literary world

Chapter 306 The Lover Is Open

Chapter 306 The Lover Is Open
At the beginning of April, the filming of "The Wind" was the most tense time.

Wu Jie took a lot of image files and arrived at Qiuzhuang with a person in charge of the headquarters of Tianqiao Performing Arts District.

The person in charge was surnamed Liu, and Fang Nan called him Director Liu.

Director Liu came up without saying a word, and patted his chest to make sure.

"If Director Fang's company intends to take over the performing arts center project, the Xicheng government promises to bring together 19 performing arts organizations including the National Peking Opera Company, Beijing Ballet, National Broadcasting Art Troupe, Beijing People's Arts, Beijing Peking Opera Theater, and Beijing Performing Arts Group to cooperate with you. The company signed a strategic cooperation agreement."

"At the same time, the performing arts area will also introduce traditional art performances such as diabolo, playing Chinese flags, drum music, and storytelling. After all, promoting traditional culture and art is the most fundamental reason for building an performing arts area."

Fang Nan scratched his head.

Director Liu talked a lot.

There are few useful places, and it is good to sign strategic cooperation with many art groups in the country, but how many people can attract it is open to question.

The performing arts center costs hundreds of millions. With such a large area, the monthly maintenance fee is not a small expense.

You can't let him keep putting money in it.

He is also willing to promote traditional culture, but there must be a limit.

Fang Nan frowned and looked at Wu Jie: "How much can I borrow for my properties?"

"Nan Study House, Guijie Street, Tan Palace, Sanya Mansion Garden, the estimated value of the four real estate banks is 1 million, so they are only willing to lend less than 3 million."

"But if you come forward and talk to the bank leaders in person, you should be able to get more."

Fang Nan didn't think about it, and found that he didn't have enough money, so he stopped struggling: "Director Liu, look, this amount of money can't even get the land of the performing arts center you planned. I can't do anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Jie pulled Fang Nan up and said, "Director Liu, wait a moment."

Being dragged by Wu Jie out of the lobby of the East Building, Fang Nan said curiously in a room:

"What on earth are you thinking? Where is the point of making money after the performing arts center is built? I don't expect to make a lot of money, but apart from the profit of Happy Twist, the performing arts center must at least reach a balance of payments, otherwise I won't agree to this project." project."

"If your requirements are so low, I can guarantee that the goal will be achieved."

Fang Nan asked inexplicably, "What is the source of your confidence?"

"It's the flow of people, please read these two documents first." Wu Jie took out two pieces of paper from the document bag and handed them to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan took it and looked at it, and found that it was two mind maps and data analysis of the number of inbound tourists in Beijing in 07, 08, and the first quarter of 09.

The two graphs finally draw the conclusion that in 09, the number of tourists in Beijing may exceed 2 million.

Among them, the proportion of tourists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries has probably increased by more than 50% compared with the previous two years.

"The point of making money for the performing arts center lies in these tourists, especially the foreign tourists who have just come to China. As long as we can ensure that the Xicheng government and the city government give a part of the tourism promotion resources to the performing arts center, the performing arts center will definitely not lose money."

While Fang Nan was pondering, Wu Jie vowed.

Asking himself, Fang Nan was a little tempted.

Moreover, he discovered a problem with him.

In addition to his own professional field, he also has some advanced ideas.

He seems to have unknowingly integrated into the current environment, and he is no longer as keenly aware of changes in various aspects and levels as before.

So much so that he even forgot that after the 08 Olympic Games, foreign people had great curiosity about China.

Fang Nan knew.

He was coerced by the environment.

Fu Xuan, a litterateur and philosopher of the Jin Dynasty who proposed that those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black, really has two brushes.

Getting rid of the crux of the performing arts center not knowing how to make money in his mind, Fang Nan rushed to Wu Jie and said, "You should talk to the Tianqiao Command, the main thing is to need more publicity resources."

"How to solve the large gap of funds?"

"Let Xicheng come forward to help with a loan, and I'll figure out the rest. You can't do such a big thing by yourself. Leave this matter to Fangnan Culture, and I'll call Yan Hong later."

"Then take a look at the plan drawn up by the headquarters." Wu Jie pulled out another floor plan.

"What they mean is that the performing arts center needs at least a large theater with 1600 seats, a medium-sized theater with 1000 seats, a small theater with 400 seats, and a small theater with 300 seats. The construction period is three years, and the total investment is 4 million yuan. The landmark building of the sky bridge."

"I approved it. Go back to Beijing and talk to the Xicheng government. I'll call Yan Hong."

Soon, the phone was connected, and Fang Nan opened his mouth to ask for money, but Yan Hong immediately refused.

"How can there be any money? Last year, as soon as the income from ring tones and copyrights came into the account, I repaid Cai Yinong's second sum of up to [-] million yuan."

"Years ago, you bought the small shareholder shares of Tangtang Film and Television and took all the Korean copyright fees of "Runningman". The company is such a big stall, and it needs money to operate. If I give you the money, Fangnan Culture will go bankrupt first."

Fang Nan looked embarrassed, and after a long period of calculation, he finally called Wu Gao.

In the end, Wu Gao didn't have any money either. He just took over several other equipment rental stores on Wansheng Street at the end of last year, and the remaining several million were not enough for Fang Nansai's teeth.

Fang Nan looked up to the sky and sighed.

He has set up a lot of companies over the years, but most of them are in the process of development, and at the critical moment, he can't even make up [-] million yuan.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, so he called Gao Yuanyuan again.

Gao Yuanyuan saved a small treasury with his brother, and he was thinking about coming over to add his own loan proceeds, at least pay part of the land fee first, and then lay down the foundation.

As for what to do next, Fang Nan changed his mind and called Yan Hong again.

"Send the news to the major TV stations. I will start producing a variety show in the near future."


Yan Hong is excited, Fang Nan's variety shows are the guarantee of ratings.

Look at how popular "Runningman" is. Whether it's the lineup of seven hosts or the content of the program, the number one variety show "Happy Camp" a few years ago can't hold its head up.

It was also successfully introduced to South Korea last year.

Once the news of Fang Nan's production of a variety show gets out, the major TV stations will definitely grab it and fight.

"This can still be false. After the filming of "The Wind" is finished, I will make an episode first. You can negotiate copyright fees with major TV stations. The first season is expected to be 10 episodes."

"Don't worry, I will definitely sell it to you at the highest price."

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan went downstairs to chat with Director Liu and Wu Jie again, and got good news from Director Liu.

The Xicheng government is willing to connect him with the district bank so that he can borrow an extra sum of money.

While Fang Nan nodded to express his gratitude, he sent them away on the grounds that he was too busy to receive them and that the project was handed over to Wu Jie and Fang Nan Wenhua.

Back to the west building studio.

Gao Qunshu just finished filming the scene where Wang Zhiwen stood suspiciously outside Gu Xiaomeng's room and eavesdropped. Fang Nan looked back at the camera and signaled Zhou Xun and Huang Bo to come on stage.

This scene is about Gu Xiaomeng framing Wu Zhiguo, and Wu Zhiguo forced his way into Gu Xiaomeng's room in the middle of the night.

But in fact, Gu Xiaomeng and Wu Zhiguo learned about each other's identities through the "empty city strategy" code word the night before.

This is an extremely realistic fake drama staged by the two.

And the purpose, there are two.

From a dramatic point of view, it is to allow the two to have time to discuss who to sacrifice for and make a decision.

From Fang Nan's point of view, he wanted to make this scene exude some humanistic care.

In a gloomy cage.

Under the bloodthirsty blade of the Japanese devils.

Dangerous and unknown ahead.

And in a state of psychological anxiety caused by not delivering the information in time, the two comrades found each other, which was a great morale boost.

Fang Nan could imagine that when the movie was released, the audience would definitely burst into tears when they saw this scene.

"Prepare to start filming, each department will discuss the preparations." After Fang Nan sat down, executive director Gao Qunshu asked into the air.

"Camera in place."

"Lighting OK."

"The radio is fine."

"Props OK."

"Actors are ready."

"The recording of the scene has started to shoot."


"I had a bad attitude that day, and I'm here to apologize to you."

While speaking his lines, Huang Bo began to look for the wiretapping equipment from the wall, and pointed to Zhou Xun's ear.

"Please go out, I don't need your apology." Zhou Xun nodded knowingly and smiled.

"Ka, Xiaoxun, I'm so happy to smile again, isn't it gratifying, how can I describe this smile? It's the joy of waiting for a comrade."

"From the heart?" Zhou Xun looked at Fang Nan who was undecided.

"From the heart is for sure, how can I describe it more from the heart?" Fang Nan asked Gao Qunshu.

Gao Qunshu shook his head: "I don't know, smiling?"

"Smiling?" Fang Nan suddenly realized: "Photography, give Xiaoxun a close-up shot, let me see the corners of her mouth raised and the light in her eyes."

Second shot.

Fang Nan curled the corners of his mouth happily, Zhou Xun's upturned mouth corners and sparkling eyes all exuded joy in his heart.

Huang Bo said fiercely, "Sit down."

"I'm called a soldier." Zhou Xun said his lines while pointing to the place under the table. Huang Bo understood it, skillfully tore off the prepared tape, and stuck it on the bug with a short body.

Zhou Xun stepped on high heels and shook the props in the room: "You let go and don't touch me."

"Sit down, sit down, we are fellow villagers, how could I hurt you."

After attaching another bug, Huang Bo stopped Zhou Xun and whispered in his ear without hesitation: "I already know your identity, and the situation is critical now. As a comrade, I suggest you, let me handle this situation." Top, you managed to get the message across."

"I sent the wrong information, and I should be responsible."

"You can't stand it."

"I'm only under the command of Lao Qiang, and I can't take orders."

The sound of soldiers' footsteps outside came, Huang Bo quickly tore Zhou Xun's cheongsam collar, and slowly backed away.

"Very good, let me add one more thing, Huang Bo, when you are talking, your voice should be heavier when you can't stand it, because you have seen the interrogation methods surnamed Wang, and you know that it is very human, and people who are not firm enough in faith can bear it. extreme torture."

"Good director, one more, one more, I feel it coming."

Fang Nan nodded to signal the staff to touch up the makeup and relocate the props.

It took a long time for the props to be placed. Fang Nan lit a cigarette and chatted with Gao Qunshu and the props about the next shot.

It doesn’t take long to record a movie shot, and the trivial things before shooting take the most time. The placement of props, the switching of shots, and even the actor’s make-up are much longer than the real shooting.

a long time.

The props were restored, and the damaged ones were replaced with new ones. The actors repaired their makeup, and the lens polishing continued.

After two more real shots, Fang Nan called to turn the chapter, and the day passed like that.

Back in the hotel room, Fang Nan broke out in a cold sweat, and Gao Yuanyuan sent him warmth.

Fortunately, the battlefield between him and Li Bing was in Qiuzhuang, otherwise it would be exposed.

"What's the matter, you didn't say you were coming to Bincheng when you called. Besides, it's not enough to give a surprise, and you even slept on my bed directly?"

Fang Nan took off his clothes and prepared to take a shower with a steady mind, and at the same time made fun of Gao Yuanyuan who was buried in nail polish by the bed.

"Hmph, I'm here to investigate the post, and I'll count you Xiao Nanzi on the way."

"Cha Gang? Thanks to your thinking, since you are Gao Ruanruan in the first year of junior high school, then don't blame Xiao Nanzi for killing all directions tonight and fighting until dawn!"

Gao Yuanyuan was ashamed and annoyed, but also secretly happy "da da da" rushed to Fang Nan, kicked his calf: "I'll fuck you."

Fang Nan chuckled, wiped her suspender skirt to the bottom, and carried her into the bathtub.

After a fierce battle, Fang Nan stroked Gao Yuanyuan's soft body and asked curiously, "What are you doing here?"

Gao Yuanyuan squeezed his hands coquettishly and said, "You are stupid when filming, "Du Lala" is on the road show in Bincheng."

Fang Nan was surprised: "The publisher is not optimistic about "Du Lala"? Why did you choose such a schedule?"

"The schedule is not bad. There will be Labor Day later. I heard from Sister Hua that I originally planned to put it around the summer vacation, but it turned out that your "Assassination of Novelists" is also in the summer vacation, and there will be a gift film "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" later."

"How many days has it been online? How is the box office?"

"It's been three days, and the box office has exceeded 1000 million. The publisher estimates it can break [-] million."

Fang Nan nodded. This result is pretty good for "Du Lala". The investment of this movie is small, and the domestic box office breaks 3 million, which is three times the cost. It is considered a big profit movie.

But when he thought about it, no, when the movie is released, Gao Yuanyuan is on fire, and this will come, maybe there will be a bunch of paparazzi behind him?
Gao Yuanyuan "cut": "What are you afraid of? Could it be that you will not be exposed for the rest of your life? The exposure is just right, and I will visit the class positively."

"Yes, yes, whatever you want."

Fang Nan pushed away Gao Yuanyuan's tender hands that were splashing water, and let it go for fun, why didn't it end.

As for the exposure, Fang Nan didn't bother to care about it. Gao Yuanyuan had long been included in his rumored girlfriends.

He even has an international gossip girlfriend, Han Hyo-joo, who is not afraid of tickle if there are too many lice, it doesn't matter, what do you like.

But wait for the two of them to dry off and go to bed.

Fang Nan still tossed and tossed all night in a vengeful way, and didn't stop until the beautiful woman begged for mercy.

Then, just as he expected, when the two were having dinner in the hotel lobby the next night, they were caught by many media reporters squatting guard.

But before Fang Nan said that they were friends in the same way, Gao Yuanyuan raised his chin and admitted straightforwardly: "Yes, we were together when we filmed "The Legend of Doctor Doctor" in 04. We have been together for five years. .”

Fang Nan looked sad, and looked at Gao Yuanyuan speechlessly, seeing her extremely firm eyes, what else could he say, if he denied it, Gao Yuanyuan would be heartbroken.

No way, he had no choice but to nod under the bright spotlight: "Gao Yuanyuan is my girlfriend, we've been talking for five years!"

(End of this chapter)

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