literary world

Chapter 327 "The Sound of the Wind" - the first of a spy war movie

Chapter 327 "The Sound of the Wind" - the first of a spy war movie
end of september.

After autumn, the Pujiang River has not become cooler. On the contrary, because of the arrival of autumn tigers, this international metropolis has become hotter, causing factory workers to sweat profusely.


"Jingle Bell"

The moment the dinner bell rang, the buzzing sound from the hydraulic system immediately stopped. Xiao Jiang glanced at the peers who operated the machine, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Jiang Gong, it's too hot today, go out and order some beer, and then go to Xin Wang E's house to surf the Internet?"

Xiao Jiang closed the note: "You guys go, there is only half a day left in the afternoon, I will pass it after a while."

He is a technician in this hydraulic factory, and his salary is several hundred yuan higher than that of ordinary workers.

It stands to reason that I should live a more chic life. It is normal to take a vacation on a hot day, go to an Internet cafe to enjoy the air-conditioning, drink money, and play games.

But there is a saying that is good, some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as cattle and horses.

Xiao Jiang's family lives in a mountainous area with extreme economic poverty, and Xiao Jiang's income alone is the source of income for the whole family.

So in the past few years after leaving school, he has resisted the temptation of countless absenteeism, and usually saves as much as he can. A broken TV is repaired and repaired again and again, so that he has become an alternative among his peers in the factory.

But people have bad roots, and they all hope that they will live better, and look for gaps in comparison. The more out of place Xiao Jiang is, the more other peers want to drag him into trouble.

A colleague yelled: "Jiang Gong, I've been hearing you brag about Fang Nan's movies, but I haven't seen you support his movies. "Assassination of Novelists" is so popular, do you support it?"

Xiao Jiang was speechless. 3DIMAX's "Assassination of Novelists" sold for 100 yuan a ticket, and he was really reluctant to support it.

He supported Fang Nan by using his work computer to watch pirated copies when his stingy boss was on a business trip and away from the office.

Xiao Jiang was ashamed, and a colleague jumped out again and said, "Many people on the Internet say that "The Wind" is China's first spy war movie. Jiang Gong, don't you support this?"

"If Engineer Jiang spends money to watch a movie today, we won't go online, so how about going with him?" Someone teased with a smile.

Under the crowd's chatter, Jiang Gong, which usually sounds normal, seemed to become harsh.

Shao Qing, the red-faced Xiao Jiang said cruelly: "You go first, I will go to the cafeteria after eating."

"Then it's better to eat in the cafeteria together and go together after eating."

A few people laughed and surrounded Xiao Jiang and walked to the cafeteria, terrified that Xiao Jiang would run away.

After dinner, when we arrived at the movie theater, some people saw that Xiao Jiang bought movie tickets with money and found an excuse to escape, and some people kept their promises to buy tickets. Faced with all this, Xiao Jiang remained indifferent.

He is praying that "The Wind" must be as good as it is advertised on the Internet, so that he will not stay up all night for dozens of dollars.

Sitting in the movie theater with two colleagues, Xiao Jiang turned around and looked. The attendance rate of the movie theater was quite high, and there were almost no vacancies.

Not long after, the big screen lit up.

After the dragon mark disappeared in a flash, "Sound of the Wind" and "Fang Nan's Works" followed closely.

Production company:

[Huaxia Tangtang Film and Television Co., Ltd.]

【China Film Group】

【Shanghai Film Group】

Producer: Mr. Han, Cai Yinong

Executive Producer: Zhao Zhu
Distribution: Tang Tang Film and Television, China Film Xingmei, Poly Bona, China Films.
mid-war period
A few words introduced the background and age of the story, the whole big screen lit up, and a scene of bustling crowds appeared.

Xiao Jiang hurriedly ended the communication with the two colleagues, and then saw that among the two sitting opposite each other in the restaurant, the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was shot in the head by the waitress who delivered the food.

This shot eliminated the noise in the theater.

Xiao Jiang's two colleagues who were still joking, like all the audience, looked at the screen in surprise.

"One was destroyed in the first minute?"

They probably know that "The Wind" is different from "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". They may kill little devils and traitors, and the movie will be very intense.

But it's too rare to kill immediately. I haven't seen a domestic movie with such an irritable beginning, so many viewers asked what they missed and dared not whisper.

While Xiao Jiang and the audience were paying attention, the character played by Zhou Xun appeared, followed by Li Bing, Huang Bo.
Fang Nan showed off all the main characters in the film with a long shot without any trace of editing.

For this shot, the audience has no sense, but feels very smooth.

The film critics are not happy, what is the best shooting technique recognized in the world, it is one shot to the end.

Behind the long shot is stability, professionalism, and affection, which is what film critics and international people love.

After a small show of tricks, the entire plot of "The Wind" quickly moved forward, and the audience who were a little confused at first gradually understood the plot of the movie:

[During the Anti-Japanese War, in the Wang puppet camp, the spy chief wanted to find an underground party informant among the five people. Everyone gathered together, each teacher had his own way, and they were intriguing. 】

The story is understood, the next step is to guess who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

"The Wind" is a werewolf killing game.

Everyone has to prove that they are not informants, otherwise what awaits them is a dead word.

And the real informant needs to hide himself and escape, otherwise it will bring disaster to the comrades outside.

The audience in the theater where Xiao Jiang was located was in a mess.

In 2009, the game "Werewolf" did not exist, and audiences who rarely saw real suspenseful movies were completely mobilized.

"Jiang Gong, you have a high degree of education, let me analyze and analyze who is the real old ghost."

Xiao Jiang frowned and shook her head: "I can't analyze it."

The plots arranged by Fang Nan are closely linked, and there is no flaw at all.

Starting from the actors, the leading actors used to play decent people. Except for Wang Zhiwen and Huang Xiaoming, who were exposed by the director himself as bad guys, it is really impossible to guess who the other actors are old ghosts.

Xiao Jiang secretly sighed, Fang Nan's actors were well chosen, and the performances of several actors are really good!

The discussion slowly stopped when all the audience had no idea. Just as they were waiting for the director to announce the answer, the rabbit played by Su Youpeng was brutally beaten to death with a whip.

When the audience eliminated a suspect, they were even more shocked by the scale of "The Wind" and the cruelty of traitors and little devils.

Director Jin Shenghuo, played by Yingda, was frightened and committed suicide by swallowing a gun, which made the audience tremble and doubts increased.

Wu Zhiguo played by Huang Bo, Gu Xiaomeng played by Zhou Xun, and Li Ningyu played by Li Bing, who is the real old ghost?

Who can get out of this hellish cage?
Unknowingly, most of the audience is completely immersed in the movie.

They waited for the decryption, looked forward to hope, cursed the viciousness of the little devil, and pitied Li Lingyu who was dragged into the torture room.

"I'm rough, the hairs on my hair stand up after watching this movie."

The colleague next to Xiao Jiang hurriedly rubbed his arms when Li Lingyu was naked for examination.

"Damn it, the little devil is really perverted!"

Colleagues farther away responded.

They just finished cursing, and they frowned deeply like everyone else.

Wu Zhiguo, played by Huang Bo, forcibly breaks into Gu Xiaomeng's room to do something wrong, which makes the plot more complicated and confusing.

At this time, halfway through the screening of the movie, the audience racked their brains and were still confused.

Fortunately, the plot has progressed again.

Wu Tian, ​​who had already killed two people, did not dare to kill Wu Zhiguo and Gu Xiaomeng again. He locked Wu Zhiguo and Gu Xiaomeng together and arranged for someone to eavesdrop with a bug.

Gu Xiaomeng: "You dropped your cigarette at noon."

Wu Zhiguo: "What did you say?"

Gu Xiaomeng: "I said you dropped a cigarette at lunch, and there was a needle poked code on it, how many people do you want to kill?"

Wu Zhiguo: "Gu Xiaomeng, what kind of enmity do I have with you? You want to hurt me like this!"

Gu Xiaomeng: "Ah"

Huang Xiaoming, who played the little devil in the film, rescued people in an emergency, but the audience was stunned.

The undercover agent turned out to be Wu Zhiguo, who kept clamoring that he had been shot six times in a war?
Gu Xiaomeng, who was successfully rescued, wept and handed a cigarette with Morse code to Wutian, and told Wutian that the cigarette fell out when Wu Zhiguo took out his cigarette during lunch.

Just like that?

Xiao Jiang, like most of the audience, felt even more confused.

Especially when Wu Zhiguo in the torture room was torn apart, out of human shape, and his whole body was obviously beginning to blur, but under the torture of the so-called steel needle acupuncture point that no one can resist three needles, he still murmured that Takeda was blind, and the audience even more so. It's staring.

Many audience members murmured "Awesome, Huang Bo's performance is really good", while pulling their hair desperately.

They felt that their IQ was completely suppressed by the director, and the movie was about to end, and the undercover agent hadn't been found yet.

Then the next second, the theater was noisy.

Zhou Xun blew herself up to Li Lingyu who returned to the room after being insulted. She asked Li Lingyu to expose her freedom in exchange and urgently remind the colleagues outside to evacuate.

Under Zhou Xunxiaozhi's persuasion with emotion and reason, Li Ningyu grabbed a pack of cigarettes full of Morse code and reported Gu Xiaomeng, and at the same time rescued Wu Zhiguo.

To the surprise of the audience, Wu Zhiguo, who was sent out for emergency treatment, sang the opera during the rescue.

"I'm rough, lose, Wu Zhiguo is the real old ghost?"

"Then what is Gu Xiaomeng's identity?"

"Damn, this movie is awesome, it's wonderful"

"Jiang Gong, the money is not wasted."

The audience in the theater praised the plot arranged by the director.

But the camera flashes back to the torture chamber, and the mood of the audience is down again.

Zhou Xun screamed on the thick iron chain, many viewers almost cursed, and the audience with poor psychological endurance once wanted to rush out of the movie theater.

After Gu Xiaomeng played by Zhou Xun snatched Takeda's gun and committed suicide, the theater fell silent again, and the audience's emotions fluctuated.

At the end of the movie, when Wu Zhiguo approached Li Ningyu, who was working in a knitting factory, and slowly told this magnificent and delicate, majestic and touching story, the audience including Xiao Jiang couldn't help crying.

It turned out that Wu Zhiguo did not want to do anything wrong, but came to Gu Xiaomeng when he was most helpless, and told her that she was not alone in the dark night, and told the other party that he would sacrifice the other party to get out of the cage.

In addition, the loud confrontation between the two in the torture room was all false.

In private, Wu Zhiguo wrote in Gu Xiaomeng's palm [No news tonight, the organization is destroyed, I support].

When Gu Xiaomeng was about to sacrifice himself and insisted that he would only obey his superior Lao Qiang, Wu Zhiguo wrote down again [I am Lao Qiang, I order you to perform the task, and I will take care of it].

At this moment, the film director finally revealed the identities of Zhou Xun's old ghost and Wu Zhiguo's old gun, but the hearts of the audience also became sad.

At the end of the film, Li Linyu went home and found the clothes that Gu Xiaomeng sewed for him. When they saw the Morse code woven with needles and threads, the audience was completely defenseless.

【Whether the message is sent out】

【Success or failure depends on today】

【I am not afraid of death】

【I am afraid of those who love me, I don’t know why I will die】

【My beloved, I am so unfeeling, just because the nation is on the verge of survival, and we can only save ourselves in case of danger】

Xiao Jiang who walked out of the theater was silent, and most of the audience was silent.

"The Wind" actually doesn't talk about so much truth, it's more about cruel punishment.

Biting by vicious dogs, nail chairs, mental retardation, electric shock, acupuncture points with steel needles, rope torture, etc.
But how to put it, it is very touching.

Gives a spiritual shock.

Xiao Jiang thought for a long time, and summed up in one sentence why "The Wind" is so good-looking and why it made him feel ups and downs.

[The fate of the characters affects people's hearts! 】

While Xiao Jiang was thinking about it, a colleague gestured to his mobile phone and said, "Jiang Gong, did you see that? Netizens say that "The Wind" is the first of its kind in a spy war movie, and it's worth watching."

Xiao Jiang nodded: "It's not a bad thing, you go online, I'm home."

"The Wind", the actors have excellent acting skills.

The ups and downs of the plot left him unsatisfied, and a few dozen dollars was not wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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