literary world

Chapter 318 Corporate Reform

Chapter 318 Corporate Reform
Finished recording "Everyday Upward".

The next day.

Fang Nan appeared on "The Story Behind" hosted by Li Xiang.

In the few years since he became famous, he rolled in the mud when he was a child, and his experience of wandering and working illegally when he grew up has long been wiped out, and it is very boring to talk about it.

Fang Nan was annoyed, so he discussed with the program director and Li Xiang to talk more about movies and "Assassination of Novelists".

The program team readily agreed.

But at the end of the recording of the program, the host Li Xiang still asked some questions about Fang Nan's embarrassment.

For example:

"Parasite" is a Chinese movie or a Korean movie.

The problem of pirated movies that has been repeatedly banned on the market.

Why did Hollywood and Europe protect so many intellectual property rights? Fang Nan had a headache, but he could understand it.

Talk shows are all in this tone.

I always think that discussing profound social issues with people who have made achievements in a certain field makes the program appear high-end and high-end.

While driving the visible and intangible ratings, increase the influence of the TV station.

""Parasite" is a co-production in three places. The investment in China, the United States, and South Korea is almost equal, and the production area is South Korea. But I want to say that a good movie belongs to all audiences around the world."

After solving the first problem, Fang Nan thought about how to clarify his position on pirated movies.

On the issue of piracy, he has his own set of ideas.

First of all, profit-oriented pirates must be resolutely cracked down.

Second, be tolerant to ordinary viewers who like to download pirated movies.

To see the essence through the phenomenon.

Many viewers are not willing to spend money to go to the cinema to support the genuine version.

They know that the country has been cracking down on piracy.

Conscientious and moral audiences may also feel sorry for watching pirated movies all year round.

Then why is piracy in China more serious than in foreign countries, and has been criticized by foreigners for not paying attention to intellectual property protection?

The real reason behind it is that there is no money in the pocket, which is the root cause of rampant piracy!
With the answer in mind, Fang Nan pondered, "I can accept the audience watching some pirated movies."

"After all, legitimate and pirated movies have little impact on all human beings. I hope that there will be less "pirated" food on the market, because food really affects personal health and safety."

"The events of last year are vivid and shocking. Why don't many families buy expensive and good milk powder? It's simply that many families have little financial resources, and "pirated" milk powder is too cheap, which leads to misery."

"So I personally think that the problem of pirated movies can be put aside for two years, and the problem of food that affects personal health should be tackled. This is the most important thing!"

After Fang Nan finished speaking with a frown, the audience who participated in the recording gave warm applause.

Li Xiang also stood up and stretched out his hand amidst the applause, announcing the end of the recording.

"Director Fang, let's have dinner together tonight, the time is too short, I haven't enjoyed myself yet."

After the director turned off the device, Li Xiangli looked at Fang Nan with a faint smile.

"I'm sorry, I really don't have time. We will rush to the airport to fly to Pujiang to record "Running Man" later."

Fang Nan was startled, why is he so out of tune, what kind of old clapper can answer?
After leaving the studio, the recording of "Happy Camp" came to an end. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the recording ended.

"Are you going to take off your makeup before leaving, or on the way?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian and Mei Ting.

The two looked at each other: "After removing the makeup, go, soon, just wipe and wash your face."

Fang Nan nodded, lit a cigarette and sat next to Huang Bo.

"Brother Nan, Lin Hao's new movie "No Man's Land" has not passed the trial, do you know about it?"

"I don't know, when did it happen?" Fang Nan looked at Huang Bo in surprise.

"Crazy Racing" directed by Lin Hao just hit the market during the Spring Festival in 09, making Tang Tang Film and China Film and Television a fortune.

1000 million investment, more than 1 million box office, ten times profit.

Lin Hao was also logically promoted to become the fifth director with a box office of over [-] million in the mainland, which can be described as very hot.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Lin Hao took out "No Man's Land" again, which can be called a model worker.

"The news just came out." Huang Bo said: "He said that "No Man's Land" is an ambitious work, and he is going to go to the Berlin Film Festival next year. He is excited. Click, it is stuck on the release license."

Fang Nan was curious: "What is the specific reason? Why didn't I tell you when I was in the capital, at least I can help you to ask."

"The tone of the movie theme is too dark."

After explaining the reason for being stuck, Huang Bo grinned and said again: ""No Man's Land" did not cooperate with Tang Tang Film and Television, Lin Hao has a thin skin and is embarrassed to find you."

Fang Nan exhaled depressedly.

Does he have such a small belly?

It is impossible for Tangtang Film and Television to take all the advantages, is it really either a friend or an enemy?
"Leave him alone, let's continue to promote "Assassination of Novelists". The box office of "Assassination of Novelists" is very important to me, and everything else will come later."

After leaving Star City, Fang Nan and his party arrived at Pujiang in the middle of the night.


Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian slept together again.

Fang Nan wanted to endure it, but unfortunately he couldn't.

On the one hand, he himself is very energetic, and he has not reached the age group where he cannot lift.

On the other hand, Liu Qianqian is young and beautiful, and the two also have a crush on each other.

So as long as each other's eyes meet, an involuntary thunderstorm can be triggered.

The gunpowder had just stopped, and Liu Qianqian asked curiously, "Why did you choose your manager from the company?"

"Tang Tang Film and Television needs to be formalized. If I don't accept endorsement and commercial performances, if I stay in it, you future shareholders should not dislike it."

Liu Qianqian yawned: "I'm not a shareholder."

"It will be next year. You have "Assassination of Novelists" and "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" this year. I think there will be at least one partner next year."

Liu Qianqian turned around, thought it was wrong, and turned back: "Hey, my foreign agent signed the contract with Williams, and they didn't help."

"There are few Asian female roles in Hollywood movies, and you haven't proved your box office strength, so they won't recruit you if they want to make money from you. Aren't Kong Li and Zhang Ziyi all returned? Take your time."

"It's done. I'm going back to my room. Go to bed early. Recording "Running Man" is quite tiring."

early morning.

Fang Nan and his group got up and went straight to Suzhou, where "Running Man" was recorded.

When he arrived at the place, Fang Nan flipped through the script of the game, and looked at the director Yan Min with pain on his face: ""Runningman" has been recorded for three seasons, why hasn't there been any change in the game, and it's been living on its laurels?"

Yan Min smiled wryly and said, "I want to come up with new tricks, but the station doesn't agree, saying it's because of the high ratings, and there are more brand advertisements every season, just keep it up."

Fang Nan was dissatisfied: "There is no innovation, so you can't be compared to South Korea. Don't mess with me. After five years, I will get the copyright."

"Who said no, why don't you talk to Director Li?"

"Is it useful for him to speak?"

Yan Min affirmed: "It is very useful now."

"Let's talk about it after finishing this episode."

Fang Nan thought well, but the program recording was not so easy.

His status is too high.

Members of "Running Man" Deng Chao, Wang Bao, Li Chen and other male members, as well as "Assassination of Novelists" crew members Huang Bo, Chen Kun and others dare not attack him harshly in the game.

Ni Ni and Liu Qianqian dared to show their teeth at him, but they were assigned to a group.

This is hard.

The essential purpose of variety shows is to bring happiness to the audience and relieve the pressure of the busy audience, but his appearance has the opposite effect and seems out of place.

"Forget it."

After Yan Min called for a break again, Fang Nan voluntarily withdrew from the following recording, he had better not make the audience feel uncomfortable.

After the recording of "running man" was terminated, Fang Nan felt bored staying there, greeted everyone, and went straight back to Pujiang.

To the light and shadow 13 swordsmen.

Seeing Fang Nan coming up, Lu Qing complained: "The place is too small, it's hard to walk outside the personal office."

Fang Nan laughed: "Then you can't make any money, so you can't be wronged?"

The foundation of 13 Swordsman is a visual effects company, and later made short videos and established Douyin Video.

Then the visual effects team was split into film visual effects team, animation visual effects team, and TV drama visual effects team, so that more and more technical talents and management personnel were recruited. At this moment, the company has nearly 1500 people.

There are also visual effects computers scattered around.

"I regret that I proposed to make Douyin videos at the beginning. The advertising fees of video websites are a drop in the bucket, and they are not enough for server expansion fees. It just adds a layer of financial burden to 13 swordsmen."

"How many monthly active users are there now?"

"It's almost 1000 million."

"So much? What did you do?"

Fang Nan was dumbfounded, 1000 million monthly active users is too much, and the current video users in the country are only more than 1 million.

TikTok doesn’t have copyrights for movies or TV shows at all, so it shouldn’t have so many users.

"I've watched a lot of "Soul Ferry", and we have introduced Tangtang Film and Television's "Sword" series, "Latent" and other TV series that have the copyright for online broadcasting, and we have also bought a lot of niche movies, TV series, and movie sources There are hundreds of them."

"Where did you get the money to buy Tang Tang Film and Television hit drama?"

"Signed a loan contract with Tangtang Film and Television, broadcasting first and then repaying the debt. After clicking this, it will come up immediately, but the income is still pitiful, so I don't know how the video website makes money."

Fang Nan was speechless to Lu Qing and the gang.

He was not notified of such a major event. No wonder Douyin Video was established so late but it can overwhelm LeTV.

But speaking of it, he still gave too much power.

"The establishment of the secretary department must be put on the agenda." Fang Nan glanced at Lu Qing who was frowning.

Thinking that it is too early to engage in video membership, and there are not so many good resources, which will easily damage the reputation, Fang Nan said:
"Pack up the Douyin video and release it to see if it can attract capital to go public. In addition, call Yan Hong and Hou Qiang and ask them to come to Pujiang."

Taking this opportunity, Fang Nan wanted to finish everything.

He wants to separate Douyin video from 13 Swordsmen.

Dream literature should also be selected out of Fangnan culture.

In addition, the two cinemas in Jinling and the 8-3 land on the Bund under Tangtang Film and Television were also cleared.

Either quit, or clean up the gradually bloated company all at once.

Among all his industries, vibrato video and dream literature are relatively speaking, and there is no need to hold them tightly in his hands. Putting capital in will drive the development of the two companies, and at the same time, it will also allow him to have funds to take care of other companies.

In addition, he had to set up a personal secretariat this time.

There are too many points to focus on.

Fangnan Culture - Dream Literature.

Tang Tang Film and Television - Tang Tang Cinema.

Thirteen Swordsmen - Douyin video.

Happy Twist.

Personal real estate [Yonghe Villa, No. 28 Courtyard, Tangong Villa, Sanya Garden House, Guijie Tea House, Performing Arts Center, Nan Study Room].

Individual shares [Space Exploration, Hengdian Equipment Leasing].

IP [fiction, music] - production [film, video] - visual effects [film, video, animation] - network.

He has created an entire film and television industry chain invisibly.

There are more and more industries and bigger and bigger. He can no longer just sign the documents straightforwardly because he has no time to read the documents.

It is true that every company in the industry chain is still very weak.

But every company is like a rising sun, which will become more and more blazing as time goes by, so he has to be careful.

Yan Hong and Hou Qiang arrived at Tangtang Film and Television the next day.

At the same time, Fang Nan has also brought Cai Yinong, Lu Qing, Shi Nansheng, Cao Guozhong and other company principals to the big conference room of Tangtang Film and Television.

At the meeting, he confided in full the plan he had thought about all night.

"Are there any objections? Those who object give reasons."

Cai Yinong said: "I still want to put the remaining 12% of the shares in Tangtang Film and Television. I will not participate in Tangtang Film and Television."

Fang Nan reminded rationally: "Mr. Cai, don't you think about it too much? Tangtang Cinema has a loan of 20 billion, but the housing price is obviously on the rise."

"Forget it, I live a very comfortable life now, and I don't have to worry about fluctuating housing prices."

"That's up to you."

Fang Nan nodded and looked at Lu Qing and Yan Hong.

One of these two made Douyin videos, and the other made dream literature.

In contrast, Fang Nan gave Lu Qing 8% of Douyin video shares, Yan Hong had more, 13%, Fang Nan wondered if they would be too little.

Lu Qing: "I have no objection."

Yan Hong: "Brother Nan, what do you say?"

"Then it's settled."

Fang Nan frowned and looked at the middle-aged man sitting at the end.

This person is Cao Guozhong, who is now in charge of Tangtang Cinema.

"Mr. Cao, let me introduce you. This is Wu Jie. She will be your deputy in the future, but regardless of company affairs, her main job is to select documents that need my signature, not for you. Wu Jie is in charge. All my properties."

"Hello, Secretary Wu."

"Hello, Mr. Cao!"

After watching the two greet each other, Fang Nan talked about another matter with everyone, moving house.

After gathering everyone today, Fang Nan realized that not only the 13 swordsmen were not enough, but also Yan Hong's was not enough, even Tang Tang Film and Television.

Moving is imminent.

"Nansheng, Mr. Cao, how is the rental of the ecological buildings on the Bund going? Can you allocate at least 5 floors to arrange for these bosses? Of course, the rent will definitely not be less."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, everyone laughed, but Cao Guozhong showed embarrassment.

"Mr. Fang, we have reserved floors 23, 24, and 25. However, I don't think Mr. Lu's visual effects company is suitable for office buildings. The electricity price is too high, and other merchants may also worry about excessive radiation. They use It’s not an ordinary computer after all.”

"It makes sense." Fang Nan looked at Lu Qing, "Gong Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Qing said with a sad face, "I want to build a factory in the digital field like Hollywood, but unfortunately I don't have the money."

Yan Hong: "Brother Nan, maybe the few of us can jointly acquire a piece of land and build our own film and television industrial park."

"Where are you going? Go east and west, go to the capital, let's talk about whether the Pujiang side is allowed to go, and the foundation laid over the years will be broken. It's not appropriate to come to Pujiang all the time. After all, the capital is a cultural center. Information , more resources."

Shi Nansheng retorted: "I think we should come to Pujiang. If our companies continue to develop like this, within a few years, we ourselves will be the biggest resource."

"As for information, it's not that we don't have branches. Not only do we have branches in Beijing, we will also set up branches in Xiangjiang, Taiwan, and even foreign branches. So what we need is a city that is more developed and convenient, connected to the world, and communicates with the world .”

After Shi Nansheng finished speaking, everyone looked at Fang Nan eagerly.

They are usually busy with their own business, and they are indifferent to Fang Nan's other companies.

When we got together today, we realized that the young people in the main position have built a whole film and television industry chain with great foresight. They are convinced that such a calculating person makes any decision.

Fang Nan was speechless, thinking too far, what's the matter, he has already started to communicate with the world.

Lit a cigarette, took a puff, Fang Nan nodded and said: "Then do as Mr. Shi said, Mr. Cai, you can talk to Pujiang and see if you can arrange a good and cheap place for me. As big as possible."

"In addition, Lu Qing and Yan Hong, please invite your team to promote the listing of TikTok videos and Dream Literature as soon as possible. It will cost a lot of money to build an industrial park. That's it, let's stop here for the meeting. I have to go back to the capital to participate in "Assassination Novel" "Home" premiere promotion."

Cai Yinong, Yan Hong and others rolled their eyes: "It's not like you are going to participate alone."

The premiere of "Assassination of Novelists" was very big, and the producers did not need Fang Nando to say, they invited more than half of the entertainment industry to join them.

Fang Nan was in a hurry, they were even more anxious than Fang Nan.

"Assassination of Novelists" has a large investment and a long cycle. After waiting for three years to be released, how many three years can there be in one's life is outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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