literary world

Chapter 307 [Fang Gao Lian]

Chapter 307 [Fang Gao Lian]

Fang and Gao admitted their relationship that night.

It spread across the Internet that night.

Zhalang Blog, Zhalang Entertainment, and Zhalang Women's three sites under Zhalang Company have the sensational [Exclusive Trivia: Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan's Five-Year Underground Romance Exposure, Entering the Palace of Marriage Soon] as their titles at the same time, This hot event was reported.

A few seconds of effort at night.

Many portals such as Sohu, Netease, Renren, Penguin, and even the financial and economic channel websites have also shot one after another!

The title is concise and clear - [Fang, Gao Lian! 】

There is not much difference in the content. Gao Yuanyuan visited Fang Nan and was exposed by the reporter of this website during the intimate meal. Afterwards, he generously admitted the relationship.

It wasn't long before a big portal website took the top spot in [Fang Gaolian].

There are also small websites and community channels that find other ways to talk about the process of Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan's acquaintance and love.

After that, the news of Fang and Gao Lian quickly spread to various forums, post bars, and extended to larger official websites.

This night, netizens who stay up late surfing will suddenly find that the entire Internet is full of the latest news about Fang and Gao Lian.

Netizens who stayed up late to play games looked at [Fang, Gao Lian] who frantically swiped the screen on the game chat channel with a dazed expression.

The fame of Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan made this love affair successfully sweep the entire Internet.

Ferment overnight, then wait until daytime.

Fang and Gao's family members, friends, movie fans, fans, colleagues, and the company were all dumbfounded. The love announcement came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

Sure it's not just old hype?

Someone expressed doubts.

After all, "Du Lala's Promotion" starring Gao Yuanyuan, produced by Tangtang Film and Television, is currently showing in theaters.

But this doubt was quickly dispelled by the video released by multiple media.

In the video, Fang Nan, dressed in casual clothes at home, personally admitted Gao Yuanyuan as his real girlfriend, and did not use friends as an excuse to cover up.

This is not over yet.

The paparazzi Gou Lin, who was popular some time ago, jumped out again, and released many pictures of Gao Yuanyuan staying in the No. 28 courtyard with his bag.

[Fang, Gao Lian] was hammered to death, and the whole network went crazy.

Especially after hearing that the two had known each other for eight years and had been in a secret relationship for five years, many people's blood pressure soared.

Some are angry and insulting, some are envious, some are jealous, some are blessed by reason, some are surprised, some are ridiculed, some are sad, and the inner emotions are so rich that the troika can't finish.

Among them, most of them were sad and abused.

Most of these people are fans of Gao Yuanyuan.

The object of the abuse was naturally Fang Nan.

In the eyes of these fans, Fang Nan is an out-and-out monster with four different faces, how can he match up with the goddess Qian Songyi in their hearts.

After the accident, Hu Ge was deprived of the role of Professor Chen by these people.

What's more, the ordinary Fang Nan?

Gao Yuanyuan's female fans scolded Fang Nan for not being worthy of Gao Yuanyuan in terms of image.

Male fans thought that Fang Nan had tarnished their goddess.

Fang Nan, the enemy of life!
The men who were obsessed with Gao Yuanyuan's appearance let out an angry roar.

Some disgusted and abused Fang Nan, and there were also many people who were jealous of Gao Yuanyuan.

Fang Nan's appearance may be a little ordinary.

But he also has many advantages.

In recent years, Fang Nan has frequently appeared on the wealth list, and he is recognized as the fifth son of the diamond king and the son-in-law of the golden turtle.

Fang Nan's reputation is very good, and his status as a great director is naturally a topic of conversation.

So there are as many women who miss him as crucian carp crossing the river.

These women mainly come from the modeling circle, show business circle, and gold diggers.

After all, marrying Fang Nan is no different from marrying into a wealthy family, and Fang Nan is younger and stronger.

Isn't the ultimate goal of mixing in the entertainment and fashion circles is to marry into a wealthy family? Fang Nan's conditions are too good.

Therefore, there are many women who Mai Tai mocked Gao Yuanyuan.

There are many people who abuse, and there are also many insiders and friends who send blessings immediately.

Fang Nan's blog immediately received blessings from Sidan Shuangbing.

Followed by Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, Huang Ze, Chen Kun, Lin Hao and nearly a hundred colleagues in the film and television industry.

Among the hundreds of actors, there are also dozens of singers, and even cross talk and sketch friends.

The most outrageous thing is that there is even a group blessing in the form of a team.

Such as backgammon, 13 swordsmen
After the blessing, there are also many complaints.

Hu Wen, the publicity director of Tang Tang Film and Television, first expressed dissatisfaction, and it is freedom to fall in love as Fang Nan.

But if this love affair was planned and exposed by her, with the current spreading momentum, it would be worth [-] million yuan.

The easiest thing is to save it until the release of "Assassination of Novelists" in the summer, which will add at least [-] million box office to the movie.

As Hu Wen expected, the producers of "Assassination of Novelists" sent Fang Nan's phone greetings full of regret.

Fang Nan was completely numb, after forcing Gao Yuanyuan, the media protection outside the hotel, to get into the car, he was about to hide in the film crew, turned off his mobile phone and never came out again.

But before he could press the red button on the phone, a message from Han Xiaozhou who was far away in South Korea came in.

Han Hyo Joo: Oppa, is it true?
Fang Nan scratched his head, he didn't expect [Fang, Gao Lian] to spread to South Korea so quickly.

What's more, the phone call that should be blamed didn't come, but the phone call that shouldn't have come. He didn't expect this little girl to be so affectionate.

Fang Nan: Xiao Zhou, Miani.

After sending the message, Fang Nan chose to turn off the phone without hesitation.

As Fang Nan entered Qiuzhuang, the security outside Qiuzhuang suddenly increased, and the following media had no choice but to chase after Gao Yuanyuan who was going to the next stop for a road show.

Compared to Fang Nan who was willing to hide in Qiu Zhuang and act like a turtle, Gao Yuanyuan appeared more generous during the road show.

The little woman's posture exuded by Qiao Xiaoyan can be seen at a glance to see the satisfaction and happiness in her heart.

"Who manages your money at home?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "He takes care of big money, I take care of small money."

"What brought you together?"

"From a beautiful accident."

"Can you tell us something?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled narrowly: "That won't work, it's a secret!"

"At home, who does the most housework? Do you eat out or cook at home? Who cooks more and has better food?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said: "He does a lot of housework. I usually take care of the help and eat. He cooks delicious food, so we usually cook at home."

Cai Yinong glanced at the happy Gao Yuanyuan, curled his lips and shouted: "Okay, okay, friends from the media and fans, please ask more questions about the movie "Du Lala's Promotion", we will talk about private matters later. "


Hearing the sound of the engine outside the villa, Zeng Li, who was holding a book under the eaves, pressed the remote control in her hand, watching the BMW outside slowly drive in, she closed the door again, and then walked towards the BMW car.

"You still have time to drink tea and read? The sky above your head has collapsed, and you don't even know?"

Before Zeng Li could help open the door, the door of the BMW's back seat swung open, and Qin Hailu jumped down and covered his head and face.

Zeng Li looked up at the top of her head: "Isn't this good?"

 I am late today because I have something to write, so I will post a 2000-word one first, and I don’t know what to write in the next one, so don’t wait.

(End of this chapter)

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