literary world

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Two more days.

Externally, there are two extremes in the evaluation of Tangtang Film and Television's [-]-year annual meeting on the Internet.

Some people praised Tang Tang Film and Television as a far-sighted and people-oriented film and television company.

It is quite different from the blood-sucking companies founded by capitalists.

Some people complained that Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television were too pretentious. What kind of stars and seas is a film and television company talking about?
The so-called one heart and one mind is a brainwashing package, isn't it just to make money in the end?

Inspired by someone with a heart, the purpose of Fang Nan's big letter at the annual meeting suddenly became more chaste.

Many people even speculated that Fang Nan boasted so much because of the failure of the "Spike Fang" project, and he had to rebuild his golden body after falling from the altar.


Reshape the golden body?

Fang Nan scoffed at the rumors outside.

With the honor he bears now, it doesn't matter what the failure of "Spike Fang" is. After two more failures, he is still one of the most sought-after directors in China.

As for whether it is brainwashed or not, it will take time to prove it, so we can only ride a donkey and read the libretto and wait and see!

Putting the rumors and gossips to the back of his mind, Fang Nan went to Tangtang Film and Television again before returning to Beijing, and explained to the senior management the last incident before the year.

He wants to split the two theaters in Jinling and the 8-3 site on the Bund from Tangtang Film and Television.

The purpose is self-evident.

It takes too much money to develop a powerful theater chain, so it can only rely on external financing.

Fang Nan had been brewing this plan in his mind for a long time.

And not only Tangtang Cinemas will raise funds and go public.

Douyin Video, a subsidiary of Thirteen Swordsmen, will also choose an opportunity to split and go public after achieving certain results.

The entire Happy Twist will also be packaged and released.

Dream Literature under Fangnan Culture will also be split and listed.

For a long time, there were only three companies that Fang Nan really wanted to hold in his hands: Fang Nan Cultural Copyright Company in charge of content, Tang Tang Film and Television in charge of production, and 13 Swordsmen in charge of post-production special effects.

With content and production, he can sit back and relax.

Re-complete the commercial layout and return to the capital.

The problem of where to celebrate the New Year every year has been put on the table again.

Fang Nan thought for a while and wanted to tell Gao Yuanyuan that he had to go to Bincheng and Tianjin to visit the scenery after the first day of the new year, and he didn't have time to see his mother-in-law.

Gao Yuanyuan was not angry, but he couldn't say much.

She also knew that "The Wind" was set on the edge of two cliffs in Dalian, and the project was huge.

As a director, Fang Nan had to use his vacation to visit the scene and prepare for the filming later in the year.

A lot of money will be wasted if this kind of drama is delayed for a day.

But women, sensibility is always more than rationality.

So Gao Yuanyuan was very unhappy when he left,
Putting the company, money, and her together, Fang Nan chose the first two.

For work, there is nothing wrong with her choice, but she just feels uncomfortable in her heart.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan stare at him and leave, Fang Nan stayed at home for another half an hour, then immediately locked the door and slipped away to Yonghe Villa.

Appreciating the scenery is important, and spending the New Year with Zeng Li's mother and daughter is equally important.

Yonghe Villa.

As soon as Fang Nan entered the courtyard, he saw the taller and more beautiful Thong Wanzhuo standing under the eaves facing the wall, looking from the side, he was still muttering something.

Needless to say, the little girl made a mistake again, and was punished by Zeng Li again to face the wall and think about her mistakes.

Judging from past experience, she was muttering "go away" this time, meaning to bury Zeng Lichou.

Fang Nan couldn't help but stepped over the girl in twos and threes. The little girl turned her head with her braids dangling, she was so happy that she opened her arms to hug her.

Compared with Zeng Li, Fang Nan's father met her less often, but he was deeply loved by her.

After all, he would give her whatever he wanted, and he would never punish her, let alone punish her for facing the wall and thinking about her mistakes.

"Hey, my little baby, are you making your mother angry again?"

Fang Nan asked the little girl in his arms with a smile.

The little girl rolled her eyes: "I don't remember."

Fang Nan happily slapped his little butt: "It's not a good boy to lie."

After entering the house, Fang Nan asked Zeng Li, who was busy in the kitchen, to find out that the little girl had dropped the heels of several pairs of high heels in the shoe and hat room, which made her very angry.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Why are you throwing that thing?"

Thong Wanzhuo clapped her little hands: "Beat the drums"

Fang Nan realized that the stick of the drum set was too long, and the little guy couldn't hold it comfortably: "You want to learn how to play the drum set? Dad will teach you."

The musical instruments in the Yonghe Villa were moved from the Tangong Villa.

In order to strengthen the study of rhythm, he spent a lot of time learning several musical instruments. Piano, drum set, guqin, guitar, flute and other musical instruments were bought by the club at a large price.

Upstairs to the specially vacated musical instrument room, a few colorful heels were scattered inside.

After the little girl broke free and fell to the ground, she picked up a heel and hit the shortest drum happily, making a series of crisp "bang bang bang".

Fang Nan froze, not to mention, the heel of the shoe was really handy in her hand.

"You are such a little genius!"

After Fang Nan complimented his daughter who was overjoyed, he took the drumsticks from the stand and beat them "every time", and anxiously Wanzhuo grabbed his leg and yelled "Wah-wah".

But when the little girl sat on her knees and knocked on her knees, and found that she couldn't do it, she handed the heel to Fang Nan again.

Fang Nan regained his energy, looking at the little girl in his arms with piercing eyes.

This girl is too self-aware, too good at directing people to work, maybe she is a good successor.

Fang Nan felt something in his heart, Zeng Li appeared at the door of the room: "What are you father and daughter doing, are you arguing?"

"Lizi, our girl has potential, she needs to be cultivated well." Fang Nan answered the non-essential question.

"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Zhuo is smart, maybe he can take over my class in the future."

Zeng Li was taken aback for a moment, and then rolled his eyes: "You, a 30-year-old, think about what will happen in 50 years. Do you want to talk about it? Hurry up and go downstairs for dinner."

Fang Nan helped the little girl to stand up: "It won't take 50 years, and in another 20 years, I'm ready to completely let go of the company. There are so many people, so many things, so many things, so tiring!"

"What's the matter? This time, your company's annual meeting is very good. The employees are cohesive, and they have gained a good reputation outside. It is thriving."

"It's not that easy. The entertainment industry is a circle of right and wrong, and people's hearts will change. As the artist's reputation increases in the future, things will happen that are less well-balanced."

"So it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible. You have to help me raise this little girl. I count on her to share the pressure with me."

"You think beautifully. My daughter doesn't want to deal with troubles. She wants to be happy all her life, doesn't she?"

Zeng Li pampered the little girl's fleshy mouth, but she didn't want to be pushed away by Thong Wanzhuo's disgust. She was so angry that her brows stood on end, and Fang Nan laughed out loud.

Snuggling back to the restaurant, Fang Nan turned on the TV, and when a piece of news came up, he was completely silent.

When Zeng Li served the dishes and saw the news, as a mother, she also looked scared: "Fortunately, Xiao Zhuo has been eating European milk powder, otherwise I can't imagine that these businessmen are really lawless in order to make money!"

Fang Nan sneered, lawlessness cannot describe the audacity of some capitalists.

Letting go of the bad news, Fang Nan's family of three concentrated on dinner.

After eating and drinking enough, Fang Nan drove to the designated fireworks display place in the capital with his daughter-in-law and daughter.

Using the cover of the night, their house staged an extremely bright fireworks show.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Thong Wanzhuo to watch and set off fireworks.

She spent the first year of her life at her grandmother's house in England.

Last year, Fang Nan was the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, so he didn't have time.

This year, her father, who gets together less and leaves more, finally made up for her.

Back home, the little girl was so excited by today's experience that she tossed and turned on the bed, unwilling to sleep.

Fang Nan and Zeng Li had no choice but to watch the Spring Festival Gala expressionlessly while hiding under the covers.

After the first post, Zeng Li lazily said to the TV: "Many people will probably miss you tomorrow."

Fang Nan snorted: "The earth will spin the same without anyone."

Before the 09 Spring Festival Gala chief director election, many netizens called him to be the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala again.

Last year's Spring Festival Gala, the program was novel, young and lively, the songs were catchy, and the dances were so beautiful that netizens wanted to forget-it was hard!

It's a pity that netizens don't understand the truth inside.

First of all, Fang Nan did not participate in this year's chief director election at all.

Secondly, human beings are self-aware. There are so many people in CCTV who are eager to get ahead. Fang Nan will be envied and hated if he goes to occupy the pit.

Fang Nan himself thought about it, even if he chooses to run for office this time, the possibility of success is almost impossible.

So the Spring Festival Gala is not good for the wife and children at home to be hot on the kang?

"The little girl finally fell asleep, let's go and change the battlefield."


"You pull it down."

Fang Nan pulled Zeng Li, who was pretending to be reserved, to stand up.

Gao Yuanyuan said he was tired once or twice, and he believed that Zeng Li would never be so miserable.

Although she eats vegetarian meals three times a day and drinks tea all the year round, her physical fitness is excellent. With the blessing of 170cm, she can be called his good opponent.

The two people who met their opponents fought until the end of the Spring Festival Gala, and Fang fell asleep in his arms.

The next day.

The two were woken up by the New Year's call, and they started the New Year's call mode while lying on the bed.

Fang Nan needed a lot of people to pay New Year's greetings, and this busy work ended in the afternoon.

Sometimes he really wants to drag people like President Han and Emperor Yang into a group of penguins, and wish all the members of Aite a New Year's greeting.

After dinner, the family of three booked a movie theater box to watch a show of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Bullish".

On the first day of the new year, amidst the laughter of Zong Wanzhuo, the simple and warm past passed.

After staying at home for another two days, Fang Nan set off for Bincheng.

Afterwards, I went to Tianjin to see a few scenes, and when he returned to the capital, it was already February.

Time passed so quickly, Fang Nan had to recruit people non-stop and interview actors.

Zhou Xun plays the role of the female number one Gu Xiaomeng.

Li Bing's role as the female number two Li Ningyu is a deal, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Some high-level officials questioned why Huayi actors were used, but they were suppressed by Fang Nan.

He has shortcomings in other aspects, but he has always valued commitment.

Since Li Bing helped him get rid of Zhu Xiaotian, he would definitely give him the role he promised.

The role of the male number one Wu Zhiguo has changed from Zhang Hanyu in the original time and space to the current Huang Bo.

Huang Bo has a different character image, and his temperament is slightly inferior to Zhang Hanyu's, but Huang Bo has acting skills and is his own person. He is also interested, so if he doesn't say anything, he has to do it.

Su Youpeng still plays the male number three Bai Xiaonian.

When it was Takeda's turn to be the second male lead, Fang Nan had a headache.

This role was originally played by Huang Xiaoming, and he interpreted it very well, ruthless enough.

So much so that Fang Nan couldn't find any artist in the company to replace him.

Zhang Jiayi and Huang Ze have acting skills, the difference lies in their image.

Sun Yizhou's image is good, the difference lies in his acting skills.

Hu Ge's image and acting skills are the most suitable for this cold and ruthless character.

But Fang Nan didn't want him to play the role of this extremely vicious Japanese villain.

After much deliberation, Fang Nan called Huang Xiaoming, and the other party was very happy, and agreed immediately.

Fang Nan smacked his lips, added Huang Xiaoming to the cast list, and threw the main cast list to Zhao Zhu.

A day later, the total budget came out, a full 9000 million.

The second highest-budget project of the few films directed by Fang Nan.

It is also the film with the highest total salary of the actors.

Among them, Fang Nan wanted to take 1200 million by himself.

After "Painted Skin", his salary went up again, and the number of his own films decreased, so he got the same salary as "Painted Skin".

In addition, the female No. 600 weekly news, the salary is [-] million.

Huang Bo, the male number one, has a salary of 300 million.

The remuneration of these two people has also been reduced because of their own drama.

The salary of Li Bing, Huang Xiaoming and Su Youpeng is another 800 million.

The accumulative remuneration of the actors in front of and behind the scenes of the whole crew is nearly 3500 million.

A salary of 3500 million yuan and a budget of 9000 million yuan are already considered A-level movies in the Chinese film market today.

There is still an endless stream of companies and individuals who can compete to be the capital of "The Wind".

After much consideration, Zhao Zhu chose the two capitals of China Film and Shanghai Film, and the distribution was also handled by the two plus Tangtang Film and Television.

This stabbed a hornet's nest.

Bona, Guangguang, Emperor, and even the managers of Hengdian Film and Television and China Film Warner Hengdian, who are closely related to Tangtang Film and Television, called Fang Nan to express their dissatisfaction.

Cooperating with Fang Nan meant making money, and Zhao Zhu wanted them to give up with just one word, which was simply whimsical.

Did Fang Nan invest in "Spike Fang" at a loss?

What a ball!

A director who succeeds in 10 out of 5 projects is the most profitable director in the world!

Such a director, the world's major film and television companies hold it in their hands for fear of flying away, and hold it in their mouths for fear of melting!
Is "The Wind" a spy war drama or a literary drama, a theme that has never been filmed in China?
Brain watted?
You don't care what subject matter he does, as long as he is sure that the director is Fang Nan!

Fang Nan was very depressed.

A group of people in Jiangzhou called him every day like a complaining woman, making him look like a heartless man.

No way, he had no choice but to set up a dinner party, called Jiangzhou from Xiangjiang, called Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Mao Jianguo, and invited Mr. Han and others.

Then, he threw the script of "The Wandering Earth" on the disc.

"Bosses, this script is guaranteed to make money. My personal budget is 4-6 million. Are you interested?"

Jiang Zhou and Yu Dong looked at each other in dismay after reading the script in turn. In the end, it was the elder Wang Changtian who came to his senses and led the army instead:
"Is the later stage of "Assassination of Novelists" good? When will it be released? No matter what you do, Fang Nan, don't hide it. "Assassination of Novelists" has made money, let alone 4-6 million investment, it is 8 million yuan. Hundreds of millions, our family can give you the full amount."

Yu Dong immediately hit the snake with the stick: "Mr. Wang's words reminded me whether "Assassination of Novelists" is good or not. It took more than a year of preparation in the early stage, several months of shooting, and more than a year of post-production. What the hell have you done?"

Fang Nan scratched his head, he didn't expect that he would shoot himself in the foot one day.

"The post-production has been done and it is ready to be released at the end of the year."

Yu Dong: "Don't be kidding. When you're done, it's summer vacation time. It's so far away from the end of the year. The few of us sit together. Are you afraid that we won't have a good schedule? My company is just short of money."

"You are short of money and you still clamor to invest in "The Wind"?"

Fang Nan quit, and he was a three-year-old child.

"We are talking about two different things. "Assassination of Novelists" is ready, why not choose the summer vacation file, and insist on going to the end of the year? The summer vacation file is not worse than the Lunar New Year file."

"How can I tell you that "Assassination of Novelists" will borrow the wind from "Avatar"?"

Fang Nan was slandering, and Boss Han said, "Fang Nan, stretching your head out is a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife. "Assassination of Novelists" is scheduled for summer vacation. We will give you a month's time slot in total."

Fang Nan was about to vomit, he came today to gag a few people and tell them not to make trouble.

This is all right, my mouth is gagged.

And it seems that everyone, including Mr. Han, thought that he had screwed up "Assassination of Novelists", so they kept refusing and didn't dare to show it.

Fang Nan couldn't help but feel overwhelmed after thinking hard and failing to find a good way to delay the release.

The summer vacation is just the summer vacation. With his current fame, "Assassination of Novelists" is not far behind at the box office, and it might even steal the limelight from 3DIMAX movies.

Unfortunately, there are still too few IMAX screens.

But as long as "Assassination of Novelists" is a big success at the box office, he will have a reason to shoot "The Wandering Earth".

Otherwise, it would be even more difficult for "The Wandering Earth" to find filming funds with the style of these masters who don't see rabbits and don't spread eagles.

Thinking of this, the ambitious Fang Nan slapped the desktop: "Then, as everyone wishes, we will meet you in the summer file of "Assassination of Novelists"!"

(End of this chapter)

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