Zhou Jielun, Chen Yixun and other male stars are meticulous in their suits and ties.

Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Xu Laoguai, Lin Hao, Zhang Yang and other directors strolled in the courtyard.

Well-known outsiders such as Su Mang, Yan Hong, and Wang Jinghua also have the same red carpet style.

The on-site media reporters were dumbfounded. The celebrity guests invited to the annual meeting held by Tangtang Film and Television were comparable to a large-scale awards show.

The three most disdainful award shows in China may be even worse.

The influence of Fang Nan and Tangtang Film and Television can be seen.

While the media reporters were sighing, the artists of the Tang and Tang series finally made their finale appearance.

The leading actors are Zhou Xun and Huang Bo, who have just joined Tang Tang Film and Television.

Behind the two are the five golden flowers of Tangtang Film and Television, which the media dubbed: Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, Mei Ting, and Hai Qing.

With the joining of Zhou Xun, the five golden flowers of Tangtang Film and Television have become six.

After the six golden flowers, there are five members of the Tangtang Film and Television Boys Group led by Fang Nan: Zhang Jiayi, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Huang Ze, and Sun Yizhou.

With the joining of Huang Bo, the members of the men's team also successfully added one.

The two regrets of the media frantically pressing the camera button at the scene are that compared with the appearance of Liuduo Jinhua, the appearance of the members of Tangtang Film and Television Boys Group is not one or two points worse.

Hu Ge, the only member of the men's team who matched, suffered facial injuries.

The second point is that the star power of artists under Tangtang Film and Television is a bit worse than that of Sidan Shuangbing and Gao Yuanyuan.

Only Liu Qianqian, Hu Ge, Ni Ni, and Mei Ting can fight.

However, Zhou Xun and Huang Bo joined in a different situation.

Of these two, Zhou Xun is one of the four stars, and Huang Bo is a top comedy guy.

After walking the red carpet and entering the infield, Fang Nan turned his head and looked around.

Mr. Han, Boss Yang, Yu Dong and others were already sitting in the front row.

Besides Zhouxun, Sandan Shuangbing Gao Yuanyuan, sitting at a table, also guards his own one-acre three-point land.

Huang Lei, Xu Shanzheng and others with their families and their families prevented their children from picking up the delicious food on the table.

The media who just came in are looking for angles to set up the machine.

Everything is in order.

"Let's all sit down too, it will start in a while."

After Fang Nan finished talking to his own artists beside him, he walked to the front row.

"You kid, you're making too much noise, it's time for the art show."

"It's the tenth anniversary. There are quite a lot of invitations, but I didn't expect so many people to come." Fang Nan smiled and took a seat next to Mr. Han.

There were indeed quite a lot of people at the scene, and all the preparation tables were used. There were 10 people per table, and it was conservatively estimated that there were 1200 people at the scene.

But it’s hard to say much about it officially.

After all, Tang Tang Film and Television is a private company, and the company spent its own money to hold the 10th anniversary annual meeting. What can outsiders think.

So Mr. Han simply said a word and stopped mentioning it.

Besides Fang Nan, there was also a director of the bureau sitting next to him. No one said it was extravagant and wasteful, so how could he meddle in other people's business.

After half an hour of going to the bathroom and chatting about gossip, the host of Tomato TV came on stage, and the noise suddenly died down.

It's not a formal stage. After a simple opening speech, Cai Yinong came to the stage and talked about the mental journey of founding Tangtang Film and Television.

Cai Yinong:
When I entered the industry, I actually wanted to be a screenwriter. I never thought about starting a company and becoming the boss. It was really fate to start Tangtang Film and Television.

I was born in a big family in Fujian. My grandfather was the deputy mayor of Ludao City. He was a patriotic overseas Chinese. Later, because of the turmoil, the family moved to Xiangjiang, and the family began to fall.

In the summer vacation of the first day of junior high school, I accompanied my mother to work in an electronics factory, mainly putting electronic products on the conveyor belt.

Repetitive work, more than 10 hours a day, I almost went crazy after sitting for a month, my mother has been sitting for many years, and can earn 1000 Hong Kong dollars a month.

Since then, I have secretly made up my mind to work hard and repay my mother when I grow up.

Even so, I never thought about starting a company.

After graduating, I have worked as a reporter, magazine editor, film publicist, production coordinator of the Academy Awards Preparatory Committee, actor resource director, etc.

At the age of 25, I was forced to start a company - Tang Tang Film and Television.

"Beijing-Hong Kong Love Line" is also the first drama that the company established, and that was my first time as a producer.

At that time, there were only 4 people in the entire company, and there was no room for manpower.

From writing the outline to making the project proposal, I did several positions by myself, from producer, agent to distribution and sales, and almost all the big and small affairs were done by myself.

I say almost because managing finances is my weakness.

Brother Nan in the audience once laughed at me, counting the same money three times, three times three times, this is not a joke, it is true.

[applause, laughter]

The fledgling Tang Tang Film and Television made its first drama, and then naturally sold dramas, but at that time the company had no distribution channels in the mainland, so I could only sell "Beijing-Hong Kong Love Line" to distributors at an extremely cheap price.

The experience of failing for the first time made me grow a lot.

In the second year, I started to learn from others to do financing. I found director Li Guoli and Li, found a TV drama production agency in Taiwan, and learned that the best-selling TV dramas are costume-themed dramas.

So, I made the second drama, "Peerless Twins", which temporarily allowed Tangtang Film and Television to gain a foothold.

After that, "Legend of Heaven and Earth: The Mermaid Fish", "Legend of Heaven and Earth: Lotus Lantern", "The Female General of the Yang Family" and "Unparalleled Under Heaven" came into the eyes of Chinese audiences.

There is now Tang Tang Film and Television.

This is the development history of Tangtang Film and Television, and it is also the first thing I am most proud of so far.

And the second thing that I am most proud of is that I met director Fang Nan when the company was filming "Unparalleled World".

Standing on the stage today, I would like to say something sincerely: My appearance enabled Tangtang Film and Television; the appearance of Fang Nan made Tangtang Film and Television enter the fast lane of rapid development.

I believe that under the leadership of Director Fang, Tang Tang Film and Television will go further and more steadily.

thank you all.


Next, the chairman of Tangtang Film and Television, director Fang Nan, will come to the stage to tell us about the future of Tangtang Film and Television, our big family, our future.

Fang Nan put down his chopsticks and walked up to the stage with a smile amidst the applause.

Fang Nan:

First of all, I would like to thank Miss K for her extremely turbulent praise.

I'm not a big liar, so I'll just say something specific.

First of all, let me announce that there has been a lot of speculation outside recently about the first batch of beneficiary candidates for the equity incentive mechanism of Tangtang Film and Television.

There are four beneficiaries in the first batch of Tangtang film and television equity mechanism.

They are: Xu Ying, Wang Liang, Chu Peijun, Hu Ge.

【As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, the ordinary staff area screamed again and again, causing all the guests to turn around to see who was the lucky one. 】

[Hu Ge and Wang Liang were also slammed by their friends. 】

Stop getting excited first, and wait until I finish introducing the reasons.

Let me talk about Xu Ying first.

Xu Ying: An ordinary employee in the art department. He has been working in Tangtang Film and Television for five years. During this period, he has never been absent from work and works very seriously.

The promotional posters and covers he produced for "Liao Zhai", "Legend of Sword and Sword" and "Xiu Chun Knife" are beautiful and impressive.

He has been praised by the leaders of many TV stations including Tomato TV, which has greatly improved the image ability of Tangtang Film and Television in the eyes of outsiders.

Wang Liang: Director, the director who has made the most money for the company in his fourth year of employment.

"People on the Journey" and "Nightclub" are both movies on the box office list.

Chu Peijun: artist director, during her busy work, she has discovered many excellent novel adaptations for the company, such as "Double-sided Tape", "The Wind", "Latent", "Scary Step by Step".

Of course, I personally don't recommend this kind of thing. Chu Yujun's key work should be to ensure that the company's actors can feel at ease in filming in major crews and not be bullied.

The last beneficiary, Hu Ge: Hu Ge joined the company in 2003 and is the most profitable artist of Tang Tang Film and Television.

His portrait rights lease, advertising endorsement, commercial performances, and remuneration for foreign plays have benefited the company more than [-] million yuan last year. It can be said that by relying on his own efforts, he has greatly eased the company's cash flow last year.

The above four people will get 0.5% equity of Tang Tang Film and Television. I hope the four will make persistent efforts in the days to come, because this number is not absolute.

[Amid applause and whistles.]

Fang Nan started the second thing, and made a financial report for 700 to nearly 2008 employees on site.

In 2008, Tang Tang Film and Television did not make much profit, and the series produced were basically released this year.


After talking about the finances, Fang Nan started to talk about the work plan for next year. In 2009, the TV series to be produced by Tangtang Film and Television include:

Original Hong Kong dramas "Following the Red Cap and the White Man", "The Weaver Girl at the End of the World", "A Beautiful Era for a Daughter-in-law", "A Plum Blossom", "Scary Step by Step", and "Latent".

Movies include "The Wind" and "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years".

We also invested in "Let the Bullets Fly" directed by Jiang Wenda.

【Jiang Wen nods his head】

Invested in "Di Renjie: Tongtian Empire" directed by Xu.

[Old Freak Xu rushed to the stage and waved]

In addition to commercial films, Tang Tang Film and Television is also focusing on investing in literary films with humanistic care, such as "Ocean Paradise", which has already appointed Brother Li Lian and Wen Zheng as the starring roles.

[From the audience, Li Lianlian and heraldry put their hands together to thank you]

In 2009, besides investing in several film and television dramas, Tangtang Film and Television has yet to launch films such as "Parasite", "Assassination of Novelists", "Du Lala's Promotion", "Unmanned Driving", "Crazy Racing", "Love Apartment" and many other films.

All of the above can show that Tangtang Film and Television is a company with strong capital and humanistic care.

Finally, I would like to ask my friends in the media one more thing.

Fang Nan pointed to the media table not far away.

Tang Tang Film and Television, including myself, will fail sometimes.

In the past month, the "Red Teeth" I invested in lost money and failed, and the portals where friends from the media are located are all reporting it.

You don't have to be ashamed.

It's your job to make jokes about my failures in the media, and I won't point fingers.

I just want to say that it's okay to report my failure.

But please don't compare Tang Tang Film and Television with some other film and television companies.

Tang Tang Film and Television will not compete with any film and television company to be the leader or number two.

Because I, and all the employees of Tangtang Films and Television, believe that the journey of Tangtang Films and Televisions is not to be the number one or the second in the country, but the sea of ​​stars!

[Applause, whistles, shouts of oh oh filled the whole box]

I also want to chat with the artist friends of the company, but I don't have much time, so I have to wait for the next annual meeting.

Finally, I would like to ask all colleagues of Tangtang Film and Television. The slogan of Tangtang Film and Television is:
A loud voice rang out from the audience: [Only with the same morality can we go closer, and only with the same heart can we go the farthest! 】

Fang Nan stepped off the stage with a look of relief.

Even when he was drunk, he was smiling, so happy that he completely forgot the weight he promised not long ago.

Zha Lang website:

[An annual meeting made people see Tang Tang Film and Television's terrifying cohesion from the president to ordinary employees! 】


[Striving to be the industry leader?Fang Nan disdains, Tang Tang Film and Television pursues the sea of ​​stars! 】


[Only with the same virtue can we go closer, and only with the same heart can we go the farthest——Fang Nan's ambition! 】
[Who is embarrassed by Tangtang Film and Television's ten-year annual meeting, Huayi, who is vying to be the darling of capital? 】


[As many as a hundred stars participated in the ten-year annual meeting of Tangtang Film and Television, and the stars of Huayi almost all went out! 】

Six princesses:
[Fang Nan: Tang Tang Film and Television wants to make commercial films to make money, so don't close the door to niche literary films! 】

(End of this chapter)

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