literary world

Chapter 315 The State Speech

Chapter 315
Over Seoul Airport.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the B777-300 you are taking is about to land in the Republic of Korea, which has a long history"

"Kang Hao, ah, Yun'er wake up."

When the plane circled and landed, there were shouts one after another on the passenger plane, and the assistants of the main creative team of "Parasite" were particularly excited.

During this trip to Cannes, the group of them had a lot of scenery.

Now that you come back, you must be honored.


After a group of people got off the plane and went through the security check, they saw the endless welcome team.

After receiving the bouquet and putting on the garland, the crowd followed the security personnel to the long-awaited reception car outside the airport amid applause and shouts.

"Pick you up to Blue House."

Under the dazzling spotlight, Ms. Li, vice president of cj entertainment, smiled and solved everyone's inner doubts.


Absolute surprise!
Song Kanghao and his group were stunned.

Ms. Li was very satisfied with the shocking expressions of the group of people, and said, "Director Park Chan-wook, you will be responsible for introducing the members when the time comes, everyone should behave decently and be humble at the dinner table."

Lin Yuner and the others said in unison: "Yes!"

At Blue House, the car came to a slow stop. Under the guidance of the staff, Song Kanghao, Han Jiaren, Lin Yuner and others went through security checks step by step, entered the banquet hall, received encouragement from the president and his wife, took photos, and ate.

SBS, KBS, MBC evening news.

[Cheong Wa Dae entertained and encouraged the "Parasite" crew, and issued an article: For the better development of the film, the government will further provide filmmakers with an environment where they can give full play to their imagination and make films with confidence. 】


SM trainee dormitory.

Nine of "Girls' Generation" accepted Lin Yuner's cheap gift while commenting on the photos in their hands.

The beach photos, red carpet photos, and street caregivers are sometimes full of energy, and sometimes laugh.

"Yeah, this one is too much."

Someone yelled, and the rest rushed to jump over. It was a group photo: Fang Nan, Lin Yuner, Liu Qianqian, and Han Jiaren strolled barefoot on the beach.

Lin Yuner said disdainfully: "Crooked, this is my favorite photo."

"Director Fang Nan just looks a bit ordinary." Someone yelled at the photo.

Lin Yuner jumped over to take a look, and argued: "Oni, you are wrong." She said three words in Chinese with her mouth, and then changed to Korean and said urgently: "The director is very respected in Cannes, you see, everyone stood up to help He applauds!"

It is different from the high-profile return of a group of Koreans.

Fang Nan and his team kept a low profile when they returned to China. They did not inform any media or movie fans. In order not to cause complications, he even went through the VIP channel and returned home safely.

Courtyard No. 28 is deserted.

Gao Yuanyuan was filming "The Full Moon Hennessy" in Xiangjiang, and Fang Nan didn't dare to go to Yonghe Villa this time, so he could only hold back his hungry belly and opened the refrigerator like a lottery, hoping to find something to eat.

Unable to do so.

He had no choice but to sigh and lock the door and run towards the vegetable market under the blazing sun.

"Yo, you are back, I heard that you showed up in front of the old man again?"

An old man in the alley recognized Fang Nan, a wealthy neighbor, and asked, waving his cattail fan.

"It's okay, have you eaten yet?"

"No." The old man sighed, then sat up straight and asked Fang Nan, who was about to walk over, "Is it true what you said last time?"

"What did I say?"

"You talked about demolition last year."

Fang Nan remembered, nodded and said: "Really, you can still stay in the fourth ring now, and in a few years you will be arranged to go to the sixth ring. Your son and daughter-in-law will have to drive three hours to work in the second ring."

"You are a capable person, I believe you this time, and remind the young couple at night."

Fang Nan smiled blissfully, he didn't expect that winning an award abroad would also strengthen the trust of the old people in the neighborhood.

Muttering all the way into the vegetable market, more people recognized him, and even the aunt who sold the vegetables undercharged him by 10 yuan.

There was an aunt who was even more outrageous and insisted on letting him go to eat at home, saying that she was helping Zhang Zhangyan to see if her daughter who was studying at the conservatory of music could become popular!

Fang Nan couldn't laugh or cry.

However, through various information, Fang Nan also learned a lot of news.

Relevant domestic departments have a positive attitude towards his "Parasite" winning the Palme d'Or in Cannes, and there are large-scale and large-scale reports.

It's just a little more monotonous.

The news did not introduce what kind of work "Parasite" is.

Instead, it reported how popular Fang Nan was in Cannes, and how all the judges voted for the Palme d'Or, the French Chevalier of Arts and Culture, and his acceptance speech.

Almost all the reports of mainstream TV stations in China focused on Fang Nan alone.

The remaining part of the text is devoted to Liu Qianqian.

The Korean actor only mentioned his name symbolically.

With such an attitude, Fang Nan somewhat knew that his honor had been recognized, but don't expect "Parasite" to hit domestic theaters.

Compared with "A Night Intoxicated with Spring Breeze" which had no mainstream media coverage at all, Fang Nan was quite satisfied with this result, but he just lost a piece of the box office market.

No big deal.

Some things cannot be achieved overnight, but must be changed slowly.

After cooking two dishes for lunch, Fang Nan searched the Internet for news related to himself.

There are no bad reviews, all are praises.

On the contrary, there are a lot of people accusing and abusing the bureau, all kinds of long-winded speeches.

Fang Nan originally wanted to publish a blog post to guide public opinion a little bit, but after careful consideration, he finally gave up.

He didn't know what to say, so he simply turned off the computer, took out the clothes in the bag and put them back in their places.

And the first thing he did was to put the Palme d'Or and the Medal of Culture and Art into the award room.

According to the rules, the trophy for the best film belongs to the production company, and the Palme d'Or should go to CJ Entertainment, which invested the most.

After "Parasite" won the award, the three producers did argue over the ownership of the trophy.

After all, the disparity in investment is not too big: Tang Tang Film and Television 500 million, Warner 400 million, CJ Entertainment 800 million, and Fang Nan's personal 100 million.

The trophy finally went to Fang Nan, because CJ Entertainment and Warner tried to cooperate again and did not want to turn against Fang Nan, so they reluctantly let go.

Compared with a trophy, the actual copyright fee of hundreds of millions of dollars for "Parasite" is obviously more real.

As for the prize room, it is easy to explain.

There are more and more trophies at home. Fang Nan took nearly 10 trophies last year. A glass cabinet can no longer solve the problem, so Gao Yuanyuan specially decorated an inverted room to display trophies.

It's a day's work and rest time at home.

The next day.

Fang Nan was exposed by the paparazzi during the editing of "The Wind" in Huairou.

All of a sudden, all kinds of congratulatory text messages filled the mobile phone, and calls followed one after another.

It's easy for people in the circle to solve it, and it's done in a polite manner.

But there are many phone calls that cannot be perfunctory and must be taken seriously.

My hometown in Yangzhou called and asked for his opinion to name a new unnamed pedestrian street as Fangnan Street.

Fang Nan was taken aback, and it took a long time to persuade his hometown to give up his mind.

Such things are not uncommon in foreign countries.

In the original time and space, Korean director Bong Joon-ho won an Oscar for "Parasite", and the Korean government specially built a Bong Joon-ho Street in his hometown Daegu to honor his hometown.

But he is Chinese.

Pay attention to high-profile work, low-key life.

I don't like to talk about these things.

After strongly refusing to use his own name as a road name, Fang Nan promised that he would go back to his hometown for a short walk before letting the other party hang up.

After hanging up here, another call came in.

The provincial Jinling TV station invited him to be on the show, and the person who could call him directly, needless to say his position in the station, Fang Nan found another excuse before dismissing him.

Then there was another invitation call from the university, asking him to give a speech.

This is not the first time that a domestic university has issued such an invitation like him. As early as when Berlin won the award, many universities have issued invitations.

Fang Nansi thought about choosing to agree to the invitation of Tsinghua University and Chinese Opera.

Tsinghua University, as well as many professors of physics majors and computer majors in Tsinghua University, are partners of the Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow.

The choice of Chinese opera is naturally because this school is the benchmark of domestic art schools.

After talking for a long time, the phone was finally turned off. Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly instructed the two editors to edit "The Wind".

This work lasted for half a month.

In mid-June, the actor entered the stage to dub "The Wind", and he went to the Chinese opera to fulfill his speech promise. "Assassination of Novelists" will soon enter the promotion period, and he really can't take a moment off.

Chinese drama.

After the news that Fang Nan was coming to the school to give a speech was confirmed, the Chinese opera students were really excited for two days.

Not only the Chinese opera, but also the students from Nortel, Military Art next door, and all the art-related academies around were all agitated.

Director of the Palme d'Or at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival.

Director of the 56th Berlin Golden Bear Award.

One of the best directors in China.

A director who can earn box office for commercial films and win awards abroad for artistic films is going to give a speech at the Central Academy of Drama, wouldn't the students be crazy?
If Fang Nan catches a glimpse of himself who is well-dressed in the audience, money, fame and fortune will come at his fingertips.

He can take out a role at random, and this group of students can save a lot of crew and detours.

The students went crazy. On the day of the speech day, the Chinese opera was tightly blocked, and the teacher who was in charge of maintaining order had a headache.

The largest experimental theater in China, which can accommodate 717 people, can't seat so many people at all.

It's not enough to not let people go. Among the students are famous actors and well-known alumni.

In the end, I had no choice but to discuss it with students from other schools. Don’t even think about the seat, just stand in the aisle or in the crevice.

The students from other schools had no objection, the theater opened, and Fang Nan was taken aback.

At a glance, he saw that the small theater was full of heads of all kinds of people, and all of them stretched their necks, like a horror movie.

Holding his mind, Fang Nan smiled and said:
Hello everyone, I am Fang Nan, and I am a young director now.

I was born in a welfare home in Yangzhou, which used to be called an orphanage.

When I was a child, I didn't know what shame was. I didn't understand anything bad about the orphanage. There were many children and it was very lively.

But when I grow up and start reading, there will be more ideas in my mind.

Therefore, reading is wise, and reading makes people progress.

Thinking too much, feeling ashamed, and wanting to escape.

The year I left was 93. I was 14 years old. At night, I remember that the moonlight was very bright and the reeds by the river rustled.

It was this escape that made me bond with movies.

One can imagine the days after I left home when I was young. During the long and lonely days, the only happy time was when I walked into the video room. At that moment, I felt that movies are really a magical thing.

It can make you laugh, it can make you sad; it can make your heart jump, it can also make you full of fighting spirit.

At that time, I was wondering how the movie was made.

The owner of the video studio told me to go to Hengdian, thousands of miles away, where someone made a movie, and then gave me 20 yuan.

I can take the 20 yuan with peace of mind.

More than half of my hard-earned money every year was earned by his family.

In this way, I arrived in Hengdian and found that things were not simple.

At that time, Hengdian was very desolate, with a lonely palace lying there, but as the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm, isn't it long? The crew of "The Opium War" came.

And I became a miscellaneous soldier in the crew. That was the first time I touched the camera and the track car.

The mood at that time was the same as the moment when all the students here received the admission letter of the Chinese opera, it was extremely surging.

It was also at that moment that I said to myself that film will be my career for the rest of my life.

The original heart lies in the square inch, and the ingenuity lies in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, 12 passed, and I am very glad that my original intention to make a good movie is still there.

I think it is also because of maintaining this original intention that I stood on the podium abroad.

Fang Nan pressed his hand, and the loud applause gradually faded away. He continued: I hope that today's students will remain true to their original intentions. After my speech is over, all students below can raise their hands if they want to ask questions.

"Hello Director Fang, I'm Liu Ying, a fourth-year undergraduate acting class student in Chinese opera. I have participated in a TV series "Marriage Itch" and a movie "Jing Fu Men."

"What I want to ask is, you have been in the entertainment industry for more than 10 years, and you must have been tempted a lot. How do you keep your original intention? We all know that the entertainment industry is very chaotic, and we often cannot help ourselves."

"There are indeed many temptations, and sometimes it is difficult to make a choice, but you are wrong about one thing. Your so-called involuntary life is just a wavering of your original intention. As long as you insist on being a good actor, how can you be involuntary?"

"Also, I don't really agree with what you said about the entertainment industry being particularly chaotic."

"The entertainment industry is actually just two words, fame and fortune. Any circle with these two words will be messed up. This is due to human nature, and the entertainment industry cannot be ignored."

"One more thing, why does the entertainment industry give people a sense of chaos, because it is under the spotlight, if you put this super-powerful spotlight in institutions, hospitals, and high-end workplaces"

"Ahem, let me interrupt you for that Fang guide. There are so many students waiting to ask questions."

Fang Nan understood and nodded to the interrupting teacher: "Yes, next one please."

"Hi, Director Fang. My name is Song Yi. I am a junior this year. I participated in "Dream of Red Mansions" directed by Li Shaohong last year. My question is how to improve the acting ability of actors."

"Implant life, observe life, enjoy life, and keep yourself in the most relaxed state as much as possible when performing."

"Speaking of which, today so many students come to my speech in fancy dress, it is very unrealistic. You are still in the stage of accumulation. Once you become famous in the future, it will be difficult to accumulate, and the performance will be empty at that time. , and was eliminated by the cruelly competitive entertainment industry."

"Hi Director Fang, I'm a second-level directing student at Beidian University. I'm from Huaxia Xiangjiang. I want to ask a question about Xiangjiang directors."

"Okay, just ask. In addition, let me emphasize to you that Xiangjiang has returned to China for 12 years. You don't need to remind you that you are from Huaxia Xiangjiang. We are all Chinese."

After a pause in the applause, Xiangjiang students said: "Since 2003, after the mainland has completely opened up channels for co-productions to Xiangjiang, the mainland has provided funds, Xiangjiang has a team behind the scenes, and the number of actors producing films has increased."

"However, over the past few years, such co-productions have hardly produced good works and are not profitable. Mainland netizens have criticized director Xiangjiang for being unacceptable. How long do you think this situation will last, or can director Xiangjiang find a creative direction in the mainland?"

"I think in the future Xiangjiang directors will definitely find suitable subjects for them to shoot. Instead of worrying about Xiangjiang's older generation of directors not adapting to the mainland, finding it hard to survive, or finding a direction, you should worry about the withering of Xiangjiang filmmakers."

Fang Nan remembered very clearly that since Old Freak Xu finished filming the positive energy film "Taking Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom", director Xiangjiang discovered that popular and professional movies are a good way to attract money.

So there was a series of films directed by Xiangjiang, such as "Operation Mekong", "Operation Red Sea", "The Climber", "Changjin Lake", "Captain Huaxia", "Doctor Huaxia".

Later, it led a group of domestic directors to shoot "My Motherland and Me", "My Hometown and Me", "My Parents and Me", and "King Kong River".

Of course, Wu Jing is also a representative figure of this kind of theme, and his "Wolf Warrior" series is very famous.

It’s okay to make this kind of movie, but it’s hard to make it. There’s a saying that everything goes against its limits. What should the audience do if they watch too much and get bored?
The director made money and ran away, leaving the mess to the domestic film market to slowly digest.

Fang Nan didn't like such nonsense very much.

Exhaust the pond and fish!

(End of this chapter)

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