literary world

Chapter 311 Outstanding Achievement

Chapter 311 Outstanding Achievement
In order to prevent Yu Dong and others from angrily knocking on the door.

The day after Fang Nan finished recording CCTV's "Yang Lan Interview Record" and Phoenix Satellite TV's "Qiang Qiang Threesome", he packed his luggage and flew to Shangri-La, Yunnan with Gao Yuanyuan, where he hid in the mountains.


It has the reputation of paradise on earth.

The sky here is blue and the clouds are clean.

Call it a modern version of Xanadu.

Snow mountains, forests, grasslands, canyons, rainbows, starry sky, ancient cities.

Everywhere is breathtakingly beautiful.

Let people linger.

But Fang Nan came to Shangri-La not only for fun, but also for work.

Therefore, after playing happily for three days, he and Gao Yuanyuan chose to part ways.

Gao Yuanyuan went to Songzanlin Temple to pray for the two, while Fang Nan followed a local mother and daughter into the mountains.

His job is to use a high-definition camera to photograph matsutake growing in the mountains.

Roasted matsutake.

It was the first dish he prepared for the first episode of the first season of "A Bite of China".

After that, there are Braised Spring Bamboo Shoots, Pickled Vegetable Dongshun Tofu Soup, Preserved Meat and Pickled Duxian, Pork Ribs and Lotus Root Soup, Pepper and Salt Lotus Root Clip, Hot and Sour Lotus Root Diced, Fried Braised Fish Head Soaked Cake, Fried Baked Mackerel, Pickled Fish, Squirrel mandarin fish, stewed fish.

There are as many as 12 dishes in one episode, and if you want to shoot all of them, you need to travel across several provinces.

It was impossible for Fang Nan to spend his energy on documentaries, and he didn't have that much time.

All he has to do is take out a sample of a few minutes, so that other directors can follow suit.

On the first day, high-definition cameras recorded the growing environment of matsutake, and told the audience a little knowledge - matsutake with open lotus pods cannot be eaten.

The next day, Fang Nan used his fame to successfully enter the kitchen of a local five-star hotel and recorded a chef's process of making roasted matsutake.

On the third day, I took to the streets to record other local delicacies.

On the fourth day, record the beauty of the local streets.

On the fifth day, I searched for information about roasted matsutake, and learned that Korea and Japan are very fond of this dish.

On the sixth day, return to Beijing.

On the seventh day, I integrated materials, copywriting, dubbed myself, and edited a sample of roasted matsutake that lasted about 5 minutes.

Then public opinion broke out again.

Fang Nan, the editor and director of "Yang Lan Interview", is not bad. Fang Nan's careless use of the word "sissy" was cut out, and the boy was kept.

But even so, he will inevitably be blasted again.

The comment section of his personal blog has grown to the point where even outsiders can't look directly at it.

Several friends in the circle advised him to delete it, or close the blog.

Cai Yinong also urged him to hand over the blog to the company for management.

Fang Nan didn't agree, so what's the point of such a trivial matter, let the bullets fly for a while.

He himself should eat and drink, watch the clouds roll quietly and calmly, smile and watch the flowers bloom and fall.

Sure enough, after the two programs were fermented for another two days, public opinion has changed.

Because of his personal voice, he expressed his attitude towards fan circle culture.

Many people in the circle who are not used to the culture of the fan circle first stood up, and there were dozens of stars and directors who spoke out.

There are hot-tempered actors and directors who directly scold the leader of the idol group like a woman, disgusting!
Lin Hao, Xu Shanzheng, and Huang Bo even co-produced a short video of several tens of seconds, laughing at the wrong birth.

There were even more netizens who believed Fang Nan's story.

And someone who was at the scene took out photos to prove that Fang Nan was not lying.

They also said that because some members of Super Junior were of poor quality, they were smashed with drink bottles, and the crowd was very excited.

The matter was not over, and someone dug up the sporadic news about this incident that year.

Now the truth becomes clear.

Tang Tang Film and Television, which has been silent for a long time, held its first media conference.

[Super Junior member Qiangren must publicly apologize for fabricating lies, otherwise Tang Tang Film and Television will sue this member for destroying Director Fang's reputation. 】

[We use the Internet police to find netizens who wantonly abused Fanggui's several accounts online. They must apologize publicly, otherwise they will be sued for infringement of reputation rights. 】

At the same time, Hu Wen published the stamped law firm's prosecution documents.

Needless to say, this thing was quite bluffing in 09.

Many netizens were so scared that they silently deleted the blog.

The popularity of "the first case of being prosecuted for insulting people online" has soared.

Seeing the enthusiasm, the media and portal websites rushed to find people in the industry to talk about the export of Korean idol culture and the culture of fan circles.

The culture of the fan circle has become a big hit in this time period in 09.

After arguing for several days, the culture and education departments spoke out.

Culture: You should not blindly cater to foreign cultures, but have your own cultural confidence.

Education: Set up excellent role models for young people and treat idol culture rationally.

at the same time.

The General Administration also suspended all of Super Junior's concerts in June due to technical reasons.

At this moment, many people suddenly realized that Fang Nan didn't seem to be a young man who was slaughtered by others.

He either doesn't make a move, or if he does, he will be ruthless. Not only does he want an apology, but he also cuts off the money of Super Junior, a boy group under South Korea's SM.

Many people were deceived by him, thinking that he was just a simple director.

Fang Nan sneered, he didn't have much background, but it was stupid enough to think that he was as white as a piece of paper.

Similar to the official five-one project award, he doesn't know how much he has won.

SM Group is in a hurry.

A vice president asked for Fang Nan's cell phone number from Li Jinxiao.

Fang Nan was packing his things and was busy catching a flight to France, so he didn't have much time to talk to him.

However, I still disgusted the other party with a few words:
You sm group is full of supercilious white-eyed wolf?

How did Girls’ Generation, the popular girl group in your company, become so popular?

Without the two sentences "GEGEGEG, babybaby" I provided, how could Girls' Generation make so much money for SM?
Putting down the phone, Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan: "Why don't you go to France with me for two more days?"

"If you don't go, you will come and go for more than 10 days. It's better to recharge your batteries at home and wait to join the group."

Fang Nan smiled happily: "It's up to you, then I'm leaving."

All the way to the airport, security check boarding, boarding the passenger plane, Fang Nan strolled to the first class cabin, and winked at Zeng Li who was holding the child.

This trip to Europe was not only to attend the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, but he also went to England to meet Zeng Li's family.

"Hey, Fang, it's about to take off, don't you sit down yet."

"Immediately." Fang Nan looked over Mao Jianguo and looked at Liu Qianqian inside.

"Parasite" has two teams participating in the Cannes Film Festival.

In the first group, Lee Jin Hyo flew from South Korea with Song Kang Hao, Han Ga In, Lim Yoon Ah, and Park Chan Wook.

In the first wave, he, Mao Jianguo, and Liu Qianqian flew from the capital.

It's okay to fly, but the members make Fang Nan feel awkward.

He and Liu Qianqian haven't said a word since the accidental union in the hotel last time, and he didn't know how to start the conversation this time.

Urged by the stewardess, Fang Nan hesitated to sit down beside Liu Qianqian.

"The filming of "Those Years" is over, how do you feel about this film?"

Liu Qianqian didn't raise her head, and said in a neutral tone, "It's okay."

"Why didn't your mother follow this time?"

"Ask my mother."

Fang Nan was embarrassed, but still bit the bullet and said, "Your investment of 50 US dollars has made a profit. Elon Musk, an old boy, has received an order of 16 billion US dollars from NASA for his space exploration."

Talking after Liu Qianqian, it's not that he's cheap, it's that he really feels sorry.

If it were another actress in the circle, he would have dismissed her with just one role.

The one next to him is different, after all, he took human blood.

On the contrary, he made a solemn promise that he would make Liu Qianqian an international superstar.

But who would believe it, Fang Nan himself didn't know how many years it would take to fulfill this promise.

So Liu Qianqian's attitude was a little colder, and he could accept it.

Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan a disgusted look: "You're fine, if you're fine, I'm going to sleep for a while."

Before boarding the plane today.

She thought about forgiving Fang Nan.

Her old mother said it well, what Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan announced was their relationship, not their marriage, so if you like it, go for it.

Even if you don't take the initiative to fight for it, it is normal for the entertainment industry to split and reunite.

Liu Qianqian thought about it carefully, and felt that what her mother said made sense.

As for the first blood.

It doesn't matter if the first blood is gone, because the one that was taken away was the one he had liked a few years ago, and he missed Fang Nan.

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she should take advantage of this opportunity to go to France to restore the previous relationship with Fang Nan.

At least be a colleague.

Just then, she saw Zeng Li and Zong Wanzhuo.

Then, her little head started buzzing.

Fang Nan and Zeng Li's mother and daughter appeared on the same plane. If it was an accident, Liu Qianqian would not believe it.

Since it wasn't an accident, are they borrowing to travel abroad, or are they going to see Sister Lizi's British family together?
Fang Nan and Sister Li Zi are inseparable.

Or not at all.

How about the divorce certificate?

At that moment, Liu Qianqian realized something, struggled for a moment, and then felt that she couldn't accept it, Fang Nan was definitely a scumbag.

Ever since, she lost the meaning of greeting Fang Nan with a smile.

It would be nice not to smash his head with a hammer, and greet him with a smile?

"Go to bed quickly, so I won't be uncomfortable."

After slandering Liu Qianqian, Fang Nan tilted his head and looked at Mao Jianguo on the other side of the aisle.

"After arriving in France, I have some personal matters to deal with, and it will take two days to get there."

"Are you not going to the opening red carpet?"

"Not participating."

"Brother Nan, why are you going? You have to make your debut in front of the Cannes judges, which will help you win the prize later." Chu Peijun and Hu Wen said in unison.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously: "I just know Shu Qi, what's the show, I'll say hello to her when I return to France, let's forget about the other judges."

Ask the Cannes judges if they have helped a certain film win the award.

Needless to say, there must be.

Judges are human beings, too.

It is natural for several judges to strive for good awards for their own country's films.

What should be respected and worthy of art, the best should be selected from the best, and no personal feelings should be allowed. These are all illusions.

The reason why it did not arouse great public opinion is that the three major European companies have always been recognized.

In fact, it is because the films that can be shortlisted for the main competition unit have proved to be of impeccable quality.

It is understandable that any work wins an award.

Therefore, every year when the judges of the three major European film festivals discuss which work will be awarded which award, the judges will quarrel.

Speaking of it, the judges of the three major European film festivals every year are the real masters.

Great judges can tear up the best awards.

For example, in 2006, at the 56th Berlin Film Festival, Shi Nansheng fired all his firepower and successfully won the Golden Bear Award for Fang Nan and the Film Critics Award for "Tuya's Marriage".

For example, in 1999, at the 56th Venice Film Festival, Maggie Cheung presented in Chinese, French, and English, and won the Golden Lion Award for Zhang Yimou.

Furthermore, in 2007, at the 57th Venice Film Festival, as the chairman of the jury, Zhang Yimou lobbied several major judges for seven hours, and won the Golden Lion Award for Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution".

In the original time and space, in 2014, at the 64th Berlin Film Festival, the judge Tony Leung won a Golden Bear Award and a Silver Bear Award for "Fireworks in the Day", with outstanding contributions.

Don't look at him as bored, he can help at critical times.

In addition to the above and others, Ang Lee tore off the Silver Bear Award for Best Screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival for Chief Jia's "A Touch of Sin".

In addition, Kong Li and others also have a strong record.

It was Zhao Yanzi who also won the best actor for Duan Yihong at the Tokyo Film Festival.

Zhang Aijia won the Best Actress Award at the Berlin Film Festival for Manshen.

It can be said that the Chinese judges really contributed a lot in the three major European film festivals.

I usually live in the nest, but when I go outside, I still help myself a lot.

Even if Fang Nan was a judge one day, and Feng Dapao, Chen Kaige and others brought their works to the competition, he would certainly not hesitate to take part in the competition.

The plane landed successfully in France.

After Fang Nan waved goodbye to Mao Jianguo and Liu Qianqian, he found the mother and daughter in the terminal building and started to transfer planes.

But this trip was much easier. Fang Nan carried the little girl on his lap and flew happily all the way to England.

The great mother and her youngest daughter live in Edinburgh, which is the seventh largest city in the UK and borders England.

The work of Zeng Yan and his wife is okay, with an annual income of 10 pounds, and Zeng's mother is responsible for raising their children.

Seeing Fang Nan, Zeng Mu had complicated feelings.

This son-in-law deceived her family so badly, but her eldest daughter was so determined, she couldn't get rid of him, so she could only hug her three-year-old granddaughter and kiss him again and again.

The purpose of Fang Nan's visit this time is very simple, to make amends.

And gave a lot of promises.

What guarantees that Zeng Li's mother and daughter will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, that Zong Wanzhuo will be allocated his property, etc.
Speaking of this, Zeng Mu has nothing to say.

The only thing that makes her regret is that she may have no face to return to China in this life.

Fang Nan thought that there was no need, as long as the mother-in-law stayed for a few years, she would find that divorce was as simple and rough as drinking water.

"Then you stay here for a while longer? Then go back to China with me, or go back by yourself?"

In the evening, after finishing the business, Fang Nan squeezed the softness and asked Zeng Li.

Zeng Li patted Fang Nan's restless rough hand: "I'll definitely go back before you, Xixi Nap is still open."

"The teahouse is just for you to kill and kill time, you really treat it as a business."

"I'm your canary, right? The golden house hides the baby, right?"

Fang Nan was depressed: "That's not what it means. In short, don't be too tired and enjoy life, understand?"

"Why don't you stop and enjoy life." Zeng Li gave Fang Nan a white look.

"I'm enjoying life, but it's different from the life you enjoy. What I enjoy is the process of doing one thing to the extreme."

"How can you be the ultimate?"

Fang Nan thought for a while, then grinned and said, "White people, black people, people from our own country, foreigners, let me know if you see me, Fang Nan, a great international director! Are there any movies he has made?"

Zeng Li was speechless, butt pouted: "Go aside, let me sleep."

"Don't, come again, I'm flying to France tomorrow morning."

As Fang Nan spoke, he moved straight into action, his posture was just right, very sour!
(End of this chapter)

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