literary world

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

The layers of forest are all dyed, a piece of golden yellow.

Under the attention of the public, "Assassination of Novelists" successfully broke through the 09 million box office mark, making a major contribution to the [-] summer film market.

Movie ticket warehouses in Beijing, Pujiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places also broke their previous box office records because of "Assassination of Novelists".

The movie "Assassination of the Novelist" on the 3D digital screen was able to be watched in theaters across the country, and the box office was even more successful.


It is another milestone box office record set by a domestic film.

The box office of "Assassination of Novelists" successfully exceeded [-] million.

A grand and grand celebration banquet is inevitable.

Although the movie is still in theaters, it will not delay the promotion of Fang Nan to the altar by several employers and some practitioners who are closely related to Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television.

That night.

In addition to Fang Nan who became the object of pursuit, Cai Yinong, Shi Nansheng and other bosses of Tangtang Film and Television who came to the celebration banquet also became popular.

Tang Tang Film and Television did not participate in the production of "Assassination of Novelists".

However, in 09, this company produced small-screen blockbuster dramas "Latent", "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", "Love Apartment", and CCTV's customized drama "Walking to the West".

It's fine that the four dramas are so popular that they often arouse heated discussions across the country.

The themes of the four dramas are spy dramas, fairy tales, romantic sitcoms, and period dramas. How can such a company make people not flatter.

What's even more annoying is that, not to mention the TV drama market being stirred up by Tang Tang Film and Television, the film market has not been left behind either.

Invested by Tang Tang Film and Television, directed by Lin Hao, "Crazy Racing" released at the beginning of the year had a box office of over 1 million.

"Parasite", co-invested by Tang Tang Film and Television, won the Palme d'Or at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. I heard that the copyright was sold for 1 million yuan, or US dollars.

Produced by Tangtang Film and Television and starring Gao Yuanyuan, the low-cost workplace romantic comedy "Du Lala's Promotion" also successfully broke through [-] million at the box office.

Produced by Tang Tang Film and Television, directed by Wang Liang, and starring Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian, "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" landed in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan on August 8.

Then there was a sensation on both sides of the strait.

In Xiangjiang, the film was released for a week, and the box office was more than 1100 million, which won the box office champion of Xiangjiang for a week.

In Taiwan Province, the film was released for four days, and the box office exceeded NT$1 million.

In the mainland, the film was released for a week, and the box office was nearly 3000 million.

This is not over yet.

Produced by Tang Tang Film and Television in collaboration with China Film Group, "The Wind" starring Fang Nan, Zhou Xun, Li Bing, Huang Xiaoming, Huang Bo and other big stars has not yet been released.

With Fang Nan's current word-of-mouth and the star lineup, the box office of "The Wind" can be imagined.

The low-cost feature film "Ocean Paradise" was shortlisted for this year's Venice Film Festival.

Such a film and television production company that can make money and help people become famous, not to mention people in the industry, many people outside the industry have to catch up with them.

After being complimented by the stars around the center, Fang Nan approached Cai Yinong and asked about the company's current job.

"The current main job is to promote "Those Years". We have temporarily changed the promotional route. Director Wang, Hu Ge, Sissy, Si Shi, and Sun Yizhou have already flown to Taiwan overnight. After the promotion in Taiwan, the five of them will fly to Xiangjiang again."

Cai Yinong, who was holding a glass of red wine, was full of spring breeze.

Fang Nan nodded and asked, "How's the talk about the joint acquisition of land in Pujiang by several companies?"

"Originally, the conversation was almost over. Pujiang agreed to allocate 30 square meters, about 450 acres of land, on the other side of Hongqiao. As a result, as soon as your plan to build a high-tech studio came out, Pujiang immediately suspended the negotiation, and they said they had to redo the planning. plan to build an industrial park.”

"I didn't say that I would definitely go to Pujiang. I talked with the Design Institute, the Aerospace Institute, and the Bureau of Culture and Tourism in the past few days. They said that if the cluster studio I plan to build is planned according to the scale of Warner Studios in Hollywood, it is estimated to cost 300 to [-] billion. funds."

"Too much money is needed. I won't spend most of my money on land purchases. Every inch of land in Pujiang is very expensive."

"Of course, if Pujiang learns from Longyang to build the Hengdian film and television city model, then everything will be easy to talk about."

In the original time and space, the filming studio of "The Wandering Earth" was built by Wang Yida with an investment of about 400 billion in the Oriental Movie Metropolis in Qingdao.

At that time, eight studios were connected and connected to form a studio of 10 square meters.

When it was Fang Nan's turn, he had higher requirements for the filming of "The Wandering Earth" and had to be more realistic.

He needs to reflect all the frozen planes and missiles that exist in the doomsday scene, so a larger studio is required, and great local support must be given.

Shi Nansheng was curious: "Even if the local government buys shares with land, 300 to [-] billion is not a small amount. Where did you get so much money?"

"Dream Literature and Douyin Video are receiving capital injection. After the two companies are successfully listed, I will sell a part of the shares."

"Furthermore, my idea of ​​[Building the Oriental Movie Metropolis and building the world's largest and most complete high-tech studio] is not without the attention of state agencies. China Film and CCTV have shown great interest."

Shi Nansheng nodded: "It must be the best for China Film to enter the venue."

The three of them stood and chatted for a while, but they were pulled away by other people at the banquet. Fang Nan felt bored, and after discussing with Gao Yuanyuan who had just finished socializing, he felt that the celebration banquet was about to end, so he might as well slip away first.

Parked the car by the Yinding River, the two of them interlocking their fingers had just approached their own yard when Fang Nan pulled Gao Yuanyuan to a stop.

Under the dim moonlight, there was a man sitting in front of the red lacquered gate of his house.

It's not clear what a person looks like, but his body looks very bloated, Fang Nan had to guard against it.

He has gone too far this year. Various wealth newspapers and magazines often say that he is worth billions of dollars. It is not unusual for someone to take risks.

What's more, he had a serious fight with Zhang Ming recently.

Gao Yuanyuan asked softly, "Who is it?"

"I can't see clearly, you stay still and don't move, I'll go and have a look."

Gao Yuanyuan worried: "Be careful."


Fang Nan, who was about to go alone, showed no fear. Huaxia is not the United States where guns are rampant. As long as there are no firearms, usually two or three people, he really doesn't care.

After walking forward for about twenty meters, Fang Nan still couldn't tell whether the other party was a man or a woman, but he didn't want to go any further, so he yelled at the other party, "Who are you!"

The person at the door stood up and said to the direction of the roar, "Brother Nan? I'm Anna."

"Anna? I'll go. You didn't sleep most of the night. Why did you come by my door?"

Fang Nan turned his head as he spoke, and said to Gao Yuanyuan who was slowly following, "Come here, it's Anna."

Anna is Lin Hao's daughter-in-law, a well-known screenwriter in the industry.

Without this daughter-in-law, Lin Hao's achievements may not be as high as they are now.

Lin Hao's debut novel "Green Grass" couldn't find investment, and Anna supported him to sell his house to make a movie.

During the filming of "Green Grassland", the van carrying everyone on the set overturned three times in a row on the grassland, injuring many people. Without saying a word, Anna took out 12 yuan from the only 10 yuan at home and sent it over.

The climate in the grassland was harsh, and the crew had gone from more than 60 people to only a dozen or so people. It was Anna who encouraged Lin Hao to finish filming the trick.

After Lin Hao became famous, she took the initiative to return to the family to take care of her husband and teach her children. Fang Nan admired this woman very much.

The two greeted Anna, and only then did they see clearly that Anna was still holding her son, who was born in February this year, in her arms. No wonder she looked so bloated.

Gao Yuanyuan opened the door, and Fang Nan asked curiously, "What's going on with you in the middle of the night? There's no one at home, why didn't you call me, where is Lin Hao? Why didn't he go to the celebration banquet of "Assassination of Novelists" today?"

"I just arrived too, Lin Hao fell asleep at home."

Knowing that things were not that simple, Fang Nan nodded and invited him into the house.

In the study, Fang Nan told Gao Yuanyuan to cook oatmeal, in case the child woke up and looked at Anna: "Is it related to Remington and Zhang Ming?"

"Well. Zhang Ming insisted on taking "No Man's Land" to Berlin to participate in the competition to restore the company's blood. Lin Hao was worried and had no choice. During this period, he was worried about gains and losses every day, and then he drank and slept, and then drank after waking up. He was almost out of shape. gone."

"He admires you most, Brother Nan, so I want to ask Brother Nan to come to my house tomorrow to persuade him."

"In "No Man's Land" participating in Berlin, the worst is to be banned for five years. Can it be more embarrassing than the two of us living in an unheated house of more than 10 square meters a few years ago, and we can only hug each other for warmth?"

"What contract did he sign with Zhang Ming?"

"It's a bulky contract, the contract is very sloppy, and most of the verbal agreements are verbal. Zhang Ming likes to talk about his feelings."

Fang Nan nodded and asked again: "The "No Man's Land" that he fully funded?"

"We also voted, but the copyright belongs to Zhang Ming's company. We can't decide how Zhang Ming will operate the film. This is the crux of Lin Hao's worry."

"The other thing is, Zhang Ming knows a lot of messy people, and he has the habits of the world."

"Habits of the world?"

Fang Nan murmured, nodded and said, "I see, let's go, I'll let Yuan Yuan drive you back, and I'll meet Lin Hao tomorrow."

"You usually enlighten him, just like you said, it's not that terrible to be banned. Besides, things haven't come to fruition yet, so don't worry about it?"

"There is no need to be too afraid of Zhang Ming daring to act recklessly. Now is not the past. He dares to reach out and someone can deal with him."

The day after Gao Yuanyuan sent Anna mother and son home, Fang Nan went to see Lin Hao with his luggage.

Just like what Anna said, she is really hiding at home worrying about gains and losses. She is very decadent and has a lot of gray hair on her head.

But also understandable.

A person has tasted the taste of fame and wealth, and one day, these things will disappear, and his mood will inevitably be affected.

Fang Nan didn't have any more BBs, so he called him up from the bed and told him to pack up some clothes and follow him to Pujiang.

Zhang Ming is a big dog in the eyes of others, but he is a fart.

Since Lin Hao's contract with Remington was unclear, Tang Tang Film and Television signed him directly and finished.

The other party wants to file a lawsuit, so please accompany me.

Play as long as you want!
Because Fangnan Culture's business involves a lot of copyrights, the company has a large group of well-paid lawyers, so it's useless.

If he wanted to come to Yin, Fang Nan sent him there himself.

On the passenger plane flying to Pujiang, the two of them sat down in the first class cabin without saying a word, when a girl stood beside them.

"Hello, Director Fang, hello, Director Lin, I'm actress Yang Fun."

Fang Nan was used to encountering stars on the flight back and forth from Beijing to Pujiang, so he stretched out his hand calmly and said, "Hello, I know you. You did a good job in "Xian San". Are you going to Hengdian?"

"Well, I'm rushing to the production team of "Beauty's Scheming" in Hengdian."

Yang Function returned to Fang Nan with a smile, while crazily hinting to the little assistant beside him to upgrade with his eyes.

I met two great movie directors at once, one was Fang Nan, if I didn't seize the opportunity, I would be struck by lightning.

Fang Nan had a panoramic view of Yang Fun's little tricks, and he pretended not to know, he tentatively said: "President Cai of our company likes you very much, she has been looking forward to the expiration of your contract with Royalstar."

"I finished talking with director Li Shaohong, and then I can sign the brokerage contract with Tang Tang Film and Television next month."

Yang Funn was overjoyed.


Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses.

His appearance actually changed this person's route to fame?
He clearly remembered that after Yang Funni and Rongshida terminated their contract, they first went for a walk in Xiangjiang.

I don't know if it is to go deep into the Hong Kong circle to obtain resources.

Or really fell in love with that man.

Or get married with a son.

In short, she did not hesitate to marry a man who was more than 10 years older than herself at the speed of light.

But as soon as the man's "turn off the lights and read the script" incident, she divorced at the speed of light, became a single mother, and became a well-known actress in the circle that "she is the network".

Now, she insisted on joining Tang Tang Film and Television.

This whole Fang Nan doesn't know how to play anymore.

Yang Function, who didn't understand Fang Nan's "um", smiled coquettishly, "Boss, please take care of me in the future!"

Fang Nan said lightly, "You have already joined the company, so naturally you have to take care of it."

When the passenger plane landed on the Pujiang River, Yang Function didn't rush to Hengdian, but took Fang Nan and the two to Tang Tang Film and Television as if returning to her mother's house.

During the period, Tang Tang Film and Television's past, a certain person or something was mentioned, and it was even more precious, which made Fang Nan, the boss, feel ashamed and ashamed.

"Chu Yujun, ask the legal department to draw up a director's contract for Lin Hao to take a look at. The content is at the same level as Wang Liang."

"Congratulations Director Lin, I will be a colleague from now on."

Lin Hao stretched out his hand with a wry smile: "I'm here to take refuge, please take care of me."

After Chu Peijun left, Fang Nan dialed Lu Qing's cell phone.

On the way to the airport, Lin Hao told him one thing, Zhang Ming really wanted to play blockbuster movies, and even thought about buying a special effects company.

This news was very important, Fang Nan felt that Zhang Ming should be encouraged to buy a special effects company.

"A lot of them. Many special effects companies in Hollywood can't keep going and want to sell the company. Not long ago, I went to Hollywood to find technicians. It's just that the foreigners are very hypocritical and don't want to come to China to work."

"You guys are straight-hearted in technology? If foreigners don't come, you can't open a small company in the United States? As long as these foreigners have real skills, it doesn't matter if you raise them for a year or two, as long as we can learn more advanced technology."

"Then I'll fly to America again?"

"Which company do you want to dig?"

"Hollywood's Digital Kingdom, when this company was prosperous, it produced James Cameron's "True Lies" and "Titanic". It is a well-known visual effects company in the industry."

"Go ahead, find a way to sell the company to Remington after digging out skilled employees."

"Ah? How do you sell this? Who wants a shell company?"

Fang Nan smacked his lips. Lu Qing was indeed not a good candidate for conspiracy: "You wait for two days, and I will let Yan Hong go to America with you."

Fang Nan called Yan Hong again.

Yan Hong had managed the bar and dealt with all kinds of people and things, so she understood Fang Nan's intentions in a short while and promised to complete the task.

But she was so good that she almost made Fang Nan miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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