literary world

Chapter 310 You are too small

Chapter 310 You are too small
"The Sound of the Wind" does not have many scenes in Tianjin.

The main account is that Wu Zhiguo assassinated Takeda who was about to return to China on the pier.

There are not many scenes, but the scenes are big.

Thousands of extras played dock workers and Japanese devils, and they prepared for a whole week.

To gather so many people so quickly, the local leaders of Jin City also helped a lot.

A large part of the thousands of ensemble performers are from local college students, and the May Day holiday can be regarded as a lonely place.

But Fang Nan knew how to be a man. He overpaid his wages, ordered the best lunch box, and promised that after "The Wind" was released, the students who participated in the filming would get a free movie ticket with their ID cards and student ID cards.

That's it.

The last big scene of "The Wind" started filming on Tianjin Wharf.

"Students on the boat pay attention to safety, stop playing and whispering, and once you hear me calling action later, everyone will walk to the designated position in line with the queue."

It was drizzling, and the executive director Gao Qunshu stood in the rain curtain and yelled hoarsely into the loudspeaker.

Looking at Fang Nan again, he was hiding in the canopy, frowning and flipping through the thick stack of documents.

Beside him is Yan Hong's slightly confused face.

Not long after she let out the rumor that Fang Nan would be doing a variety show again, many TV stations across the country almost exploded their calls to her and Fang Nan Culture.

Among them are CCTV, Blueberry Channel, Tomato Channel, Lychee Channel and other domestic first-line satellite TV consultation telephones.

What type of variety show?

Can you get the high ratings and advertising sponsorship like "running man"?
When did you see the swatches?
Budget price per episode?

Yan Hong was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to ask.

Fang Nan only asked her to be responsible for spreading the news, and did not disclose anything related to the new variety show at all.

For the sake of the company's 2009 financial report and the amount of her year-end bonus, Yan Hong boldly called Fang Nan who was still in the midst of a public opinion turmoil.

Then she received a task that made her scratch her head.

Fang Nan asked her to collect a series of materials such as local county magistrates, illustrations, cuisine introductions, productions, and so on.

Yan Hong was stunned by the strange task.

She really didn't know what Fang Nan was going to do. If the new variety show had something to do with food, Yan Hong thought about it, but she didn't quite believe it.

She can't get a 10-minute episode of a food show at all in her mind. This thing is too monotonous, and the ghost is willing to watch it?

Learning to cook fresh dishes to please your girlfriend is even more impossible.

With Fang Nan's straight masculine personality, it is impossible to expect him to please women.

"So? Brother Nan, what are you using these materials for?" Yan Hong couldn't help but finally asked.

Fang Nan glanced at the monitor: "No nonsense, it's for the new variety show."

"Is it really a food variety show? How to do it? It's not fresh." Yan Hong was puzzled.

"What is a food variety show? It should be called a food variety show. To be precise, it is a documentary about food. I still have to think about it. You go back. You don't know how to make it. I tell you that these are just playing the piano."

"Okay, I'm back in Beijing, does the new variety show have a name? I can get rid of those TV stations."

"The name is tentatively set to be "Oil Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea", a program about food, don't say too much."

"Crack clap."

"Director Fang, the outside is ready, and the filming will start immediately."

Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Let's take a picture, I have received the picture here."

Putting down a pile of documents, a uniform marching team appeared on the monitor. In the rain, a man in a raincoat walked to the edge of Wutian with a cigarette in his mouth.


As soon as he sat down with his legs apart, Takeda, who was in shackles, pulled the cigarette from his mouth, and after lighting his own cigarette, Takeda said:

"Where are you from, Taiwan, Saigon? Not Saigon, Aihemaru doesn't go that way"

Wu Zhiguo kept silent and took a breath of cigarette in a muffled voice.

"What's the use of increasing troops now, this battle seems to be over early, I'm a criminal, but I'm a little better than you, I'm going home"

Wu Tian was still asking familiarly, but Wu Zhiguo remained indifferent.

Leaning slightly, Wu Zhiguo threw away the cigarette butt, stood up, and "slapped" Wu Tian's shoulder with one hand, showing his shriveled lips and a stern face: "I'll... see you on your way!"

Immediately, the blade sliced ​​across Wu Tian's throat, and Wu Zhiguo turned and left before the blood spurted out.

"Gao Dao, Gao Dao, here's another one, a close-up of Xiao Ming, so that he will suddenly realize before he dies."

Fang Nan gave an order, and the scene was shot again four or ten minutes later.

Huang Xiaoming was not bad, he showed his acting skills all his life and gave Fang Nan a look of enlightenment.

"Director Gao, the last shot is over. I would like to inform everyone that "The Wind" took 57 days to shoot, and it was completed ahead of schedule."

After Fang Nanchong finished speaking on the walkie-talkie, the outside suddenly boiled.

For ordinary staff, the completion of a film is equivalent to completing a period of work, earning a sum of money, and then going on vacation and rest.

Naturally happy.

Fang Nan was not so lucky.

When he comes down, he still needs to edit the film and supervise the dubbing of the actors. There are a lot of things.

"Director Fang, come out for a moment. Producers Han, Zhao and others brought the media over to take a promotional photo of the finale."

"I'll be out right now."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Fang Nan opened the canopy, took an umbrella and walked out.

"It's finished ahead of time? I want to take a few photos of the shooting to make some conversations."

After Zhao Zhu walked away with the movie channel reporter, Mr. Han took the initiative to speak.

But Fang Nan saw something was wrong.

There were too many people here, and Mao Jianguo, Jiangzhou, Yu Dong, and several acquaintances from Shanghai Film Group were behind.

At a loss, Fang Nan ushered a few people into the canopy. Fang Nan wondered, "Mr. Han, you guys have something to do. What's the big deal for you to go out together?"

"Since your side is over, find a place to eat and talk." Mr. Han said.

Fang Nan nodded, told his assistant not to forget his personal belongings, and walked out together with a few people.

When we arrived at the hotel, we drank a few drinks, and a few people talked about business.

It was only then that Fang Nan realized that he had caused a lot of trouble recently, and his personal reputation was in a mess.

It was so bad that the producers of "Assassination of Novelists" were afraid of affecting the box office of the movie.

Therefore, Jiangzhou and Yu Dong discussed and decided to ask Mr. Han to come forward to persuade Fang Nan to go on the show to clarify, or to be soft, in short, to restore a little word of mouth.

As for why Yudong and Jiangzhou wanted to recruit Mr. Han.

Naturally, he didn't want to offend Fang Nan, a director who could make money.

As long as "Assassination of Novelists" doesn't fail at the box office, they will never choose to offend Fang Nan.

"Damn, you think so highly of those kids, what can a fan of an idol group do to affect the box office of a movie?"

This sudden forced palace made Fang Nan a little dumbfounded.

When will traffic stars affect movie box office?

The fans are so powerful, the 85 Xiaohua, idol singers, Internet celebrities of later generations have already replaced movie actors.

But it's no wonder that Mr. Han and Jiangzhou's gang haven't had this insight yet.

They only knew that there were a lot of netizens who scolded Fang Nan outside, and "Assassination of Novelists" was very dangerous.

"Don't take it seriously, it will definitely have an impact. We have done statistics on the 2.9 million box office of "Curse of the Golden Flower", and Jay Chou's fans and fans have contributed at least 5000 million."

"The cost of "Assassination of Novelists" is too high, we should try our best not to give up any box office."

After Yu Dong finished persuading, Mao Jianguo persuaded again: "Fang, do you know why Marvel movies are more popular than Warner's DC movies in recent years?"

"There's a reason for the quality of the movies, but mostly it's because there are more fans of the Marvel characters."

"Sometimes we have to admit that fans are an amazing group."

"So I think you need to clarify, because we are going to Cannes soon, and after the trip to Cannes, "Parasite" will be available in theaters."

Jiang Zhou: "On the show, I don't want you to apologize to them. You can simply clarify the misunderstanding with the Korean Super Junior members. It doesn't matter if it's true or not."

"By the way, let's clear up the misunderstanding with the Golden Statue Awards. We, the Emperor, will communicate with the Golden Statue Awards. In the future, if you want to participate, you can participate. If you don't want to participate, you won't miss a trophy."

After they finished talking in a hurry, they all looked at Fang Nan.

This made Fang Nan very depressed. In order to live up to the hard work of these capitalists, he nodded happily and said, "Yes, you can arrange it. Let me just say a few words. Don't arrange too many programs. I am very busy. Time keeps explaining."

He didn't expect that he would be coerced by capital one day.

But expecting him to please others is obviously overthinking.

He just finished working on "The Wind", and he has a little time to rectify the gang of brats who have been clamoring for a long time.

Yu Dong grinned and said, "We have arranged for you two of the hottest golden programs nowadays, one is CCTV's "Interview with Yang Lan". "

"One is Phoenix Satellite TV's "Qiang Qiang Threesome", targeting public opinion in Hong Kong, Taiwan, overseas and other places."

Fang Nan laughed: "You guys are quite considerate, Cheng, when will it be recorded, it's best to hurry up, there are 10 days until the Cannes opening."

"Speaking of Cannes, I will inform you two of one thing in advance."

President Han looked at Fang Nan and Mao Jianguo.

Fang Nan had an ominous premonition: "What's the matter?"

"The finished film of "Parasite" has been reviewed and cannot obtain a domestic screening permit."


Now it was Mao Jianguo's turn to jump.

"Parasite" has almost no violent scenes and no pornographic scenes. He couldn't figure out why it couldn't be released.

Mr. Han cast a disgusted glance at Mao Jianguo, who was blushing and had a thick neck, and Fang Nan said, "What is the reason? As a director, you know more or less, but the bureau still asked me to tell you what they mean."

"The leader's original words are: As an outstanding literary and art worker in China, when the country's economy is taking off, you should not sell anxiety to the public through your personal works."

Fang Nan laughed: "Trafficking anxiety? Is it so serious?"

"The situation is like this. I still say the same thing, you are still young and have a bright future, so don't be too persistent."

Fang Nan nodded, not worrying about "Parasite" not being able to land in domestic theaters, he ate and chatted with a few people and went back to the hotel.

The next day.

As soon as he got home, the hosts of "Yang Lan Interview Record" and "Qiang Qiang Threesome" sent him recording invitations.

Presumably, Yu Dong and the others were really in a hurry, and they didn't hesitate to spend money and contacts to force him to jump in line.

Now that he agreed, Fang Nan wouldn't go back on his word. As soon as he put his luggage away, he drove Gao Yuanyuan straight to CCTV.

The host, studio, and choreographer are all old acquaintances, and they also understand the procedures. After a little greeting, they went straight to the stage.

The purpose of Yu Dong and the others arranging Fang Nan to appear on the show is to let Fang Nan clarify the misunderstanding with the Korean idol group and calm down the anger of domestic fans.

But CCTV can't be so tasteless, the program team set the theme for this program - talk to Fang Nan about pan-cultural phenomena.

Pan-culture has become more popular in recent years, and has formed a deformed trend in society.

Those who love to catch up on meals say it is food culture.

Those who love to drink call it the wine culture.

Those who love to dance are said to be entertainment culture.

Those who fabricate prostitute novels are said to be digging "prostitute culture".

Those who sell green onions say it is the onion culture, and all kinds of strange cultures are popular in the market.

"Director Fang, as a great film director and a director who is at the forefront of fashion, what do you think of the current pan-cultural phenomenon?"

“It’s not been a year or two since Pan-Culture emerged, and it’s been reinvented three or four years ago. Don’t take it too seriously. As time goes by, these dross will be thrown into the trash by latecomers,”

"It seems that young people now like to wear hip-hop pants with particularly fat trousers. In fact, this kind of pants was popular as early as the mid-to-late 80s. Later, they were abandoned by the new generation of young people and picked up by the current young people. But no matter what , it will never become mainstream culture.”

"So, the so-called pan-culture will disappear on its own initiative."

"Of course, if pan culture cannot become mainstream culture, it will be abandoned; if it becomes mainstream culture, it means that something is wrong in our world."

"Because people's cognition and three views are distorted, but obviously, the public's three views cannot accept any pan-culture."

Yang Lan smiled and said, "But our country's wine culture has indeed lasted for many years."

"You are wrong. Before pan-culture started, we didn't have a wine culture, and I believe that many young people will hate the so-called wine culture in the future."

"Hopefully we can see that day come."

After successfully ending, Yang Lan said again: "After talking about pan culture, let's talk about the fan circle culture that has suddenly become popular."

"Speaking of fan circle culture, I want to say sorry to you, because you have been attacked by fan circle culture recently, have you been personally affected by this fan circle culture? Has your mentality changed, such as irritability, irritability, etc. .”

Fang Nan smiled and shook his head in the audience's applause: "Of course not. The only ones who can make me angry are the actors who performed extremely badly on the set. A bunch of jerks and sissies want to make me angry. You are too naive, and you are too high-spirited." They're gone."

"But the two words you just used are very rude, and I have reason to suspect that your mentality has been affected."

"You're wrong, I feel unworthy of idol groups that some little girls and boys like in China!"

"Why can't they like such idols, they have their right to choose."

Fang Nan changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"It is true that they have the right to choose who they like, but this kind of liking is likely to have many bad effects in the future."

"If you think about it, when our next generation, more teenagers and girls become indisputable because they like this culture, all of them put on makeup and show off their heads, will you feel fear in your heart?"

"If my future son becomes like this, I will definitely go crazy."

"What should a boy look like? He should look normal, but he must have a masculine face, a majestic uprightness between his brows, standing like a pine and sitting like a bell!"

"Boy, if a man scratches his head and winks at every turn, he's a bitch. If the men in the world become like this, the world will be over!"

Yang Lan: "Will it be a little sensational?"

"It's not sensational at all. I even thought about writing a report and asking the leaders to limit the export of Korean idol culture. growing up."

"But you also have movie fans. Are movie fans a kind of fandom culture?"

"I think it's different. Many of my fans will accuse me of bad filming after watching my movies. They won't attack someone crazily, and I don't want to see them attack others."

"Have you ever scolded a member of the hottest group in South Korea?"

Fang Nan smiled: "At that time, I wanted to give him two slaps, but later I thought it was wrong to hit someone and broke the law, so I let him go."

Yang Lan: "Why? You should be meeting for the first time."

"Well, the event was held at the Beijing Exhibition Hall. At that time, in order to welcome the Olympics, the exhibition hall was repairing the door, and opened a small door just enough for fans to line up to enter."

"As a result, their car went to the wrong door, and they were blocked by fans. It was extremely hot in summer, and then that member ran out and stood on the roof of the car and cursed, full of obscenities."

"If it weren't for the old Ma Mawei to stop me, I would have gone up to argue at that time. Later, I met them backstage, and I would let their noisy gang get out."

"I don't even bother to talk to these rotten fish and rotten shrimps. What kind of idol group is popular this year, and I don't know if it will exist next year. I'm so busy!"

Fang Nan raised his legs with disdain, causing the audience to burst into laughter.

Finished the recording of "Interview with Yang Lan".

The next day, Fang Nan rushed to Huairou's studio to record Phoenix Satellite TV's "Qiang Qiang Threesome".

After drinking three or two drinks on the show, he mocked the Academy Awards again.

"You said that the Academy Awards are aimed at filmmakers outside Hong Kong, but what about the Oscars?"

"We all know that, except for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", no domestic film has been nominated for an Oscar for best foreign language film."

"And "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won the award because the director Ang Lee is from the United States, and there are also factors from the Hollywood producers."

"If you are lucky enough to compete for an Oscar, and you are targeted, will you be willing to give up the Oscar like you gave up the Academy Award?"

Du Wentao raised a very difficult question.

Fang Nan took a sip from the teacup filled with red wine, and said without hesitation, "I won't give up."

Dou Wentao looked confused: "Then you are treating them differently. If you can forgive Oscar, why can't you forgive the Academy Awards?"

"You are wrong. If there is a day, I am not trying to forgive Oscar. I want to prove that no matter how Hollywood targets me and us Chinese, I am capable of slapping them in the face."

Du Wentao smiled and spread his hands: "Then why don't you slap the Academy Awards in the face? The nature is the same."

Fang Nan shook his head and laughed: "Wen Tao, you are out of character. Why didn't I do this to the Golden Statue Award? Because I regard the Golden Statue Award as my own country's award, and if I hit it on the face, it would really be a mess .”

"This is the pattern? I admit that my pattern is small. This is also the best heartfelt speech I have ever heard."

Du Wentao smiled wryly at the other two guests.

(End of this chapter)

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