literary world

Chapter 309 "Parasite" is shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes

Chapter 309 "Parasite" is shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes
Throughout April, [Fang Gao Lian] was the most well-deserved hot topic.

The reports of many mainland paper media and online media made this entertainment news fly across the sea to Xiangjiang, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Most people just eat melons when they see such entertainment news.

Hong Kong girls and Korean media are different.

That was the utmost irony.

Hong Kong girls ridiculed so much because the 28th Academy Awards this year was really miserable.

After "Painted Skin" and "Embroidered Spring Knife" that were supposed to be shortlisted gave up the selection, the only films on the shortlist that can be called masterpieces are "Day and Night in Tianshuiwei" and "Sparrow".

Look at the list of the best films nominated: "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai", "Ip Man", "Yangtze River No. [-]", "Red Cliff", "Keep Talking".

"Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai" with the best reputation among the five films is a film with negligible cost.

Wu Baige's "On the Red Cliff" is indeed a big production.

But when I think of the Cuju competition in the film, and the lines of Mengmeng, you are out of date, I can't help but feel uncomfortable?

Zhou Xingxing's "Yangtze River No. [-]" is not up to standard.

"Keep Calling" is the selection of generals among the dwarves.

The five films shortlisted for the Best Film Award made Hong Kong media and netizens feel sore.

And this year's red carpet is also terrible, the starlight can be described in one word-horrible!
Even though Gao Yuanyuan, who played the leading role in the movie "Intimate", was shortlisted for the Best Actress award, she still chose Li Ding's boyfriend and did not participate in the Academy Awards.

Zhao Yanzi, Zhang Fengyi and others who starred in "Red Cliff" did not enter Hong Kong at all.

The main creators of "Assembly" and "If You Are the One" who were shortlisted for the Best Asian Film Awards also disappeared without a trace.

Even directors such as local filmmakers Zhou Xingxing and Xu Laoguai also excused their absence due to being too busy.

Johnnie To once again taunted and shouted for the Hong Kong Film Awards, saying that he would never participate in the Hong Kong Film Awards without reform.

The starry red carpet, the movies that are not worth mentioning, the Academy Awards are really a joke.

In order to hide their embarrassment, Hong Kong media blamed Fang Nan's retaliation for the catastrophe of the Academy Awards.

What Fang Nan ordered his girlfriend Gao Yuanyuan to give up the red carpet of the Hong Kong Film Awards.

The condition for Fang Nan to agree to direct "Painted Skin" is that "Painted Skin" cannot apply for the Hong Kong Film Awards.

As a result, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Zheng Zidan and others were all absent from the Golden Statue Awards.

The same is true for Tang Tang Film and Television's investment in Mr. Xu's next film.

Zhang Zhen and others in "Embroidered Spring Knife" also signed a contract not to participate in the Academy Award.

Because of the Academy Awards, [Fang, Gao Lian] did not become popular in Xiangjiang.

Hong Kong media and Hong Kong netizens solidly arranged Fang Nan's meal from another starting point.

In the end, the abuse reached its climax after the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Academy Awards, Chen Jia, shouted, "The Academy Awards is the Hong Kong Film Awards."

A year later, mainland netizens and Xiangjiang netizens scolded again and turned the world upside down.

[Fang, Gao Lian] When it spread to South Korea, Fang Nan's treatment changed again, even worse!
Domestic trolls are nothing compared to South Korea.

[Fang, Gao Lian] Appeared in Korea for the first time.

Fang Nan was dubbed a scumbag and a heartbreaker by Korean netizens.

Soon afterwards, a small group of Korean netizens demanded to boycott "Painted Skin", which is currently being screened in South Korea.

And really did.

A movie theater in South Korea had to reduce the number of "Painted Skin" screenings.

After the boycott, some netizens expressed indignation that they should make Fang Nan look good!
The meaning behind the words is to use real personal attacks.

Or go to Huaxia to commit murder.

Thanks to the fact that Han Hyo Joo is not well-known, and he has not personally admitted his relationship, there are not many fans who want to go to extremes.

If it was Jun Ji-hyun, some idiots would dare to do that.

But it's not over.

Strongman, a member of the Korean idol group superjunior, suddenly jumped out on a program to break the news.

When they participated in the Huaxia Migu concert, they were insulted face to face by a Huaxia director surnamed Fang.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Fang Nan could be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest.

Superjunior's new song "sorry, sorry" released in March is becoming popular in Asia. When the group's stars are the strongest, Fang Nan still wants to settle down?

The swear words from superjunior fans and strongman personal fans are like spraying people with shit in their mouths, it stinks, it stinks to heaven!

In the end, even some fans in China were aroused.

Angrily clamoring for Fang Nan to come out and apologize.

Fang Nan was numb.

He just announced his relationship, how could there be such a big disturbance.

But he was resolute and continued to polish the shots of "The Wind".

This meeting really doesn't have time to deal with the framing of the Academy Awards, Super Junior's revelations, and fans' abuse.

On the contrary, Gao Yuanyuan was terribly frightened, and she didn't dare to show her affection any more. She let the media ask her, but never mentioned Fang Nan.

Qiu Zhuang.

As April passed, more than half of the footage of "The Wind" has been completed.

The underground interrogation room also ushered in the last prisoner.

"Xiaoxun, this scene is not easy to act, we have prepared a substitute for you, a child of Lian's family."

In front of an iron chain that was as thick as a child's arm, Fang Nan said to Zhou Xun who had put on makeup on the opposite side and looked at the chain.

In the last scene, Wu Zhiguo played by Huang Bo and Gu Xiaomeng, the old ghost played by Zhou Xun, had another chance to communicate in the basement.

During the period, Wu Zhiguo once again reiterated his sacrifice to protect Gu Xiaomeng from Qiuzhuang safely.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to take the initiative to reveal his old gun identity, and ordered Gu Xiaomeng to resolutely carry out the task.

After Gu Xiaomeng took Wu Zhiguo's cigarette with the Morse code, he left the basement heartbroken.

But when she returned to the room and thought about it carefully, she found that even if she could walk out of Qiuzhuang, she still had no time to notify the exposed organizations outside to evacuate.

Therefore, she begged Li Bing to report herself to Wu Tian, ​​thus forcing Wu Tian to send Wu Zhiguo, who was being persecuted, to the hospital.

Then Wu Zhiguo, who was transferred to the hospital for rescue, used Qin opera to remind the undercover comrades in the hospital.

In the original time and space, there is a bug in this plot.

First of all, how can we be sure that Wu Zhiguo is still alive.

If Wu Zhiguo couldn't survive, Gu Xiaomeng sacrificed himself for nothing.

Secondly, the whole film does not explain that a certain nurse in the hospital is one of his own, and the old ghost's level is too low, and it is impossible to know.

It's Fang Nan's turn.

He will definitely not stage the second BUG again. When the crew moves to Tianjin, he will add a few seconds to the nurse scene.

In addition, during the second meeting between Wu Zhiguo and Gu Xiaomeng in the basement.

Fang Nan also arranged for Wu Zhiguo, who was determined to die, to tell Gu Xiaomeng that so-and-so in the hospital could deliver news at critical times.

As for the first BUG, ​​he did not solve it.

He attributed Wu Zhiguo's ability to survive this brutal persecution to his faith!
Li Ningyu found Wu Tian with Gu Xiaomeng's cigarette case, and Wu Tian hurriedly arranged for Wu Zhiguo, who was already out of shape, to go to the hospital.
While asking the soldiers to take Gu Xiaomeng to the basement.

"I'll do it myself. All the actors don't use doubles. Why should I use doubles? Besides, I'm not defenseless. I'm wearing three pairs of underwear and two pairs of safety pants."

Zhou Xun rejected Fang Nan's offer.

Fang Nan asked again, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, why not sure, don't be mother-in-law, come on."

Zhou Xun raised his arms, signaling to the special actors who played soldiers on both sides to put her on the stage in chains.

"Come on. Xiaoxun, if you can't stand it, speak up quickly."

The two special actors that Fang Nanchong saw nodded, and then nodded to Gao Qunshu: "Let's shoot when you're ready. "The Sound of the Wind" has been filmed so far, and everyone has committed suicide. Don't be sorry."

What he said was true.

"The Sound of the Wind" has only been filming for the Qiu Zhuang scene, and the lead actor who has not yet finished the scene is basically in a state of madness.

Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, Li Bing, Huang Xiaoming, Wang Zhiwen.

Any one of them has made "sacrifices" for this drama.

Li Bing has passed all the consequences, and the torture of the plot has already begun to take medicine for depression.

Huang Bo begged for a real fight.

Huang Xiaoming slapped himself for speaking the Japanese version of Mandarin.

Wang Zhiwen memorized the entire script.

Zhou Xun is trying to abuse himself.

Amid Zhou Xun's screams, Fang Nan unconsciously shook his head.

He enjoys and cherishes this kind of time very much. In a few years, such a good actor will not be easy to find.

The scene of the chain was filmed three times, and Gao Qunshu called it out.

Zhou Xun, who was unkempt and unkempt, was hugged down, but his legs were tightly closed, and tears filled his eyes.

"The sides of the thighs are burning!" she said to Fang Nan, who couldn't laugh or cry.

Fang Nan said distressedly, "Take a break?"

"Let's finish shooting. We should have continued shooting just now, otherwise the emotion will be gone."

"Success, then continue."

The scene where Gu Xiaomeng was abused and shot to death lasted nearly 5 minutes. After the entire filming, Zhou Xun could no longer stand up, mentally and physically overdrawn.

With a gunshot from Wang Tianxiang, all the scenes of "The Wind" in Qiuzhuang ended.

late at night.

Fang Nan led a group of staff to install the shooting equipment overnight and rushed to Tianjin, another studio.

He didn't follow the car, and flew to the capital first.

Back in the capital, Fang Nan's family didn't go back, and after a long detour in the urban area, he finally went to Yonghe Villa in disguise.

[Fang, Gao Lian] After the exposure, the daily phone calls between him and Zeng Li were cut off.

He is guilty, Zeng Li should be angry.

So he thought, no matter what, he had to face to face and plead guilty in order to restore a broken heart.

When we got home, we still haven't seen Zeng Li.

Fang Nan first noticed the strange eyes of the two aunts at home.

When I went upstairs to see Zeng Li, I panicked even more, she was actually reading Buddhist scriptures.

Fang Nan snatched the scriptures, and said anxiously: "If you feel unhappy, come to me, beat me and scold me!"

Zeng Li is only 33 years old, in her prime.

The two have only been together for a few years, and the child is less than three years old. If Zeng Li puts on cassock, his crime will be too great.

"Why are you so nervous? When did you come back?"

Fang Nan wiped the sweat from his brow: "Don't worry about anything else, just promise me that you won't have any messy thoughts. If you don't care about me, you have to care about Xiao Zhuo."

"Furthermore, I assure you that no matter where Yuanyuan and I go, your weight in my heart will not be lower than her."

Zeng Li understood, Fang Nan misunderstood the Buddhist scriptures she used for self-cultivation, she was amused in her heart, and glanced at Fang Nan calmly: "Continue."

"Continue?" Fang Nan scratched his head in confusion.

Leaning slightly, with a flash of inspiration, he said again: "No matter how many children Yuanyuan and I have in the future, Xiao Zhuo will share the property with them equally."

"In addition, I will find a suitable opportunity to officially announce that Xiaozhuo is my daughter, and that you and I were once married."


Fang Nan rolled his eyes, and said again: "By the way, you are the same. In the future, if I encounter an accident and die first, your property won't be less than Gao Yuanyuan's. When I'm done with this part, stand face to face. will"

For Fang Nan, money and property have never been nothing.

Even if he is penniless now, it is impossible for him to be short of money in his life.

So if he could get Zeng Li back with money, and let her stop thinking about it and give up this relationship, he would be very happy.

"What nonsense, what nonsense."

Zeng Li's eyes were red, she stood up and slapped Fang Nan's chest, sobbing and crying.

For her, today was a beautiful accident.

She didn't care about Fang Nan's money, but her position in Fang Nan's heart.

And it wasn't until just now that she realized that she occupies half of the position in the heart of this man who doesn't like to talk about love.

As for the rest, she didn't care much when she got married and divorced.

Now, don't care anymore.

"Dong dong."

"Wang Wang."

Fang Nan was soothing Zeng Li's emotions when Zong Wanzhuo and her bodyguard Jin Mao squeezed in through the crack of the door.


The little girl was very happy to see Fang Nan, and ran over with her short arms outstretched. Fang Nan hugged him with an "eh".

"Baji" kissed his daughter, Fang Nan said seriously to Zeng Li who was wiping the corners of his eyes: "Lizi, give me some time, you two will come to the front of the stage, then our family of three can go to the playground and the zoo , to travel around the world."

"Dad, do you want to watch deer with me and mother?"

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile: "There will be a day, I promise, Xiao Zhuo will not grow up by then!"

I spent a very warm night at Yonghe Villa.

The next day.

Fang Nan went back to lie down in No. 28 courtyard, Gao Yuanyuan danced happily when he saw him come back.

This month, she is really refreshed on happy occasions.

Finally, she didn't have to hide her love affair with Fang Nan, and she could freely enter and leave No. 28 Courtyard.

In terms of career, she is also smooth sailing.

"Du Lala's Promotion" became the box office champion of love-themed movies in one fell swoop.

She was also shortlisted for the Best Actress Award at the 28th Academy Awards for her leading role in "Intimacy".

Although he didn't go to the red carpet and didn't win an award, the nomination is also a strength.

At the same time, Anxi, the director of "Intimate", sent her an audition invitation for the female lead of "Full Moon Hennessy".

The double harvest of love and career made her so happy that she took off immediately.

"You want to crush me to death."

Fang Nan rubbed Yuan Gungun in his hands, and he didn't expect to enjoy a French kiss the next moment.

The wet kiss was finally interrupted by a series of urgent bells.

"Fang, haha. We're in. The Organizing Committee of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival announced the list of 20 films shortlisted for the main competition. "Parasite" successfully entered the main competition."

Mao Jianguo laughed loudly and happily on the phone, but Fang Nan greeted him with a plain "I see" and a series of busy tones.

As the winner of the 06 Academy Awards, Fang Nan is confident that he will be shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes.

What's more, his work is "Parasite".

The only bad thing is that the production region of "Parasite" is South Korea.

What the hell, if God opened his eyes and took the Palme d'Or, he would probably be sprayed into a sieve by domestic netizens!

(End of this chapter)

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