literary world

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Taiwan Province Dongsen News Station:

On the road, a father held an umbrella for his child, but his back was soaked by rain.

This scene was photographed by netizens, and then the photos went viral on domestic and foreign online albums, touching more than 13 million people around the world in just 250 hours, and even appeared in a new issue of the American and Asian editions of Time Magazine.

"Time Magazine" Review: The greatest fatherly love!
Xiangjiang TVB:

A good photo tells a story. Not long ago, a mainland photographer successfully captured a classic moment. This back view perfectly interprets what is meant by "fatherly love".

It can be seen from the photo that it was raining heavily at the time, and the father and the very young daughter carrying a schoolbag shared an umbrella and walked on the sidewalk. The father was wearing a white shirt, and even though his body was soaked, the umbrella in his right hand was still firmly held on the head of the daughter. to protect her daughter from the wind and rain.

This photo of a father holding an umbrella for his daughter shocked millions of netizens around the world once it was uploaded.

Xiangjiang netizens named this photo "Father".

Korean SBS:

Recently, a back photo of a father holding an umbrella for his daughter in Huaxia moved the global Internet. The back photo was spread to South Korea. Many Korean netizens said that they burst into tears when they saw the photo in the early morning, and they cried and called their parents in the middle of the night to scare their family members.

And this morning, the Blue House said with deep emotion, "I would like to use this umbrella to take care of the people!"

"Time Magazine":
Compared with the gentle, kind and delicate maternal love, father's love is deep and restrained. "Back View" has brought us the touch of father's love, but there is another layer of meaning hidden behind it.

The difference between Chinese and Western education.
Japan Broadcasting Post:

[Back View] It was a great achievement to be featured on the American and Asian editions of Time Magazine.

But we want to hear more about the father's educational philosophy, and we are really looking forward to the true face of this father.

Tianya netizens:

001: I'm curious. The child in the photo is at most 4 or 5 years old. Why doesn't this father pick him up and walk?Wouldn't it keep you from getting wet?

[email protected]: You are a virgin at first glance, I don’t understand how tiring it is to carry a 4- or 5-year-old child.

[email protected]: It’s okay to take the schoolbag instead of carrying the daughter, at least to lighten the burden on the daughter.

012: "Time Magazine" is nothing more than that. I feel that this photo is unremarkable, even a bit rough. It can also be published on "Time Magazine".

[email protected]: If you are ignorant, don't come out and show yourself, okay?
"Time" was founded in 1923, and its influence comes from the authority of its information.

You can argue that Time has a bad ass at times, but there's no denying its fairness most of the time.

It is undeniable that it is the world's largest magazine.

Influential figures in every era have appeared in Time Magazine, including our earliest Chinese
034: I remember that Wang Hao and Li Lianlian both appeared in Time Magazine.

054: The princess was on the first issue of the Asian edition. In addition, Li Lianlian, Zhang Ziyi, Jay Chou, Kong Li, Manshen, Viagra, and Master Xing have also appeared on the Asian edition.

But it has been published in the US version, and only the older generation of decent people have been published in the international version.

104: Never mind Time Magazine, who knows, has anyone found it?Are the father and daughter on fire?

214: Through the unremitting efforts of "Time" and the majority of netizens, we have found the place, Beijing Cotton Alley, Cotton Kindergarten, and the person who took the photo.

308: People should be easy to find. The shirts on my father’s body are said to cost tens of thousands of dollars each.

Fang Nan is numb, the power of the people is too strong, the paparazzi are scumbags compared to him.

It's only been a few days of work, and I have found Mianhua Kindergarten and the preschool teacher. The girl's name may have been exposed, and he will be exposed soon.

"Learn more from my father. When the little balloon comes out, you have to teach like this."

When Fang Nan's thoughts were racing, Gao Yuanyuan, with his right hand resting on Fang Nan's shoulder, touched the scene and said emotionally.

As for Little Balloon, Gao Yuanyuan gave the child who was only a few weeks old a nickname based on his growing belly.

Fang Nan didn't respond like a wooden man, Gao Yuanyuan leaned closer to the computer screen, and frowned slightly: "I think this back looks familiar?"

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Fang Nan woke up with a jolt.

"Please don't get close to electronic products such as computers and mobile phones. Do you know that there is radiation?"

While accusing Gao Yuanyuan, he immediately turned off the computer, and then looked at Gao Yuanyuan in confusion.

Judging from the development speed of the incident, it was inevitable for him to be exposed, and in these two days, he had to think about whether to have a quick showdown or not.

Gao Yuanyuan sat back on the side of the bed, and saw Fang Nan's big eyes looking straight at him, full of doubts: "Why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy."

Fang Nan smiled bitterly and said, "I want to tell you a scary story."

Gao Yuanyuan looked disgusted: "Go away, I won't listen to your horror stories now."

"The story is about you. If you don't listen to it, you won't believe it." Fang Nan left his seat, squatted in front of Gao Yuanyuan, and clasped Gao Yuanyuan's delicate hands with his rough hands.

"What do you mean?" Gao Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and her breath became short of breath: "You won't say, but the figure from behind is you, right?"

Now, what else can Fang Nan say, he nodded honestly and said, "It's me."

Gao Yuanyuan broke free from his hands and stood up, emotionally said: "Who is the little girl with two braids in the photo?"

"My son and Zeng Li's child is called Tso Wanzhuo, and he is five years old."

Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan was panting like a cow, and his emotions were extremely intense, Fang Nan hurriedly comforted him: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, you are pregnant with a child, and Li Zi and I have been divorced for many years."

The divorce that Fang Nan said really short-circuited Gao Yuanyuan's head for a while, and her mood suddenly dropped. After a few seconds, she reconnected and said angrily: "Fang Nan, you liar, how many years have you lied to me! "

"You have always been in contact with Zeng Li, Han Zhizhi is right, you have been working between the two of us."

"And then there are so many scandals"

"You, I will kill you"

Gao Yuanyuan's patting like raindrops was like scratching his boots, but Fang Nan still put on an extremely painful expression.

Between husband and wife, as long as there is no cold war, small fights are normal. As the old saying goes, fight at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed.

After about ten minutes, Gao Yuanyuan was tired from beating and scolding, packed up her things and cried to go back to her mother's house.

Fang Nan quit, and began to understand with emotion and reason.

First of all, he took the initiative to admit his mistakes, and he couldn't resist the temptation, and some small accidents happened in the middle, so that he had a daughter.

But no matter how you say it, we have divorced Gao Yuanyuan for you, which shows that we, Fang Nan, value you Gao Yuanyuan more.

Secondly, if you, Gao Yuanyuan, go back now and ignore him, you may ruin Fang Nan's career single-handedly.

Two days later, as soon as the person involved in "Back View" was exposed, the media would have to ask, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan have been in love for five years, and in the end they have a 4-year-old daughter. Is this a loss of morality, or a distortion of human nature?

Should the audience boycott Fang Nan's films?

In the end, the sky was wrong, the little balloon was right, the little balloon was innocent, and you, Gao Yuanyuan, could bear the heart of the child losing his father.

Finally, if you, Gao Yuanyuan, are willing, you can get a certificate tomorrow.

"How is it?" Fang Nan softly asked Gao Yuanyuan who was wiping away tears.

Gao Yuanyuan's anger still persisted: "I don't want to talk to you, you move out."

Fang Nan complied with this request, and dragged a woolen blanket to the second entrance courtyard.

Lying down in the wing room where no one lived for a long time, Fang Nan pondered Gao Yuanyuan's psychology for a while, and felt that the problem should not be serious, the reason is that the more people pay attention to emotions, the harder it is for them to let go of emotions.

His divorce also gave the other party a good excuse to persuade and hint at himself.

He didn't look like Director Feng, who was photographed living in the woman's house.

It's not like Director Gu was directly photographed in a car shock, causing the death of his other half and family members.

The more Fang Nan thought about it, the clearer his thinking became, and then he realized that instead of waiting for netizens to dig him out and be questioned, he might as well hold an apology press conference right away, so that the incident of having a daughter in a hidden marriage might end like this.

"Hey, Yan Hong, arrange a media conference for me, the sooner the better."

"What are you going to do with a good development conference? Brother Nan, what are you going to say?"

"Accurately speaking, it should be called an apology press conference. I am the person involved in the [Back View] that caused a sensation on the Internet recently."

Soho Fangnan Culture, Yan Hong just took a sip of coffee and almost spit it out: "Ah? Are you kidding me?"

"I don't have time to joke with you, hurry up and invite the media, and let me know when you're done."

"Whose girl is it?"

"Mine, don't ask, hang up."

After finishing the call, Fang Nan contacted Zeng Li again. When domestic netizens looked at the [back view] and talked about it, she recognized Fang Nan's father and daughter. After all, Zong Wanzhuo's croissant braid was her masterpiece.

"Lizi, I just told Yuanyuan about the two of us. I'm going to have a press conference to admit that I have a daughter in secret marriage. Don't let Xiaozhuo go to kindergarten for the next two days. I'll find two security guards for you."

"Not going to kindergarten? Tell your daughter about it. Your daughter is going to kindergarten during the holidays!"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Then I will transfer two people to pick up the car for the time being, so you don't need to show up."

The two made an agreement, and Yan Hong's call also came. Five hours later, at [-]:[-] pm, she arrived at Yida Hotel.

"Want to inform Tangtang Film and Television?"

"Just say it briefly."

Yan Hong asked on the phone: "Brother Nan, who is the woman? What is your current state? What does Gao Yuanyuan say? Tell me a little bit so I can make arrangements in advance."

Whether Fang Nan had a daughter in a hidden marriage or whether she had an affair or not, she didn't care at all, and it wouldn't affect the company's performance.

What she cared about was whether Fang Nan had comforted the two women. It would be really disgusting if the two women jumped out to divide the property.

"Yuanyuan already knows about the divorce status, so there shouldn't be trouble."

"I see. It should be fine. You should come here early in the afternoon to discuss how to reduce the public opinion. After all, there are too many hidden marriage stars revealed this year. Fortunately, you are behind the scenes."

After agreeing, Fang Nan got out of bed, washed up briefly, and drove straight to Soho. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Cai Yinong and other Tang Tang executives called.

Compared to Yan Hong, Cai Yinong was more concerned about Fang Nan's personal image. She turned the phone until it was hot, and after carefully understanding the current situation, she put down the phone with a long sigh of relief.

It's better to have a daughter in hidden marriage than to be photographed by the paparazzi as stepping on two boats.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, dozens of media reporters, large and small, invited by Fangnan Culture, arrived at Yida Hotel ahead of schedule.

After a formation of troops, the acquainted reporters began to communicate one after another.

Today's press conference was inexplicably held. The organizer only said that it had something to do with the company's contracted director Fang Nan, but did not reveal anything specific, which made people confused.

"That's right, my father and daughter, who were squatting in the Cotton Kindergarten [Back View], were called here by the editor-in-chief. I wonder if the red envelopes will be enough for transportation later." A reporter complained to an acquaintance.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Fang Nan is quite generous. Didn't you find the teacher who took the photo at Mimian Alley?"

"The kindergarten teacher was found, but they refused to disclose the name of the person involved."

"This kindergarten teacher is so lucky, won't he win the Pulitzer Prize for photography?"

"Who knows." A reporter finished speaking enviously, and subconsciously spotted Gou Lin, who was chatting and laughing in the crowd, and couldn't help but wonder, "What is Fang Nan doing? Paparazzi also invited?"

"What paparazzi, he has a formal press card, and this guy earns a lot more than us."

While the reporters were clamoring, Fang Nan came to the stage with Yan Hong's company.

Seeing the two of them sitting firmly, a reporter shouted: "Mr. Yan, Director Fang, why are so many reporters called for such a big event? Many of us came here from the source of the [back view] photo. If you don't make big news, there are fewer red envelopes." , but I can’t justify it.”

Yan Hong said: "Everyone, don't worry, you didn't come in vain."

Ding Zhibu, Gou Lin's apprentice, said, "Yan Hong, don't be impatient, I'm busy, hundreds of thousands of people are in every minute."

Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Ding Zhi, so they couldn't help spitting inwardly: "Bah, the two masters and apprentices who hate people and dogs."

"Okay, Mr. Gou and Mr. Ding are in a hurry. I'm not going to keep you secret. Let me announce the good news first. Director Fang's "Parasite" has entered the second round of selection for Best Foreign Language Film at the 81st Academy Awards. "Assassination of a Novelist" "Unfortunately."

After Yan Hong finished speaking, the spotlight flashed.

Most of the audience here are entertainment journalists, who understand the difficulty of Asian films being shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It is indeed good news that "Parasite" advanced to the second round.

Last year's "Painted Skin" was eliminated in the first round.

Fang Nan's other hit film "Assassination of Novelists" this year was also eliminated. One can imagine the difficulty of being shortlisted for the best foreign language film.

It was a news with a selling point, and then, all the reporters looked at Fang Nan who was holding a cup and drinking water on the stage.

"The second good news is that "The Wandering Earth", jointly invested by Fangnan Culture and China Film and other groups, will release the first concept poster and a 10-second short video later today. You can check it out on TikTok."

"Mr. Yan, you're so boring. What are you doing with so many colleagues?"

Gou Lin frowned with a look of displeasure. It’s true that being a paparazzi doesn’t earn as much as starting a company, but time is also precious, isn’t it? With this soy sauce time, if you find an opportunity to dig a piece of Fang Nan’s black material, wouldn’t you earn more?
Gou Lin looked at Fang Nan maliciously.

Today is different from the past. Not long ago, he photographed Director Gu doing bad things in the car. What kind of person is he?It was a begging, and thinking of himself at that time, Gou Lin couldn't help being ambitious.

While many media people disliked and cast aside Gou Lin, they also questioned why Yan Hong picked up sesame seeds as watermelons, and why did she hold a press conference for such a big deal, and what's more, she had already started to pack the shooting equipment.

"Don't worry, everyone. After listening to the third thing, I will talk about it. You will be very interested."

After Fang Nan nodded, Yan Hong said: "Recently, the [back view] photos that are popular all over the world, many netizens, including the father that your media has been looking for, is Director Fang himself."

When Yan Hong finished speaking, the reporter fell into a deathly silence.

A group of reporters glanced at Fang Nan, then Yan Hong, and then stared at the people around them until they saw the shock in each other's eyes.

A reporter questioned loudly: "Mr. Yan, you are not mistaken, is [Back View]'s father Fang Dao?"

"It's not about lying."

Gou Lin Bengbu froze, and stood up with a blushing face: "You are talking nonsense, your father is Fang Nan, who is that girl?"

This news is a shock to others, but to him, it is a horror.

He claims to be the number one paparazzi in China, and he has a lot of dirty information about Fang Nan, but there is absolutely no shocking information about Fang Nan having a daughter.

This is a provocation to him, an insult.

He couldn't accept it.

"Everyone, I am indeed the father of the girl in the photo. My daughter is five years old this year. I won't talk about other information about my daughter. Please come here today. On the one hand, I will explain to you."

"On the other hand, I hope that everyone will raise their hands high and not disturb my daughter's life."

Fang Nan put down his water glass and said sincerely.

The next moment, dozens of reporters jumped to the front of the stage like grasshoppers, and their spears and short cannons almost hit the tip of Fang Nan's nose: "Fang Dao, who is the daughter's mother? Gao Yuanyuan? When did you get married?" ?”

"The child's mother is someone else, but we divorced very early and we had a private agreement to raise our daughter together. The photo of [back view] was taken because I went to pick up my daughter from school."

"The child's mother is an insider?"

"I have no comment, and I hope that everyone will not investigate and disturb other people's peaceful lives."

"Director Fang, Gao Yuanyuan knows about your marriage."

Fang Nan was silent for a while, recalling the triangular and quadrilateral love turmoil during the filming of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", slowly shaking his head: "She doesn't know."

Yan Hong looked at Boss Fang in surprise. This answer was the opposite of what was discussed. In order to protect Gao Yuanyuan's reputation, Boss Fang wanted to admit that he was a scumbag?

"Director Fang, how do you explain this child to Gao Yuanyuan?"

"Director Fang, what's the child's name?"

"Fang Nan, what's the child's last name?"

"Why are you divorced?"

"Fang Dao, will Fang Gao's love end here?"

"What is the reason why this marriage ended without a disease?"

"Why do you want to have a daughter in hidden marriage?"

Under the blinding flashing lights, Fang Nan and Yan Hong got into the car under the escort of the hotel security.

(End of this chapter)

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