literary world

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

"The Wind" is not as popular as "Assassination of Novelists".

The film was released for a week, and the box office was only 1.5 million.

But the word-of-mouth is better than "Assassination of Novelists", and it is quite strong. The film's two major domestic rating websites have maintained a score of around 8 points for a week.

Audiences, film critics, and mainstream and non-mainstream media all praised "The Wind" after watching the movie.

The mainstream media commented: "The Wind" is a classic Anti-Japanese War movie.

Evaluation by non-mainstream media: The best domestic plot and red theme movie in 2009.

Audience comments: full of suspense, full of tension, favorite red movie.

The film critics who used to disagree with Fang Nan also spoke highly of it: the plot is full of tension, and the performances of several actors are superb. Fang Nan has created a high-quality movie in a small space.

They said, "The Wind" is the Chinese version of "Stop the Phone Booth"!
The unanimous praise of the audience, the media, and film critics has driven the box office of "The Wind" to rise steadily.

The box office of "The Wind" successfully exceeded 2.5 million in the second week of its release, with a total box office of [-] million, firmly sitting at the top of the box office chart for another week.

Many people in the industry fell silent, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

It's okay to say that you should laugh out loud.

After all, "The Wind" and "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" further proved that the National Day file has box office potential, which is good for major film and television companies across the country.

But crying loudly seems to be okay.

Because the National Day file became the back garden of Fang Nan's personal box office.

Last year, he used the fantasy-themed movie "Painted Skin" to open up the National Day file, and earned over 3 million box office.

This year, he used the spy war theme "The Wind" to search the National Day files again. The box office of "The Wind" is conservatively estimated to exceed [-] million.

In such a situation, people in the industry feel deep pressure.

Fang Nan is a big mountain during the National Day.

This guy is still a fast shooter, and he can produce a movie almost every year. This year, he even has three consecutive films, "Parasite", "Assassination of Novelists", and "The Wind".

And even if Fang Nan withered, there was still Tang Tang Film and Television.

This crappy company is also making one movie to make money, squeezing a lot of people in the industry to breathe.

a time.

Many film and television executives feel that dark clouds are hanging over their heads, especially after the CCTV data network released the analysis data of "The Wind" movie viewing motivation, many people in the industry are even more afraid of Fang Nan.

General audiences are drawn into cinemas: thanks to the star cast.

The second depends on the content of the story.

Three rely on media publicity.

Fourth, rely on others to promote.

When it was the turn of "The Wind", Fang Nan's personal influence actually surpassed Zhou Xun, Huang Bo, Li Bing, Su Youpeng, Huang Xiaoming and other star lineups, because he accounted for 66.1% of the audience in the cinema.

Ranked second is the star lineup.

The third is publicity media.

This data is too scary, it can be called the mainland version of Zhou Xingxing in the 90s.

When other companies make movies, they spend a lot of money to hire veteran superstars from Xiangjiang, and even Korean stars, and then use mainland stars as supporting roles.

When it was Fang Nan's turn, as long as he was the director, the audience would buy it.

Comparing the hatchback, the cost gap is too big.

If things go on like this, Tang Tang Film and Television will definitely shit and piss on the foreheads of major film and television companies across the country.

So many bosses of film and television companies are very nervous and confused about the future.

There are only two good time slots in a year, the summer time is Fang Nan's stronghold, and now this guy has taken over the National Day time, is it still possible for people to live?

Fang Nan didn't know if others could live.

He himself is really choked up.

"The Sound of the Wind" has few hard and wide spots, and the convenience of its release caught them, the main creators, on a road show to death.

Normally, there are five theaters in a city, and it is the turn of "The Wind", which runs seven theaters a day.

Every time Fang Nan and the others arrived in a city, they lived in a mobile fortress—a bus. Unless they reached the promotional destination or the airport, the group of people would not get off the bus easily. up.

In his two lifetimes, it was the first time he experienced what it means to be top-heavy, light-headed, and dark-eyed. At that time, he almost fell head over heels, scaring Hu Wen, who was with the team, enough.

After screaming, a group of people rushed him to a local hospital.

In the evening, he was sent to Pujiang Hospital in a coma.

Later, under the coordination of the Pujiang government, Pujiang Donghang sent him to the capital overnight on a special plane. Fortunately, he woke up the next day, and if it was later, he might have gone abroad.

Holding the spittoon and spitting violently, Fang Nan's vision gradually became clear, and then he saw familiar faces in and out of the ward.

Cai Yinong, Hu Wen, Cao Guozhong, Shi Nansheng, Chu Peijun, Yan Hong, Hou Qiang, Lin Hao, Lu Qing, Shen Teng Ma Li, Wu Jie.
Fang Nan was dumbfounded: "Such a big commotion?"

Whether he has any physical problems, he knows very well that the reason for his heavy suffering is still caused by lack of sleep and fatigue.

This year, although he didn't film, his life was more tiring than filming.

During the period of promoting "Assassination of Novelists" and "The Wind", road shows in hundreds of cities, endless phone calls, and entanglements with three women made him overdrawn.

He just knew that if he continued like this, his health would be in trouble, so he kept saying that he didn't want to participate in the road show anymore.

Unexpectedly, he fell down on the road show of "The Wind", thanks to the fact that he used to compare himself to a master of time management.

But thinking about it, the business volume of the two is not at the same level, Fang Nan feels better.

Yan Hong said: "You have been in a coma since last night. When you were in Pujiang, the doctor said that your heartbeat was accelerating and your whole body was completely in a sub-healthy state. Who is not in a hurry!"

"It shouldn't be a problem. The bacterial invasion caused by overwork caused the resistance to drop. The doctor said he had a cold, right?"

"It's a bad cold! If you don't get treatment in time, your brain will burn out." Cai Yinong emphasized.

Fang Nan nodded and pinched his temples: "Where am I now? Wuxi or Pujiang?"

"Brother Nan, you are in Xiehe." Ma Li finally interjected.

"Ah?" Fang Nan was dumbfounded, he remembered that he was in Wuxi.

Shen Teng: "Brother Nan, you were transported here by special plane."

"What about cross talk between you two?"

After holding on to Shen Teng, Fang Nan looked at Yan Hong, saw him nodding, and couldn't help but bewildered, he actually has so much energy?

Fly back to the capital from Wuxi overnight, or is it a special plane?
He didn't know that if several of his companies were combined, they would have already entered the top 100 enterprises in Pujiang, or the top 50, or entered as private enterprises.

What's more, he still bears the burden of the Oriental Movie Metropolis, which is an investment of tens of billions.

Fang Nan didn't have the energy to ask the cause and effect, so he said a few more words, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, it was already evening. There were a lot fewer people in the ward, but there were also a few new faces.

Gao Yuanyuan was sitting by the bed, Liu Qianqian was curled up on the sofa, Yang Function and Liu Sishi were sitting together and playing with their mobile phones.

Fang Nan was a little startled, and hurriedly said, "Yuanyuan, is there anything to eat, give me something to eat."

"Yes, my mother made chicken soup."

While Gao Yuanyuan got up happily, he said to the other three people: "Fang Nan is awake, Qian Qian, Si Shi, and Yang Fun, you all go back."

She and Liu Qianqian acted in "No. [-] in the World" together, and she often went to Tangtang Film and Television and knew Liu Sishi, and she was quite familiar with these two.

Liu Sishi and Yang Function looked at each other, and then looked at Liu Qianqian together. Seeing her astonishing appearance, they didn't dare to say anything, walked to Fang Nan's side, and said in unison: "Brother Nan, you wake up OK, let's go first."

Then he said to Gao Yuanyuan who was scooping up the chicken soup: "Sister Yuanyuan, you have worked hard."

"Let's go, let's go, it's time to join the group, I have a little cold, why are you all making such a fuss."

Fang Nan was accusing Liu Sishi and Yang Fun, but his eyes were on Liu Qianqian who was curled up on the sofa like a grandmother.

He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that Liu Qianqian would explode in anger and fight Gao Yuanyuan in a gong-to-gong-drum-to-drum battle.

The temperaments of Liu Qianqian and Zeng Li are almost two extremes.

Zeng Li is meek.

Liu Qianqian's temperament is the opposite, quite strong.

What she didn't like, she said directly and face-to-face, showing her disgust on her face.

The few times Fang Nan was with her, she repeatedly hinted to Fang Nan that you are not married and I am not married, and that my wife is going to end up in a fair competition, which frightened Fang Nan badly.

Fang Nan talked about it, she didn't ask Gao Yuanyuan to tear it up.

Such a strong-tempered person, coupled with his young age, is very likely to self-destruct.

When Fang Nan was anxious about the direction of the plot, Gao Yuanyuan turned around and saw Liu Qianqian who was still on the sofa.

"Qi Qian, let's go back. Brother Nan is fine. The doctor ordered him to be put on an IV drip on time, so he can just rest." Gao Yuanyuan said with a smile on his face.

Liu Qianqian quit.

Not to mention the secret relationship between her and Fang Nan, but in terms of the relationship between colleagues, should Gao Yuanyuan guard them against thieves?

Fang Nan was raised by your Gao Yuanyuan family?

Is it your ban?

He expelled Liu Sishi and Yang Fun as if expelled, and now he is expelling her again?

"Can't I sit for a while?"

As soon as Liu Qianqian opened her mouth, Gao Yuanyuan was blocked.

Her first instinct: Is there something wrong with my tone?

Second instinct: The dead ghost is having an affair with Liu Qianqian?
After Gao Yuanyuan touched his cheek with his tongue to express his dissatisfaction, he took another hard look at Fang Nan who had retreated into the bed, then nodded and said, "Then sit down slowly."

Unexpectedly, just after she finished speaking, Liu Qianqian stood up with her bag, stepped on her high heels and left the ward again, leaving Gao Yuanyuan with a beautiful back.

That arrogant, disdainful, angry Gao Yuanyuan's liver hurts.

"Are you hungry?"

Fang Nan, who was pretending to be dead, poked his head out: "You're hungry."

"Want to eat?"

"Are you talking nonsense?"

"Then what's your relationship with Liu Qianqian?"

Fang Nan glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, who had a steadfast expression on his face: "Which one of us has a bad cold? Is your head more confused than mine? Don't you know the relationship between your colleagues for several years?"

"Colleague relationship? Liu Sishi and the others are all gone, and she is the only one who insists on leaving?"

"What's the matter? Are they here to visit patients or prisons? Do you still set visiting hours for people?"

"She likes to sit and sit. If you keep urging, the person who urges you will be annoyed. Sishi and Yang Fun also looked unhappy when they left. When your parents and sister-in-law come later, you will keep urging them too." Walk."

Gao Yuanyuan resented: "I mean I can't stand you, wait until I catch the evidence, and see if I want you to look good."

"You have that energy, feed me quickly, you really want to starve me to death."

Fang Nan rubbed his forehead, as if he was feeling exhausted and his head was starting to get confused again.

After drinking a bowl of chicken soup, Fang Nan's spirit improved a lot, and his pale face turned red.

"Apart from Sissi and the others, has anyone else been here?"

"The artists of Tangtang Film and Television have all been here."

Fang Nan nodded his head ponderingly, Cai Yinong did a good job of keeping secrets, otherwise there would be a lot of debts to repay.

"Pack up and go home, I can't stand the smell of disinfectant."

Gao Yuanyuan fluttered his nose and sniffed: "Your room doesn't smell like disinfectant. You'll have to stay for another week and have to do a comprehensive inspection."

Fang Nan resolutely refused to agree, how could he dare to wait, if Liu Qianqian went and came back, something would happen sooner or later.

He heard the brief confrontation between Gao and Liu just now.

To describe it in one word, it is the tip of the needle to the awn of the wheat.

Gao Yuanyuan was clearly kept in the dark, but he was able to get along with Liu Qianqian through subconsciousness. The two of you stabbed me and I stabbed you. He really couldn't stand being caught in the middle.

Fang Nan felt that a bad cold or something was just a minor illness, and he would have a better chance of surviving than staying in the hospital if he went home and recuperated slowly.

After hanging the last bottle of IV, Fang Nan was obsessed with packing up and going home, but Gao Yuanyuan had no choice but to let it go.

The two of them walked to the parking lot. Gao Yuanyuan threw Fang Nan away, squatted down on the aisle and retched.

Fang Nan followed Gao Yuanyuan's back and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, a sudden nausea."

Fang Nan's eyes widened, and he grabbed Gao Yuanyuan's left hand to check his pulse to see if he was happy, but unfortunately he was not proficient in this thing, "Wait a minute, I'll put the things in the car and go back."

After returning to the hospital, the doctor determined that Gao Yuanyuan was pregnant and the child was 7 weeks old.

Fang Nan couldn't figure it out, the two of them took good safety measures, how could they accidentally win the lottery.

"Where was I seven weeks ago?" Fang Nan rubbed his aching forehead and asked Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan said angrily, "Where is it? In the bathtub!"

Fang Nan remembered, damn it, the two of them used the wormwood from their hometown to take a bath that time.

"How to do?"

Gao Yuanyuan's questioning voice was trembling.

She and Fang Nan have lived together for so many years, so she naturally thought about this day.

But thinking about it, when this day really came, she would inevitably panic.

Marriage and childbirth are the most important events in a woman's life.

What's more, the two are still unmarried, so the anxiety and panic in her heart can be imagined.

"What do you mean?"

Gao Yuanyuan's tone trembled even more: "What about the child?"

Every time she suspected that Fang Nan was having an affair, Fang Nan would always talk about it. Now that she has a child, Fang Nan must not let the topic go away.

"Why, you don't want to be born?"

"Ah?" After a second pause, Gao Yuanyuan almost cried, "I'm afraid you don't want it!"

"It's been a foolish three years. We have been together for so long, and finally have a child. How could I not want it? Don't worry, I will never leave you in my life."

Fang Nan's categorical words made Gao Yuanyuan weep with joy for a time, much to the desperation of his daughter-in-law becoming a mother-in-law for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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