literary world

Chapter 322 The variables behind the 8 million box office

Chapter 322 The variables behind the [-] million box office

Summer of 2009.

"Assassination of Novelists" was screened until the end of the eighth week, which lasted 52 days, with a total box office of 7 million, which is only a shiver away from the 7 million box office.

For this reason, the management of China Film and Poly Bona once again applied for the postponement of the film's release.

The day the news was announced.

The whole network is boiling.

There are too few 3D screens in China, and when the major theaters urgently add equipment, it is only more than 400 yuan.

Many trendy young people still haven't seen the 3DIMAX version of "Assassination of Novelists" that is hyped up on the Internet.

This triggered a large number of young people aged [-] or [-] to flock to the cinema again.

Ever since, "Assassination of Novelists" has sparked a new topic: the post-90s generation is richer than the post-80s generation.

But it didn't take long for some so-called industry insiders, professionals, and jealous people to be popularized [sprayed] by the fans who watched the 3D version of "Assassination of Novelists".

2D and 3D are not the same thing at all.

The 2D "Assassination of Novelists" is a flawed, well-behaved movie.

3DIMAX is truly immersive and immersive.

Although the immersive time is relatively short, only about 20 minutes, it is enough to be called the last movie revolution.

The rebuttals of the young audience, the silence of the professionals.

Since "Assassination of Novelists" was released, they have been sprayed numb.

They criticize theaters without 3D equipment for organizing a large number of audiences to drive miles away to buy high-priced 3D tickets. Watching high-priced movies is a waste of money and money.

Criticism of "Assassination of Novelists" has a poor plot and characters, and the movie is not very good, and it was also criticized.

Criticize the team who turned seven or eight turns at the entrance of the theater to affect pedestrians, and the traffic was sprayed.

Netizens criticized Fang Nan, "Assassination of Novelists" was too powerful and was sprayed again.

Really got used to it.

But having said that, after the news that Fang Nan's "Assassination of Novelists" had a box office of nearly 8 million was reported by domestic mainstream media, its influence was still huge.

It not only affects the domestic film market: many theaters have deployed 3D equipment.

It even affected the strategic layout of many Hollywood film companies in the Chinese film market.

Mao Jianguo, deputy general manager of China Film Warner Hengdian, said bluntly to the central media: Warner Pictures has already started to add 3D special effects, and the same is true of several other big film companies in Hollywood.

Hollywood calls this kind of movie with temporary 3D special effects: Huaxia [Special Offer] 3D blockbuster.

The CEO of MAX Company was also quite frank when facing the central media reporter: The appearance of "Assassination of Novelists" has indeed saved MAX Company which was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Now in China alone, there are as many as hundreds of theaters that have subscribed to MAX's giant screen, which is a very impressive number.

The CEO expects that by the end of the year, Huaxia MAX will have at least 700 screens.

CCTV reporter:
It can be said that in 2009, the summer movies in the mainland were extremely lively.

"Terminator 2018" smoke billows.

"Transformers 2" is back.

"Ice Age 3" is coming.

"Harry Potter 6" is full of magic.

But the most eye-catching movie is still in theaters, the domestic fantasy movie "Assassination of Novelists" directed by Fang Nan.

After turning off the TV, Fang Nan yawned and got out of bed.

After negotiating his seventh work "The Wandering Earth" with China Film, Bona, and Ray, he slept soundly at home for two days.

My mind is much clearer.

After slowing down and hitting the wooden dummy, Gao Yuanyuan, who had gone out to buy breakfast, came back wearing sandals, followed by three well-dressed strangers carrying big and small bags.

"I bumped into it at the door before entering, and said it was from your hometown." Gao Yuanyuan whispered.

Fang Nan nodded and asked curiously in Yangzhou dialect: "Hi, may I ask if you have anything to do?"

"Director Fang, hello, hello, I'm from a certain district in Yangzhou."

After the visitors reported their home, Fang Nan hurriedly welcomed them into the study room, and the parent officer from the district where the orphanage was located came.

Arranged the three of them to sit down, and asked Gao Yuanyuan to make some tea. Fang Nan apologized, "Drink some tea first. I've been busy with work recently, and I'm a bit indulgent. I got up late, so I had to go wash up first, Yuanyuan." You accompany me."

"You are busy, you are busy."

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Fang Nan put on a soy milk glass and went into the study room, chatting with a few people.

They are talking about the customs of Yangzhou.

During the period, Fang Nan curiously asked about the current housing price in his hometown, and when he heard that it was more than 4000 per square meter, he was speechless and almost burst into obscenities.

Fortunately, he has had a lot of official meetings recently, and he even went to Japan with the team, where he met many important people.

Then I learned from many leaders what happiness and anger are invisible and color.

What does it mean to use more neutral words when speaking, when facing a certain person or event, you can't just say you like or dislike it.

In other words, it was a very lost thing for him to hate Zhang Dazi, Chen Kaige, and Feng Dapao face to face.

But having said that, he really attracted a lot of traffic to these people at the beginning.

At the time, it was considered a boost to his career.

We chatted for an hour.

Fang Nan knew the elegant meaning by hearing the stringed sound, and guessed the intention of the leader of his hometown.

Please go out of your hometown. Now that he is successful and famous, he supports the construction of his hometown. It is the most common thing that the country encourages to do so.

This is the best embodiment of why Huaxia is called a humane society.

After thinking for a while, Fang Nan came up with two options.

First, he took out 2000 million to repair some roads in the district,
Two, go to my hometown and build a shopping mall-type supermarket, which probably means a supermarket on the bottom floor and a multi-functional movie theater on the upper floor.

He doesn't have a lot of money, and Tangtang Cinemas is also recovering blood, and building a shopping mall-style supermarket has reached its limit.

The set that Wang Yida made covers multiple business types such as large commercial centers, five-star hotels, high-end office buildings, apartments, residences, and international cinemas.

It has truly realized a multifunctional urban complex of shopping, office, living, entertainment, and leisure. He can't afford it and dare not end it.

A few days ago, Cao Guozhong also suggested that he take out the 8-3 land to borrow money from other places, and then pay money from the bank to speed up the company's development.

Fang Nan flatly refused because he owed too much money to the bank.

He estimated that Cao Guozhong at the time must have scolded him for his small peasant thinking.

After all, which capitalist doesn't use bank money to package himself.

Only those who have never seen the world, face the loess and back to the sky, plan food in the mud, and wage earners who go to and from get off work on time every day and dare not miss work will worry about owing money to the bank all day long.

Whether Cao Guozhong muttered behind his back, Fang Nan didn't know, and didn't bother to know.

Everyone has their own way of life and ideas.

He felt that several of his companies were developing slowly while repaying debts. After a few years, a market value of tens of billions would be enough.

It may not be a happy life to spend a lifetime guarding money that can't be seen at the end.

Facing the multiple-choice questions given by Fang Nan, the leading leader chose the latter without much thought.

No matter how small the shopping malls and supermarkets are, they can solve part of the employment and increase GDP, which is the best.

Moreover, Yangzhou has only one multi-functional theater built in 2006 so far, and there is no saturation at all.

The two parties agreed that Fang Nan promised that a team would go to his hometown to investigate suitable locations within a week at the latest, and at the same time persuaded the three of them to stay for dinner.

The other party did not agree, and insisted on leaving half a bag of rice, half a bag of wormwood, and some meat before leaving.

Fang Nan had no choice but to go to the wine cellar to get a box of Moutai and a box of Wuliangye for someone to take with him.

"Isn't that making me a mistake?"

"This is called reciprocity. It really won't work. Take it to the orphanage for me."

After seeing the three of them off, Fang Nan moved the things into the kitchen. Gao Yuanyuan was curious when she saw Ai Cao, "What kind of dish is this?" She smelled it and asked Fang Nan.

"How did you read your Chinese medicine book? You don't know about wormwood? When I was a child, the Dragon Boat Festival came, and I didn't hang it at home?"

"It's not like that."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Is the meal ready? Let's eat quickly, I'm very hungry."

After dinner, the two of them didn't want to go out on a hot day, so it's better to use Fetion to bring some old acquaintances together to brag while they put aside their home computer to deal with some odd jobs at hand.

Fang Nan: Yan Hong, how much material did you shoot for Chen Xiaoqiang's "Oil Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea"?Have you cut an episode yet?If you have something, pass it to me with a penguin.

Lin Hao: Brother Nan, what is "Oil Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea"?The title is so down-to-earth?
Fang Nan sent a grinning emoji: "It's a big movie, it's absolutely beautiful!"How did your Remington's "Cyborg" fare at the box office?
Wang Liang: I think it's not bad. There are 5000 million. Director Lin, "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" premiered on the 26th. Come and give us a stand when you have time.

Lin Hao: OK. "Robot Man" suffered a terrible loss. If it hadn't been withdrawn for another 10 days, the loss would have been even worse.

Wang Liang: Your big dog brother is too stubborn. He went to the premiere of "Assassination of Novelists" and finished watching the movie. Does this not change the schedule?My "Those Years" almost escaped the summer vacation.

Yan Hong: Boss Fang, the first episode of "Oil Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea" has passed.

Xue Xiaolu joined the group, Xue Xiaolu: Director Fang, how does Tang Tang Film and Television plan to arrange the release of "Ocean Paradise"?

Fang Nan: Finished filming? I read the script of "Ocean Paradise", it fits the style of Venice?
Heraldry into the group: Hello, directors.

Lin Hao: What the hell, the traffic on Fetion is running too fast, I go out to buy a phone card, you guys talk first.

Chen Kun sent a surprised expression: Director Lin, Fetion is made by China Mobile itself, don't spend money to buy traffic.

Xue Xiaolu: Director Fang, the 66th Venice Film Festival is about to open, so we have to wait until next year to go.

Fang Nan rubbed his chin and was watching the first episode of "A Bite of China", when Gao Yuanyuan poked his lower back with his toe: "Hey, hey, Xue Daofei wrote to you."

"What are you talking about? What are you in a hurry for?"

"Her films are very delicate and tender, I want to cooperate with her."

"Okay, let me take a look."

Seeing Xue Xiaolu's message, Fang Nan called Li An's home in America.

Ang Lee is the chairman of the jury for the main competition unit of the 66th Venice Film Festival. He has the final say on whether "Ocean Paradise" can participate.

"I just got back from watching "Assassination of Novelists" in the Chinese American community, and I received your call."

Fang Nan was curious: "What's the reaction over there?"

After the overseas copyright of "Assassination of Novelists" was divided, CJ Entertainment obtained the Korean copyright, the Japanese distribution was handed over to Emperor, and North America was jointly distributed by Huaxia Film and Warner.

In order to choose the release time in North America, Huaxia Pictures and Warner also had a quarrel.

China Films wanted to put the release date of "Assassination of Novelists" at the time when "Parasite" was going to the Olympics.

Warner did not agree, Hollywood has no shortage of special effects blockbusters, and "Assassination of Novelists" is a Chinese film, the box office may not improve.

But for "Parasite", which won the Palme d'Or, whether they spent some money on marketing or lobbying the Oscar judges, they might be able to make a fortune in the niche market with the help of Oscar's influence.

This is the correct way for foreign language films to win the North American box office.

"The response is good. When will you come to Los Angeles, let's sit down and chat when you have time."

"Warner arranged for early December, that's about the time."

Talking about his personal itinerary, Fang Nan talked about "Ocean Paradise" again, and Li An agreed without hesitation, not caring about his sensitive personal identity.

In his view, the purpose of holding a film festival is to keep the best films from all over the world from being dusted, and any rules and criticisms must be compromised for this.

Of course, the most important thing is that the film festival has not yet opened, so there is room for manipulation.

Fang Nan was quite upset when he heard this.

After he won the Palme d'Or in Cannes in May, Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Tokyo, and the organizing committee of the Pujiang Film Festival all strongly invited him to participate in the jury work for the next film festival.

He said no at the time without thinking twice.

This year he has "Parasite", "Assassination of Novelists", and "The Wind" to meet the audience. He really doesn't have time, and now thinking about it, he still has some regrets.

But there are opportunities in the future.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Nan connected to Fetion to report the news to Xue Xiaolu, and introduced Gao Yuanyuan by the way.

After a while, more insiders joined the Fetion chat group.

Some celebrities were trying their best to promote themselves, Fang Nan was bored, quit the group chat, ran to the kitchen, stuffed the washed wormwood into the pot and boiled a pot of water.

Then he poured the juice into the bathtub, filled a bathtub full of water, and ran back to the room, stripping Gao Yuanyuan naked and carrying him into the bathtub.

"You're down there, you're cold, you need to soak more."

After Gao Yuanyuan lay down, she winked and said, "It will be the 26th in a few days."

"What's the matter on the 26th?" Fang Nan pretended to be puzzled, and teased the beautiful woman next to him: "By the way, Wang Liang just said that "Those Years" premiered on the 26th."

As a former prodigal son, how could Fang Nan not pay attention to the upcoming Qixi Festival.

As early as two days ago, he was having a headache about what gift to give and how many gifts to give.

Zeng Li, who is more graceful, likes to keep in good health and likes tea. He is going to find someone to buy some precious and scarce tea.

Gao Yuanyuan is more gentle and sensual, but pays attention to the sense of ritual, so any gift or a bouquet of flowers can be done.

Liu Qianqian is currently in a playful, cute, and occasionally melancholic stage, but it's not difficult to pass. Play with her for a day with bumper cars and guarantee fun.

So here comes the problem, it doesn't matter what gift to give, the key is that he, a scumbag, has to be with him.

"Hey, who invented the show? Western Valentine's Day, Qixi Valentine's Day, Women's Day, birthdays, by the way, Zeng Li has to celebrate Mother's Day."

Fang Nan's heart was so tired that he went weak, staring blankly at the ceiling with water droplets.

"Why, this can't be done."

"Take a break, take a break, I seem to hear the phone ringing."

Fang Nan got up, wrapped himself in a towel and ran out of the bathroom. He didn't expect Cao Cao to arrive, but the phone rang.

"Are you online? Go to the end of the world and have a look. Someone broke the news that a movie theater in Zhejiang Province stole the box office."

(End of this chapter)

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