literary world

Chapter 312 Cannes Trivia

Chapter 312 Cannes Trivia
The 62nd Cannes Film Festival opens on May 5.

Because Fang Nan went to the UK for a trip, he set foot on the seaside town of Cannes on the 15th.

Coming out of Nice Airport, he took a taxi and went straight to the apartment villa rented by the crew. What he saw and heard along the way made him sigh the success of Cannes and the charm of the movie.

For the arrival of the new Cannes, the whole city is filled with colorful flying balloons.

"Transformers" Bumblebee Hotel has become a sign to attract tourists.

There are well-dressed male and female stars, fashionable tourists, sharp-tongued filmmakers, bands and parties on the white sand beach.

Hollywood Movie Night, Xiangjiang Movie Night, Taiwan Movie Night, Chinese Movie Night.
And the delicate, philosophical movie posters that can be seen everywhere make this seaside town full of artistic atmosphere.

【Cannes - a city that truly respects cinema】

The signboard hanging on the movie palace made Fang Nan deeply moved.

When they arrived at the villa, they walked across the swimming pool and entered the living room, Fang Nan couldn't help being taken aback.

There were a lot of people in the living room, including the staff of Korean producer CJ Entertainment, Park Chan-wook, Song Kang-ho, Han Ga-in, Lim Yoon-ah and other actors behind the scenes of "Parasite", and many media with cameras.

Fang Nan frowned and put down his luggage: "Are you being interviewed? Where's Sissy?"

"She wants to stay in a hotel with someone from your company, Director Fang, please say something to our media."

After Li Jinxiao explained, he smiled and pulled Fang Nan to sit on the single sofa.

Fang Nan understood, probably because Liu Qianqian couldn't get along with a group of Koreans, so she followed Chu Yujun and the others.


He also didn't want to be among a group of Koreans who were not used to eating.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan, who was in a hurry to stay in the hotel, said to the media in front of him, "Ask."

After a male reporter yelled, Fang Nan looked at Li Jinxiao inexplicably: "Are they all Korean reporters?"

"Yes, we have not tried to invite foreign journalists."

Fang Nan glanced at Li Jinxiao with contempt.

Inviting foreigners to come over to take pictures and write a report or two may cost money.

But Huaxia reporters are absolutely willing to participate. After all, the director of "Parasite" is Fang Nan.

For the sake of vanity, to prove that "Parasite" is a movie produced in South Korea and the United States, it is really stupid to target Chinese media people at a critical moment!

"What did he just ask?" Fang Nan asked the translator angrily.

"Yesterday, Super Junior made a video to apologize to you. The reporter asked if you would forgive him."

"I feel that talking about a clown during the 62nd Cannes Film Festival is an insult to the film and all filmmakers including me, so I don't want to answer this question."

It's nothing like a strong man, an idol group, or fart.

So, Fang Nan reminded the reporter that the two were not on the same level at all.


The reporter who asked the first question apologized, and the next reporter cleverly asked in broken English:

"Hello, Director Fang Nan. I'm a reporter from SBS. I want to ask, do you think "Parasite" will gain anything in this year's Cannes Film Festival? How about the Palme d'Or?"

This is a reporter from SBS TV station who cooperates with SMG Tomato Channel and Tangtang Film and Television. Fang Nan's face softened a little:

""Parasite" hasn't been released yet, and I don't know what the judges think of my sixth work. But anyway, it's very difficult to win the Palme d'Or, it needs the right time, place and people."

Another reporter asked, "Director Fang Nan, did you meet Director Li Cangdong? He is one of the judges this year. Will "Parasite" ask for his help?"

"You are really stupid, can you ask this kind of thing face to face?"

Fang Nan slandered sullenly in his heart, and said calmly, "I hope that director Li Cangdong will be fair and keep the bottom line of the judges."

After answering, Fang Nan got up from his chair. The reporters didn't know whether they were deliberately provoking trouble, or they were really unprofessional, which made him very angry.

But Fang Nan didn't expect that such a few simple questions would be sent back to South Korea.

It also caused him to suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

Leaving aside the strongman incident.

Many Korean netizens fancied Fang Nan through interviews and did not want "Parasite" to win the award, because the main production area of ​​"Parasite" is South Korea.

Once "Parasite" wins the award, Korean films will surely overwhelm Chinese-language films and become world-renowned.

And Fang Nan is from Huaxia.

He, the director, is going to destroy his own "Parasite" with his own hands.

After South Korean netizens with strong national self-esteem exaggerated this tone, the ordinary interview of Fang Nan by Korean media caused a great disturbance in South Korea.

Some citizens who don't know why asked CJ Entertainment why they hired a Chinese to be the director of "Parasite".

There are also extremely confident netizens who take the initiative to persuade the clamoring and accusing people not to make a big deal, and to get the Palme d'Or first.

The brain circuit can be said to break through the sky.

For a while, Korean netizens lived incomparably anxious and entangled for the past two days.

Because the strongman apologized, they wanted to scold Fang Nan; because of Fang Nan's nationality, they wanted to scold Fang Nan.

But they also wanted to win the first three European awards in their own country with "Parasite" directed by Fang Nan, a foreigner, to shine in Cannes.

Without further ado, Fang Nan took the initiative to suspend the interview, and looked at Han Jiaren who was not far away on the sofa: "It's been so long, has your family become harmonious?"

During the filming of "Parasite", he had a dewy affair with Han Xiaozhou, but there was nothing to feel guilty about.

On the contrary, Han Jiaren had a lot of fun with her husband because of the passionate scene, which kept him thinking about it.

Han Jiaren was taken aback, and hurriedly stood up and bowed her body: "Nai, it's much better, thank you for your concern!"

Fang Nan smiled and nodded, looking at Lin Yuner who was wearing a pink pleated skirt.

"Fangnan Ouba!" Lin Yuner got up obediently first, and said hello with a smile on her face.

"Did you walk the opening red carpet on the 13th? How does it feel?"

Lin Yuner shyly patted her chest.

Leaning slightly, he stammered in Chinese: "I'm afraid, I'm very nervous, but luckily my sister is with me."

After finishing speaking, she took an album signed by the names of the nine members of Girls' Generation from the assistant and handed it to Fang Nan.

After accepting the gift, Fang Nan chatted with Song Kanghao and Park Chan-wook, and then asked about Mao Jianguo.

"He went to publicize James Gray." Li Jinxiao whispered.

Fang Nan nodded knowingly. James Gray is an American Hollywood director, and Mao Jianguo's public relations as Warner Group should be taken for granted.

There are nine judges at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, and the chairman of the judges is French actress Isabelle Huppert.

The other eight judges are from 8 countries including America, China, South Korea, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Pakistan and India.

Huaxia's judge is Shu Qi.

The Korean judge is Lee Cangdong.

The 20 films shortlisted for the main competition come from 12 countries.

Among them, Chinese filmmakers have participated in five films: "A Night Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze" directed by Lou Ye and produced by Huaxia.

"Revenge" produced by Xiangjiang Films and directed by Johnnie To.

French/Taiwanese production, Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang directed "Face".

And "Making Woodstock" directed by Ang Lee, an American producer.

Produced in China/America/Korea, "Parasite" directed by Fang Nan.

The Chinese film team is strong, and Cannes held a Chinese film night this year.

Therefore, there are many Chinese filmmakers and media in Cannes at the moment. As soon as Fang Nan was arranged at the hotel, Chu Peijun threw him a stack of invitation letters.

There was an invitation from Chief Jia, the organizer of the Chinese movie night.

There are invitations for Xiangjiang Night and Taiwan Movie Night.

Moreover, he will take the initiative to support the premiere of Chinese filmmakers.

Xiangjiang Film Centennial Celebration.

Fang Nan successfully met Shu Qi, the two clinked glasses and drank some cocktails, and then chatted casually. This kind of thing can only be understood but not explained in words, everyone knows it in their hearts.

Fang Nan was afraid that Shu Qi would be too shy and embarrassed to fight with others.

Moreover, after Fang Nan arrived during the day, he heard an intriguing incident. The chairman of the judging committee, Isabelle Huppert, politely gave Shu Qi the finale position on the opening red carpet.

And let Shu Qi announce the official opening of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival in front of media from hundreds of countries on the red carpet.

This kind of courteous treatment made Fang Nan have to wonder if Madam Chairman of the judging committee already had a favorite work, so she wanted to win over the jury members.

As the chairman of the jury, she can say what she wants.

But if more judges agreed with her, it would be more convincing, wouldn't it?

After listening to Fang Nan's analysis, Shu Qi smiled and took a sip of champagne, and whispered calmly:

"The story of "Parasite" is very complete, and the implication is also thought-provoking. After watching the movie, we all agreed that the movie will be favored by film critics after it is released, and the show book score will get super high marks."

"Among them, the Italian female director Aisha Argento said in particular that she likes that you use movies to ridicule the current class differentiation and worries about the future. Maybe you can find a time to chat with her."

Fang Nan nodded, clinked glasses with Shu Qi, then walked towards Li An, Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi, and Wang Sunglasses.

"Director, I'm sorry, I was delayed by something and missed the premiere of "Making Woodstock"."

"It's okay, the preparation of "Making Woodstock" is too hasty, and I don't like this work myself, so I plan to return to the United States after watching "Parasite" the day after tomorrow."

Fang Nan was surprised by Li An's directness and honesty.

"Making Woodstock" is a comedy, and it is really difficult to get something out of it. It was shortlisted for the main competition because of Ang Lee's fame.

It can only be said that the producer made a good plan for gold plating.

"Director Fang."

Fang Nan nodded and clinked glasses with Liang Chaowei, Zhang Ziyi, and Wang Shajing: "Director Wang, Wei Zi, Ziyi."

Tony Leung and Wang Shajing are here to stand for Xiangjiang Night. Besides them, there are many invited Hong Kong filmmakers.

Zhang Ziyi is promoting her first film "Perfect" as a producer.

She has had a hard time recently. Her foreigner boyfriend was found to be a fake rich man and a liar, which made her contribute a large-scale beach photo.

Recently there have been rumors in the circle that she got involved in the marriage of a rich man in China.

But there are too many things about this bullshit, such as beach door, splash ink door, and career can't keep up, so that he is ridiculed by the crowd.

Seeing that it was not possible, she thought about becoming a producer herself.

For this reason, Fan Bing, one of Shuangbing, was recruited as a supporting role. It is said that a lot of feathers were lost during the cooperation process.

The five stood together and chatted about "Parasite".

After a while, many people gathered around, Michelle Yeoh, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun, Lou Ye and others all came.

Li An, Wang Sunjing, and Fang Nan, the three of them smiling and talking, two middle-aged and one young, have a difference in age, but they also attract people's attention.

"Mainland netizens like to call you Uncle An, have you ever thought about making a pure ancient costume martial arts movie?"

Ang Lee shook his head with a smile: "There is no market. I have seen Old Freak Xu's "Embroidered Spring Knife", and I feel that this ancient costume movie is already a ceiling. There should not be any ancient costume movie that surpasses "Embroidered Spring Knife" for a long time in the future." .”

Fang Nan said: "Maybe we can ignore the market, just to keep something?"

Ang Lee laughed: "Hollywood will have a headache for you and directors like Wong Kar Wai."

Everyone laughed.

Wang Sunglass followed with a smile and said, "That's why I won't go to Hollywood again."

"I don't want to use Hollywood's funds at all? I think we can create a Chinese directors' alliance. The directors who join the directors' alliance don't have to worry about anything, they are only responsible for making movies. Of course, a directors' alliance like Director Wang has to do some funding. Little restrictions."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, everyone in the banquet hall laughed again.

"Then I really want to join the Directors' Union. When you create the Directors' Union, please call me." Wang Sunglasses smiled.

"I must call you."

The banquet lasted until midnight, and everyone went back to the hotel. The hotel where Fang Nan stayed was not far away, so he and Chu Xijun, Hu Wen, Liu Qianqian and others played a late-night street walk in Cannes.

Although it was late at night, it was lively and brightly lit.

He was feeling the sea breeze, and Chu Peijun said, "Brother Nan, is there any hope of winning an award for "Parasite"? If you win another award, what will happen?"

"What is it like?"

Hu Wen said: "If you win the Palme d'Or again, you will be the number one director in China."

"Being a model so early? Are you doing the Palme d'Or wholesale at the Cannes Film Festival?" Fang Nan laughed.

Whether it is public relations or the quality of the film, neither can determine that "Parasite" will definitely win the award.

Just a small accident can make "Parasite" miss the award.

The highest podiums of the three major European film festivals are the podiums that all filmmakers in the world aspire to, partly because this place can make filmmakers shine and become famous all over the world.

Another part of the reason is that this place can also fill people with regrets and memories.

That's why so many filmmakers have followed suit.

In short, do your best to obey the destiny!
Hotel corridor.

Chu Peijun and Hu Wen entered the room one after another.

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian walked two more steps to their respective guest rooms in relative silence. Fang Nan took out his room card and just opened the door when someone pushed his back hard, causing him to stagger into the room.

"What plane are you flying?"

Fang Nan became angry, and turned his head impatiently to stare at Liu Qianqian who followed into the house.

For a little girl in her 20s, she will be self-willed once or twice, that's cute, and he can bear it.

I have been so self-willed, I can't bear it personally, and I am irritable.

Liu Qianqian turned a blind eye to Fang Nan's anger, threw her pink suit on the bed, rolled up her sleeves, and said coldly, "You're taking advantage of me, I'm here to collect debts."

"You're really endless, what kind of debt do you want to pay for? How do you want to pay for it? Money, role?" Fang Nan frowned and said angrily.

"Never mind, take off your clothes and go take a shower!"

"Ah?" Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian's blushing face in astonishment, "You're not mistaken, are you? Do you know what you're talking about?"

You see a lot of girls with a strong personality, but it's rare to see such a strong girl.

So Fang Nan's mouth was righteous, but his hands were extremely flexible. After a while, he stripped himself naked, and then asked in a daze, "Want to wash together?"

He frankly has poor self-control ability in this area, and the two of them once again, it's meaningless for him to be twitchy, so they just sleep together and discuss the solution together.

Following Fang Nan's questioning, Liu Qianqian, who was still strong just now, blushed suddenly.

Fang Nan had a lsp, knowing that a woman showing a hesitant gesture was in the stage of entanglement and conflict and needed a man to take the initiative.

He deftly took off the opponent's shirt, and then unreally touched the skin in front of his eyes, which was rosy and white, as if it was about to bleed.

To be honest, this is the whitest skin he has ever touched so far.

Liu Tao's skin was yellowish due to malnutrition.

Zeng Li's skin is a healthy wheat color.

Gao Yuanyuan's skin is also very fair, but not as clear as before.

Carry him into the bathroom with a strong princess hug, and after bathing in countless ambiguous poses, the two of them lie down on the bed.

In the following work, Fang Nan thought that he would always be the active one.

But after one round, Liu Qianqian did something that surprised him.

"I sneaked into you!"

She got on her horse, and before jumping on the horse and raising her whip, she said forcefully to Fang Nanji.

After two rounds, the two stared blankly at the chandelier above their heads, and Fang Nan didn't ask Liu Qianqian why she changed so quickly.

Food color also!

This stuff doesn't need a reason.

After resting for a while, it was Fang Nan who spoke first: "What are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know, I didn't think that far."

Fang Nan was depressed: "These days are muddled!"

Liu Qianqian turned her head and glanced at Fang Nan: "Are you sober?"

"I think it's okay, I know what I want."

Liu Qianqian curled her lips in disdain: "Then your mental age is at least 40 years old, so you don't have to worry about being forty."

"It makes sense, then you can play, anyway, you are only in your 20s, why are you thinking about so many troubles?"

"Is this your new justification for the mistake you made?"

Fang Nan couldn't take it anymore, why did he always speak with thorns, "I'm afraid of you, can you go back to your room and sleep?" Fang Nan said speechlessly.

"Why should I go back to my room to sleep, I sleep comfortably here." Liu Qianqian tilted her body and turned her back to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan looked at Guangjie's back: "If you don't go back to sleep, you can't turn your back on me."

"What's the matter, I still like to sleep on my side."

Liu Qianqian tilted her head back, and seeing Fang Nan with a troubled face, she yelled like a little girl.

"You don't know, sleeping on your side is easy to get shot!"

Liu Qianqian was wondering why she was shot, but she already felt it.

On May 5, the fourth day of the Cannes Film Festival, "Parasite" opened its premiere.

Perhaps the Organizing Committee of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival expressed its importance to Fang Nan, winner of the 56th Berlin Golden Bear Award.

Or "Parasite" is really good quality.

The organizing committee specially arranged the largest screening hall in the movie palace.

On both sides of the red carpet leading to the movie palace, media professionals from dozens of countries including French local media, Chinese media, and Korean media gathered.

The number of movie fans waving Lin Yoona posters was exaggerated, making many people confused which actress this is.

Red carpet fringe.

After Li Junji opened the car door for Lin Yuner, the main creators of "Parasite" gathered together, and the staff waved.

Three ladies, Han Jiaren, Liu Qianqian, and Lin Yuner stepped onto the red carpet.

Fang Nan, Park Chan-wook, Song Kang-ho, and Lee Jun-ki followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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