literary world

Chapter 302 Tongue Battle 2 Famous Guides

Chapter 302
At the beginning of 2009, domestic entertainment became popular with several people.

The first is the magician Liu Qian.

With the perfect combination of magic tricks and Ms. Dong, she made a big splash in the 09 Spring Festival Gala.

Although this person will be considered as cjb in the future, he did become a household name in 09.

The phrase "when witnessing a miracle" has become a mantra of many people.

Feng Dapao was also on fire.

After a willful attempt at large-scale productions such as "The Banquet" and "Assembly", he realized that the blockbusters were not making money and decided to return to comedy themes.

Poor God!

The romantic comedy "If You Are the One" directed by him has been released since the beginning of the year, with a total box office of 3.25 million.

For a time, the comedy director had a great reputation.

But it didn't take long for Feng Dapao to be famous, the paparazzi who had been with the entertainment industry exposed his secret filth and gave him a slap in the face.

This paparazzi is Gou Lin, who was also the third celebrity to go viral in early 2009.

In February, Gou Lin exposed that Feng Dapao, who is so beautiful, stayed overnight at the house of a mysterious woman.

In March, Gou Lin exposed Gu Changwei's Che Zhen.

Not long after, Gou Lin once again exposed Zhao Yanzi's new relationship, as well as Zhang Ziyi and her foreign boyfriend Beach Gate.

Either don't make a move, or make a move is two famous directors, two Huadans, Gou Lin and his apprentices have become famous, and the honor of China's number one paparazzi is well deserved.

The matter was not over, and Gou Lin was invited to appear on several talk shows.

On the show, he talked about his paparazzi career and his public morality, as if he regarded himself as the discipline inspection committee of the entertainment industry.

He even ridiculed Director Gu for repeatedly begging him not to choose to publish in the newspaper, and trampled on the well-known entertainment industry people in front of the stage.

People in the entertainment industry gritted their teeth at this.

It is different from Director Gu's approach of being cowardly when he was photographed - begging to let him go - keeping a low profile and focusing on making quail.

When Feng Dapao found out that the cheating was exposed, the first measure he took was to throw the pot away and get weird on the Internet.

[I know how to pretend to be a grandson, but I just don't want to pretend, I'm not afraid of offending people!I'm not afraid that some vicious people in the industry will kill me! 】

Netizens are smart.

As soon as Feng Dapao's pointed blog came out, Fang Nan seemed to be the first object of suspicion.

Fang Nan and Feng Dapao both made their fortunes from comedy.

But Feng Dapao played earlier. If he hadn't filmed "A World Without Thieves" and "The Banquet" halfway, Fang Nan could take advantage of the trend of comedy movies, and the comedy box office would have his one-third of an acre of land?

So who is the one who is least willing to see Feng Dapao return to comedy?
The gossip made Fang Nan very angry.

Does Feng Dapao suffer from persecution paranoia or something?
Recently, he has been working with the actors of "The Wind" to fill in the gaps in the script, and he has time to contact the paparazzi persecutors.

It's really yellow mud in the crotch, it's either shit or shit.

Fang Nan didn't want to say much about his identity, but Hu Wen, the publicity director of Tang Tang Film and Television, didn't care about it, let the boss be wronged for no reason, so she didn't have to be the publicity director.

[Some people are exposed for stealing from their wives. They lift their pants and don’t take the initiative to apologize to their wives, but they want to whitewash themselves by slandering others. Their consciences and morals are corrupt! 】

With Hu Wen off the stage, another verbal battle between Tang Tang Film and Television and Huayi began.

Netizens also involuntarily divided into three factions.

Feng's comedy school.

Fan Nan was a fan.

The other group is neutral netizens who eat melons.

This unreasonable war made Fang Nan disgusting enough, he was thinking of packing up the crew and going to Bincheng to stay away from the troubles, when Boss Han called.

"Our mother's 60th birthday, why don't you show your face?"

Fang Nan, who was in SOHO, was stunned. He didn't take the wrong medicine, he was an iron orphan.

"The 60th anniversary of the founding of China!" Mr. Han said angrily.

"Oh, oh, where is it, just show your face, can I direct a scene?"

Fang Nan came to his senses, this year there will be a big drama called "The Founding of a Nation" with more than 170 stars participating, commonly known as "Star Counting Movie".

"You come to Beijing Film Studio. There are many people today. You can choose a celebrity to shoot."

Fang Nan put down his mobile phone, and ordered the assistant director Gao Qunshu to finish the script study and prepare for going south to Bincheng, then hurried downstairs.

Arrived at Beijing Film Studio.

Outside the huge studio, there were indeed several rows of actors waiting for their roles to surround Mr. Han, chatting nonsense.

Fa Ge in round-neck robes, Liu Dehua and Zhao Benshan in Republican soldier attire, Chen Kaige in ordinary attire, Zhang Guoli, Xu Qin, Zhao Yanzi and others with bare heads.

"Hey, the great director is here, dressed so plain."

Seeing the outside staff bring Fang Nan in, Mr. Han got up and made fun of Fang Nan who was wearing an ordinary jacket.

"Don't pay attention, don't pay attention."

Fang Nan and Mr. Han shook hands, and then reached out to Fa Ge, Liu Dehua, Zhao Benshan and others. When it was Chen Kaige's turn, Fang Nan saw cross-eyed eyes.

"Hmph." Old Chen let out a cold snort from his throat: "You really don't pay attention to things, kid."

"You're not much better!" Fang Nan choked back dissatisfied.

Respecting the old and loving the young is indeed a virtue that China has passed down for thousands of years.

Fang Nan appreciates and respects such inheritance.

But the times are different. Today’s society has derived some other words, such as relying on the old to sell the old, I don’t know what it means, such as bear children!
He didn't take a good look at people who relied on the old to sell the old and didn't know what to say.

"It's been a few years, you two don't stand up to each other, shake hands, and if you have any troubles, quickly get over it."

Just as Mr. Han finished speaking, Feng Dapao and Ge You came together.

"Did you come here this afternoon?" Boss Han looked at Feng Dapao and said with a headache.

Feng Dapao glanced at Fang Nan, began to shake hands with people, and said: "Ge You came to Huayi for a meeting. After the meeting, we just came here together. Anyway, morning and evening are the same."

"Then you can shoot first, let's go, I'll take you in." Boss Han said helplessly.

Feng Dapao pulled a chair, and pulled Mr. Han to sit down: "Oh, Mr. Han, sit down for a while, it will be released on National Day, and the progress can be caught up."

One person and one chair sat down facing each other in the ventilated shed.

Fang Nan was not in a hurry, he put his arms around his arms and watched the group gossip, telling jokes.

The most active person among them is Zhao Benshan.

He stood in the middle, and as long as he opened his mouth, he could make people laugh.

Leaning slightly, Feng Dapao frowned and spoke.

"Mr. Han, there are some things you have to take care of. How fierce is the competition in our industry? It's so fierce that we hire paparazzi to do business with dogs. If things go on like this, can we people here still have privacy?"

"We are public figures, but no matter how public we are, we can't have a little privacy, right? It's so ridiculous to take pictures of people's homes?"

Facing the pointing and extremely indignant Feng Dapao, Mr. Han chuckled and said lightly, "It's not that serious. Paparazzi is a product of the times."

"It wasn't there before 2000. There are paparazzi, which means that the entertainment industry is more prosperous, and the common people are economically rich."

"The pockets of ordinary people are the most sensitive. Only when they have money in their pockets will they pay attention to things other than eating and drinking. The stars living in the spotlight happen to be one of the targets, which gave birth to the paparazzi industry."

"So don't make a fuss, of course, you have to behave yourself!"

Feng Dapao complained: "I can bear the paparazzi, but I can't bear other people's tricks."

Fang Nan couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a sneer, "Are you suffering from persecution paranoia? You put on my head with a shy old face, don't you? I don't even bother to talk to you, and you just come to my side. "

"I really doubt that it is your dog. The shit under your butt thinks that others don't know? You have lived with Gao Yuanyuan for several years, why didn't it explode?"

Feng Dapao unzipped his jacket and finished speaking with his face livid on his hips. Zhao Yanzi, Deng Chao and others in another shed in the distance looked at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan said disgustedly: "Feng Dapao, the movies you make are mediocre, but the shit-pots are top-notch. Being a director is really a waste of talent!"

"What Director Feng said is really possible. You have a criminal record anyway. What did I have to do with you when I filmed "The Promise"? Do you want to report with your real name?"

Fang Nan looked at Old Chen coldly: "I came out of this land. If you sabotage, I will report you. Next time you mess around, I will continue to report with your real name."

Old Chen was stupefied, he pulled his chair and stood up, his fingers were just about to hit Fang Nan's face: "You boy, I'll see when you fall!"

Fang Nan curled his lips in disdain, and said sarcastically, "What? Director Chen still wants to use his fists and kicks? I advise you to think twice!"

"Boom, boom"

Zhao Yanzi, Xu Qin, Liu Dehua and other actors in the shed all ran away.

Today's scene is rare, but it's not advisable to watch it too much, at least to save some face for these directors.

In fact, quarreling and rolling eyes at each other have always existed in the circle, and there are many cases that have occurred in public places.

It's just that it's rare to see directors tear each other's faces.

Not to mention Fang Nan's [-]v[-], verbal battle with two famous directors.

A group of people who thought they were young actors slipped away.

Bigger names like Zhao Benshan, Fa Ge, and Ge You stood up, persuading and pulling people.

Looking at Boss Han again, his face had already turned purple with anger.

"Why are you so noisy? Why did you call you here? What day is it today? You keep talking about big things all day long, and keep telling you about river crabs, river crabs, all on deaf ears?"

"I think our entertainment industry will also hold a study class. First, I will give you a group of directors a thought class, yelling like a street peddler, and there is no discipline!"

Boss Han was annoyed, Fang Nan crossed Erlang's legs and leaned to the side, Chen Kaige and Feng Dapao took advantage of the situation and sat back in their original positions.

It is impossible to stop the fight, but because Mr. Han's identity is not revealed for the time being.

"Fang Nan, you go in with me first."

Fang Nan patted his trousers and got up, pulled off the thick blackout curtain, and by the door, Boss Han stopped and said, "You said that you are a 30-year-old director with a bright future, why do you always have to be reasonable? Why are you arguing with them? They are not from the same generation."

"It's not that I want to quarrel, it's that they are endless, planting and framing. Just talking about the past two days, Hua Yi and Feng Dapao decided that I paid people to do it. Do you think I am wronged?"

"You really didn't do it?"

"Hey, I'm really more wronged than that Dou E. I'm afraid of Feng Dapao with the little ink in his stomach?"

Fang Nan was speechless, he didn't expect that even Boss Han suspected that he was the one who contacted Gou Lin.

He really wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, "If You Are the One" only made more than 3 million box office, as for it.

"Then why haven't you and Gao Yuanyuan been exposed? They shouldn't have been photographed."

"You have to keep it a secret from me."

Fang Nanshen muttered: "I met Gou Lin as early as 2001. I met Gou Lin a few times and found that he was hard-nosed, so I warned him harshly when he didn't make a fortune. Light up the shadows in your heart."

"It's that simple?"

"That's right, people are very complicated, maybe Gou Lin will follow suit."

Satisfied with his curiosity, Mr. Han nodded and said, "Go and take two simple shots."

The shots taken by Fang Nan were simple. Mr. Tang Guoqiang finished the work with a cigarette and said a few lines. For such a simple shot, it is not bad to have a signature in the later stage.

After all, "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is the credit of Mr. Han, and no one can take it away.

After a few minutes of filming, Fang Nan bid farewell to Boss Han inside the house: "I'll be leaving first, and fly to Bincheng tomorrow."

"I'll take you out."

Mr. Han took Fang Nan out of the house by the back, and sent him to the sentry box in full view. Finally, he asked, "What do you say about this year's Golden Statue Awards?"

"I definitely won't go, "Painted Skin" and "Embroidered Spring Knife" didn't sign up at all."

It's only been a year since his fight with the Academy Awards, and the memories of last year are particularly deep, how could he sign up for the Academy Awards.

Last year, everyone clamored online after the ceremony that no one would be better off without each other.

A year has passed, now let's see who's the moulted chicken.

Tang Tang Film and Television did not have many dramas last year, only "Nightclub" and "Embroidered Spring Knife".

But Fang Nan also directed another foreign play "Painted Skin".

Looking at the three plays, the director of "Xiu Chun Knife" is Mr. Xu, the actor in it is Zhang Zhen, and there are more Xiangjiang behind the scenes in the team.

The actors in "Painted Skin" include Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, Zheng Zidan, etc., and there are many Xiangjiang people in the behind-the-scenes team.

Fang Nan wanted to see what would happen to the unsustainable Academy Awards without these two plays and so many people.

Can come up with a few decent movies.

"You kid is such a troublemaker, you have to fight with people wherever you go, look around you, do you still have friends?"

"Hua Yi, Feng Dapao, Kai Ge, Zhang Dazi, the film critic, and that Lu Chuan, and the entire group of the Golden Statue Award, I don't know what to say about you, peace is the most important thing!"

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously at all, and even said with a chuckle: "Differences of opinion do not conspire with each other. I don't care if some people post back to me."

It is true that he has offended a lot of people, but how many of them can he deal with?
It can be said that it is a no.

Then why does he want to accommodate these people?

Besides, who said that he has no friends, Lin Hao, Huang Bo, Da Liu, Wu Jing, Shen Teng and Mali, and the company are all his friends.

He is not alone.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously, President Han didn't want to say much, but said, "Do you know why you were asked to direct a Spring Festival Gala last year?"

"really do not know."

Fang Nan's eyes lit up, Boss Han is going to decipher it for him, he himself has been wondering about this question for a long time.

"How many regular film festivals do we have in the Mainland?"

"Three, the Pujiang International Film Festival, the Changchun Film Festival, and the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival. Counting the film festivals when I was in college, there are four."

"What do you think of the external influence of the three film festivals?"

Fang Nan laughed: "Don't be funny, let's just hide at home and have fun, don't talk about external influence?"

President Han pretended not to see Fang Nan's cheap expression, and said seriously:

"That's why the Ministry and the bureau want to hold a film festival with international influence. It's true. I want you to participate. That's why I asked you to direct a Spring Festival Gala."

"Pull it down, I don't participate, I don't have the ability."

Fang Nan resolutely refused to accept this hot potato. Film festivals are easy to run. With China's influence, it is very easy to complete an international A-category film festival. The key is how to attract people.

Those big literary directors in Europe like to use all-fruit women to express their lust. When they come to participate in the competition, you "click" and cut off the key scenes of the person. Can others feel balanced with this thing?
Can you come next time?
A darker, bloodier CUT film came to the competition, and you "clicked" and cut it with a knife, leaving only the ending song, what is that.

After coming and going, who would want to come to Huaxia to compete.

This is a natural contradiction.

We think that the other party is playing tricks, it is LSP, and the European directors think it is literature and art, so things are difficult to handle.

"Don't rush to push it out. I said it's true this time. The support is very strong. There are many things that could not be mentioned before. I will selectively let go."

Fang Nan sniffled: "Let's talk again, I'm leaving, I'm going home to pack up and go to Bincheng."

(End of this chapter)

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