literary world

Chapter 317 "Everyday Upwards"

Chapter 317 "Everyday Upwards"

The main creative team of "Assassination of Novelists" announced their trip to Star City, and local movie fans responded with great enthusiasm.

Look at this group of people, Chen Kun, Liu Qianqian, Mei Ting, and Guan Xiaotong have good looks.

Huang Bo has strength.

Fang Nan is even better, the second director in China to win the Palme d'Or.

He is also the first director in China to win the Golden Bear and Palme d'Or at the same time, and Fan Taizheng is the international director.

With such a luxurious lineup coming to Star City, it's hard for movie fans not to take it seriously.

Besides, it was Fang Nan's first time to record a program on Mango TV.

This international-level director gave Mango TV his first show after winning the Palme d'Or, which shows the importance of Mango TV.

Just like that, the sense of honor doubled, and fans of Xiang Province movie fans flocked into the airport frantically.

So Fang Nan and his group went through the security check, and what they saw was a welcome line that stretched as far as the eye could see. The immature faces in the line seemed to be blush with excitement.

On the way to the hotel, the convoy was followed along the way, and the eye-catching banners and posters seemed to spread all over the city.

Even the hotel they settled in had been surrounded long ago.

Sweating profusely into the hotel, the spotlights and roars flashed outside the window from time to time, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling that Star City had cultivated an extremely fertile soil for entertainment.

"Ding dong."

"Please come in."

"Brother Nan, this is Director Fu of Hunan Provincial Culture and Broadcasting Corporation."

Hu Wen led several people into the guest room, the leader Fang Nan didn't know each other, and behind them were Wang Han, He Jiong, and Li Xiang from Mango TV.
"Hello Director Fu, Mr. Wang Han, Mr. He, hello!"

Fang Nan left the window sill to meet several people.

Everyone greeted each other and sat down in the conference room to chat. Director Fu came to talk about cooperation. The other party knew that Fang Nan was short on time, so he asked straight to the point about the possibility of strategic cooperation with Tangtang Film and Television.

Tang Tang Film and Television is too hot this year.

In March 2009, produced by Tang Tang Film and Television, the TV series "Latent" co-broadcasted by Tomato, Beijing, Shancheng and HLJ became popular.

In ten days, it won the first half of the TV drama ratings championship with 5.4% ratings.

Word of mouth is impeccable.

It is said to be the best spy war drama in China.

"Bright Sword" in the spy war drama!
As soon as "Latent" came out, TV stations across the country were unable to fight back.

After finally getting "Latent" off the line, the TV stations just breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Tang Films and Television's fairy tale drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" landed on Lizhi and Tomato TV again, and the ratings exploded from the first episode.

Once again firmly occupy the share of national TV drama ratings.

The young and beautiful actors and actresses, BGM, and special effects in the play have aroused greater discussion on the Internet.

The directors of the dramas purchased by David TV are numb, and the TV stations that have always been at the bottom are better, and they can't afford to spend money to compete.

Mango Channel can’t accept it. I have experienced the viewing pleasure brought by the variety shows "Happy Camp" and "Super Girl". How can I bear being beaten so embarrassingly by other TV series!
So ever.

When Director Fu used Fang Nan to come to the station to do a show, he came to the door.

The opening is that Mango TV and Tang Tang Film and Television will become an all-round strategic partnership in the field of TV dramas.

But obviously not possible.

Tang Tang Film and Television will not allow any TV station to enter, what Fang Nan can guarantee is that the competition is fair and just.

There will be no black box operations.

Everything is more money and less talk.

Director Fu was obviously unwilling, and his face remained firm. Fang Nan thought for a while, and reminded him: "Another drama "Love Apartment" by Tangtang Film and Television, I personally think it is interesting."

"Then thank you, Mr. Fang." Director Fu got up: "I won't delay you talking about the schedule of the show. In the evening, Wang Hanyi will be the host. Please invite Director Fang and his party to eat."

After Director Fu left, Hu Wen called Liu Qianqian and others into the room to discuss the recording of the program.

They are going to record three programs on this trip.

They are: "Everyday Upward", "Happy Camp", "The Story Behind".

It is finally determined that everyone will record "Everyday Upward" together tomorrow.

The next day, Fang Nan recorded "The Story Behind", and the others recorded "Happy Camp".

After all, Fang Nan's status and status are too high, and "Happy Camp" is too noisy, he is not suitable to participate.

After chatting about the show, Wang Han was the host, leading He Jiong and Li Peng to invite Fang Nan, Huang Bo, Chen Kun, Liu Qianqian, Mei Ting and Guan Xiaotong to taste local delicacies.

Fang Nan was not very familiar with these hosts.

On the contrary, Liu Qianqian and Chen Kun often came to record programs, and they were more familiar with He Jiong and others, so the dinner table was quite lively.

"The streets of Italy are indeed full of art, after all, it is the real birthplace of the Renaissance."

"But how about this country, it is always so up and down. Italy is not like our ancient Chinese country, which must be divided for a long time, and it must be united for a long time, so there is a concept of a country."

"Italy has been divided for too long, for more than 1000 years, so that the Italians are very self-conscious. Compared with the country, the Italians have a stronger sense of family."

"Coppola's "The Godfather" expounds the Italian family concept very well."

"When I was attending a film forum in Cannes, I sat down with the director of "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", Giuseppe Tornadore, and he told me that in Europe, the French love their national flags the most, while the Italians are only in You only love your country’s flag when you have a football match.”

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Wang Han, He Jiong and others all laughed.

I admire Fang Nan's deep understanding of Europe, thanks to being liked by so many foreigners at the Cannes Film Festival.

While eating and chatting until 23 o'clock, Fang Nan and his party returned to the hotel. They will be recording a program tomorrow, so they have to keep fit.

The next day.

A group of them entered the Hunan Cultural and Broadcasting Center under the leadership of the staff.

After working on styling and makeup for two hours, several people came to the stage in twos to the sound of music.

There are too many people. There are eight hosts in "Everyday Upward", and there are six guests today. Many people who are on stage together may not even have a scene.

"Hi everyone, I'm actress Liu Qianqian!"

"I'm Fang Nan."

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian lifted the curtain and went up to the stage in their normal uniforms, there was a burst of shouts from the audience.

At the same time, Wang Han looked around and said to the young hosts of Ou Di: "Look, what is a big guy, this is the real big guy!"

"Brother Han, you don't need to say anything, you can tell by the tone of your voice." Ou Di imitated Fang Nan's tone and said with a stern face: "Hello everyone, I'm Ou Di!"

Japanese host Koji: "You don't need any prefixes, as long as you report your name, you are confident that everyone will know it and know what it is for! This is a big coffee."

Wang Han: "Let's listen to what a big coffee is!"

"Fang Nan, born in 1979, has been in the industry for eight years. In 2005, he won the 13th Huabiao Award for Outstanding Director and Director's Virgo Award for "The Unknown."

"In 2006, he won the Most Popular Director Award for College Students at the 13th College Student Film Festival with "The Richest Man in Xihong City."

"In July of the same year, he was received by the Prime Minister of Thailand because the movie "Lost in Thailand" promoted Thailand's tourism economy."

"In 2007, he won the 57th Berlin Golden Bear Award for "Youth in Youth"."

"At the 14th Huabiao Awards in the same year, he won the Outstanding Director Award, the Outstanding Feature Film Award, and the Best Director Award from the Directors Guild."

"Won the Five One Engineering Award for directing the 2008 Spring Festival Gala."

"In April of the same year, he won the Best Screenplay Award at the 27th Academy Awards [not received]."

"In September of the same year, he won the Best Director Award at the 17th Golden Rooster Awards with "Youth in Youth"."

"In 2009, he won the Palme d'Or at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival with "Parasite""

"Emma, ​​I'm exhausted, and I have omitted many small prizes, otherwise I would have to report them all morning." Wang Han sighed, and showed the cue card to the audience to show that he was not lying.

Odie: "Brother Han, with so many prizes won, why hasn't one of them lost yet?"

"It's all passing. Let's quickly ask Director Fang how he feels after winning so many awards. Standing on the podium in Cannes, is there any secret joy in his heart?"

Wang Han looked at Fang Nan, and the audience below sat up straight with curiosity on their faces.

"Of course I'm happy. I've realized part of my dream, and I can get a bonus."

Odie: "As a co-author, you are here for the bonus."

Fang Nan and the audience laughed together, and Wang Han smiled and threw the topic to Liu Qianqian beside him:
"Besides Director Fang, Sissi also has many honors. There is a problem with the selection mechanism of the three major European film festivals."

"Sissy was nominated for the Best Actress Award in Berlin and once for the Best Actress Award in Cannes. When you were in Berlin and Cannes, did you ever think about complaining about the director? Why are you always on stage to win the award, not me!"

Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan and said with a smile, "I want to knock him down, but I can't beat him, so I can only watch him come on stage."

Odie: "Brother Han, can I ask a question?"

"What kind of boy do you like?"

"Damn, you ask this every time."

Under the contemptuous gazes of Wang Han and others, Odie argued: "Sister Shenxian is rarely here, so I want to know what kind of elder brother Shenxian thinks of sister Shenxian? What kind of temperament should he have!"

"Why don't you just ask if you have a chance?"

After burying Odie, Wang Han changed his voice and looked at Liu Qianqian: "We, no, they still have a chance?"

"What kind of temperament, I think you have to be manly and have thin cheeks!"

Liu Qianqian patted Fang Nan's arm: "He is very suitable for my fairy brother. He can protect me."

Odie looked blank: "Sister Immortal, could you be mistaken?"

"No, didn't you ask brother, Fang Dao fits the image of my brother best in my mind."

Liu Qianqian smiled slyly, and slapped Fang Nan with a bitter face again.

Wang Han: "Stop, let's not talk about brother"

Koji: "Talk about my sister"

"What do I do when I'm alone? Find out about the private lives of big directors and celebrities." Wang Han looked at Fang Nan: "What do Director Fang like to do when he's alone?"

"A lot, reading books, writing scripts, pondering lyrics, and playing musical instruments."

Wang Han: "It's no wonder he won such an award. He has never stopped studying in his life, and has no entertainment at all?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Sometimes I also play two games."

"That's right, reading a book every day will make us feel that our brothers are very dull." Wang Han looked at Liu Qianqian: "Where is Qianqian, what do you do when you are alone?"

"Reading, practicing dancing, reading scripts, sleeping."

Wang Han and the others were speechless, and Oudi said, "Sister Fairy, you seem to be stunned by our Tiantian brothers!"

Liu Qianqian covered her mouth happily, and when Wang Han opened her mouth, she had a flash of inspiration and said, "Sometimes I play games with myself."

"That's right, what game are you playing?"

After Wang Han sighed, he saw Liu Qianqian sticking out a fist, striking up, down, left, and right into the air in front of her, saying, "Catch the butterfly, catch the butterfly, catch the butterfly."

After finishing, she giggled and asked, "How many butterflies did you see I caught just now?"

Fang Nan, like everyone else at the scene, was completely confused and didn't know what it meant.

When Wang Han didn't know why, he took the initiative to throw the question to Odie: "Odie, Sister Fairy asked you, how many butterflies did you catch?"

"Catch butterflies, catch butterflies, catch butterflies, three."

"Wrong." Liu Qianqian said proudly, "I'm performing it again."

"Catch butterflies, catch butterflies, how many did you catch this time?" Liu Qianqian looked at everyone on the stage.

Everyone still didn't see the way, but some audience members raised their hands and said that they had caught 6 butterflies. Liu Qianqian happily said that the answer was correct, and announced the gameplay.

In fact, it is a virtual nine-square grid game, whichever grid the hand moves to, it is to catch a few butterflies.

Fang Nan was numb, what a broken game, childish like a ghost.

Odie: "I think Sister Fairy is the most beautiful when she is sleeping!"

Wang Han: "This is the most fun game I have played this year!"

Koji: "This game is like a joke, very cold."

The first half of the recording ended in Liu Qianqian's unpopular game. Everyone rested and ate something to replenish their energy. They signed some autographs for the audience, and the recording continued.

As Huang Bo, Chen Kun, Mei Ting, and Guan Xiaotong entered the arena, the people on stage became even more lively.

Wang Han: "Don't look at Xiaotong who is only 12 years old, but it has been 6 years since his debut. He is considered an old actor. He has also worked with two great directors. Xiaotong, can you introduce yourself."

"I have worked with director Chen Kaige on "The Promise", and with Uncle Fang on "Lost in Thailand" and this time "Assassination of Novelists."

Wang Han: "Both the two great directors have won the Palme d'Or. Which director do you think has the best temper?"

"Yeah." Guan Xiaotong held the microphone and looked at Fang Nan, "Be honest, what are you looking at me for?" Fang Nan looked at the slim little girl after a few years.

"Director Chen Kaige is more gentle on the set. Outside the set, Uncle Fang will invite me to eat."

"Understood, Director Fang has a very temper on the set."

After Odie concluded, Guan Xiaotong smiled shyly.

"This kid is much more shy when he grows up. When he was filming "Lost in Thailand", he was so eloquent. Follow me."

Fang Nan stopped talking quickly, he almost said that he looked like his daughter.

Fortunately, no one asked after him, only Liu Qianqian licked her lips and glanced at him.

After Guan Xiaotong finished recording the shots, Huang Bo, Chen Kun, and Mei Ting went into battle together to start the promotional mode of "Assassination of Novelists".

"I've never made a high-tech film like "Assassination of Novelists". Sissy is the best. He has real performances. Mei Ting is also okay. At least she has some fights with real people."

"Most of the time, Chen Kun and I acted in front of the air. There was a big green cloth in front of us. The director and Wu Zhi said that there was an attack over there, and there was an attack here. In fact, there was nothing in front of us. When the show started, people outside the crew came to the scene and saw the two of us, they thought we were fools, you know?"

Huang Bo's Mandarin with a little Qingdao accent made the audience laugh out loud.

"Although I haven't seen the finished film, I'm sure "Assassination of Novelists" is definitely the ceiling of special effects in domestic movies, because there are many, many equipments, and Brother Bo and I can't name them."

"What impressed me the most was the camera rented from abroad. A normal camera has only one lens, but that camera has two."

"I heard that the production team rents this kind of photography for thousands of dollars a day. There are three such cameras in the world, and one of them is in our production team."

After Chen Kun finished speaking, Mei Ting followed him: "The most difficult part of filming "Assassination of Novelists" was probably the fighting scene. I have never filmed it before. The knife I used was very long, and it was too difficult to fight. gone."

Sissy: "I'm fine, I shoot a lot of action scenes, and there are very few action scenes in "Assassination of Novelists"."

Wang Han: "Director Fang, please say a few more words, there is no such shop after this village."

Fang Nan nodded, cleared his throat and said:

Many military fans on the Internet often claim that there is at least a 50-year gap between China's military technology and that of the United States. I don't know if it is true.

But I know very well.

On the Korean battlefield back then, the gap between our military strength and that of the US was even greater.

But the so-called Korean elite troops who are still fighting are fleeing, and the old Americans who are fighting have to sign. What do we rely on?Relying on faith?
But film technology cannot rely on faith.

We can only use money to keep throwing money, so as to cultivate our own technical personnel, so the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" is very important to me and 13 Swordsmen.

Because investors will continue to invest in my next sci-fi blockbuster only if "Assassination of Novelists" makes investors money.

The visual effects team of "Assassination of Novelists", 13 swordsmen, will make a further step towards Hollywood visual effects technology.

So, this time, please everyone!

The ticket price for "Assassination of Novelists" may be very high this time, and the ticket price for 3DMAX theaters may exceed 70 yuan a piece. Fortunately, there are not many 3DMAX screens, but there are more than 100 tickets.

One thing I can guarantee is that as long as you buy a 3DMAX ticket, as long as you finish watching "Assassination of Novelists", you will believe that the visual effects of "Assassination of Novelists" are definitely the top level in China.

No film can beat it!
 There seemed to be a bit of controversy yesterday, but it's good that no one scolds people.It's normal to have disputes.

  Because we are all adults, we all have our own thoughts and opinions.

  Then, I won’t get too involved in the controversial points. Maybe it’s good to simply mention one sentence at the end, because I’m afraid that I will lose the book if I write too much.

  So you don’t need to get too excited, I didn’t want to write a mess at all, the protagonist of this book finally uses cultural output and nothing else to become famous.

(End of this chapter)

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