literary world

Chapter 313 Cannes Conferred God - Palme d'Or

Chapter 313 Cannes Conferred God - Palme d'Or
The movie "Parasite" has a feature-it can be deconstructed multiple times.

People who are not interested in art films can enjoy "Parasite" as an ordinary crime, absurd and thriller movie.

Fans who love movies will notice the selfishness of human nature in "Parasite", thus forming people's thinking about the dark side and human nature.

Senior film practitioners lamented the great analysis of society in "Parasite".

Therefore, when "Parasite" premiered at the Lumiere Theater, the main screening hall of the Cannes Film Palace, multiple scenes in the film caused the audience of more than 2300 people to hum uncontrollably.

And the first round of hilarity happened within 5 minutes after the movie started.

At the beginning of the movie, it is a poor family living in a semi-basement.

There are two children in the family, a boy and a girl, and the son is squatting under a window half above the ground looking for a free WIFI signal. This opening sparked the first round of hilarious laughter, and too many people resonated.

But when the siblings of the family had to squat with the toilet in order to find the mobile phone signal, the smiles on the scene disappeared.

The audience put on intriguing expressions.

And over time.

The expressions of senior film lovers, film critics, judges, film practitioners, and competitors of "Parasite" began to become solemn.

The young director in the front row used a vertical structure to express the class's shooting method.

The staircase of imagery: going down represents poverty, and going up represents wealth.

The rich go home and go uphill, and the poor go home and go downhill.

The houses of the rich are vertical structures with steps connecting the upper and lower floors, while the houses of the poor are half buried underground.

Fang Nan is too skilled in this kind of shooting.

In "Youth in Youth", he used a framed shooting method to let the audience know what oppression is.

The movie lasted for 10 minutes, and a family of four from a poor family successfully parasitized the rich family through lies. On the screen, the poor family was having a crazy party.

see this scene.

More than 2300 spectators frowned.

They can't guess what's going to happen next. If the story of "Parasite" ends here, "Parasite" is just a very satirical pass movie.

But the director did not disappoint.

On a rainy night, a lean man who had been starving for seven days hidden in a rich man's luxurious villa and buried deeper in the basement was exposed, and the tension of the drama was once again tightened by the director!

"oh my god!"



The plot is too absurd.

Absurd makes people feel unreal.

But "Parasite" is also completely sublimated.

On the surface, the director seems to be filming a Korean social issue.

But when the basement of the rich man's house appeared and this absurd plot appeared, the director's purpose was clearly revealed. He actually talked about "world problems" everywhere.

Ms. Huppert, chairman of the 62nd Cannes Jury, pushed her glasses.

Film critics scribbled.

People in the film industry are constantly looking at the back of the head in the middle of the front row. There may be a film master of the new century sitting there!
The audience daydreamed again and again.

The meaning of "Parasite" is too deep, so they have to classify the multiple signals received in the brain.

In the scuffle between two poor families, the rich family returned.

On the sofa, the rich couple is loving each other. Under the long table, the poor father leads his son and daughter. In the courtyard under the heavy rain, the children of the rich family hide in the tent and are still protected from wind and rain.

A wide lens pulls three places into one frame.

It is the structural diagram that can induce human adrenaline.

"Parasite" came to an end.

The poor family was torn apart, the daughter died, the father killed the man of the rich family, and the employer hid in the basement of the villa.

Poor sons and mothers go to jail for cheating.

After a few years, the son of the poor family was released from prison.

He hid on the mountain and looked at his father in the basement of that luxury villa.

When he returned home, he hugged the fortune stone, dreaming that one day he would earn enough money to buy that villa, and his father would no longer have to hide in the basement like a cockroach.

The Parasite

Fang Nan: The sixth novel
"Clap clap clap clap"

The moment the sound and picture went out.

The Lumiere Grand Theater, the largest in the Palace of Film, with up to 2000 seats, received the warmest applause since the opening of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival.

And after Fang Nan and the main creators bowed their thanks again and again, the applause continued for a long time.

After a long time, after the main creators of "Parasite" smiled and bowed again and again, the applause gradually disappeared, and the audience began to slowly leave the stage.

A recorder told Fang Nan and others in surprise.

The standing ovation from the audience just now lasted 8 minutes, and no one left the seat halfway through.

Fang Nan was dumbfounded.

For "Parasite", for these creators, this is a great respect and encouragement.

"Fang, everyone, everyone, go to the red carpet for an interview."

Mao Jianguo and Li Jinxiao tapped the beat to remind the creators with smiles on their faces.

After leaving the Lumiere Theater, the number of reporters waiting for the red carpet interview area was frightening.

But it’s justifiable. At present, Cannes has nearly 2000 media from all over the world, and more than 4000 reporters.

"Parasite" has just been sought after by thousands of people, and the media will naturally come over after smelling it.

DW: "Under what circumstances did you conceive the film "Parasite"?"

Fang Nan: "The depressed economic environment in the past two years gave me an idea."

UK: "But the rich seem to be bankrupting more."

Fang Nan: "We have a saying in China that a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and a broken boat has three thousand nails. Compared with rich people, Jin Jize, who is completely unemployed in "Parasite", is really in distress."

Italy asked Song Kanghao: "This is the first time you have cooperated with director Fang Nan, and it is also the first time you have cooperated with a director outside of Korea. How do you know each other well and what do you think of his directorial style?"

Song Kanghao: "We got to know each other through beer. Director Fang Nan's works all show insight into society."

"Everything in Director Fang Nan's movie world is carefully laid out, and it's very comfortable to play him. We often call him "Fang Details", but the director himself doesn't like this nickname."

After Song Kanghao finished speaking with a smile in Korean, Lin Yuner, Han Jiaren, and Park Chanwook all covered their mouths and smiled.

The French media asked Liu Qianqian: "Compared to "Young Girl", the performance in "Parasite" tends to be more ordinary. Is it the director's request, or is it designed by myself? In addition, what do you think of Director Fang Nan who has collaborated twice."

Liu Qianqian smiled and said in English: "All performances are to interpret the role well. Jin Jiting's role is not suitable for acting outside. Of course, I have also communicated with the director. In my heart, Director Fang must be one of the best directors in the world. He is also my boss."

Denmark: "Have you thought about having a beautiful date with the director in Cannes?"

"Hehe." Liu Qianqian smiled without emotion: "Huaxia and Denmark may be a little far away, so you don't know that Director Fang has a girlfriend."

"But they're not married, are they?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "The values ​​of love in our two countries are different, so I would like to ask some questions about the movie. If there is no problem, I would like to watch "Inglourious Basterds" directed by Quentin. The tickets are already bought."

Seeing what Fang Nan said, the South Korean reporters scrambled forward and asked Song Kanghao: "Many audiences think your performance is superb, do you have the confidence to win Cannes best actor?"

"The perfection of "Parasite" is inseparable from the whole team, so I hope to win the Palme d'Or."

The South Korean reporter said depressedly: "Say a few words to our Korean citizens. They are all looking forward to your winning the award and have been paying attention to you."

"Thank you citizens for your support, let us look forward to the results in a few days."

After the South Korean reporter asked Song Kanghao, he turned to Lin Yuner without hesitation: "Yuner, you were nominated for Best Best Actress in Cannes for the first time in your film, how do you feel now, will you win the award? Many sones came to the scene to support you Woolen cloth."

"I feel very lucky, thank you Fangnan Ouba for asking me to make a film, I learned a lot of filmmaking skills with Senior Song Kanghao."

After Lin Yuner finished speaking modestly, the South Korean reporter who asked the question recklessly raised the microphone in front of Lee Jun-ki, causing a burst of noise from the surrounding reporters. Fang Nan went out of his way and called a foreigner reporter.

French reporter: "How many magazine points do you hope "Parasite" gets?"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "Don't be too good, and don't be too bad, let's make a compromise, 2.2 points is fine."

In recent decades at Cannes, the chances of the film with the highest program score to win the Palme d'Or have been pitifully small.

In 2008, "The Classroom" (3.3 points) won the Palme d'Or.

In 2007, "Three Weeks and Two Days in April" (tied with "No Country for Old Men" for the highest score, 3.2 points) won the Palme d'Or.

In 2001, "The Son's Room" (3.3 points) won the Palme d'Or.

Then it was gone. Fang Nan really didn't want "Parasite" to get the highest score in this year's show.

But he was disappointed. On the night of Cannes, a new issue of the program was released, and "Parasite" won the first place.

With the highest score of 4 points for the show, "Parasite" scored as high as 3.5 points.

British Guardian 5 stars.

Screen gives 5 stars.

The French media magazine gave 4 stars.

The Chinese-language media magazine gave 4 stars.

On the Rotten Tomatoes scoring website in North America, the freshness of "Parasite" even reached 100%.

Many well-known film critics at the Cannes scene were full of praise for "Parasite".


"Parasite" is a thriller socio-political film that covers comedy, black, violence and other elements. The director uses metaphors to capture social ills.

More than [-]% of the scenes in this film were shot at home. Rich people’s houses have a vertical structure, with steps connecting the upper and lower floors. This film uses a vertical structure to express the class. Due to the high rate of steps, the film is also nicknamed "step film".

But viewers who have watched "Parasite" were all shocked by Fang Nan's structured shooting techniques.

Two years ago, Fang Nan's frame-based shooting technique in "Youth in Youth" may be just an attempt.

And in "Parasite" two years later, Fang Nan's structured shooting technique has already achieved great success.

We may be lucky enough to witness one of the cinematic masters of our time.

The best attribution of the Palme d'Or - Fang Nan's "Parasite"!
Countless audiences shouted for "Parasite", and the film critics who were the first to decide the awards did not make Fang Nan complacent.

Happiness is certain.

But there is no need to be superficial, he doesn't like to do things to win prizes in advance.


Throwing away the catalogue, Fang Nan sneezed and got out of bed to wash up. Afterwards, he ate some bread and coffee, and prepared to go to the Movie Palace to participate in the movie forum initiated by his film colleagues.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he put on his shoes, Hu Wen led a group of middle-aged people in suits and leather shoes into his room, and then began to introduce.

"Brother Nan, these are leaders from Wenhuakou, Beijing Chaoyang, the General Administration, and the Film Bureau."

Fang Nan was taken aback, but there were a few familiar faces, including Mr. Han.

But why did they come here? They shouldn't let him not participate in the competition, and he doesn't have a say in the amount of investment.

And now that he has retired from the game, South Korea and Warner have to tear him up.

I wonder how popular "Parasite" is now?
After shaking hands with a few people, Fang Nan took a look at them and asked curiously, "Leaders, are you here for a trip, or is there something important?"

"You kid, you always talk without covering up?"

Boss Han, who was closest to Fang Nan, hurriedly blocked Fang Nan, closed the door by the way, and talked about the reason for Cannes.

Aren't they going to host the Beijing International Film Festival? They're here to learn from the Cannes experience.

When I saw this, I was frightened. The movie palace was full of businessmen doing movie business.

Turning around, I couldn't see anything except the movie posters and spittle stars, so I thought of finding an acquaintance to understand the way.

Fang Nan understands this stuff.

But there is no way to say, the reason why the transaction volume of Cannes films is so large is that it has been famous for many years, so films from all over the world gather here.

But it is also a good thing to learn from other people's advanced experience.

So next, Fang Nan unreservedly explained the operation mode of Cannes, and finally seduced everyone with the volume of films sold at this year's Cannes Film Festival.

"According to the official statistics of Cannes, there are about 1000 international film studios participating in this year's Cannes Film Festival. There are more than 4500 films that have participated in the transaction, have been filmed, and are in production."

"Today is the 18th, the fifth day of the opening of the film festival, and the film transaction volume has exceeded 3 million US dollars. According to the law that the transaction volume increases as the film festival approaches the end of the year, the transaction volume of this year's Cannes Film Festival should exceed $10 billion."

"The US$10 billion is simply the volume of film transactions. The city of Cannes has even more substantial income. The sale of beachside swimming equipment, restaurants, hotels, private house rentals, and the sale of luxury goods have brought great income to the city."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, the standing group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

In 12 days, the transaction volume exceeded US$10 billion.

I don't know, I don't know, but when they knew it, they were shocked in the office. The total box office of Huaxia last year was only 50 billion.

Can't catch up with a film fair that is held in the past 10 days?

The leaders of several departments were amazed, and Hu Wen, who was standing by the door, said, "Mr. Fang, "Parasite" is very popular because of its opening. It has already sold the screening rights in 72 countries this morning."

"Manager Mao from China Film Warner Hengdian and Manager Li from South Korea's CJ Entertainment are discussing broadcast rights in Europe and North America."

Hu Wen's data shocked everyone in the agency. It was unimaginable for a film to sell hundreds of national copyrights.

Everyone's wonderful expressions filled Fang Nan's heart with mixed emotions.

He likes to say that professional things should be done by professionals. Some people don't understand such a simple truth.

"Leaders, why don't we go to the Film Palace to experience the popularity of the Cannes Film Festival more intuitively."

Fang Nan suggested, and everyone nodded their heads. Hu Wen understood and asked the hotel to contact the car. A group of bosses will take care of it. Tang Tang Film and Television will never be exhausted.

When I arrived at the gate of the movie palace, I happened to meet the creator of the main competition unit "Weeds" after walking the red carpet.

Fang Nan and the others followed and were about to enter the movie palace when the red carpet staff stopped them.

In order to show respect to the director of "Wild Grass", that is, the famous French director Alain Resnais, Cannes specially emptied the red carpet for this director and let him walk alone again.

"Are we just standing like this?" an older man asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, other people can only enter the movie palace after director Alain Resnais finishes his visit. When Sarkozy comes, he has to honestly stand aside."

Several people were speechless.

The old man walked relatively slowly. Fang Nan and the others stood for more than ten minutes before finally entering the movie palace. Immediately, they saw a dazzling array of posters and noisy sounds.

Fang Nan started to introduce smoothly:
Leaders, please look, that is our Chinese film exhibition area.

This poster is "Let the Bullets Fly", the work of Jiang Wen.

This is "Confucius" by Chow Yun Fat.

This is "October Siege".

"Zhong Kui" directed by Chen Kexin.

Xiangjiang's "Fengyun II".

Produced in mainland China, "Robot Man" directed by Xiangjiang director, these films came to Cannes to sell the rights before they were released.

This is the exhibition area of ​​our Tangtang Film and Television.

"The Wind" is a tribute film I directed this year.

"Assassination of a Novelist" is scheduled for the summer vacation, "Lost in Thailand", "The Richest Man in Xihong City", and "The Unknown Man" are all old films from the past, and such films may not be easy to sell.

In addition, this is Tangtang Film and Television Investment, "Di Renjie" directed by Xu Laoguai

Over there is Huayi's exhibition area. Looking at the posters, there is "Chasing Movies" that has not been released yet, and the others are "If You Are the One" and "Assembly Number" that have been released in China.
The small booth next to it is "Perfect", which Ms. Zhang Ziyi served as the producer for the first time. Look, she is communicating with the film producer.

Someone was curious and asked, "How are Chinese-language movies selling?"

"The first two years sold well, especially the costume blockbusters. The past few years have been a bit worse, but overall the turnover is not bad. There are Chinese-language films in Europe that are willing to pay the bill."

"So we filmmakers have a common vision for the Cannes Film Festival."

Under the curious eyes of Mr. Han and others, Fang Nan said with a smile: "The view of filmmakers is that once Cannes goes bankrupt, filmmakers and film-related industries around the world will be impacted."

Fang Nan explained to everyone while talking, and from time to time, he would take photos with some foreigners and sign autographs.

"This is Lou Ye's "A Night Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze", and this film was also shortlisted for the main competition."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Hu Wen hurriedly whispered, "Brother Nan, Lou Ye hasn't come out yet, so he entered the competition secretly."

Embarrassed, Fang Nan hurriedly jumped over the booth with a embarrassed expression, and arrived at the film dealer who specialized in reselling.

In the next few days, Fang Nan gave a lot of opinions and suggestions to several leaders about holding a successful film festival. Whether they approve or not, he has no control over what he has done.

Time flies.

On May 5, the closing ceremony of the 24nd Cannes Film Festival officially arrived.

On the morning of the same day, "Parasite", which won the highest program score of this film festival, was the first to win the International Film Critics' FIPRESCI Award.

As soon as the award came out, everyone, including Fang Nan, who was optimistic that "Parasite" would win the Palme d'Or broke into a cold sweat.

The judges have always liked to go against the critics.

Moreover, "Parasite" is not without rivals. The main competition film "White Ribbon" is also an applauded film, with a rating of only 0.2 points less than "Parasite".

With this apprehension, Fang Nan and his party stepped onto the closing red carpet.

Under the spotlight, Fang Nan led the few people away at a leisurely pace. Since they didn't need to accept interviews, greet fans, and not be greedy for the red carpet, they entered the venue in a short time.

"Hi Fang, congratulations, I'm going to your party tonight."

Fang Nan sat down depressed, then glanced at Quentin and Brad Pitt in the front row: "Me too."

Quentin is a well-known talkative, scheming bitch, and "Inglourious Basterds" is obviously a hit, so he has to suppress his desire for fun.

Fang Nan and Quentin were bragging one after the other.

Lin Yuner and Liu Qianqian took out their mobile phones and were busy taking photos with Pete.

After a while, the front, back, left, and right sides were full of acquaintances. Lou Ye, Chen Sicheng, Tan Zhuo, and Fang Nan from "A Night Intoxicated by Spring Breeze" stopped talking to Quentin in due course.

Fang Nan asked Chen Sicheng who was leaning over to greet him, "Have you ever thought about becoming a director?"

Chen Sicheng shook his head quickly: "No, no."

Fang Nan said with a chuckle: "Lou Ye said you are very talented, someday you will be interested, and you will be included in Tang Tang Film and Television."

"Thank you, thank you Director Fang!"

After Chen Sicheng was flattered, Ms. Yu Peier, the chairman of the judges, came to the stage to deliver a speech. French speakers are not as good as Korean, which probably means that the other eight judges were praised first.

Under her leadership, the eight judges treat the ownership of the Cannes Film Festival awards in a fair and fair manner, and they will be made public at the end of the ceremony.

Secondly, the cliché belittled the United States.

Over the past year, America has made the world so rich that people don't want to pay more to go to the movies.

The more than 2000 filmmakers in the audience laughed loudly when they spoke on the phone.

In fact, Europeans are very similar to Koreans and Japanese. They hate the old beauty to death, and they can't leave it, so their psychology is very distorted and entangled.

Fang Nan had to sigh, after all, it was better to be at home, at least he didn't have to look at other people's faces.

The more he travels abroad, the more knowledge he has, and the higher his status, the more determined he is.

The award presentation sessions of the three major European film festivals don't have so much chatter. This is what Fang Nan always mentioned, and it's also his favorite point.

The chairman of the judging committee stepped down, and then a kind of attention unit award was issued.

In the end, four films from Germany, Greece, Iran, and Romania won the Special Jury Award, the Jury Award, and the One Unit Focus Award.

Most of these awards are for young filmmakers from countries where films are relatively deserted. Everyone applauded and the awards for the main competition unit were the most popular.

In the main competition unit, Chinese-language films got off to a good start, and "A Night Intoxicated with Spring Breeze" won the Best Screenplay Award.

But Lou Ye didn't seem very happy. When Fang Nan stood up and hugged him, his expression was not very good.

Can also understand.

The three major players in Europe are almost a radish and a pit.

After taking the first one, the following is suspended.

Moreover, Lou Ye is not the screenwriter of "Intoxicated in the Spring Breeze", he accepted the award on his behalf.

The Antichrist - Charlotte Gainsbourg.

The Best Actress Award was announced, and it was won by a 38-year-old British actress. Liu Qianqian once again missed out on the top three European actresses.

"How to say?" Fang Nan looked at her.

Liu Qianqian said disdainfully: "You are so cute, what do you say? You still want to see me cry? My performance in "Parasite" is not as good as Teacher Zhao Ruzhen."

Fang Nan grinned: "That's right, the mentality is better than that in Berlin. Zhao Ruzhen also did a good job, and it is said that she is a strong contender for the best actress."

Liu Qianqian pinched Fang Nan's thigh: "So, are you very hopeful?"

"I can only say that there is hope. The best actor has been announced. Your idol Pete is a strong contender."

"Tch, who said he is my idol?" Liu Qianqian said dissatisfied.

"Then you just tried your best to pose for a group photo?"

"Are you jealous?"

Liu Qianqian approached Fang Nan at once, startling him, "There are media."

"whispering sound"

"Inglourious Basterds - Christoph Waltz!"


Quentin, who pretended to drink water calmly, sprayed it directly. Fang Nan watched and laughed with everyone behind him. Fang Nan even got up and greeted Quentin as the host, and then shook hands with Christoph Waltz.

"Congratulations, Brillante Mendoza for "Kinary" won the Best Director Award!"


Fang Nan, Park Chan-wook, Mao Jianguo, Song Kanghao, and the Korean official media who were invited to enter the venue took a deep breath at the same time.

Fang Nan's structured shooting technique was too popular.

Many people think it is more appropriate for him to win the best director.

Therefore, after Fang Nan missed out on the best director award, many people including Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Losing the Best Director Award, and then losing the Jury Prize, "Parasite" may either reach the sky in one step, or fall into hell with nothing, and be ridiculed.

"Jacques Audiard, The Prophet, Jury Prize!"


The moment the jury award was announced, the main creators of "Parasite", Korean media, Chinese media, Chinese filmmakers, and filmmakers who liked "Parasite" all sat up straight, watching nervously as the chairman of the jury, Huppert, came on stage.

On the contrary, the main creators of "White Ribbon" also rubbed their hands nervously.

At the end of the ceremony, the Palme d'Or's two popular films "Parasite" and "White Ribbon" got nothing, and people had to hold their breath.

"Thank you eight partners again, our mission is about to be completed."

"Thank you to the filmmakers at the scene, the movie is wonderful because of you."

Huppert finished speaking with a smile in pure French, and slowly opened the card with the award-winning movie.

"This award-winning film was unanimously voted by our nine judges, and it deserves its name. This director has been dubbed the first film master in the new century in recent days. From now on, he is also the Cannes Palme d'Or The youngest award-winning director!"


"Fang, and his "Parasite"!"

The chairman of the jury, Yu Peier, Fang Nan didn't hear the last two words at all. Before the first "film master", he was hugged by the people around him.

The ears are full of shouts!

There is a buzzing sound of plucking cotton in my head.

Debuted in 2001 and won the Palme d'Or in 2009, eight years passed in a flash.

He finally walked to the highest podium in Cannes from having no entry in his previous life.

【End of this volume】

(End of this chapter)

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