literary world

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

"Light and Movie Star Podcast":
Golden autumn September.

In recent years, the leading film and television company Tangtang Film and Television, which dominates domestic screens with many popular film and television dramas, held a press conference for the fourth quarter of 2009 at the Pujiang Shangri-La International Hotel.

This press conference and artist signing ceremony caused a sensation in the entire cultural and entertainment circle.

on site.

Fang Nan, chairman and well-known director of Tang Tang Film and Television, announced to the media reporters on the scene:
Lin Hao, the new director of the [-] million yuan box office club, officially joined Tangtang Film and Television.

Well-known domestic film star Chen Kun signed Tang Tang Film and Television.

In 2009, the newly-promoted four-star actress Yang Function signed a contract with Tangtang Film and Television.

In order to celebrate Lin Hao, Chen Kun, and Yang Funn, three outstanding film and television professionals joined.

Director Fang was full of pride at the scene, and with a wave of his hand, he promised the three new colleagues:

Lin Hao will act as his deputy and participate in the production of the sci-fi blockbuster "The Wandering Earth" with an investment of no less than 5 million yuan.

Chen Kun will be the leading male lead in the series "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", which was launched by Tang Tang Film and Television in 2010.

Yang Function will participate in the company's follow-up series of film and television series.

At the end of the press conference, President Cai Yinong said with a smile to the movie channel reporter:

With the joining of the new four female roles, Yang Function, Tang Tang Film and Television has a stronger lineup of actresses. The company's promotional photos of the five-treasure lineup of Mei Ting, Hai Qing, Liu Qianqian, Ni Ni, and Liu Sishi a few years ago are bound to be retaken.

Pujiang, the Bund.

After Fang Nan and Lin Hao got off the car, they were surrounded by Shi Nansheng, Wu Jie, Cao Guozhong and his group.

It was the first time for Fang Nan to come here after the official operation of the office building in Lot 8-3 on the Bund. Cao Guozhong and his group of executives had to take it seriously.

At the doorpost of the office building, Fang Nan raised his hand to look at the 28-story tall environmental protection building, and asked curiously, "The green plants are covered by glass?"

"In the beginning, we planned to fix the bonsai outside with the Fangnan fixed up and down, but the fire safety department refused. They said that the monsoon on the riverside is sometimes strong, and it is not safe to fix it up and down, so the designer used the second plan. Just made these three glass covers."

Fang Nan nodded and looked at Cao Guozhong who answered: "I see that some plants are quite big. How is the lighting inside? The merchants have problems with lighting and humidity?"

"No merchants have responded to the problem for the time being. The size of the plants is regular, and this was determined during the design."

The colorful plants on the outer layer of the office building couldn't tell why, Fang Nan waved his hand: "Go up and have a look."

"Mr. Fang, please, Director Lin." On the way to lead Fang Nan to the elevator, Cao Guozhong briefly introduced the merchants in the office building.

The upper and lower 28-storey office buildings contain multiple types of merchants.

There are several people in one office doing international trade, some doing media, some doing real estate sales, some doing catering, some running supermarkets, lawyers, accounting firms, massage, beauty and fitness, etc. There are various types.

Fang Nan nodded and closed the elevator casually, went to the floor and chatted with any merchant.

It's okay, there's not much negative information collected, and the most talked about by merchants is their curiosity about ecological buildings.

After entering a few floors, Fang Nan was on the 28th floor where his office was located, and carefully inspected the exposed green plants. After finding nothing wrong, he and the others went up to the rooftop.

"We also open the roof to the public. Merchants in the building can apply for free, and outsiders who want to come to party and engage in activities need to pay for rental."

Fang Nan nodded, walked around the open-air swimming pool, leaned on the railing and looked at the Huangpu River below, with the wind blowing on his face, he said proudly:

"The first step of the Long March has been completed. Everyone will work hard for up to five years. Within five years, we have built an 8-3 land and have our own cinema."

"The performing arts center has been built and has its own grand theater."

"The film and television industry park has been built and has its own production center."

"After the Oriental Movie Metropolis is built, we will have our own high-tech studio, and then we will enjoy the happiness together!"

After the generous speech, Fang Nan and the others left the office building to take a look around the cultural palace under construction, the apartment building, and the movie theater that was finishing up.

He is not an expert, so he can't see any major problems.

I can only tell Cao Guozhong and other executives not to act too hastily in everything, and to pay close attention to production safety.

After leaving the Bund, Lin Hao packed his things and went back to Beijing. Fang Nan and Shi Nansheng went back to Tang Tang Film and Television together.

After a while, Fang Nan focused on the location selection of the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

He successively went to Longyang, Qingdao, Shenzhen and other cities where he was interested in cooperation.

But after Pujiang came up with a new plan, he chose to cooperate with the latter without hesitation.

The other party's sincerity was so great that they actually set aside a 2500-mu land for him in Fengjing, which has the title of the ancient city of Wuyue in Jinshan, and Zhujing next door.

This land is only 700 miles away from Hengdian Film and Television City. If the road conditions are good, it takes about an hour to drive to Pudong International Airport.

Of course, the more sincere the other party is, the higher the relative requirements.

First of all, the 2500 mu of land provided by Jinshan was not given for free, but was added to Fangnan's grand plan by way of equity.

Therefore, the Pujiang Cultural Tourism Bureau, Jinshan Cultural Tourism Bureau, Fengjing, and Zhujing Township Governments are multiple shareholders in the future named "Oriental Movie Metropolis".

Secondly, Fang Nan's current and future companies related to culture and film and television must all settle in the Oriental Movie Metropolis, including: Tang Tang Film and Television, Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow, Fang Nan Culture, Dream Literature, Douyin Video, Tang Tang Cinema headquarters office staff.

Finally, Fang Nan wanted to use his personal influence to promote the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

Filmed and produced in the studio of Oriental Movie Metropolis, at least five film and television dramas.

Then, in addition to the 52 high-tech studios in the Oriental Movie Metropolis, large-scale film and television locations, the world's advanced film and television post-production factories, and Fang Nan's company, the buildings shown on the drawings also include theaters, hotels, residential buildings, theme parks, Water park, movie park.
After the Oriental Movie Metropolis is completed, it will be a veritable Movie Metropolis, a miniature version of Hollywood.

Fang Nan was tempted, so he formed a Tang Tang film and television negotiation team headed by Shi Nansheng, and had intense exchanges with Pujiang and China Film.

In the end, it was decided that Fang Nan's company would spend 100 billion to build the Oriental Movie Metropolis, accounting for 18% of the Oriental Movie Metropolis Group's shares.

Part of the money they took out had to build their own company.

The other 82% of the shares are jointly shared by China Film Group, Hengdian Film and Television Group, the State Administration of Culture and Tourism, the governments of Fengjing and Zhujing, the Pujiang Municipal Government, and the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

At that time, Fang Nan was already in America.

As soon as he received the news, he asked Shi Nansheng to urge the contractor, China Construction Third Bureau, to build the studio first. For this reason, the meeting time of "The Wandering Earth" and the audience was greatly advanced.

After discussing the general direction of the Oriental Movie Metropolis with a group of bigwigs, Fang Nan left a mess to Shi Nansheng and others, and returned to Beijing to attend the premiere of "The Founding of a Nation".

There are more than 100 stars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three regions starring in "The Founding of a Nation". The lineup for the premiere can be imagined. It is not an exaggeration to say that the number of stars is unprecedented.

After arriving late, Fang Nan greeted Brother Fa, Uncle Benshan and the others, then retreated into the rest room specially arranged by the organizer for Tangtang Film and Television.

There are too many people, greeting all of them can exhaust him to death.

Backstage, Fang Nan's butt was just touching the sofa, Ni Ni took small steps and sat beside him, pinching his shoulders, and said coquettishly, "Oh, Brother Nan, I miss you so much."

Fang Nan glanced at her lightly: "What kind of epilepsy are you insane?"

"Ha ha.."

Cai Yinong, Hu Ge, Mei Ting, Liu Qianqian, Wang Liang, Zhang Jiayi, Chen Kun and other Tang and Tang artists and managers all laughed.

"Is my Taiwanese accent flattering or not? I learned it from Sissy."

Liu Qianqian spat at Ni Ni: "Fuck you, you taught yourself, and I didn't teach you."

"Ci'ao, you little lady actually beat me up."

Ni Ni contrived to raise her orchid finger to Liu Qianqian, causing Liu Qianqian to roll her eyes wildly, and also disgusting Fang Nan, said in disgust, "Is there something wrong with you? If you have something to say, tell me quickly."

"Well, Brother Nan, I want to play Han Duoduo."

Ni Ni turned to Fang Nan's back, squeezed his shoulder and said delicately.

"Han Duoduo?"

Fang Nan was taken aback, then remembered that it was a character in "The Wandering Earth", he couldn't help but turned his head and asked, "Have you sneaked into my office to read my script again?"

"Don't get excited, just take a look at it, yours is not a complete script."

Fang Nan stood up, and Ni Ni ran away, making everyone laugh.

"Ni Ni's manager, order Ni Ni to read the criminal law." Fang Nan pretended to be fierce.

Everyone was laughing, the door of the room was pushed open, and Zhang Yimou and Liu Dehua walked in.

"Fang Nan, did you go through the back door and be assigned such a big lounge?"

"I dare not go through Mr. Han's back door. We have a lot of people, and we have a big place to divide."

Fang Nan shook hands with Zhang Yimou with a smile, and then called "Brother Hua", causing Liu Dehua to hurriedly say, "Don't hurt me, Director Fang Da."

Liu Dehua has been miserable recently. He attended the funeral of his father-in-law and was found to have been secretly married for many years. He was scolded bloody by his fans and fans.

Frightened by the great momentum, several celebrity couples in the hidden marriage and hidden love circle took the initiative to hold a press conference to admit their relationship.

Jay Chou is also in a similar situation to him.

Jay Chou was scolded because he didn't do his job properly and made the bad movie "Slam Dunk", the fans were very angry.

But Fang Nan knew that the matter was not over yet.

In the next two years, Jay Chou will continue to star in "Su Qier", "Green Hornet", "Reverse War", and even direct the science fiction film "Pandaman". When these films are released, it will be called scolding sharp.

Welcoming the two into the room and sitting down, Fang Nan chatted with them for a while.

Seeing Lao Mouzi's ambiguous words and insinuating questions about the 'director's union' he mentioned in Cannes, Fang Nan probably knew what he was talking about.

Lao Mouzi had a conflict with Zhang Weiping.

It makes sense to think about it.

Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping are not in the same way.

After all, Zhang Weiping is a businessman, and a businessman is after profit.

So in the early years, I cooperated closely with Lao Mouzi. At that time, Lao Mouzi was famous and able to make money.

But from 2007 till now.

In three years, Lao Mouzi only hastily filmed "Three Shots and Surprise", and spent a lot of time preparing for the Olympics.

Zhang Weiping endured this time.

But can't bear the second time.

After the Olympics, he counted on the time when Lao Mouzi would toss hard.

Lao Mouzi took out Yan Geling's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", a film that is more of a literary war epic.

It took another three years to make this movie, Zhang Weiping couldn't bear it at all, and probably wanted to turn his back on it.

As for Zhang Yimou himself, it is estimated that the old man was also unhappy.

He is an old director, and "Three Shots Surprise" has not passed the test of the market and audience.

But he should have a good idea of ​​what the film turned out to be. He said that the film was not for dealing with Zhang Weiping, and even thinking about it, he felt blush.

Otherwise, he would not persist in filming "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" to restore his reputation.

Thinking about the cause and effect for a moment, Fang Nan nodded and said: "At the reception in Cannes, Ang Lee and Director Wang Jiawei and I were not just joking, we really had this idea."

"My idea is that we directors report to the group to keep warm, so that the capital will affect the creation of our filmmakers as little as possible. It is best to shoot whatever themes we want within the framework of the general environment."

"That has to be counted as part of me. Find a time for us to sit down and have a serious chat."

"Success, I don't have time this year. I will definitely gather people together next year. I will go to the American Club in December to meet with Director Ang Lee. When the time comes, I will greet him first."

"Tell me the time in advance, and I will arrange personnel, carriages and horses to receive you."

Zhang Yi stood up happily and held Fang Nan: "You have more drive than our fifth and sixth generation directors, and you will definitely be able to go out."

After the two left, Xue Xiaolu and Li Lianlian and their coat of arms came back again.

Seeing that Fang Nante was happy, Li Lianlian gave him a bear hug.

Guess what, he won the 66th Venice best actor for his outstanding acting skills in "Ocean Paradise".

Fang Nanda received a call to announce the good news in the middle of the night before yesterday, and his mind really went down for several seconds.

The Emperor of Kung Fu has become the King of Movies in Venice. Hearing it at first is really scary.

But when he woke up, he was genuinely happy.

He always believes that Cheng Long and Li Lian's acting skills are not inferior to those male and female stars who have won awards abroad.

The difference is that the acting skills of the two Lian Jiazi are mostly bold and unrestrained, highlighting the surface, not very restrained, so many judges don't like it.

The judges always prefer actors with rich inner drama, such as Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung.

"Director Fang, hello."

After Li Lianlian's introduction, the coat of arms bowed respectfully to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan replied with a "huh".

Others can criticize this person, but he doesn't have that face.

But it is impossible to expect him to be enthusiastic, neither salty nor bland, just a simple meaning.

After receiving group after group of people, the staff yelled to walk on the red carpet, Fang Nan pushed Tang Tang actors forward, and slipped into the venue by himself and a group of behind-the-scenes.

"What's the matter with you kid, you don't go on the red carpet, I said you can't find anyone on the left or right."

When Mr. Han saw Fang Nan after walking the red carpet, he accused Fang Nan out of righteous indignation.

"I'm afraid of stealing your limelight." Fang Nan slandered in his heart, but said: "Let me take a break. In a few days, "The Wind" will be released, and I will have to see the media every day."

"Others wish to be exposed by the media every day, but you hide from the media instead."

"Individuals have their own way of life."

"You sit in the front, some old friends want to see you."

"Who? I won't go, I'm confused today."

Fang Nan didn't really want to go, it was unusual for someone who could be introduced by Mr. Han solemnly, if the other party made one or two requests, would he agree or not?

"I really don't want to introduce you to them, or should I tell them that you don't want to go?"

"Well, I'm afraid of you, can't I go?"

Follow Mr. Han to sit in the front row.

Sure enough, Golden Shield Film and Television, General Political Department Film and Television [August [-] Factory], my darling, one from the Ministry of Public Security and one from the army.

In addition, there is the Supreme Inspection Film and Television Center that produced "In the Name of the People".

Several official film and television production companies such as the Air Force Repertory Troupe and the Haizheng Film and Television Center.

After sitting and chatting for a while, Fang Nan realized the influence of "Latent" and the unreleased "The Wind" and how correct the production was.

 I know that some people don't like to read such chapters, but there is no way, there must be excessive chapters to explain some things.The box office results are really good, and the 24-hour follow-up order even exceeds 2000. I want to keep writing about the box office, but I have to be realistic. A science fiction film cannot be produced in a year.
(End of this chapter)

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