literary world

Chapter 329 Time Magazine

Chapter 329 Time Magazine

Coming home from the hospital.

Fang Nan entered the door with his front foot, and then pushed Gao Yuanyuan, who was unexpectedly pregnant, back to his parents.

It is not a trivial matter for a bad cold to infect the current Gao Yuanyuan.

"Remember to take the medicine and drip on time, and call me when you're done."

Before Gao Yuanyuan left, she told Fang Nan happily.

"Understood, go back quickly, tell Wang Jinghua about your situation, and ask her not to accept the show for you."

A few days after the simple farewell, Fang Nan hid at home and lived a monotonous life of never leaving the door.

There is nothing wrong with his physical fitness, what he lacks is rest and eating on time, so after a few days, he is full of vigor again.

Rejuvenated, working again became a matter of course.

But it is unrealistic to expect him to participate in the "Wind Sound" road show.

The main creators of "The Wind" have already arrived in South Korea. The organizing committee of the 14th Busan Film Festival specially invited "The Wind" as the closing film of this film festival.

Hu Wen called him yesterday and said that 8000 movie tickets were sold out in 6 minutes.

And when the Chinese box office of "The Wind" broke 3 million, several Korean film and television companies intend to buy the adaptation rights.

Fang Nan reckoned that this would happen in all likelihood.

South Korea is happy to see the movie of the little devil. The time when Korean netizens and Chinese netizens are most united is when Japanese netizens are angry.

During his illness, except for the happy event that the box office of "The Wind" exceeded [-] million.

There is another thing that makes him very happy. Under the operation of Yan Hong and Lu Qing, Remington bought Digital Domain for 5000 million US dollars.

In the past two days, Zhang Ming can be said to have been in the limelight, shouting high-spiritedly wherever he goes, that Remington is going to make a blockbuster 3D special effects film, and the director is Wu Baige, who has just joined the company.

The subject matter has also been selected. It is the same disastrous movie as "Titanic". The story is based on the Taiping incident.

"Remington is going to make a Chinese version of Titanic!"

Zhang Ming's great ambition has won applause from many audiences and media.

"Taiping Wheel" produced by the visual effects company of "Titanic", how can the effect be bad?
"Assassination of the Novelist" is the first gem, and China's special effects movies are no worse than Hollywood. Many netizens expressed great enthusiasm for "Taiping Wheel" and Remington.

The media reported it even more.

[Shock: Fang Nan and his thirteen swordsmen of light and shadow will face the biggest challenge in history! 】 posted a shocking headline about Fang Nan, and the vice president of Zhalang immediately called Fang Nan.

"In September, several major portal websites successively upgraded their blogs to Weibo. Why didn't you make any progress? We have automatically changed your millions of bloggers into millions of followers. You At least post two microblogs to experience the experience."

Vice President Zha Lang persuaded.

In 2009, the hottest person in China was Fang Nan, who made three movies with one person, and while becoming famous all over the world, the more oppressive domestic filmmakers couldn't lift it up.

The hottest thing, the Internet.

The importance of Fang Nan, the traffic director, can be seen. Zha Lang was afraid that he would run off to open Penguin, Sohu, Netease Weibo and so on.

"You scumbags are shocked every day. Who can bear it? I can't see it."

"It's all inspired by you, Mr. Fang, post a Weibo, you should attend the Internet conference in a few days, and then I will personally apologize to you."

Fang Nan snorted, he had no time to attend a Mao Internet conference, and in the end, his face was swollen from a beating at night.

Lu Qing called from the other side of the ocean. He arranged for a technician from Digital Domain and asked Fang Nan to attend the Internet conference held in Zhongguancun on his behalf.

This will be quite important for Douyin Video, which is seeking to go public.

Fang Nan had no choice but to agree.

Stayed at home for another day, found that Gao Yuanyuan was happy at her mother's house, Fang Nan made a disguise and ran to Guijie Street, since Wanzhuo went to school, he has never visited him once.

Gui Street.

In the bedroom of the front store and the back home,

Zeng Li looked at Fang Nan in shock: "So tired from running the road show? Why are you so thin?"

Fang Nan has always been on the thin side, and always said that being thin means being thin and muscular, but this time he was so thin that he really became a skeleton.

"Caught a bad cold while running the road show."

Fang Nan dragged Zeng Li to sit down with a look of emotion on his face: "It will be fine in the future, let the company draw up a new director contract for me, how is Xixi's nap business? Is my daughter coming home from kindergarten?"

"Business is good, and my daughter is also willing to go to school. Go home, and I will give you food to replenish your body."

Fang Nan put his head in his hands, and leaned back on the small bed Zeng Li used to rest: "Pull it down, don't make a fuss, reduce the amount of exercise and recover in a few days."

As he spoke, he moved in and patted the empty space beside him: "Lie down too, let's chat."

"Take a break, there are people outside, and my daughter should come over from school later."

"Lizi, I just discovered today that your thoughts are less pure than mine. I just want to talk to you."

"Fuck you, you just want to chat every time, and when you chat, you start to mess around."

Zeng Li pushed Fang Nan in disgust, but finally lay down honestly: "What are you talking about?"

"Yuanyuan is pregnant." Fang Nan, who was looking at the ceiling, said Wang Zha, Zeng Li's body tensed up visibly, and then slowly relaxed, "Are you two getting married?" she asked.

"Maybe, I'm sorry, I want to talk to you about this." Fang Nan apologized.

He has been around for so many years, and he dare not say that he has a large crowd, but he is also full of guests and friends. It is possible that Zeng Li is the only one who confides his personal feelings. I have to say, it is quite ironic.

It was also cruel to Zeng Li.

Fang Nan didn't want to either, he even regretted provoking so many women, he should learn from his previous life to be alone and chic all his life.

You should learn from many entertainment male protagonists to be bulldozers, looking for women just to satisfy the lower body.

Unfortunately, it was too late, already emotional.

What to do now, move forward step by step, he doesn't dare to think about being slept with, but he has to brazenly fight for the happiness of everyone.

"What do you like, we are all divorced, why tell me these things."

After relaxing, Zeng Li was relieved. It's not that she didn't think about it this day, so why bother to worry.

"Remember what I told you last time?"

"The company has a script called "The Piano of Steel" which is very suitable for Qin Hailu, you let her go directly to Tangtang Film and Television."

Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and vowed in his heart that even if he married Gao Yuanyuan, he would not hold a big wedding to provoke Zeng Li, and one day, he would make up a wedding for Zeng Li.

As for Liu Qianqian, he didn't dare to think so far.

Liu Qianqian is still young, so who knows what will happen to the two of them in the future.

After finishing Zeng Li, Fang Nan got up as usual, the two were pushing, the small door was pushed open, and Zong Wanzhuo rushed in sweating profusely, and then it was the aunt who brought her back.

"Dad. I want to hug too."

"Okay, hug the eldest girl." Fang Nan hugged the girl to bed, and Fang Nan regretted it, the girl's body was greasy.

"Is kindergarten fun?"

"It's fun." Thong Wanzhuo panicked and nodded her head, her eyes widened and she asked Fang Nan, "Dad, do you love me?"

"I must love you." Fang Nan was curious: "Why do you ask that?"

Zeng Li, who was about to turn over and get out of bed, stopped, because the question that Zong Wanzhuo asked just now was not among the usual [-] whys, she was also very curious.

"Then why don't you go to the kindergarten to pick me up from school? Many children have their fathers to pick me up."

Fang Nan's expression froze, and he pursed his lips and said, "Dad is busy, but in two days, Dad promises to pick you up from school, how about it?"

Thong Wanzhuo's big eyes showed joy in seeing, she nodded her head and said, "Then I'll wait for Dad."

Fang Nan nodded pamperingly and scratched her little nose, then grinned at Zeng Li.

"Don't look at me, I didn't teach her to say that."

"It's okay to teach it, shouldn't it be." Fang Nan didn't care if Zeng Li taught the child to do things, what he cared about was that he missed the child too much.

"Are you really planning to go? What if you get photographed? It's critical."

"It's not so easy to take pictures. I really took pictures of me announcing you two at the development conference, and I will pick up and drop off the children generously when I have time in the future."

"Don't think about it, Gao Yuanyuan is pregnant with a child."

Zeng Li was speechless, she didn't like Gao Yuanyuan, but she couldn't be mad and do bad things when she was pregnant.

"I know it in my heart, so let's do it, let's tell the girl a story."

Fang Nan's story is very exciting, and Zeng Li, a mother, listens more enthusiastically than a girl.

Especially when Fang Nan said that the great sage broke free from the shackles and regained his mana, the fossil mountain was his armor, the purple gold crown on his head was dazzling, his cloak fluttered in the wind, and he pulled out the golden cudgel from his ear, she was even more amazed. .

"Your adaptation can be made into a script. I was moved when I heard it."

"That's right, let Lu Qing and the others make an animated movie."

During the rambling, the family of three fell asleep like this, and only woke up when the aunt called for dinner.

Stayed in Yonghe Villa for two nights. On the third day, Fang Nan packed up, took the umbrella that Zeng Li had prepared, and rushed to Zhongguancun.

When it comes to the relationship between the Internet and Fang Nan's companies, there is a relationship but not much.

Whether it is Douyin video or dream literature, the size of both is the younger brother among Internet companies.

After all, the market value of Penguin this year is as high as 300 billion US dollars, making it the third largest Internet company in the world by market value. The combined market value of the two companies in Fangnan is not as much as Penguin.

Don’t ask me, let’s not talk about the past. Douyin video and dream literature are also emerging products derived from the Internet in recent years.

However, the conference organizer gave Fang Nan a warm welcome.

Fang Nan's achievements in the film industry this year can be regarded as making a bunch of Internet people stab their butts with a knife - an eye-opener.

He alone made billions at the box office.

When they arrived at the infield, the organizers couldn't help but put Fang Nan together with the CEOs of Youku, Tudou, and Kuliu Video. It felt very uncomfortable.

In the past, everyone occasionally met and talked and laughed. Tangtang Film and Television did the content, and the video website did the service. Everyone cooperated sincerely.

As soon as the Douyin video came out, they became enemies in the same industry. It would be good if they didn't stab a knife in the back, but they still expect to have a good face?There is a smile, but a smile is not a smile.

Fang Nan was fine, he didn't expect to devote himself to the Internet at all, and the Douyin video was a gadget created by Lu Qing.

Dream literature is also for content.

So, he took the initiative to say: "Mr. Gu, I heard that Kuliu will soon go public through a backdoor. Congratulations, Kuliu has survived."

"Thank you, Douyin's first round of financing of 500 million US dollars has been successful, and you will catch up soon."

Fang Nan said sincerely, "I don't understand these things, it's all done by the people below."

Mr. Gu shook his head and looked towards the rostrum, and stopped talking to Fang Nan, this kid is dishonest.

Moreover, Shanda wants to build a big entertainment group, and sooner or later the two will be rivals.

Fang Nan was very depressed. He shook hands with the boss of Youku and said, "Mr. Wu, Youku's business is doing pretty well. I heard that last year it earned [-] million from advertising alone."

"Apart from brand advertising, what else can video sites rely on to make money? Douyin is so bold that it even makes its own series. How long can you support it?"

"Self-made drama series will be a major trend of video sites in the future. After all, content is king, and Youku will be thrown away sooner or later if it doesn't."

Mr. Wu of Youku looked at the rostrum with a "swish".

Damn it, Youku only survived with more than 300 brand owners, and then making episodes will directly bring down the website?How could Fang Nan's goods be bad?

Fang Nan touched his nose and stopped talking, it's hard to persuade the damn ghost.

He was silent, and someone asked him to talk to him. Ding Sanshi in the front row was the first to turn around and say hello to him.

In the field of Internet, Ding Sanshi is a master, after all, he is the first person in China to have a crab in the field of Internet.

But this guy also became Buddha-nature this year.

Which Geda invested [-] million yuan to open a pig farm in China.

After chatting with Ding Sanshi, Fang Nan chatted with Xiao Ma and others in the front row.

He was also not polite to Xiao Ma: "President Ma, when will Penguin develop a simple mobile phone communication software, it would be best if it can speak by voice."

"Mr. Fang, your proposal is very forward-looking. Today's meeting is over. Find a place to chat? Or when are you going to Shenzhen?"

"I'm not free today. I have a chance to go to Shenzhen and visit your place."

"Tomorrow then, I will have a meeting in Beijing these days, and Penguin is also quite interested in Douyin videos, Dream Literature, and Tangtang Film and Television."

"That's a good relationship. I'll be the host tomorrow night. You'll ask the secretary to leave a number later."

After chatting with Xiao Ma, Fang Nan chatted with Zhang Chaoyang, Baidu Li, Zha Lang, and the vice president of Shanda. It wasn't until the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Administration received the data from the stage that the scene gradually cooled down.

In 2009, there were 7.2 million mobile users, 3.6 million netizens, 320 million websites, and 1.81 million blog spaces.

The size of the Internet market is 117 billion, an increase of 54.5% over last year.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, the Internet companies that make money these days are all game companies, Penguin, Netease, Shanshan all make money from games.

Other Douyin videos, Youku videos, and major portal websites are all posting money.

There was a half-day meeting in the morning, and a forum in the afternoon. Fang Nan was also invited to come on stage, but he refused.

The discussion was still going on, so he sneaked out of the hall, got in the car and went straight to the East Cotton Alley Kindergarten.

Cotton Alley Kindergarten was in the alley, Fang Nan went around and parked the car, took off the suit he had to wear tomorrow, put on an umbrella and got out of the car.

Arriving at the gate post in the crackling rain, the teacher in charge of registration looked at the badge and became suspicious: "Usually, it is an aunt who picks up Wanzhuo."

Cotton Alley Kindergarten is not a place for joking. The children in it are either rich or expensive. If he loses one, he can't do it anymore.

"Usually my aunt comes to pick me up, but today my father came to pick me up."

"How do you prove it?"

"You don't know me, the child doesn't know? You call my daughter out."

Fang Nan was stunned that he could come across such a strange proof.

"I'm leaving, what should you do if you sneak in?" the teacher said seriously.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Yes, I'll just wait."

It was a little after three o'clock, when the kindergarten was over, and the children came out in line one by one. In the colorful line, Fang Nan caught sight of the girl carrying a small schoolbag.

"Are you Zong Wanzhuo's father?"

Fang Nanchong tugged at Wanzhuo's young teacher and nodded frequently: "Yes, you are her teacher, hello, hello."

The teacher glanced at Wanzhuo, saw the little girl nodding desperately, and said suspiciously: "I think you look familiar."

"My daughter looks like me." Fang Nan chuckled.

"Are you sorry?" The teacher finished complaining in his heart, and let go of Wanzhuo who had been struggling all the time: "Leave the child to you, didn't you bring a raincoat for the child?"

"I forgot to take it. Fortunately, I brought an umbrella."

Fang Nan picked up his daughter, kissed her and then put it down, laughing.

"Be careful on the road."

"Well, goodbye, teacher, you have worked hard."

Fang Nan nodded happily, then moved the umbrella over Tso Wanzhuo's head and said, "Girl, let's go home."

"Dad, I want to eat more cute ones."

"It's cold, I can't eat it."

"Then I want potato chips."

"You can buy it, but if you want to eat it, it depends on what your mother says!"

The father and daughter walked into the rain curtain just like that.

The young female teacher who had been staring at the father and daughter quit: "Hey, Zong Wanzhuo's father, are you going to leave like this?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Nan turned around curiously.

The teacher looked at Fang Nan like an idiot: "It's raining so heavily, you carry the child and walk, half of your body is drenched, don't you feel it?"

"Thank you for your concern, but Zong Wanzhuo still has to walk her own way. All I can do is to protect her from the wind and rain when she is still very weak."

After Fang Nan finished speaking with a smile, the young female teacher's mind buzzed.

She has met many parents, but no parent has given her such a big impact with a simple sentence.

"This person is not an ordinary person. Zong Wanzhuo has a bright future with such a father."

While sighing, the young female teacher took a photo of the back of the father and daughter walking in the rain with the camera.

That night, she looked at the photo on her mobile phone and liked it more and more. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that this photo contained great fatherly love, so she passed the photo to her classmates and colleagues, and then it became popular on Weibo.

A week later, this photo successfully flew over the ocean, the mountains, and boarded the "Time Magazine".

The tags on this photo on the cover of "Time Magazine" are: 2009, the most unforgettable back view!The greatest fatherly love!
Facing the vigorous missing person notices from Chinese netizens, Fang Nanren was stunned. He had hidden his love affair for many years, and he would pay for it because of a photo.

This photo is still from a kindergarten teacher.

The most important thing is that this photo broke the three rules of not publishing in magazines.

(End of this chapter)

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