literary world

Chapter 319 A Bloody Filmmaker

Chapter 319 A bloody filmmaker

Beijing Olympic Sports Center.

Jing Wei, the host of Six Princess Movie Channel:

Good afternoon, audience friends in front of the screen. Welcome to the new issue of "Huaxia Film Report". I am the host Jingwei.

I believe everyone can see from the huge screen behind me that this issue of "Huaxia Film Report" seems to be a little different. Time is running out, so I won't keep it to myself.

I am currently at the promotion site for the premiere of "Assassination of Novelists" at the Beijing Olympic Sports Center.

The huge 22DMAX screen behind me, 16 meters wide and 3 meters high, was specially provided temporarily by MAX Company for the movie "Assassination of Novelists" directed by Fang Nan.

Not only that, the scene is also equipped with a world-class screening and sound system to escort "Assassination of Novelists".

At this time, the Olympic Sports Center gymnasium has become a temporary 3DMAX cinema.

The premiere of "Assassination of Novelists" will allow 2800 guests to enjoy the gorgeous visual effects of the IMAX3D version of "Assassination of Novelists" that night.

Of course, 3D glasses are indispensable.

Well, wearing 3D glasses doesn't seem to have any effect now.

Why don't we go outside the Olympic Sports Center to see which big stars and directors will step on the red carpet today.

Backstage at the Olympic Sports Center, Fang Nan was very busy.

The shouts one after another made him overwhelmed.

Brother Cheng Long is here, and Brother Li Lian is here. No matter how busy he is, he has to express his gratitude politely as a director.

"Director Fang, Director Lin Hao is here."

"Hey." Fang Nan finished talking with Old Freak Xu and turned to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao didn't have the haze of "No Man's Land" being banned. He hugged Fang Nan and said, "Brother Nan, you've made a big fight. I wish you another record at the box office."

"If the box office exceeds [-] million, it will be considered a success. At least it will let the management take a breather."

Compared with the 3.5 million production cost of "Assassination of Novelists", the domestic box office of this film exceeded [-] million, which is actually a loss-making business.

But the box office of [-] million broke the box office record that "Titanic" has maintained so far. As long as this is achieved, the film will have a gimmick when it is released in other markets, and it can ask for more copyrights.

With so much back and forth, he will be able to discuss the "Wandering Earth" project with investors such as China Film Group.

"[-] million is no problem, you have broken the box office record twice in a row, and it will be no problem to break the third time."

Fang Nan smiled and thanked Lin Hao for his encouragement.

He himself is indeed confident of getting [-] million box office.

As Lin Hao said, breaking the box office record again should not be difficult.

In 2006, he was able to break the box office record of domestic movies with "囧囧 in Thailand".

In 2008, he was also able to use "Painted Skin" to break the box office record of "Red Cliff" in Chinese films.

This time, he will be able to use "Assassination of Novelists" to break the record of "If You Are the One" and at the same time break the box office record of "Titanic".

After all, from any perspective, "Assassination of Novelists" is the top visual effects blockbuster so far in the development of Chinese films.

Fang Nan patted Lin Hao's shoulder: "Go in for a rest, and we'll be walking the red carpet later."

Lin Hao didn't move, hesitated for a while, and said shyly, "Well, wait a minute, I'll introduce someone to you."

"Who? You want such a serious introduction?" Fang Nan was curious.

"Mr. Zhang of Remington, my current boss, do you know him?"

Fang Nan chuckled, "I haven't met him before, but I have heard about Zhang Ming, who is called Big Dog Brother by people in the world?"

Remington is an advertising company, and later changed its name to Pentium Malaysia. After changing its name, it became popular in the film and television industry for several years.

The reason why it is so popular is, on the one hand, thanks to the country's strong support for the film and television industry.

On the other hand, it is the wealth creation effect of the GEM.

In 2009, under the lure of Huayi's high-priced listing, film and television companies were greatly sought after by PE.

Film and television companies with a little bit of success in those years were all stars on the racecourse and were favored by PE.

Zhang Ming's galloping horse is one of them.

But Fang Nan knew about it because there were rumors in the circle that Zhang Ming and him had a bright future.

Both of them supported a company with their own charm.

It was the first time I heard this kind of statement. Fang Nan didn't take it seriously. As he became famous, many people liked to talk about him.

Later, after hearing a lot, Fang Nan deliberately got to know Zhang Ming, and then sneered.

The development of the two is not the same.

He used each work to drive the rapid development of Tangtang Film and Television.

Zhang Ming is willing to spend money to make friends with a large number of directors and stars through his personal pleasure, so that Remington seems to be star-studded.

This is also the origin of Zhang Ming's nickname.

Lin Hao opened his mouth, Fang Nan had to stand in the corridor and wait for a while.

Just as he was chatting with Liu Tao, who retired after getting married and is now working hard in the entertainment industry, a hearty laugh came from the side.

"Fang Dao, I have admired you for a long time, I have admired you for a long time, and today I finally meet."

When the lord arrived, Fang Nan took the initiative to end Liu Tao's topic, turned around when Liu Tao was sticking out his tongue playfully, and a middle-aged man with piercing eyes came in front of him.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, thank you for coming to the premiere of my movie during your busy schedule." Fang Nan stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Every movie of Director Fang deserves strong support, no matter how busy you are!" Zhang Ming shook his right hand vigorously excitedly.

Fang Nan nodded noncommittally, and said to Lin Hao, "Take Mr. Zhang and find a place to sit. If you don't want to walk on the red carpet, some staff will take you directly into the infield."

Whether it's Zhang Ming or Remington, it's not enough to look in front of him, but it's enough to think about it.

But Zhang Ming obviously didn't think so. When Fang Nan turned around, he put his arm on Fang Nan's shoulder: "Director Fang, find a place to chat."

Fang Nan frowned dissatisfied: "Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Ming smiled and nodded: "There is something."

Fang Nan asked again: "Or is it related to the "Robot Man" invested by your company?"

"Fang Dao's eyes are like torches!" After flattering Fang Nan, Zhang Ming restrained his smile and whispered:
""Robot Man" is the first film that Remington invested in the film and television industry. The production cost is as high as 2000 million U.S. dollars. Remington's investment is as high as 1000 million U.S. dollars. I really can't afford to fail, so I want to ask Director Fang for help. One or two."

"I, Zhang Ming, am not a stingy person. Director Fang only needs to post a blog post on the eve of the release of "Robot Man", or tell the reporter that the special effects of "Robot Man" are no worse than "Assassination of Novelists". The last opening fee was 300 million."

Fang Nan became interested: "How can you be sure that the special effects of "Assassination of Novelists" will not be criticized by the audience? Are you afraid that you will lose money if you steal the chicken?"

Zhang Ming looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "If this is the case, it is my luck, Zhang Ming. There are not many people who can be in trouble at the same time as Director Fang."

"Thank you for your trust, but I can't agree to your request. Your lack of self-confidence makes me wonder whether "Robot Man" really has an investment of 2000 million US dollars, and whether the quality is unsightly."

"Moreover, Mr. Zhang, don't keep looking for lobbyists. During this period of time, I have heard calluses in both ears about "Robot Man". I really don't want to suffer any more physical and mental torture."

He knew several actors in "Robot Man", Wu Jing, Sun Li, and Hu Jun.

He has also cooperated with other investors and publishers behind "Robot Man".

So much so that recently, someone has always sent him a message, asking "do you want to jointly promote with another sci-fi blockbuster "Robot Man", which annoys him very much.

Lin Hao came here again today, and instantly made him angry, so he caught the righteous man and sprayed it out.

"Director Fang, you don't want to help your brother even if you raise your hand? Many friends have many paths."

"Mr. Zhang please ask Gao Ming."

Fang Nan glanced at Zhang Ming with disdain, and left straight away.

At this glance, Zhang Ming's blood pressure soared, and just about to stop him again, Lin Hao who had been standing beside him hastily opened his mouth and said, "Brother Big Dog, don't mind, Brother Nan has always spoken so directly, and he is familiar with it. That's great."

Zhang Ming's face changed instantly: "Haha, it's nothing, I can only say that Fang Nan is pure."

After speaking with a smile, he patted Lin Hao on the back: "By the way, the license for "No Man's Land" is a bit troublesome. Should we be more self-willed and go directly to Berlin in February?"

"If 'No Man's Land' wins like 'Parasite,' it doesn't matter if it makes domestic box office or not."

Lin Hao couldn't help but froze.

Go straight to Berlin?
Is this asking him to fight with his five-year career as a director?
After winning the fight, Remington, the owner of "No Man's Land", breathed a sigh of relief, and he disappeared from the industry for five years.

Losing the fight, Remington, the owner of "No Man's Land", was just an investment failure, and he still had to disappear in the industry for five years.

Five years of career.

If he could really give up so cleanly, he would not have to tinker with any comedy "Crazy Stone".

Under Zhang Ming's abyss-like eyes, Lin Hao just wanted to bargain and said, "Brother Big Dog, can you allow me to think about it?" Huang Bo jumped out in a trendy suit.

"Lin Hao, are you going to walk the red carpet? Let's go together."

Lin Hao seemed to be grasping at straws: "Let's go, let's go together."

"I knew I went to Tangtang Film and Television with you last year."

On the way, Lin Hao looked at the enthusiastic Huang Bo and said with emotion.

"What's the situation? Remington's big brother is also famous for his generosity."

Lin Hao smiled bitterly: "It's not as simple as you think."

One of the two was puzzled, and the other walked towards the red carpet with a sad face.

At the same time, Zhang Ming frowned, lit a cigarette, and sat down in a corner by the window.

After a long time, he stepped on the cigarette butt fiercely and walked out.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Since Fang Nan didn't agree to help, "Assassination of Novelists" and "Robot Man", whose release dates are only a week apart, are natural enemies. He must understand the enemy's situation better.

The entrance to the Olympic Sports Center.

The red carpet lineup of "Assassination of Novelists" is unprecedentedly strong.

In the hysterical shouts of movie fans.

In recent years, the hottest Sidan Double Ice Garden competes with the red carpet.

Freshly baked, headed by Liu Qianqian and Hu Ge, the post-80s big stars, four small female roles, and four big and small students all appear on the stage.

Veteran superstars Cheng Long, Li Lianjie and Andy Lau also made their debuts.

The concubine, who had retired for several years, suddenly appeared in a normal dress, which shocked many people's jaws. I don't know who summoned her.

Jiang Wen, Zhou Xingxing, Chen Kexin, Xu Laoguai and other famous directors are not far behind.

The huge lineup of star directors even dimmed the starlight of the main creative team of "Assassination of Novelists".

"Let's go." Fang Nan said to Huang Bo and Chen Kun with a smile.

The old-fashioned way left a name on the signature wall, and after the interview, everyone in front of the school received 3D glasses, and Fang Nan and the others entered the gymnasium.

Along the way, Fang Nan kept saying "thank you, thank you" to the people who greeted him until he sat down in the first row.

"Director Fang, I congratulate you in advance!"

One of the investors of "The Novelist", Yu Dong, who has been married to a wife for many years, looks relaxed, but he doesn't know if he is deliberately trying to get a lottery, or to cover up his inner anxiety.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "If the movie has a box office of [-] million, I'm afraid you will chase me for two streets barefoot."

"Bah, bah, bah, don't be crowed, if you really want [-] million at the box office, the shareholders of Polybona have to chase me two blocks first."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Mr. Han, Wang Changtian, Jiangzhou and other investors around the two laughed together. No one knew whether they were worried or not. They all invested at least 5000 million.

After chatting with Yu Dong, Fang Nan turned his head and shook hands with the concubine and Sidan Shuangbing behind him to express his gratitude. get in a word.

lean less.

Jing Wei took the stage, and after a simple opening speech, Fang Nan was the first to be called to the stage to start the mobilization meeting.

Fang Nan:

In recent years, we have seen more and more Hollywood blockbusters.

"Spiderman", "Iron Man", "Transformers", "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and so on and so on.

It has become the consensus of all domestic audiences that blockbuster movies have to be watched in Hollywood.

You heard that right, all viewers, not almost all viewers.

Why is Hollywood so awesome?
It has something to do with its film industrialization and its possession of the global film market.

Because the Chinese film market pays, the Korean and Japanese film markets pay, and the European film market pays, Hollywood dares to spend 10% to 20% of a movie's budget on special effects.

Over time, the extra funds gave birth to a new film revolution-special effects films.

In recent years, Hollywood blockbusters with special effects have become popular all over the world, and at the same time, they are exploiting the box office of all film markets in the world.

This is an out-and-out conspiracy.

Some people say that we can put an end to this kind of explicit exploitation through the will of the state.

This proposal is ridiculous.

21st century.

The earth has become a global village, and the world economy has long had me in you and you in me, and no one can do without others.

What's more, the huge country of China doesn't bother to do such an ugly thing.

Hollywood has film technology that surpasses other countries for many years.

There is also a global film market.

So we can only continue to be beaten passively like this?
I don't think so.

At least many bloody filmmakers just lay down and give up without thinking about it.

And I happen to be one of those bloody filmmakers.

"Assassination of Novelists"!
A work of my ambition, a work of resistance.

It took 5 years to plan, and it took nearly 3 years to produce. The total investment in filming was 3.5 million yuan. The purely domestic special effects company Light and Shadow 13 Swordsman invested nearly 2 million yuan in the development of film software.

Fang Nan talked about turning to the big screen, and then he caught a glimpse of the promotional label of an international director, 10 years of planning and 5 years of production.

"Damn, the publicity personnel are a bit exaggerated. Ten years ago, I was still worrying about food and clothing. How could I have time to plan "Assassination of Novelists"?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The 2800 people in the audience burst into laughter because of this accident and because of Fang Nan's straightforwardness.

The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV and the netizens on the Internet also laughed.

They were just worried about the invasion of China's film market by Hollywood movies, and they didn't find out that there was a live broadcast accident at all, until Fang Nan directly venomously announced the personnel to put this braggadocio on.

Only then did they realize the reason, and immediately burst out laughing.

Fang Nan: "No matter how many years it has been, in short, what I can guarantee is that "Assassination of Novelists" is the first blockbuster visual effects film in China. Moreover, the visual effects of this movie do not have the heavy metal feeling of Hollywood. Its visual effects are Pure Chinese style, I hope everyone can support it."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Huang Bo, Chen Kun, Liu Qianqian, and Mei Ting also each talked about the mental journey of filming "Assassination of Novelists".

About an hour later, the lights of the gymnasium were turned off, and the giant screen was illuminated. Fang Nan put on his glasses enthusiastically.

"The glasses are uncomfortable to wear."

While Gao Yuanyuan muttered, Fang Nan turned his head and looked around, and found that many people took off their glasses and put them on, and couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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