literary world

Chapter 320 Breaking 3 million in 1 days, trampling all box office records

Chapter 320 Breaking 3 million in [-] days, trampling all box office records

With the lights of the Olympic Sports Center turned off.

A melodious and soothing melody sounded in the empty gymnasium.

A scene of majestic mountains like an ink painting was presented on the giant screen.

【China Film Group】

【China Film】

【Hengdian Film and Television】

【Poly Bona Co., Ltd.】

【Xiangjiang Emperor Film Co., Ltd.】

【Light Media Co., Ltd.】

Producers: Mr. Han, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Jiangzhou.
Co-producers: Fang Nan, Cai Yinong
As soon as the camera changed, the mountains disappeared, and the gymnasium was plunged into darkness, until a crisp "Dad" sounded, and the picture reappeared.

A decadent man is awakened. Through the man's bewildered eyes, the audience knows that the reason why this middle-aged man is so disheveled and decadent is that he is looking for his abducted daughter all over the world.

【"Assassination of Novelists"】

【Fang Nan's works】

When a van moves from far to near, the title of the film and the name of the director appear interspersed.

The subtitles disappeared in a flash, and the decadent man on the hillside stood up holding the stone, and saw him shake it vigorously, and the stones in his hand flew out one after another with Beckham's curve ball.

The van crashed into the hill with the front glass damaged.

At this point, five minutes into the two-hour film.

The expressions of the 2800 spectators at the scene were flat, and the plot at the beginning was nothing new.

But everyone was not in a hurry. Those who could get the invitations to the premiere were all senior people inside and outside the circle, and they would not decide the life or death of a movie.

Just when everyone was patiently looking down, the screen changed, and a forest chase scene was staged. What was surprising was that both the chasers were dressed in ancient costumes.

In ancient times and now, two parallel lines?

Someone guessed the answer in their hearts.

At the same time, he also expressed doubts. Fang Nan is an expert in two-line narrative and multi-line narrative, and his "The Unknown" is a two-line narrative.

In the two works of "Crazy Stone" and "Crazy Racing", Lin Hao even frantically played multi-line narrative.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to have two narrative lines. What is unusual is that one of the two lines is ancient and the other is modern.

There is more noise in the gymnasium.

Fang Nanchong shook his head worried about Gao Yuanyuan who looked at him.

It is undeniable that the plot and narrative method of "Assassination of Novelists" have flaws.

The setting of mutual influence between the real world and the novel world is even more absurd and terrifying.

Fang Nan knew it, but he didn't modify it, and he couldn't modify it.

The theme of "Assassination of Novelists" is fantasy, and the setting is bizarre and understandable.

Secondly, the main point of "Assassination of Novelists" is the localization of visual effects.

After watching this movie, you can criticize the plot of the movie as nonsense, you can complain about the chaotic setting of characters and force values, but the localized visual effects are worthy of praise and praise.

Local visual effects are also one of the reasons why Fang Nan chose to shoot "Assassination of Novelists".

In the 2000s when heavy metal visual effects were rampant, a quaint visual effect film with a strong sense of ancient oriental culture suddenly appeared. Fang Nan felt that it was very interesting.

When Fang Nan was thinking wildly, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Fang Nan looked at the screen, it turned out that it was Lu Kongwen who woke up the black armor after killing the old man who was chasing the soldiers, the scene of the black armor breaking into pieces and rushing towards Lu Kongwen was transformed into a 3D effect that directly hit the audience's foreheads, which provoked many people at the scene exclaimed.

At this meeting, many people at the scene felt that the film with an investment of 3.5 million was a bit interesting. The special effects just now were the pinnacle of Chinese-language film visual effects.

After a few minutes of the ancient scene, the scene returned to modern times.

In order to learn about her daughter, Guan Ning made a deal with Li Mu, the boss of a multinational company, and went to the mountain city to get rid of the novelist Lu Kongwen.

The reason why Li Mu wants to kill Lu Kongwen is that the novel written by Lu Kongwen has affected his health.

The movie is shown until No.30 minutes.

The senior audience at the scene finally understood the general plot of "Assassination of Novelists".

Many people are suddenly enlightened, lamenting that the screenwriter's brains are too big, and when they are laughing and laughing at the tattered plot, the ancient scenes are staged.

Everyone's hearts tightened.

"Assassination of Novelists" is up to now, who still doesn't know that the real big scene of visual effects is covered by ancient lenses. In order not to make a fool of themselves like before, they are bound to sit upright.

Then, in the next second, audiences who have no experience in 3D viewing suddenly feel that they have done a lot of useless work.

What is sitting upright, what is strengthening the psychological defense line, when the huge dragon's head is coming towards him, he is still shocked beyond compare.

The movie runs until the 38th minute.

For the first time, the audience realized that "Assassination of Novelists" is a real visual effect blockbuster.

The visual effects presented by this movie are hard to compare with those Chinese-language special effects blockbusters that have been praised.

Looks like even the next-best special effects blockbuster in Hollywood.

"Just this scene, how much did you spend in one second?"

In the back row, Jiang Wen and Fan Bing changed positions and patted Fang Nan, curiously.

"I didn't think about it. For this shot, Lu Qing and the others were forced to develop dozens of pieces of software. If all the labor costs are added up, it will cost several million per second."

"Damn it!" Jiang Wen said with a sore face, "You want to get out of touch with us directors."

Fang Nan chuckled and said, "When the movie is over, help me blow a few words in front of the media, and I won't embarrass you. You don't need to blow the plot, just blow the special effects."

Jiang Wen nodded, patted Fang Nan on the shoulder and put on the 3D glasses again.

Fang Nan just turned his head with a smile when someone slapped him on the back again.

"Damn, why do people always get slapped on the back today? Slapped on the back, don't you know if you're a loser?"

He sneered, and turned around.

Then it was discovered that Sidan Shuangbing who had been sitting behind him had all changed. Cheng Long was the one taking pictures of him just now, and Zhou Xingxing was next to Cheng Long.

"Is this the biggest match just now?" Cheng Long said.

"No, the last red-haired ghost is the visual effect that 13 swordsmen really spent a lot of time making."

"Then I'll ask someone to cancel the following activities."

After Cheng Long finished, Zhou Xingxing said again: "Director Fang, introduce the visual effects team to me later."

""Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"?" Fang Nan immediately put on a smiling face, and nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "No problem, I'll call Lu Qing over later, and we can chat slowly."

As Fang Nan said, the visual effect of the dragon's head hitting the face is really nothing, and the red-haired ghost is the real difference between the visual effects of "Assassination of Novelists" and other Chinese films.

In the palace of the imperial capital, when a red-haired ghost with a height of 15 meters broke through the ground, more than 2800 spectators at the stadium were stunned.

When they got to the place where the battle took place, the scene screamed even more.

The red-haired ghost's squirming long hair, retractable pupils, deformed muscles, and dilated blood vessels all amaze the knowledgeable people. This is the real special effects movie.

Zhang Ming, who is known as the big dog brother in the world, looked at Lin Hao in shock: "Haozi, have you watched "Robot Man", which of the two films do you think has better visual effects?"

"There is no comparison at all." Lin Hao chose to be honest.

He once went to the filming site of "Assassination of Novelists". At that time, he couldn't see the model of the red-haired ghost. He thought it was rough and he couldn't take it out.

I just found out today that Lu Qing and the others have made the model so detailed that other domestic films are powerless to fight.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't need to be anxious. The investment in "Assassination of Novelists" is 3.5 million on the surface, but it is far more than that behind it. As far as I know, Fang Nan invested more than 13 million in research and development funds for 2 swordsmen. "

"How much do you think this movie will do at the box office?"

"With the influence of Director Fang, it will definitely break the box office of "Titanic". When the topic comes together, I estimate that it will really have a box office of 5 million."

"Then "Robot Man" will be greatly affected." Zhang Ming frowned and stood up: "Look, I'll go back and call the publicity staff to think of a way together."

Have you ever seen Gatling in blue fire?

Destroy you on behalf of the moon!
At the end of the battle, the red-armored warrior joined hands with Lu Changkong and the black armor to pull down the long sword left by Lu Changkong's father Jiutian on the forehead of the red-haired ghost.

At the same time, Li Mu, the boss of a multinational company in reality, vomits blood.

The melodious melody sounded again.

Leading Starring: Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian
Leading Starring: Chen Kun, Yu Hewei
Starring: Guo Jingfei, Guan Xiaotong
Friendly starring: Mei Ting

【Fang Nan's works】

Visual Effects Team: Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow

Amidst the applause like a tide, Fang Nan trotted onto the stage, and said very modestly: "I have been filming movies for several years, except for "Nobody" which made me anxious and unable to sleep on the eve of its release, and after that, this fantasy movie "Assassination of Novelists" gone."

"Because this movie was not successful, I'm afraid that Mr. Han, Mr. Yu, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Wang and other bosses in the audience will make me stay away. I don't want to see this. To sum it up in one sentence, I still have a lot of things to do.”

"So, please colleagues, the media, and the audience must help promote "Assassination of Novelists". Fang Nan is very grateful."

"Brother Nan, we support you"

Someone shouted in the audience, and someone whistled excitedly. Fang Nan's sincerity and past reputation seemed to be harvested.

The premiere is over.

Bright lights outside the stadium.

The long-awaited Zlang, Netease, Tudou, LeTV, Douyin, Sohu, Beijing TV Station, Renren, and many other media began to chase after the first famous celebrity directors.

"Director Jiang Wen, have you watched "Assassination of Novelists" from beginning to end? Would you like to comment on this movie?"

"From the beginning to the end, my evaluation is the top special effects movie in China, and no Chinese movie will surpass it in five years!"

"Brother Cheng Long, Brother Cheng Long, please comment on "Assassination of Novelists". Director Jiang Wen just said that there will be no Chinese-language movies surpassing it in five years."

"Five years? Unless Fang Nan makes it himself, I don't think there will be such a Chinese film with special effects in ten years."

"Then have you ever thought about cooperating with Director Fang?"

"I definitely want to, but our styles are different. We practice martial arts with hard bridges and horses, and we don't understand techniques."

"Master Xing, Master Xing, say something."

"Ugh great movie"

"Bingbing, Bingbing, please comment on Director Fang Nan and Director Fang's "Assassination of Novelists"."

"Director Fang must be a director I admire very much. Of course, the movie is also very good-looking, which makes me feel like I am on the scene."

"Did you talk to Director Fang, and will you cooperate in the future?"

"He's very busy, so he just said hello. Cooperation depends on the opportunity. Of course I thought about it."

"I just finished cooperating with "The Wind" last year, and "The Wind" is also very good-looking. I hope everyone can help promote it when it is released on National Day."

Princess Wang: "We have known each other for a long time, and I have been watching his movies at home."

"Thank you for your help in publicizing it. It's very late today, and the day after tomorrow we will publicize it nationwide, so I won't say much, go back and rest early."

Fang Nan, who left the gymnasium, said while walking to the parking lot with the main creative team.

"Why didn't you go with Gao Yuanyuan, did you wait in the car?"

"No, he lives at home. I will follow the instructions of the propagandist to stay in the hotel tonight, and I can't go together."

"According to insiders, this year is the sixth year of your long-distance relationship, so have you made a date for your marriage in advance?"

"I don't have time right now, we're too busy."

"Have you met the parents of both parties?"

"How can I have parents?" Fang Nanlin said with a sore face before getting into the car.

The car started slowly and stopped the reporters who were chasing after him. After a short time, Fang Nan was put on the side of Yinding Bridge.

Xiao Pao went back to No. 28 Courtyard. After washing up, Fang Nan turned on the computer to check the relevant comments of "Assassination of Novelists".

Leaning slightly, he let out a long sigh of relief.

The comments are similar to what he expected, because few people have seen it, and the most talked about on the Internet is the first-class special effects.

"How's your current reputation?" Gao Yuanyuan came over wiping her hair.

Fang Nan embraced the fragrant Gao Yuanyuan on his lap: "It's not bad, it's about the same as I thought."

"Their publishers have made too much publicity. I heard from Hu Wen that there are 50 media outlets responsible for the team's publicity. This is too scary." Gao Yuanyuan shook her body and said.

"I can't help it. All the employers know that it's even harder to get back the money if you don't spend a lot of money." Fang Nan said, peeling off Xiao Nei Nei.

A night of ecstasy.

The next day.

Fang Nan packed his things and checked into the hotel, waiting for Friday, July 7rd to arrive.

Two days passed in a flash.

At this moment, the publicity point of the first-class special effects of "Assassination of Novelists" has been fermented, and the audience's desire to watch the movie has been completely detonated.

Before the opening of "Assassination of Novelists" at 7:2 midnight on July 12, there were long queues at the entrances of theaters with IMAX screens across the country.

Look carefully, among these long lines of dragons, there are actually some people who bring their own small horses.

Fanatics at the end of the line even made floor berths.

Six princesses channel live broadcast:
The film "Assassination of Novelists" has a good reputation after its premiere, a long wait for the production cycle, and the blessing of director Fang Nan's personal fame, which triggered a movie-watching boom in Beijing and Shanghai at midnight on July 7.

At two o'clock in the morning, the first screening of "Assassination of Novelists" ended. Some audiences walked out of the theater, and those who were still in line chirped and asked whether the movie was worth watching.

"Brother, after reading it, how is it?"

"I don't quite understand the plot, the special effects are awesome, and they are very Chinese. That dragon scared me."

Some people wondered: "Damn, don't those people on the Internet all call red-haired ghosts? Why are there dragons?"

"There are three dragons, you can tell by looking at it, the red-haired ghost is also awesome, but I think the dragon part is more beautiful, the authentic Chinese dragon."

"I'm rough, I'm so itchy to say it."

"Don't squeeze your mother"

"Don't jump in the queue at the front, I queued all night to get to the entrance of the theater."

"Who dares to jump in line?"

Amidst the noise, the line at the entrance of the theater moved forward like a snail, but it got longer and longer, and some people stood at the end from time to time.

Among them, there are many viewers who feel uncomfortable after watching 2D, especially those who come to experience the effect of 3D viewing.

This is the case in Beijing.

This is the case in Pujiang.

Other cities are similar.

A grand movie-watching frenzy erupted all over the country, just like when "Titanic" landed in China.

In summer, the nights are short and the days are long.

After dawn, "Assassination of Novelists" attracted a bigger wave of moviegoers, and it was no longer limited to the entrances of theaters with IMAX screens.

This wave of movie watching in 2009 also caused many strange phenomena.

Some viewers in Hangzhou complained on the Internet that because there are too few IMAX screens in the local area, they had to get together a group of people and set off to Pujiang to watch movies.

The announcement manager of "Assassination of Novelists" saw this news and asked Fang Nan to post a special blog about safety, which attracted many netizens to watch the comment area.

The manager of the theater who was complained by netizens in Hangzhou even stood up and said that the theater has urgently contacted MAX company and plans to purchase at least three IMAX screens in the near future.

This is the case for Hangzhou theaters, and many theaters in Beijing and Pujiang have also made similar commitments.

For a while, the release of "Assassination of Novelists" seemed to be able to drive the growth rate of domestic IMAX screens.

Without any surprises, "Assassination of Novelists" became popular as expected.

Fang Nan's movie should be popular.

Many people didn't expect, or dare not think, that Fang Nan really produced a movie with visual effects comparable to Hollywood blockbusters.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the two roadshow days pass quickly.

When the roadshow team returned to the hotel to pack their luggage and prepare to leave for Jiangcheng, Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou rushed up and grabbed Fang Nan, and hurriedly said: "Wait, I'll go back to Xiangjiang immediately to arrange for "Assassination of Novelists" to land in Xiangjiang and Taiwan. "

Fang Nan, who had been pulling his throat all day, looked exhausted: "What do you mean?"

"On July 7, the box office of the movie's premiere was 3 million, and the box office of the midnight show was 3600 million, all breaking box office records."

"Today, after 12 hours, the box office is 2000 million. By the time the clock strikes zero, we should be able to get 5000 million box office. What are we waiting for to break the total box office record of "Titanic", I will go back immediately and contact the theater for an early release."

Fang Nan's eyes lit up, the box office of the midnight show was 400 million?
The midnight movie period is generally between 22:00-24:00. The box office of this time period can break the record, which shows that the audience is very interested in "Assassination of Novelists", which reflects the potential of the film in disguise.

It's not bad that the 3600 million box office at the premiere broke the 2 million box office record of "Transformers 3370", which was released a week ago.

Back then, with the series of movies "Tai囧", he also got an impressive score of 3200 million on the first day.

But today's box office of 12 million in 2000 hours is different.

Everyone knows that night is the peak time for movie viewing.

I thought that if the box office can really break through 5000 million on Saturday today, "Assassination of Novelists" will really be amazing.

Jiangzhou left in a hurry, Fang Nan chatted with the road show team about tomorrow's publicity plan and then went back to the room.

The next day.

Just before the group of them arrived in Jiangcheng, the publicity manager of China Film Group announced a very good news with a flushed face.

On Saturday, July 7th, the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" was 4 million.

Strongly won the single-day box office champion.

On Sunday, July 7th, "Assassination of Novelists" once again took 5 million box office.


And the 3-day box office exceeded 1 million data, which once again broke the record of the fastest 2-day box office breaking 4 million just set by "Transformers [-]".

The manager of Star Beauty United Cinemas was very excited:
No one would have thought that in 2009, the world's film industry rose against the backdrop of the financial crisis.

We are fortunate to have such a Hollywood commercial blockbuster as "Transformers 2", and we are also fortunate that Huaxia has such a great director as Fang Nan.

His "Assassination of Novelists" surprised theater managers across the country.

We believe that when "Transformers 2" is released a week later, the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" will account for 90% of the total box office of major theaters.

Director Fang Nan is a blessing to all Chinese cinemas.

(End of this chapter)

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