literary world

Chapter 326 3 No Director

Chapter 326 Three No Directors
It is not new for official film and television organizations to participate in the production of film and television dramas.

Not to mention the anti-Japanese war films in the early years.

In recent years alone, he has produced many high-quality small-screen dramas such as "Soldier Assault", "My Commander, My Regiment", and "Wulin Biography".

In the future, there will be "In the Name of the People", "The Justice of the People", "I Am a Special Forces", "The Special Forces King" series, and "The Chinese Soldiers King" series.

He has even cast and filmed online dramas such as "White Night Chasing the Murder", "Cold Case", "Good Beginning and Well Ending".

He has also produced high-quality films such as "The Case of the Mekong River", "Taking Tiger Mountain by Outsmart", "Lin Haixueyuan", "Youth", and "Operation Red Sea".

In addition, it has released many Hollywood blockbusters such as "Pirates of the Caribbean", "National Treasure", "Forrest Gump" and so on.

In the Chinese film market, the official film and television organizations can be said to be the real high-quality film and television producers, and they are really big names.

Fang Nan's record is really not enough to brag about in front of these bosses.

If he was asked to make epic movies such as "The Battle of Crossing the River", he would have to be blinded, because tens of thousands of people were mobilized.

However, Fang Nan wouldn't lower his stance to cater to the crowd.

The official film and television organization is indeed powerful with the backing of various departments, but it also has to compete fairly with the outside world.

What's more, he is not bad, the private film and television company is doing well, and he is also famous internationally.

After a brief chat, everyone talked about two very popular small screen dramas recently, one called "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" and the other called "Falcon 1949".

The former is okay, but in the eyes of the boss, it is just a farce.

The latter is very unbearable. The protagonist in the play is simply a motherfucker who can only be described in four words-the universe is invincible, and the gang will be angry when they see it.

Fang Nan hadn't watched the two dramas, but after hearing a few people talking about Yan Shuangying, he immediately knew it was an anti-Japanese drama.

Then very disdainful.

A bunch of bosses are still young, and dramas such as "Anti-Japanese Heroes" and "Railway Guerrillas" have not yet come out.

Otherwise, let you see what it means to beat devils with pomade, tear devils with hands, bullets that can bend, and heroes who fly to the top of the train on bicycles.

In those few years, the little devil lived really hard!

"Your company's "Latent" is good, and you will take care of us if you have such a good subject in the future. Lao Han has made a lot of money working with you in the past few years, and it's our turn."

Fang Nan shrugged: "If Director Zhou can convince Mr. Han, I have no objection, as long as I have money to make movies."

Mr. Han: "Is the old Zhou digging a corner?"

"Old Han, you China Film Group has no restrictions on themes, and you still grab some special-themed movies and TV shows. It makes sense? Anyway, let us eat some meat."

Director Zhou of Golden Shield Films and Television had finished accusing Mr. Han, and immediately someone came out to chime in and said:
"Old Zhou is right. Just talk about the space film "The Wandering Earth". You said that this project has nothing to do with your China Film Group. You have to get involved. I heard that the boss of the Academy of Aerospace Sciences has an opinion and plans to establish Aerospace Digital Media. company."

"What you said, China Film Group paid for it, 1.5 million, why don't you vote?"

Mr. Han said with some embarrassment.

To say which official film and television organization earns more, no one can compare with China Film.

After all, I am in charge of the work of movies.

The main task of several other agencies investing in film and television shooting is still for publicity.

But these days, how can there be any movies about air combat or naval warfare?
So not much money really.

The leader of the Kongzheng Art Troupe stood up: "Why, the film and television market has improved in the past few years, China Film has made too much money, and now you want to use money to suppress people?"

Fang Nan couldn't take it anymore, and returned to the back row shortly.

We met today, and we will cooperate when we meet again next time, everyone tacitly agrees.

Soon, the promotion for the premiere of "The Founding of a Nation" started. Fang Nan participated in such an event too much, and he fell asleep listening to it.

Even when it came to the film screening, his malaise did not improve.

He loves movies, but The Founding of a Country really wasn't good enough to cheer him up.

The flickering star face really couldn't make him concentrate on the plot.

Some film critics said that watching "The Founding of a Country" is not for watching the plot, but for counting the stars. Fang Nan deeply agrees.

As for the movie's box office.

That didn't say anything.

If there is no "Assassination of Novelists", "The Founding of a Country" would be the first domestic film to break the box office record of "Titanic".

In order to break this record, primary and secondary school students and staff of government agencies in many provinces and cities across the country have made great contributions.

But it's not bad, after all, I took half a day off.

After the two-hour movie ended, Fang Nan ran out of the venue early.

"Director Fang, whether the movie is good or not, let's guess the box office."

"Who dares to say it's not good-looking? You don't want to mess around?" Fang Nan muttered in his heart, but he actively avoided the topic: "There are a lot of stars, and the box office is estimated to be four to five billion."

His influence is getting bigger and bigger, so he seldom recommends movies indiscriminately. When someone asks, he just fools, and reporters are used to it.

After all, Fang Nan's movie fans ridiculed Fang Nan as a three-way director!
One does not recommend the movie.

Two do not endorse the product.

Three not in the magazine.

The nickname of "Three Nos" deeply reveals Fang Nan's hateful face of being rich, famous, and self-willed.

After attending the premiere of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

In the next few days, Fang Nan participated in the celebration banquet of the new Venice actor Li Lianlian.

Also participated in the box office celebration banquet of "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years".

The box office of "Those Years" really scared many people.

The most outrageous point is that "Those Years" first surpassed "3D***" by more than 4000 million box office with the theme of youth films, and then broke the box office record held by "Kung Fu" in Xiangjiang.

The box office of the movie Xiangjiang finally reached 6186 million, which is not even achieved by "Assassination of Novelists", which only had a box office of 5600 million in Xiangjiang.

In Taiwan, "Those Years" has not yet been drawn.

Since its release, the cumulative box office has exceeded 3 million Taiwan dollars. Depending on the situation, it should exceed the mainland box office of 7000 million yuan.

Considering that the cost of "Those Years" was only more than 1000 million, this box office result is really quite shocking.

For this reason, at the celebration banquet of "Those Years", Fang Nan announced in advance that Liu Qianqian would become a new partner and shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television, and handed over the 0.5% share transfer letter to the other party in person.

Beijing, hotel.

On the big white bed, Liu Qianqian spread her hands and feet lazily, "I don't want to cooperate with Hu Ge anymore." She said to Fang Nan.

"You two are fired up too much outside, can't stand it?"

"Basically, I don't really want to make commercial films anymore, especially youth romance films. Can you let the company push my next year's "33 Days of Broken Relationship" and "Hongmen Banquet"?"

Fang Nan was dumbfounded: "This is enough money, too."

"Then what do you want to do next year?" Fang Nan was curious.

Liu Qianqian turned over and looked at Fang Nan who had packed up, "Why don't you take a rest for a year?"

"I can say it, but your own managers, Chu Peijun and Cai Yinong, can agree."

In the entertainment industry, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Giving up a resource is equivalent to giving up a chance to become popular. If you give up a lot, you can learn from Zeng Li's family and take care of children.

If Liu Qianqian is willing to go home to take care of her husband and raise her children, Fang Nan agrees with both hands, and promises to raise her to be fat and healthy, so that she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life.

But Liu Qianqian obviously will not choose to return to the family early.

She is clearly an ambitious person in acting.

She has more desire to perform than Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan.

"It's useless to co-operate with me as a shareholder. I'll work for you for the rest of my life." Liu Qianqian sighed and lay flat facing the ceiling.

"Why is it useless? This is a senior pension insurance, and it will start paying dividends this year."

"Huh? How much can I share?"

"No matter what, it should cost 80 yuan. This year, several dramas and movies of Tangtang Film and Television have made a lot of money. The profit is more than 10 billion yuan. The company will share 10% of the profit."

"That's okay, I'll post some money to buy a big flat on the Bund."

"It's done. I'm leaving. The publicity team of "The Wind" is still waiting. If you don't want to work, you can tell your agent yourself. It doesn't hurt to take a break for a year and a half."

"Should I go to the platform for the premiere of "The Wind"?"

"You don't feel uncomfortable seeing Gao Yuanyuan, so go."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he rushed out the door with a chirp, and blocked the flying pillows in the guest room.

In the Beijing Exhibition Hall, compared to two weeks ago, the premiere of "The Founding of a Nation" attended by hundreds of stars.

The premiere promotion for "The Wind" was dimmed.

The only Gao Yuanyuan who came uninvited was a family member.

Such a dull scene was intentionally promoted by Fang Tang Tang Film and Television.

Director Fang Nan's "Assassination of Novelists" sold for 8.2 million at the box office in less than a month, and "The Wind" didn't need any big scenes at all.

To organize so many people and invite so many celebrities to do it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive.

Keep it simple, but it can save the boss a lot of money.

There are no big stars, but there are quite a few media reporters who take the initiative to come to the scene.

The director of "The Sound of the Wind" is Fang Nan, who is the most popular this year.

The cast itself is also very luxurious. Actors such as Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, Li Bing, Wang Zhiwen, Huang Xiaoming, Su Youpeng, etc. are either popular niches, or old actors with four denim and double ice, and there is no shortage of topics.

The host came to the stage and finished the opening remarks.

On the big screen, there are old photos left by the heroic spy personnel in the war years.

What followed was a series of sincere tribute words.

After a while, the promotional conference of the movie "The Wind" officially started.

[This is a movie about mortals and supermen. In the narrowest space, a generous elegy about human will is written! 】

Fang Nan and executive director Gao Qunshu took the stage during the narration.

"The two directors, please sit down. After watching the clip just now, everyone is very touched and curious, what kind of movie is "The Wind"?"

Fang Nan signaled to Gao Qunshu, Gao Qunshu pushed him back, Fang Nan said nothing, "The narration just now is very good, this is a movie about mortals and supermen."

"Oh, so who is Mortal and who is Superman?"

"Mortals are naturally the actors in our movies, and Superman is the heroic spy who went deep into the enemy's interior at the expense of personal safety during the war years."

After applause.

Host: "Then let's ask Director Gao, what kind of movie do you think "The Wind" is?"

"A very good, very real movie, "The Wind" perfectly interprets what revolution is not about treating guests to a meal, or making a fuss. After watching "The Wind", you will understand how hard-won our happiness today is, and how many heroes there are. He bought it with his life for us."

"The Wind" can be regarded as a relatively different gift film, but the promotion direction remains the same, and the target is patriotism and education.

Fang Nan also hopes to promote the era full of blood and fire. During the war years, many older generations really did shed blood for the country and the people, which is worthy of great praise.

Fang Nan and Gao Qunshu chatted with the host for a while, and several actors came on stage.

With more people, there will be more topics to talk about, but "The Wind" is always inseparable.

When Zhou Xun introduced the big iron chain that he was tortured with, he once choked up and said, "After filming that scene, I had nightmares for three consecutive nights."

Li Bing narrated the scene of being insulted by Huang Xiaoming, crying from time to time.

Su Youpeng was entangled that Fang Nan gave him the role of a male concubine.

After the one-hour press conference, the main creator of "The Wind" accepted interviews from the live media.

"Director Fang, what do you hope the box office of "The Wind" will exceed 8 million?"

Fang Nan glared at the shouting reporters: "Don't try to kill me, [-] million box office is considered a success."

"Brother Youpeng, what's it like to play a famous actress? Why did you challenge this role? Are you afraid that fans will not agree?"

"It's very enjoyable. I've filmed too many idol dramas and costume dramas, and I'm really bored. Fans will definitely support me."

"Huang Bo, what kind of role do you plan to challenge in the next drama?"

Huang Bo grinned: "I want to play the boss of the underworld. I don't know if there is a director looking for it."

"I want to ask Zhou Xun and Li Bing, do you have many rivalries in the play? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy."

"We are both good people, Xiao Ming and Brother Zhiwen are the bad people."

Li Bing smiled and moved the microphone closer to Zhou Xun, Zhou Xun chuckled: "She's right."

"Director Fang, have you decided on the cast of "The Wandering Earth"? When will it be announced? What will start filming and when will it be released?"

"Check your account." Fang Nan laughed and scolded the reporter, and then replied: "The actor has not been decided yet, and the filming will start after the studio is built, but the props have already started. It will take two years at the shortest to meet the audience."

"Did you prepare other projects during the filming period?"

"It depends on the situation. If you have time, you may make a low-cost film. If you don't have time, forget it."


"Huang Xiaoming"

"Okay, okay, the promotional premiere of "The Wind" is here, and the movie will be released tomorrow. I hope everyone can help promote it."

Hu Wen directed the staff to distribute red envelopes, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan bid farewell, and followed the other actors back to the hotel.

Thinking that the next 15-20 days will be at least 10-[-] days of hustle and bustle, Fang Nante has a headache, so he called Yan Hong and asked her to ask the company's lawyer to sign the contract with him, specifying that he can participate in up to [-] cities publicity.

After hiding in the hotel and sleeping soundly for a whole day, the road show of "The Wind" officially started the next day.

In the morning, I went to three theaters in the capital, and during lunch with the group, Hu Wen reported good news.

The reputation of "The Wind" is quite good.

And it's not a family statement.

The media, industry insiders, film critics, and audiences have the same caliber: As China’s first spy war-themed film, "The Wind" has a plot that is intertwined, and the actors perform well. Regardless of the subject matter, it can also be regarded as one of the best among domestic films. do.

As if to prove that "The Wind" is indeed worth blowing.

It's not because the director of the film is Fang Nan, and the cast includes actors like Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, and Wang Zhiwen.

On the afternoon of the opening day of "The Sound of the Wind", Douban and, the two major rating websites in China, started the movie rating mode.

Douban: "The Wind" scored 7.8, with 7200 ratings. "The Wind" scored 8.1, with 5600 ratings.

Although the two scoring websites are often criticized by people, there are still many viewers in China who are willing to pay the bill.

Ever since, "The Wind" ushered in a wave of movie viewing on the night of its release.

By the next day, the box office of the theater was 1500 million.

The box office of 1500 million on the first day is not much for Fang Nan, but for other domestic films, it is already a perfect opening.

Moreover, the release day of "The Wind" is September 9, and the National Day has not yet come.

Fang Nan, the developer of the National Day file, has not yet fully entered the National Day file.

So, 1500 million box office is a very good result.

But Shanghai Film Group, which has less cooperation with Fang Nan, doesn't think so.

They felt that since "The Wind" was also a tribute to the 60th anniversary, why not make it the same way and give the primary and secondary schools a half-day holiday again?
And arrange to write a review?

But without waiting for Shanghai Film to consider and weigh the pros and cons, Fang Nan said something to the media during the road show, and Shanghai Film was so angry that it instantly broke its defenses and almost cursed.

"I don't recommend parents to bring children under the age of 16 into the theater to watch "The Wind"!"

(End of this chapter)

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