literary world

Chapter 331

Chapter 331
There is a popular saying about Weibo, which was just launched this year.

When your Weibo fans exceed 100, you are an internal magazine.

More than 1, it is a magazine.

More than 10, it is a city newspaper.

More than 100 million is a TV station.

More than 1000 million?

Sorry, Weibo exploded!Fry thoroughly and cleanly!

About [Back View], Fang Nan, Fang Nan's Hidden Marriage, Fang Nan's Daughter, "The Wandering Earth", "Assassination of Novelists", "Parasite" Korean Blue Dragon Award, "Parasite" Golden Horse Award, "Parasite" Oscar, Gao Yuanyuan , Fang Nan's daughter named Tzu Wanzhuo, Zeng Li, Time Magazine, East-West Education and a series of topics that were being hotly discussed by netizens all disappeared in a flash.

The people who eat melons are angry, and the scumbag Weibo is really scum.

The melon-eating army moved to Penguin Weibo, and Penguin Weibo persisted for 5 minutes and successfully disconnected.

Continue to move to Netease Weibo?

Netease microblogging dogs do not need it!

Go to Tianya and Hupu. +
The mighty melon-eating army arrived at the end of the world, and found that the posts with Fang Nan had already covered the entire entertainment section.

There are so many types of posts, and the information is astounding.

There is a post that sorts out the timeline, and Fang Nan is on two boats.

A post swears that Zeng Li, who quietly retired a few years ago, is the object of Fang Nan's hidden marriage, the girl's mother.

There is a post narrated in the tone of Gao Yuanyuan's family, Gao Yuanyuan insisted on breaking up, Fang Gaolian came to an end,
There are posts abusing internal entertainment pills and chaos in the entertainment industry.

But after scanning the content of all the posts, more rational netizens discovered an interesting thing.

Compared with Liu Dehua's hidden marriage that was exposed a few months ago and was abused by female fans all over the Internet, Fang Nan's hidden marriage gave birth to a daughter, who was suspected to be in two boats, but did not receive severe criticism.

More netizens were excitedly discussing the gossip about Fang Nan.

Everyone was discussing what Liu Tao called like a salty wet guy.

As well as Han Xiaozhou, Qin Lan, Li Bing, etc. and Fang Nan's romantic lace news.

A small group of fans who attacked Fang Nan were very dissatisfied, and posted angrily: Fang Nan's morality has fallen, and netizens are helping the evil.

Some people who eat melons were dissatisfied, and wrote a short story in a few words at the bottom of the post to fight back:

Student in dormitory A: [Back View]'s father was found, and it turned out to be Fang Nan.

Student B playing the game: Fang Nan?Has his "The Wandering Earth" been filmed yet?

Classmate A: Damn, Fang Nan actually stepped on two boats?

The BCD students who were playing the game turned to look at A: Who is the girl?Celebrity or amateur?Pretty long?Send me a high-resolution picture.

After reading the pictures, ABCD students: Fang Nan is envious of me, Jill is swollen this shitty day!
This little story reflects the true portrayal of the hearts of most netizens.

Fang Nan is different from other stars who have hidden marriages.

He is not a star, nor does he sell movie tickets with his face, so there are very few fans who are obsessed with his personal life.

More from the envy of the vast number of livestock.

Of course, we should also be thankful that there is no boxer these days.

After Fang Nan blew himself up, the domestic situation was basically dominated by netizens eating melons and the media turning into paparazzi to follow a series of people related to Fang Nan.

Western netizens and media expressed their surprise at the fact that the father of "Back View" is Fang Nan, the director of this year's Cannes Palme d'Or, and it was accidentally exposed that Fang Nan gave birth to a daughter in secret marriage.

They marveled at such a coincidence.

As for whether Fang Nan was really in two boats, their personal life of marriage and divorce, they didn't care at all, they just wanted to hear Fang Nan's education experience.

On the contrary, the Asian media and netizens are quite willing to discuss Fang Nan's personal life.

On the program of Japan TV Co., Ltd., the host first exposed the protagonist of [Back View] as Fang Nan with a very exaggerated body movement.

Afterwards, the show showed all the photos of Fang Nan's rumored girlfriends, and ordered the guests to rank them according to their looks, earning a lot of attention.

The news reports in South Korea are similar, female fans are more scolding, some fans threatened to boycott the members of "Parasite" to participate in the Blue Dragon Awards, but unfortunately there are very few responders.

After dropping a bomb on the ground, Fang Nan hurried back home.

In fact, he is not afraid of the wind and rain outside at all, and talking about it will not cause him any substantial loss.

What he is really afraid of is the collapse of the family.

Gao Yuanyuan locked himself in the house for two days, and this was what he cared about and worried about the most.

Outside the bedroom, Fang Nan was holding a bowl and was about to knock on the door when the phone rang in his pocket: "Hello, I'm Fang Nan."

"Director Fang, congratulations!"

The other party, like all the insiders who called him in recent days, first congratulated him on having a daughter, and then said, "Director Fang, can I visit your house?"

Fang Nan glanced at the strange number on the phone, frowned and said, "Who are you?"

"Hey, Brother Nan, I'm Wang Bao. It was Chen Sicheng just now. He wants to ask you to invest in a script. Are you at home?"

"Uh..." Fang Nan was about to refuse, but when he looked at the closed bedroom door, he had a flash of inspiration: "Come on."

Wang Bao and the two came very quickly, Fang Nan suspected that the two were standing outside the No. 28 courtyard to make a phone call, and let them into the courtyard in front of the media.

Fang Nan didn't care about the script, but said to Wang Bao, "Baby, your sister Yuanyuan is also at home, do you want to say hello?"

"Then I must go." Wang Bao agreed with a big grin.

He has collaborated with Gao Yuanyuan in "Thailand", and once sat at the same table for dinner, and the two are quite familiar.

Fang Nan led the two of them to the master bedroom in Sanjinyuan, and pointed to the closed door without saying a word.

Wang Bao didn't think much, and turned the doorknob, "Brother Nan, the door is locked."

Chen Sicheng's cheeks hurt, and Wang Bao's series of operations made him look like a fool.

Although Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan still live together, it doesn't mean they don't get along.Fortunately for Wang Bao, he rushed to pull him over. If Gao Yuanyuan took his anger out on them, they would beat them and scold them.

Chen Sicheng complained that Wang Bao had no brains, while Fang Nan gestured to knock on the door.

Wang Bao had no choice but to knock on the door and shouted: "Sister Yuanyuan, I, Wang Bao, come to talk to Brother Nan about something. Have you eaten yet? I brought some food over, come out and eat together."

There was no movement in the house, Wang Bao looked at Fang Nan in surprise, and almost asked: "What's the trouble? This is, are they separated or not, are they separated or not?"

Fang Nan ignored Wang Bao and looked at Chen Sicheng.

"Sister Yuanyuan, I'm Chen Sicheng. I need to talk to Brother Nan about something. Excuse me."

Faced with Fang Nan's persecution, Chen Sicheng bit the bullet and yelled through the door, and then innocently looked at Fang Nan who was using them.

"Come on, let's go out to eat." Fang Nan whispered.

Gao Yuanyuan chose to fight coldly, so he chose to attack his heart. He didn't believe that the other party could keep silent like this.

After leaving the master bedroom, Fang Nan flipped through the script of the TV drama "Love Story in Beijing" brought by Chen Sicheng.

He has never watched this movie, but he remembers the name of the movie, and the director is Chen Sicheng, so he must invest.

"There is nothing wrong with the script. In the future, the script will be short of money. Go directly to Tangtang Film and Television. I will say hello to the company's investment department later."

Chen Sicheng stood up abruptly, holding the wine glass and talking incoherently excitedly: "Brother Fang Nan, thank you for your trust, thank you for your kindness! If you do it, I can do whatever I want."

Wang Bao dragged Chen Sicheng to sit down, and said cheerfully, "I'm right, Brother Nan is a man of loyalty, so you can definitely go to him if you need something."

Fang Nan smiled and clinked glasses with the two of them, and everything was kept silent.

The three of them were eating when Ma Dayong and Yu Hai called again, and they met Zeng Li at Yonghe Villa.

Fang Nan turned his head and asked people to come to No. 28 courtyard first. When they arrived, he ordered the two to greet Gao Yuanyuan from the air. Under the attack of Ma Dayong and Yu Hai's "sister-in-law", Gao Yuanyuan finally Speaking out, she refused to meet with the two because she was not feeling well.

In the evening, Zhang Yang came to invite Fang Nan to attend the premiere of "Unmanned Driving" tomorrow.

Fang Nan did the same thing, asking Zhang Yang to say hello from the air, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but open the door to Zhang Yang who was making him famous, and Shi Shi ran out, otherwise it would be too rude.

After leaving the bedroom, Gao Yuanyuan glared angrily at Fang Nan, who was extremely thieves, and then asked about Zhang Yang's word-of-mouth reviews of "Unmanned Driving".

"Word of mouth is not very good. I am also unlucky. Just after the film was cut, the paparazzi named Gou Lin caught Gu Changwei's car shock. Many viewers said that the plot in my film connoted Director Gu, so some people scolded the film in the past two days. many."

Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Fang Nan who was picking leeks by the side: "Why, isn't it all news about a divorced old man recently?"

"Zhang Yang is saying that someone deliberately took the rhythm and didn't want him to make "Unmanned Driving" better."

Fang Nan pretended not to know about Gao Yuanyuan's yin and yang, and turned curious: "After Huayi went public, Wang Jun spent tens of millions of yuan to buy paintings, artworks, and game companies. People put it in their eyes?"

"Maybe they judged that "Unmanned Driving" is not worth remarketing."

"That's not right. After going public, you shouldn't worry about the stock price, but pay more attention to performance? Another thing, isn't Han Zhizhi, the heroine in the film, hooked up with the boss of Huayi?" Fang Nan wondered.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, if you are free tomorrow at noon, please stand on stage for me."

Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan, with an attitude of following her lead.

"Don't worry, I'll go."

After Gao Yuanyuan finished speaking, Fang Nan hurriedly followed, "Don't worry, I'm still an investor", which made Gao Yuanyuan look disgusted.

Sending off Zhang Yang, Gao Yuanyuan wanted to repeat the old trick, Fang Nan quit, and ran into the bedroom with the crack of the door open, then laughed non-stop.

In the bedroom, the big bed that has witnessed his bravery and Gao Yuanyuan's softness is full of high-end snacks.

Co-author Gao Yuanyuan hid in the bedroom for two days and was not hungry at all.

"Yuanyuan, it's time to stop making trouble. You have to take care of your children regardless of yourself. Snacks are so nutritious."

As Fang Nan said, he randomly picked up two snack bags and glanced at them. After seeing the names and prices of the snacks, he said, "Although Marni gold foil macarons cost a few hundred dollars, they are too sweet."

"There is also this sushi. What's so delicious about the small Japanese sushi? This deep-sea sushi. Guigui, how many pieces of sushi sell for more than 1 yuan?"

When Fang Nan was shocked by the price of sushi, Gao Yuanyuan turned around angrily, Fang Nan could only pinch his nose and said, "If it sells for more than 1, it won't be as delicious as the dishes I make, isn't it?"

Turning her back, the pouting Gao Yuanyuan blushed.

She is not a prodigal person, Fang Nan quoted the price like this, it seemed that she didn't know how to manage a house.

But it's impossible to expect her to just admit her mistake. She planned to use this public opinion turmoil to give Fang Nan a note of Ma Wei.

Gao Yuanyuan was being stubborn, but there was a sudden strange feeling in the soft flesh around her waist. When she turned her head, Fang Nan couldn't help being impatient, and Fang Nan stretched her cotton pajamas with two fingers like a thief.

"What are you doing, do you want to be ashamed?"

Fang Nan said brazenly, "I want to talk to the child."

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you."

"Success." Fang Nan stood up resolutely, and under the sight of the pouting Gao Yuanyuan, he crossed his legs and switched to the other side of Gao Yuanyuan, and then continued to dig and search.

Gao Yuanyuan was angry: "Let you go."

Without saying a word, Fang Nan stood up and switched to the other side. After sitting next to Gao Yuanyuan again, he said innocently, "Do you want me to sit over there?"

His brain-damaged word game succeeded, and Gao Yuanyuan, who had a very low point of laughter, succeeded in "puchi".

Her smile made Fang Nan more courageous, and he put Gao Yuanyuan down with a caress, and had an authentic French kiss.

As the tongues frolicked and entwined, Fang Nan heaved a sigh of relief, and finally got another one done.

From this incident, he deeply realized what it means to have a hard-won relationship, and he was almost exhausted.

Gao Yuanyuan was only a few weeks pregnant, and the two did not dare to communicate in depth. When the relationship became strong, they just hid in the bed to comfort each other, but even so, it did not prevent the two from reconciling as before.

After finishing, the two communicated slowly in the dark bedroom.

Fang Nan talked mostly, he selectively explained the beginning and end of his relationship with Zeng Li.

Gao Yuanyuan checked the divorce certificate in his mobile phone.

Rambling all night.

The next day.

The duo showed up at the premiere of "No Driving" dressed up.

Facing the bombardment of media reporters, Gao Yuanyuan expressed generously that he was aware of the existence of Zong Wanzhuo, and that Fang Nan would fulfill his responsibilities as a father. After speaking, she put the ring ring on her ring finger that she had just put on in the morning in a conspicuous position .

And announced that she was pregnant and the wedding date was set.

Gao Yuanyuan's one-click four-link, successfully diverted the rhythm of the media on the scene, and a group of reporters kept asking gossip about proposals, engagements, and marriages.

Fang Nan was bored, so he begged for forgiveness and entered the infield.

He invested 300 million in "Unmanned Driving", and he always wants to meet the film's main creators.

"Fang Nan, you are really amazing this year, you are on fire."

Fang Nan smiled and shook hands with Wang Jun: "The same goes for Huayi. Huayi is now the leader of domestic film and television companies. The two bosses have made a lot of money, but I think the two bosses should keep a low profile. Hu's face is not good."

Huayi's listing on the Growth Enterprise Market attracted a number of investment banks, which drove Huayi's stock market soaring.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month later, after the stock price stabilized, Huayi began to throw money at people wantonly. Tang Tang Film and Television was poached with 20 people a month, including middle management, assistant director of the crew, and fringe characters. Panic.

Cai Yinong asked someone to find out, and found that the employees of Tangtang Film and Television who joined Huayi did not get much good jobs.

Some fringe characters are still fringe characters, and Hua Yilai's move is to use money to disgust Tangtang Film and Television.

Cai Yinong was very angry.

She told Fang Nan that Tang Tang Film and Television is not afraid of competition, but dislikes vicious competition.

Huayi's methods are too despicable.

Fang Nan was fine, Hua Yi hated him, and he hated Hua Yi too.

Including "Unmanned Driving", isn't it his masterpiece of cheating Huayi?
Competition is inevitable, momentary success or failure is nothing, the ability to have the last laugh.

While Fang Nan comforted Cai Yinong in this way, he told the other party to pay dividends in advance and distribute the first year-end bonus to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Fang Nan, if you want to say that, I have to kindly remind you: Fang Nan, pass Hui Yiyao!" Wang Jun turned and left coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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