literary world

Chapter 321 8 million box office, breaking the one-year box office record

Chapter 321 11 million box office, breaking the [-]-year box office record


Looking at the bright red string of numbers, Zhang Ming swallowed the warm tea he just drank involuntarily, and let out a "gudong".

After a while, he raised his head and said with emotion to Lin Hao, the young director who was also called a genius in front of him: "Haozi, we also have to make blockbuster movies. Only blockbuster movies can make money. 3 million box office in 1 days, tsk tsk tsk"

Lin Hao laughed and shook his head: "Brother Big Dog, it's not that easy. The investment and publicity costs of "Assassination of Novelists" are too high, and in the end it may not be as good as "Robot Man". Moreover, Director Fang's influence is not comparable to that of other domestic directors." Than."

"Well, you go ahead, I'll give the publisher and theaters a side drum. "Assassination of Novelists" is too fierce, and these people might join the enemy."

"Then you are busy."

Zhu Zi's office door was closed, Zhang Ming frowned for half an hour, and finally took out his mobile phone as if determined, edited a message with the content of [2000 million] and sent it to a person named Cao Feng.

Friday, July 7: 3 million box office.

Saturday, July 7: 4 million box office.

Sunday, July 7: 5 million box office

"Assassination of Novelists" took nearly 1 million box office in its first three days, surpassing "Transformers 2" to win the weekly box office chart. Once the news was announced by the media, it stimulated many people's adrenaline.

People outside the industry are amazed that a movie can make so much money!
The movie is released for three days, and the box office is often measured in hundreds of millions?

It's still a domestic movie!

People in the industry are heartbroken.

In recent days, news about "Assassination of Novelists" has been heard, and some of them even attended the premiere of the film.

But after knowing that the box office of the movie exceeded [-] million in three days, it was still extremely frightening.

There is a saying that is good, if you are not in your position, you don't know the difficulty.

The big domestic directors have not been idle in recent years, and they have shot one after another costume blockbusters and war blockbusters with a big star lineup.

More Hollywood blockbusters have been introduced, such as "Harry Potter", "Transformers", and even the 3D movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

But "Assassination of Novelists" became the first movie in China with a box office of over [-] million in three days.

This is destined to be a record in China's film history.

All of a sudden, domestic official media, local media, paper media, and portal websites all sang praises.

Even economic, sports, fashion and other circles that have nothing to do with entertainment have pulled out "Assassination of Novelists" and praised it.

The Economic Times claimed: The appearance of "Assassination of Novelists" is an important manifestation of China's recovery from the global financial crisis and the country's economic recovery.


People have money to watch movies!
Fan, a football veteran in the sports world, faced the media's ambiguity and said: "Assassination of Novelists" is about to break the box office record of Chinese movies set by "Titanic" in 1998.

As for the national football team, they lost to Syria again. When was the last time they won against Syria in the main match?
In the Asian Cup in 1996, I didn't win Syria in 13 years, so I really lost my face!
Football players are not as bloody as other filmmakers!
Then Veteran Fan was overwhelmed by the fans of "Assassination of Novelists".

"Assassination of Novelists" was promoted by the national media not only became popular in China, but even became popular abroad.

When Fang Nan and the others moved from Jiangcheng to Mountain City, old acquaintance CJ Entertainment Li Jinxiao waited one step ahead in Mountain City.

Lee Jin Hyo said two things.

First things first: the Annunciation.

"Parasite" sold very well in South Korea. When it was released not long ago, the number of viewers was 1052 million. It was the second Korean movie with more than [-] million viewers.

Second thing: request.

Fang Nan became the director of "Parasite" after the fire in South Korea.

His every move has attracted the attention of the Korean media.

That's why CJ Entertainment immediately learned that "Assassination of Novelists" was a hit in China, so they hurriedly approached Fang Nan, hoping that Fang Nan would help CJ Entertainment introduce "Assassination of Novelists".

Fang Nan spread his hands to express his helplessness.

He is only the director of "Assassination of Novelists", not an investor, and cannot decide the right to buy and sell copyrights.

However, he helped to make a few phone calls and introduced Li Jinxiao to Boss Han and other managers. He didn't care whether they followed up with official introduction channels or private sales channels.

After Li Jinxiao left.

Fang Nan contacted Shi Nansheng and Cai Yinong.

"Parasite" sold so well in South Korea, but he didn't know anything about it, which shows how important it is to establish an overseas information channel.

After chatting for a while, the three unanimously decided to set up three more offices, stationed in Xiangjiang, Taiwan, and South Korea.

"Director Fang, yesterday Monday's box office was 2500 million!"

The team publicity manager came in with the good news.

Compared with the 2500 million box office on Monday and the 3200 million box office on Sunday, the drop is not much.

Judging from this trend, the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" in the second week and seven days may exceed [-] million yuan, which is definitely good news.

"How are the reviews on several websites? There should be a lot of bad reviews." Fang Nan asked.

"Almost as we expected, film critics began to take the lead in criticizing the plot, but the visual effects still have no bad reviews."

Fang Nan nodded: "Then continue to play the visual effects card vigorously, and add the family relationship card according to the situation after a week."

"Assassination of Novelists" is not only a selling point of visual effects, the storyline of "father travels all over the country and traffickers to find a daughter" in the movie is also a good publicity point.

"Understood, you should rest early. After running five stops tomorrow, you have to go to Rong City. There is basically no rest time."

Fang Nan nodded and lay down on the bed, and took out his cell phone after a while.

He had to spend more time chatting with his daughter and daughter-in-law before the road show started and his spirits were still low.

In a few days, when the same propaganda was said no less than ten thousand times, his mind went blank, and he didn't even have the energy to speak.

While telling the girl a bedtime story, he and Gao Yuanyuan texted you and me. Such a miraculous way of communication lasted for nearly an hour, and Fang Nan was finally able to rest.

The next day.

The main creative team of "Assassination of Novelists" continued the road show.

A group of dozens of them took Jiangcheng as their base and traveled all over the nine provinces surrounding Hebei Province by means of water, land and air.

Shancheng, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Changsha.
After the road show went to the surrounding provinces of the mountain city, the second week of screening of "Assassination of Novelists" ended.

The seven-day box office was 2 million, and it won the box office championship in the second week.

And broke the box office record for the second week after the movie was released.

The fastest to break the 3 million box office record.

It lasted ten days.

There are more praises for "Assassination of Novelists".

Even the official media such as the Six Princesses of CCTV are rarely reserved. On their official website, they proudly typed the title of "The Rise of Chinese Films".

Between the lines of the simple and straightforward content, there is even an indescribable excitement revealed: In the coming week, "Assassination of Novelists" will break the record set by "Titanic" in China. The total box office record has become the consensus of many people in the film and television industry.
Mr. Han: Judging from the box office trend in the past two days, it took only two or three days for "The Novelist" to break the total box office record.

Zhang Yimou: I am honored to witness the continuous struggle and pioneering spirit of the young generation of filmmakers in our country.

Lin Hao: Director Fang Nan is the most comprehensive director in my heart. I will not be surprised if he breaks any box office records.

""Titanic" is indeed a big mountain, and many filmmakers can't lift their heads under the pressure."

On the passenger plane flying to Pujiang, Fang Nan couldn't help smiling when he heard everyone talking about the operation of the Sixth Princess Dali.

Since "Titanic" landed in China in 1998 and took in a box office of 3.6 million yuan, when the domestic media mentioned that a certain movie broke a certain box office record, they always emphasized breaking the Chinese film record and the domestic film record.

This kind of deceitful propaganda is really embarrassing.

Now, "Assassination of Novelists" was born, and "Titanic" is about to be stepped on. The enthusiasm of the national media is completely understandable.

I was finally able to pat my chest and call out the box office champion without any scruples.

Not only is the media excited, but the audience is also excited.

Excited with pride.

Ever since, a terrible chain effect happened, and watching "Assassination of Novelists" virtually became a support for domestic films.

From July 7th to July 13th.

"Assassination of Novelists" was released in the third week, with a box office of 1 million, a slight drop, but the box office was extremely strong.

At this time, the total box office of the film was nearly 4 million, far surpassing the total box office of "Titanic" of 7 million.

The Titanic was temporarily forgotten.

In the eyes of the national audience, there is only one focus and one doubt - "Assassination of Novelists".

In addition, where is the box office end of "Assassination of Novelists"?
Zha Lang Entertainment:

【This is a national carnival.】

HowNet Encyclopedia:

[The deep reason why "Assassination of Novelists" is popular in China]

Xi'an Net:
[As time goes by, the number of viewers of "Assassination of Novelists" in Pacific Studios has not decreased but increased, and the 3D movie tickets are sold out early every day, and there are many audiences who have watched the movie for the second time. 】

movie website:
["Assassination of Novelists" drives China's 3D screen to increase! 】

Wu Ling, a 3D screen statistician, has been rather depressed recently: "The number of 3D screens in the country is changing every day, and I am exhausted."

Wu Ling said that one or two years ago, it would only change every few months.

With the hot screening of the 3D blockbuster "Assassination of Novelists" directed by Fang Nan, major theaters exclaimed: The 3D era is coming!
Afterwards, major theater chains began to continuously add 3D equipment.

In 2007, there were only 82 3D screens in China.

Half a year ago, China had only about 110 3D screens, but now it has more than 300, and the number is still increasing.

Capital News:

Yesterday at 16:25 in the evening, a theater under Xingmei Cinemas, located in our urban area, over-scheduled the recently hit movie "Assassination of Novelists", which caused the screen to overheat and catch fire, but there were no casualties.

Here, we especially connect with a certain fire leader in Beijing.
Zhejiang Online:

The movie "Assassination of Novelists" has been released for three weeks, and 3D movie tickets are still hard to find.

Pearl River News:

Yesterday, the Pearl River District police and civilians jointly took action and wiped out all the scalpers who lined up to buy 3D movie tickets for "Assassination of the Novelist"!
Pujiang Evening News:

Directed by Fang Nan, the fantasy film "Assassination of Novelists" was released for the fourth week. The audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie is still high, and the box office is still strong.

The cumulative box office has reached 5 million.

After "Assassination of Novelists" broke 6 million at the box office, the film roadshow team also stopped in Pujiang.

The group of them traveled to 62 cities across the country and entered nearly 400 movie theaters in more than a month.

But a group of excited people.

Huang Bo and Chen Kun clamored for Bao's Bar to celebrate.

Liu Qianqian suggested going to KTV to show off her singing skills.

Only Fang Nan didn't want to touch either, he just wanted to lie down on the bed and sleep to death for a day.

But he obviously thought too much. "Assassination of Novelists" has caused such a big movement across the country, many official organizations are waiting for him to take a break to participate in various meetings, and there are too many individuals who want to contact him.

No, on the day the roadshow ended, he flew back to the capital from Pujiang, and he didn't even get to take a look at his own company.

Back to the capital to rest for a day.

The next day.

He was ordered to participate in the meeting on promoting the integration of the Ministry of Culture and the Tourism Bureau.

After sitting in the auditorium for a day, the next day, he received a notice that the China Cultural Festival was going to kick off in Japan, and he was asked to attend with the team.

After staying in Japan for three days and returning home, "Assassination of Novelists" came out at the box office in the fifth week, 8000 million.

The film was released for 31 days, with a total box office of 6 million.

At this point, Fang Nan and "Assassination of Novelists" are already supernatural.

When major media and movie fans mentioned Fang Nan's "Assassination of Novelists", they all described it as a movie revolution.

In short, if you can't blow it to death, you can blow it to death.

Fang Nan didn't feel complacent. It's already August, and "Avatar" is only four or five months away from its domestic release. By that time, he will immediately fall from the altar.

On the contrary, many people in the circle who had previously pursued "Assassination of Novelists" lost their voices.

Fang Nan put too much pressure on them, and they didn't know how to deal with it, so they had to stand on the sidelines.


The cumulative box office was 7 million and the number of movie viewers was 5 million.

By this time, the insiders who saw this set of numbers had actually become numb. Fang Nan himself didn't pay much attention to the box office, and had been circling around in various official activities to escape.

However, he still found a gap to invite Jiang Zhou, Yu Dong and others together.

The [-] million investment in "The Wandering Earth" has not yet settled.

He thought about learning from Huayi and getting a loan from the bank to make a movie. After talking a few times, several banks were only willing to lend him [-] million yuan, and the interest was so high that Fang Nan had to give up.

"Fang Dao, this is what you are in my Yu Dong heart now!"

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Yu Dong came up with a thumbs up and a flattery, and then said: "But the special effects cost of "The Wandering Earth" is too high, will it cost 3 million?"

"As long as [-] million, what else would I ask you to do? I got it myself." Fang Nan said angrily.

With the technical background of "Assassination of Novelists", the special effects fee of "The Wandering Earth" will indeed be less, and it is estimated to be about [-] million after filming.

But Fang Nan can't really be a poor worker.

He made "Assassination of Novelists" and "The Wandering Earth" just to use other people's money to upgrade his own technology.

Otherwise, what is he trying to figure out.

The CEO of China Films: "Hey, Director Fang, 5 million is indeed a lot, why don't we talk about it after we get the share of "Assassination of Novelists"?"

"You said you really are."

Fang Nan was about to bury a few people, when Jiang Zhou, who finished answering the phone outside the house, came back and patted the table, ambitiously said: "Director Fang, the Emperor will support you with [-] million."

Yu Dong and the others looked suspicious: "Lao Jiang, whose call did you just answer?"

"The Japanese premiere of "Assassination of Novelists" was 3 million yen. The manager of Toho Co., Ltd. told me that if the film's word-of-mouth is strong until the end of the film's release, it may break the box office record of Chinese-language films in Japan."

"Let's allocate the investment amount of "The Wandering Earth"."

(End of this chapter)

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