literary world

Chapter 323 We Are Different

Chapter 323 We Are Different

There are generally several ways to operate box office fraud.

1: Inflated box office.

For a long time in the Chinese-language film market, the box office statistics of the film special funds office are not open and transparent. The National Film Special Fund Office is the only authoritative box office statistics agency.

Under normal circumstances, the data is released on "Huaxia Film News" every Tuesday and every Thursday.

However, due to the lack of legal online serialization, and relatively low awareness and influence, many movie sponsors took advantage of the time lag and released exaggerated box office in advance to attract audiences into the cinema.

A theater manager revealed that more than [-]% of the movies in the year have more or less box office.

2: Self-purchased box office [buy box office].

The method of operation of this method is simple and crude.

Movie studios pay to buy box office tickets from remote, less-visited movie theaters.

More brain operations include: a two-hour movie can be played in a movie theater in 10 minutes, and there is also a ghost scene.

3: Steal the box office.

Stealing the box office is also called stealing the box office.

The film studio, the distributor, and the movie theater secretly contacted each other, allowing audiences to watch movie A with tickets for movie B, and sometimes even with handwritten movie tickets.

Extremely bad behavior.

What "Assassination of Novelists" is currently encountering is the case of stealing the box office.

A netizen revealed on Tianya that when the audience in a local theater asked to buy a movie ticket for "Assassination of the Novelist", the staff took out the movie ticket of "Mech Man" and repeatedly emphasized that watching "Assassination of the Novelist" with this ticket would not something wrong.

After watching the video.

Fang Nan lit a cigarette, unable to calm down for a long time.

It has been nearly two months since the filming of "Assassination of Novelists" has been released, and he has expressed the importance of "Assassination of Novelists" to him in many public occasions.

Who in the circle doesn't know that he has a grand film plan, and he needs "Assassination of Novelists" to be the first shot.

But you, Remington, just don't believe in evil.

About to stab him in the back?

During the promotional period of the film, it is forcible to touch porcelain, and it is fine to break the dirty water. Competition has always existed, not bad for the Remingtons.

But why use such a cheap way to steal the box office.

Is it true that he doesn't care anymore, and just likes to destroy the domestic film environment like killing chickens?

It was rare for Fang Nan to get angry, and it could even be said that it was the first time that he really fell in love with someone.

After turning off the video, Fang Nan dialed Lin Hao's number.

"Hey, Lin Hao, what are you doing?"

"Brother Nan, I'm shooting commercials to earn extra money, what's wrong?"

"Do you know about Zhang Ming moving the box office?"

"I haven't heard of it. When? Whose box office is moved?"

"If you have a computer, go to Tianya to have a look. After reading it, tell Zhang Ming that I, Fang Nan, are not easy to bully. Besides, if he bullies me, he still wants to lose his job as a filmmaker?"

"Brother Nan, is it so serious?" Lin Hao said in shock.

The warning in Fang Nanhua's language is very strong, and there is a tyrannical atmosphere in the calmness.

He had known Fang Nan for several years, and this was the first time he saw him suppressing his anger in his chest.

"Cough, why did you come to Remington in the first place?"

Lin Hao dialed Zhang Ming's cell phone with regret.

Fang Nan is not a liar, since he is sure that Zhang Ming shot behind his back, there is no need to watch the video on Tianya.

"Brother Big Dog, have you watched the video on Tianya? Is it real or fake? Was it really made by Remington?"

"Where did you hear these rumors? I, Zhang Ming, disdain to do such a thing."

Lin Hao recalled Zhang Ming's personality, this person was indeed extravagant and extravagant.

It stands to reason that he would not put down his body to steal other people's box office.

But in the blink of an eye, Lin Hao thought of what Wang Liang said on Fetion yesterday that "Robot Man" had a box office of 5000 to [-] million.

Thinking about it now, Wang Liang's tone was not without irony.

After all, "Assassination of Novelists" was in full swing at that time.

"Big Dog, as Remington's co-director, can I have a look at the financial statements of "Cyborg"?"

"Lin Hao, this is very boring, the words of Brother Big Dog are not as good as the rumors outside, right?"

Lin Hao pulled a stool and sat down, his face getting colder:

"I hope it's gossip, but it was Director Fang who called me just now. I mean, if it's true, I will apologize to Fang Nan on behalf of the company. I believe that with my friendship with him, He should have uncovered it this time."

"And I personally think that, as a member of Chinese filmmakers, we should take the initiative to maintain our film environment."

"What's the difference between stealing at the box office and stealing in reality? It's just that one has laws to follow, and the other has no legislation for the time being."

"Fuck him, what are you talking about? You pack up and go to Berlin first. The company decided to send "No Man's Land" to the Berlin Film Festival."

The busy tone on the phone made Lin Hao feel melancholy for a while, what is self-reaping, he is now.

At the beginning, he entered Remington for money, but now, Remington is going to bury his director career for several years for money.

Lin Hao complains about himself on the set of commercial shooting.

On the other side, Fang Nan dialed Mr. Han's private mobile phone.

After the call was connected, he explained the matter again, and then he heard Mr. Han say, "I'll let the bureau, together with Bona and Guangguang, issue a statement to condemn it. There is no other good way, and it cannot be eliminated. Some small theaters I just hope to earn this kind of money to maintain the movie theater and life.”

"That's it? The Film Bureau can't control it anymore?"

Fang Nan was very angry. A reprimand was necessary and deserved. What about punishment?
Don't beat up the thief and wait to be stolen again?
"What's your name?"

Fang Nan's face turned livid: "Actually, I don't care. No matter how high the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" is, it doesn't matter to me. I can't pay a penny, but I will definitely not let this kind of theft go."

"What do you want to do again?"

"I want to unite domestic filmmakers to resist the chaos, and urge the country to promulgate the "Film Promotion Law" as soon as possible. The film industry must have laws to follow."

"You have this right. After all, when the Legislative Affairs Office drafted the "Promotion Law" last year, it asked for some of your opinions, but you are not allowed to unite too many people. What are you going to do? Put pressure on it?"

"As for resisting chaos in the industry, just do what you like."

Mr. Han in the desk room of the unit heaved a sigh of relief.

When Fang Nanhun was not stingy, it was easy to make big things happen, but now he seems to be quite sober, at least he didn't express angrily, "I want to unite with domestic filmmakers to learn from Korean filmmakers to shave their heads and go to Cheong Wa Dae for a meditation."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Nan first condemned the removal of the box office of "Assassination of Novelists" on his blog.

Afterwards, he wrote a sincere letter by hand, contacted a group of people in the industry using various communication tools and social software, and after obtaining consent, he planned to visit one by one on another day and ask them to sign jointly.

In the end, he had to make Remington and Zhang Ming pay for the theft.

"Assassination of Novelists" is still in theaters, Fang Nan's influence is huge at this moment.

As soon as his blog post came out, there were many responders.

People in the industry, movie fans, and media people rushed to help, demanding to solve the chaos at the box office. This is stealing!

It didn't take long for law enforcement agencies in the city where it was revealed that the box office was stolen also responded.

But the investigation process can be imagined, it must be long, and it must be fruitless, because there is no trace at all.

It is impossible to find out the audience one by one and confront the theater.

Even if it is a confrontation, the theater can also blame the machine for a problem, and the evasion did not affect the box office of "Assassination of Novelists".

Can't check.

No basic apology was received either.

So, Fang Nan ran around for several days, made multiple copies of the letters with the names of more than 100 filmmakers, and personally delivered them to the leaders of the Legal Affairs Office, Film Bureau, General Administration and other departments.

He is not Wuxia Amon anymore, and the fans of "The Novelist" outside are also making a fuss, so the feedback after the letter is sent out is very good.

First of all, regarding the theft of the box office of "Assassination of Novelists", the General Administration and the local city have stepped up investigations.

Secondly, the schedule of the "Film Promotion Law" has been accelerated.

Capital City, Guijie Street.

Watching Fang Nan who came here sweating profusely, he raised his head and drank the warm tea. Yu Dong said, "That's basically it. The staff were fired for pocketing the money, and the theater manager apologized."

"Zhang Ming just let it go?"

"I can't help it. Zhang Ming, a big dog, still has two brushes. Remington has introduced two capitals this year and also received subsidies from the state. If we continue to quarrel with him, it will still be in vain."

Fang Nan asked: "Lao Wang, Jiangzhou and the others also mean the same?"

"Well, there are endless delays. The light side wants to focus the media on promoting "Astro Boy", and Bona is similar."

Fang Nante was annoyed by Yu Dong and the others' way of calming things down.

But what can I say.

They actually have essential differences.

Guangguang and Bona, what they think about is money. In order to gain box office and endless chatter, it is better to spend more energy on the market and earn more from the audience.

What about Fang Nan?

Fang Nan did not hesitate to spend manpower and material resources to try his best to solve the chaos at the box office of domestic movies, so as to make the Chinese movie environment better.

To put it bluntly, this is the difference between a capitalist and a filmmaker who gradually has a personal ideal and wants to pay for it.


"Hey, why are you scolding people?"

As soon as Zeng Li dragged Shi Wanzhuo into the private room, she saw Fang Nan swearing at Yu Dong's back on Guijie Street, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

"This group of capitalists deserves to be scolded. They don't care about the market environment and sustainable development in order to make money. When the market slumps and fails, these people will definitely be the first to jump out of the industry and run away with their families with their money. They are not much different from wartime traitors and traitors!"

"Don't worry about whether you are a capitalist or not. Hurry up and teach your daughter how to write Arabic numerals. School will start in a few days. I am busy below."

"Ah? Kindergarten, what kind of characters do you write? You can go in and have fun."

"So big-hearted, which child's education doesn't start from kindergarten now."

"So introverted now?"

Fang Nan hugged his daughter who was carrying a small schoolbag on his lap with distress.

Unpacking his schoolbag, he took out the book, paper and pen. Seeing that his daughter couldn't even hold the pencil, Fang Nan threw the pen away, and flipped through the books to tell her a story.

He has a good eloquence, and his work is a director and screenwriter, and he tells stories vividly.

"Dad, I want to eat more cute."

"Hey, you really know how to find problems. You have to get the approval of your mother, the health care provider, to eat too many cute foods."

"My mother bought it for me, but my father never bought it when he was on a business trip."

The little girl's eyes turned and what she said made Fang Nan's heart twitch: "Yes, Dad will go down and buy it for you, just wait and don't run around."

"I know, Dad is the best!"

Fang Nan forced a smile, and hurried out of the box, hoping in his heart that his daughter's "Daddy is the best" would accompany him until the end of his life.

I bought two that were much cuter. The father and son licked each other happily, and Zeng Li went into the box after finishing her work.

"You father and daughter are very comfortable."

Fang Nan looked at the beautiful woman sitting across from him and smiled: "You don't want to be a rich wife, you have to make tea yourself."

"Making tea is my hobby."

"That's it." Fang Nanxue's daughter turned to the cold drink and licked it.

"You're disgusting to death." Zeng Li mouthed disgust, but both hands consciously grabbed Fang Nan's wrist: "Give me a bite."

After huffing twice and forcing down a cold drink, Zeng Li asked curiously, "No new plays this year?"

"It's gone. After a while, I will have to promote "The Wind" nationwide. I can't do this anymore. I have to make an agreement with the management. I would rather pay less for the film than participate in the whole road show. It's exhausting."

"I'm waiting for you to open a new play, give me a role."

"Ah? Are you kidding me?"

"I asked for it for Hailu. She just broke up with her boyfriend, and she was hurt badly. You have to have a suitable role and think about her."

"I heard you say last time that her boyfriend proposed to her."

"It's not that the man's parents didn't agree."

Fang Nan was stunned: "Is this all right? Both of them are in their 30s, can they still be restrained by their parents?"

Zeng Li glared: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, do you have a role?"

"I really don't have any, but I will go to Tangtang Film and Television in two days, and then I will ask the screenwriter department if there is any suitable role for her. I'm done. I'm leaving. I will go to the Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Bureau of Land and Resources."

"You're almost done, go make trouble."

"What's the fuss, let's put the latest one aside, it's business."

Fang Nan carried his daughter, who had become a little pink cat, to the ground, put on a tennis cap and sunglasses, and left the box.

Funding for "The Wandering Earth" is basically all right, what is currently lacking is a high-tech studio and a very large shooting location.

These two things do not exist in China today.

So he needs to go to the cultural tourism, land and other departments to report his plan to build a high-tech studio.

If a city wants to develop its economy in this way, the two departments will coordinate from it.

After all, it is not a small project. The money and land area are quite large, and it needs the lead of the national department.

The next day after reporting to the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Fang Nan received cooperation visions from many local cities.

In 1996, Zhejiang Province built the Guangzhou Street Scenic Spot in Hengdian for the "Opium War" directed by Xie Da.

Later, "Qin Palace" was built for Chen Kaige's "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin".

Fang Nan's reputation is not weaker than the two. He wants to build a high-tech studio, and there are naturally many cities where he wants to cooperate.

But there are very few cities that are really suitable. Fangnan is the place to choose, and Fangnan has to choose a city. Some remote cities obviously cannot meet his requirements.

The studio is built not only once or twice, but also for the sake of future generations.

After choosing and choosing, he combined the promises made by the local area and finally circled three places, Pujiang, Qingdao, and Hengdian.

To choose which city to choose, he still needs to go to investigate in person and communicate with the local government.

Anyway, according to his plan, "The Wandering Earth" will not come out in three or four years, and it is also a difficult product.

(End of this chapter)

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