literary world

Chapter 316 Miscellaneous

Chapter 316 Miscellaneous
Fang Nan:

Movies need a hundred flowers to bloom!
Only commercial movies, movies are empty.

There are only literary and artistic films, and films will not last long.

So I emphasized to our President Shi Nansheng of Tangtang Film and Television that if Tangtang Film and Television wants to be an industry benchmark, it cannot reject literary films, drama films, and genre films.

Even if you lose a little money, you have to invest in several literary films every year.

This is not a show, it is the responsibility of the industry leader.

Some directing students jumped out:

But where is the future of our Chinese literary films?
Among the so-called five generations of directors, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige changed their careers to shoot commercial films, and the rest fell to the ground.

Among the six generations of directors, Zhang Yang and Lin Hao made transitions, one filmed "Unmanned Driving", and the other completed "Crazy Racing", the companion film of "Crazy Stone", Wang Xiaoshuai, Zhang Yuan, and Lu Xuechang fell silent.

Chief Jia and Lou Ye are still insisting, but they are active abroad, and one of them has not even lifted the ban.

Even an excellent genre film like "Parasite" directed by you can't enter the domestic film market. I heard that even the script has not passed the review. What do you think of such a film environment?

We cannot compare to Europe, the birthplace of the Renaissance.

It can't compare to the United States, which should be playing with technology.

It can't compare to the Japan where Akira Kurosawa was born.

Now even South Korea is catching up.

Even Vietnam has adopted a grading system, and no one will lose if they continue to lose. It's really embarrassing!

The laughter in the audience was loud and mocking.

Fang Nan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to stop the Chinese opera teacher who was controlling the scene, and said slowly:

I can understand your anger and worry.

But how should I put it, many of you are still students, and more energy should be put on the knowledge reserve for the future, don't be so pessimistic.

I believe that the problems you mentioned will gradually get better as time goes by.

Many of our filmmakers have been working hard and have not given up improving the environment for you and the next generation.

I can reveal to you a piece of news that the Beijing International Category A Film Festival that is being prepared may have major moves.

At that time, you may see films such as "Parasite" and "A Night Intoxicated by Spring Breeze" for screenings.

With the students' dubious expressions on their faces, Fang Nan answered a few more questions, ending the trip to the Chinese opera.

The next day.

He gave another speech at Tsinghua University.

This time there are more students and the questions are more complicated.

It was very difficult for Fang Nan to deal with such high-end questions as small as asking him about his basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment gossip, as large as foreign politics and culture.

Fortunately, Fang Nan had enough experience in his two lifetimes, and he also studied a lot in his daily life. In the end, he completed two speeches brilliantly.

After leaving Tsinghua University, Shi Nansheng, who acted as his manager temporarily, said, "Jia Leshi and his wife invited us to dinner."

Fang Nan wondered: "I haven't met them, what are we going to eat?"

In 2005, Tudou was established.

As the earliest video website in China, Tudou Video established many characteristics of China's video website in one fell swoop: portal, user upload mode, support and incentive mode, etc.

But few people know.

As early as a year before the establishment of Tudou, Jia Leshi established LeTV and LeTV Video, which is a true Internet video pioneer.

The reason why LeTV’s Internet video limelight was snatched by Tudou is that Jia LeTV did not take Internet video as the strategic focus of the company’s development in the early days.

The development of the Internet is slow step by step.

The three major Internet video sites in China, LeTV, Tudou, and Douyin.

LeTV was the first to do it, but after making a mistake and starting from the beginning, it felt a little behind.

Tudou was established a little later, with the right direction, and is now the industry leader.

Douyin was established the latest.

But this year's debut animation "The Adventures of Li Xianji", the second season of "That Rabbit", and the first season of "Soul Ferry" really attracted many users.

Douyin is also backed by Thirteen Swordsmen, supported by Fang Nan's entire film and television industry chain, which is very imposing, and it has the meaning of stabilizing LeTV to catch up with Tudou.

With such a competitive relationship, Fang Nan was very curious, what did Jia Leshi and his wife, who like to deal with people in the entertainment industry, want him to do.

"LeEco's investment in "Mecha Man" is also released during the summer vacation. They want to jointly promote it. The promotional slogan of "Mecha Man" is the same as "Assassination of Novelists". It is the first sci-fi masterpiece in China!"

Fang Nan remembered that when he was in Cannes, he introduced LeTV's "Robot Man" to Mr. Han and others.

"Forget it, I'm not going."

He hadn't seen "Cyborg", so it wasn't a good idea, let alone a sci-fi masterpiece.

The director of "Robot Man" Liu Zhenwei didn't have any good films after leaving Zhou Xingxing, and the joint promotion simply missed the word of mouth of "Assassination of Novelists".

"Then I'll go."

While letting the driver start the car, Shi Nansheng looked at Fang Nan and talked about another thing: brand advertising endorsement.

After "Parasite" won the Cannes award, the number of domestic and foreign brands looking for Fang Nan's endorsement has grown to hundreds.

There are everything from internationally renowned brands of automobiles, clothing, accessories, and watches to domestic household appliances, high-end furniture, and sportswear.

A wide variety of brands can be said to include the basic necessities of the public, food, drink and Lazard.

Ji Ke Fang Nan ate the weight and decided not to agree.

She came to Beijing this time to discuss the release of "Assassination of Novelists".

The second thing is to persuade Fang Nan not to refuse the advertisement endorsement thousands of miles away.

She could also guess what Fang Nan was thinking, it was nothing more than fear of problems with the products he endorsed, which would affect his personal image.

But this is not a reason. The high-end brands of major international manufacturers are not so easy to get a bad reputation.

Thinking of this, Shi Nansheng organized his speech, and said slowly: "At any rate, you have received a few advertising endorsements, and the endorsement fees are all sky-high. The company operates a partnership system. You are obviously capable of increasing the company's profits, but you don't do it for personal reasons. Shareholders are not allowed to gossip in the future?"

"After all, your director and agent appointment is also at Tangtang Film and Television, and the company will provide you with assistants, agents, makeup artists, and stylists!"

Fang Nan was taken aback, it was the first time someone talked to him about endorsement from the interests of the company.

He thought about it for a while, and it really is true, he can personally refuse to accept endorsements and commercial performances as he pleases.

But from the perspective of Tangtang Film and Television's contracted director status and the company's interests, his approach is obviously wrong.

Tang Tang Film and Television is everyone's company, a joint-stock company, and everyone has to work hard for the growth of this company. It is a policy he has set himself. Doesn't he flagrantly violate the policy if he refuses to accept an endorsement?
Go against yourself?

After thinking about it, Fang Nan nodded and said, "Nan Sheng, what you said is very reasonable, how about this, I will take back the director's agent appointment."

"There's no need to do this, just accept a few endorsements."

"Let's take it out. Terminating the contract now will not affect the company's development. I am really lazy to accept endorsements. I don't want to be manipulated by others. I don't have so much time to promote and shoot commercials for the brand platform."

"Okay then, I'll call President Cai at night."

After finishing the business, the car arrived at the overpass, Fang Nan got out of the car, and Shi Nansheng drove to the banquet.


In ancient times, there was a city of Tianqiao with wine flags and drums, and many tourists did not recall their homes.

In the past, this place was a place for folk performing arts, playing with knives, guns and sticks, and doing folk juggling.

In the new era, many small theaters have been built in Tianqiao for people to perform folk art, such as cross talk, storytelling, Xihe drum, kuaibanshu, Shandong kuaishu and other genres.

The overpass is still a lively place in the capital.

Naturally, Fang Nan didn't come here to appreciate some folk art. After passing by the Deyunse Gate, he went straight to a large ruin not far away.

Over there is the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center under construction.

Following the wall to find the entrance, Yan Hong, Wu Jie, the contractor, and a group from Tianqiao Office were looking forward to it.

"Yan Hong, Wu Jie!"

"Brother Nan, why did you come here like this?"

"if not?"

"Pay attention to your image, boss, at least you are worth billions of dollars!" After arranging Fang Nan's first pass, Yan Hong showed her face and said, "Mr. Fang, let me introduce you."

Fang Nan couldn't remember so many people, so he had to watch the scene after two "hmmmm".

A group of people entered the wall, and the guide explained to the model: "Mr. Fang, after the completion of the art center, it will be in the shape of LV. The front entrance is dominated by small and medium-sized theaters, and the back is a large theater. The whole building is surrounded by elm trees and is full of vitality. .”

After the lecturer's introduction, Fang Nan strolled around the construction site under the scorching sun, leaving everyone with the impression that something was happening.

Fang Nan couldn't help it, he was very busy, so he didn't have much time to run to the overpass, so he could only put on a symbolic appearance, which made these contractors somewhat scrupled.

"You have to keep an eye on it. It's a trivial matter to waste more money. Things can't be messed up. After the performing arts center is built, it will be the largest place to display national culture in China. It's not just a face project. It's either not accepted. Once If there is a mistake, it will be on the news network.”

Fang Nan told Wu Jie before leaving.

"I know in my heart that we have our own supervision team on site, but the boss, the first phase of the project is about to bottom out."

"Don't worry, the share of "Parasite" will arrive in the account after a while, and there will be around 4000 million."

After finishing talking in pain, Fang Nan looked at Yan Hong: "Have you found a suitable director to take over "Cai Fan You Yan Sauce Tea"?"

"There is one, he himself is quite willing, do you find time to interview in person?"

"Ask him to come to your company tomorrow, it's too late today, I'm going home."

As Fang Nan said, he jumped over the fence with a run-up, Yan Hong and Wu Jie looked at each other.

"Can you be more reliable!" The two muttered and walked back.

After taking a taxi to the outskirts of Yonghe Villa, Fang Nan wandered around until dark before approaching the villa cautiously, and then with Zeng Li's perfect cooperation, he dodged in.

Entering the yard, Thong Wanzhuo stood under the eaves of the verandah in the same way and thought about it, Fang Nan didn't know what to say, this girl really did follow her.

"What mistake did you make again?"

Zeng Li said angrily: "The bed sheets are all painted with watercolors, and they can't be washed off."

"Why did you buy her watercolor pens?"

"There are two more months to go to school, don't you want to buy a pen?"

"Go to school now?" Fang Nan sighed.

Zeng Li rolled her eyes: "In September, I'll be four years old. When will I start kindergarten?"

Fang Nan nodded, and said to his daughter: "Did you hear that, I'm going to kindergarten, be good at home, and stay at school all day after school to see if you're crying or not, and whether you want to go home."

The little girl said eloquently: "I must like to stay in the kindergarten, there are many children playing with me there!"

"Your mouth is quite stiff." Fang Nan beckoned his daughter to his side, and said affectionately, "Did you do the splits that Dad taught you?"


The little girl slipped her feet and sat on the ground in an instant, proudly saying: "Father, praise me!"

"Xiao Zhuo is the best. Watch Dad perform somersaults for you."

Fang Nan pushed his daughter away, kicked his legs vigorously, and made three somersaults in the air backwards, the little girl's eyes were shining.

Zeng Li was dissatisfied: "Can't you teach a simple one? Can this thing be learned?"

"It's okay. She is at least two or three years away from this step. Let her start by learning how to flip."

After chatting in the yard for a while, when it was time for dinner, Fang Nan washed up and went to bed. While reading the picture book with his daughter, Fang Nan talked to Zeng Li about the speeches in the past two days.

The main problem is the rating of the movie.

Unexpectedly, when he mentioned it, Zeng Li shook his head and expressed that it was impossible. There were too many things involved, and it was impossible for one or two people to push it.

Fang Nan pondered, "Do you think I can do this with the rest of my life?"

"I don't know, if you like to make movies, just make movies and win domestic and foreign awards. Why do you want to do this all of a sudden?"

"Before today, I didn't think about these things. It was yesterday that I gave a speech at your alma mater, and seeing the disappointed eyes of those young directors broke my defense."

"You know what those young directors at your school told me?"

"Ang? Say what?"

"They say we can't compare to Europe, Hollywood, and Japan. Now even South Korea has won the Palme d'Or. Seeing that Vietnam has launched a grading system, it may fall behind Vietnam in the future. No one will lose if we lose. We can only entertain ourselves. Happy."

"After hearing this at the time, I really had mixed feelings and mixed feelings in my heart."

Zeng Li laughed and fell on the bed: "Who said that? You're really talented!"

"Never mind whether you are talented or not, people say there is nothing wrong with it, so I wonder if I should do something?"

"Don't think about it, you don't have the ability to solve it, just make your favorite movie with peace of mind."

Fang Nan felt uncomfortable, and after turning off the lights, he handed in some homework that seemed like a ghost drawing, and then stared at the ceiling in a daze.

For the first time, he seriously considered a problem.

I only make movies in this life, just to satisfy my own selfish desires, isn't it a bit wasteful?

Should he fight for something for later filmmakers?

What to do for Huaxia culture to go out.

Either of these two paths is much more difficult than becoming an international director and winning an Oscar, but it is definitely more meaningful.

After pondering all night, Fang Nan couldn't make a decision, so he could only put aside his immature thoughts and do the work in front of him first.

Fangnan culture.

The director of "Oil, Salt, Sauce and Vinegar Tea" under the temporary alias of "A Bite of China" has been found.

It's amazing, it turned out to be the director of the original time and space.

For this documentary, the director even resigned from CCTV and joined Fangnan Culture.

After a series of chores were resolved, "Assassination of Novelists" entered the pre-publicity mode. Fang Nan and the main creators frequently participated in various ceremonies. Several producers even asked him and the main creators to record "Running Man". "Happy Camp", "Everyday Upward".

It stands to reason that the starlight of a director cannot be compared with that of an actor of the same level.

The truth is, there are so few directors in China who are more dazzling than stars, and film promotion would really be impossible without them.

The first place is director Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing's movie can be promoted without actors, but he cannot be lacking as a director. His every frown and smile can arouse the emotions of movie fans and boost the box office.

The second place is director Feng Dapao.

Feng Dapao's films need actors as well as his own participation.

If his movie promotion did not have his talkative talk, the box office would be [-]% lower.

The third and fourth places are Fang Nan and Zhang Yimou.

For the film promotion of these two people, the actors are the assistants, and the director is the main force.

There is no way, the two have a good reputation, as long as they keep telling the audience that they are making good movies, the audience will believe it.

This is the effect achieved by the two through their personal strength.

That's why Fang Nan was very distressed.

The investment in "Assassination of Novelists" is too large, and he can indeed drive the box office.

Therefore, he had no choice but no reason to refuse the producer's request.

Moreover, he also counted on these people to invest in "The Wandering Earth", so the box office figures of "Assassination of Novelists" must be brighter.

Just like that, Fang Nan boarded the plane to Hunan Province.

 It seems that there is no enthusiasm recently, and it is a bit late to post.

(End of this chapter)

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