literary world

Chapter 332 Means

Chapter 332 Means
The production team of "Unmanned Driving" is actually very luxurious.

Zhang Yang is a representative figure among the six generations of Chinese directors.

The main creative team in front of the screen, aside from the leading actress Han Zhizhi, Liu Ye, Li Xiaoran, Lin Xinru, Wang Luodan, Chen Jianbing, and Wu Yong need to have acting skills and popularity.

With such a lineup, Fang Nan was very curious.

"Why does Huayi support Han Zhizhi so much? Is it because she and Huayi's Tian Hong don't know each other? Tian Hong doesn't have that much energy, right?" He asked Li Bing, who also came to watch the ceremony.

Li Bing turned around and found that everyone was chatting, so he mysteriously told Fang Nan the whole story of "Unmanned Driving".

After Huayi knew that Fang Nan had invested in "Unmanned Driving", Huayi simply covered Zhang Yang's budget.

When it came to casting, the company originally wanted to give Huo Yan the upper hand.

In the past two years, Huo Yan has been upgraded from a pure girl to a lustful girl to please the king. Every time he accompanied the king to the TV station to sell dramas and socialize with investors, he would not sit down at the wine table easily, and had a good time. He was very popular with the TV station and the management. welcome.

She is the company's famous desperate Sanniang.

Just when Huo Yan thought that the lead actress in "Unmanned Driving" was at her fingertips and she was full of ambitions, a small rumor spread in the company.

Huo Yan has tooth decay, and it is still very serious. This rumor successfully disgusted the king.

Then Han Zhizhi worked hard behind her back, she didn't want a piece of salary, and she was willing to contribute money to star in "Unmanned Driving". The performance was also recognized by Zhang Yang, and she successfully got the role.

Fang Nan looked at Li Bing who was laughing inexplicably, "Tooth decay? What do you mean?"

"Rumors say that the client that Huo Yan often serves has diabetes." After Li Bing finished speaking, he said with emotion, "Do you think Han Zhizhi's methods are powerful?"


Fang Nan probably understood.

Both Huo and Han had an affair with the king, so Han Zhizhi also knew about the king's little habits, and then used the king's little habits to weave a rumor against Huo Yan. Of course, it may be true.

In short, Han Zhizhi became the final winner.

"Xiao Wang made the company too messy."

"The film and television companies are almost like this. You may be better than Xiaowang because you don't eat weeds."

"I broke the rules once."

Fang Nan sighed in his heart, and asked again: "Then you just look at Han Zhizhi, such a ruthless person? You two sisters have fought against Fan Bing and Zhou Xun, and they have a lot of fighting experience. Don't push her down? Wait Another battle between the two powerhouses?"

"Don't flatter me, our sisters will fight you to a tie at most, how about finding a battlefield tonight?"

"Pull it down, I have to be quiet recently."

Fang Nan was speechless towards Li Bing who was playing pornography.

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Gao Yuanyuan coming in. Fang Nan hurriedly sat up, and by the way, signaled Li Bing to leave with his eyes.

Li Bing is very dry, how can Gao Yuanyuan control the world and control her?Not only did she not leave, she even smiled and said, "Are you going to the 46th Golden Horse Awards? Then we will fly together?"

Pulling Gao Yuanyuan to sit down, Fang Nan said solemnly: "There is a two-day difference between this year's Golden Horse Awards and South Korea's Blue Dragon Awards, and I may go to the 30th Blue Dragon Awards. I hope they will make great efforts to make it to the Olympic Games."

"Then let's talk again when we have time. I'll sit in the front."

Li Bing got up with a smile, and when they passed by Gao Yuanyuan, the two embraced warmly, "Yuanyuan, I heard you are pregnant?" Li Bing asked with a smile.


"Congratulations, I'm so envious of you, Director Fang is so capable, and the family and business have a good harvest!"

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't understand Li Bing's voice, so she nodded with a smile.

"You are not allowed to cooperate with her in the future."

After Li Bing left, Gao Yuanyuan immediately gave Fang Nan an order.

She didn't understand Li Bing's teasing, but based on her intuition and gossip, she also knew that this woman was not a good woman.

"You think I'm stupid. She is an artist of Huayi, and now she is a shareholder. How can I ask her to cooperate again? The cooperation with "The Wind" is also to repay favors."

Fang Nan agreed without hesitation, and Gao Yuanyuan was happy: "It's more or less the same."

"But I have to say something seriously, you can't tell me not to cooperate if you can't see a beautiful woman, that's not what you do."

Gao Yuanyuan pouted and said, "Then I'll make a list for you."

Fang Nan looked at the other party with great interest: "Tell me about it."

"Fan Bing, Li Bing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, Zeng Li, Qin Lan, Liu Qianqian"

Gao Yuanyuan's small mouth, Balabala, talked about a dozen people, and only Zhou Xun, Zeng Li, and Liu Qianqian were locked up among the four Dans and Shuangbing who could cooperate. Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "I suggest adding another one. "

"Who?" Gao Yuanyuan was puzzled.

"Gao Yuanyuan, this woman is so beautiful, once we cooperate, I will never be able to hold back!"

"Fuck you." Gao Yuanyuan pouted, and pushed Fang Nan tenderly.

As a gag, the promotion for the premiere of "Unmanned Driving" began. Fang Nan had never seen the movie, nor was he interested in it. He didn't care much about the 300 million he invested, so that he fell asleep listening to it in the audience.

More than an hour later, after successfully sleeping, he escorted Gao Yuanyuan out of the arena in good spirits, passed through the media and got into the car.

The next day.

The two went back to Gao Yuanyuan's parents' house under the eyes of the stalking reporter.

The two elders of the Gao family, including the elder brother and sister-in-law, did not show Fang Nan any shame.

Seeing that the 31-year-old daughter and sister don't mind, why should they be passionate.

The two had a child again, and Gao's mother, who was in poor health, was also anxious to hold her grandson.

In addition, Fang Nan also donated tens of millions of funds to the units of Gao's brother and sister-in-law, which greatly improved the treatment and level of the two.

Before he knew it, Fang Nan, an orphan, had already integrated into Gao's family.

There are some things that can be done besides turning a blind eye.

Stayed overnight at Gao's.

The next day, Fang Nan drove Gao Yuanyuan, the cheap old father-in-law, mother-in-law, and dozens of reporters who followed all the way back to Tangshan to worship the ancestors.

Arrived at my hometown in Tangshan.

The scene became even more sensational. People from seven miles and eight towns climbed trees and climbed roofs. They must have a look at Fang Nan, an international director, and Gao Yuanyuan, a beautiful actress.

The final conclusion is that Gao Yuanyuan is so beautiful.

Fang Nan?

Why do you look like this?

Disgusted in their hearts, the male animals of Maitai Fangnan vividly explained what it means to be "jealousy makes people beyond recognition"!
On the same day, Fang Nan, under the leadership of Gao's father, invited some old neighbors and seniors of Gao's parents to the hotel that had been booked in advance, and this meal was regarded as a wedding banquet in his hometown.

Returning to Gao's house, Fang Nan talked with Gao's parents and Gao's mother about the betrothal gift.

The two old men were very open-minded, and they just asked Fang Nan to buy some bright red bedding according to the usual practice, and ordered some new clothes and jewelry for Gao Yuanyuan.

Fang Nan was overjoyed, he teased Gao Yuanyuan and said, "I cheated a beautiful wife with a bowl of Mala Tang."

But what the truth is, both of them know.

Fang Nan did not appraise the pre-marital property, and did not ask Gao Yuanyuan to sign a pre-nuptial agreement. The two divorced one day, and Gao Yuanyuan could at least divide up Fang Nan's multi-billion property.

This is Fang Nan's greatest sincerity to Gao Yuanyuan and to this marriage.

Everything is ready, and marriage has become a matter of course.

But because of Fang Nan's persistence, Gao Yuanyuan was not dissatisfied. The wedding banquet of the two was so small that it was no different from the New Year's Eve dinner when the family had a meal together.

Fang Nan really didn't have time to make special articles.

In order to get rid of the depression in Gao Yuanyuan's heart caused by having a daughter in hidden marriage, he rejected CCTV's "Face to Face" interview, which offended CCTV.

He rejected the interview with Time Magazine, which offended Time Warner, the publisher of "Parasite" in North America, CJ Entertainment in South Korea, and several copyright owners of "Parasite" in Europe and America.

The TIME interview was so important to Parasite's impact that it upset a lot of people.

The company's affairs were all put down, and a lot of documents had accumulated on the copybook.

"I will fly to the Pujiang River tomorrow, the day after tomorrow to South Korea to participate in the Blue Dragon Awards, and then I may fly directly to Los Angeles from Seoul, and then I will not go to North America. Many people will be anxious."

As soon as he returned to Hospital 28, Fang Nan quickly packed his bags.

"Huh? Don't you come back from Korea?"

"I don't know if I have time. What should you do? Stay at home, or go to the United States with me? The Oscars are held on March 3th. I will be away for more than two months on this trip. I may not have time to come back during the Chinese New Year." .”

"What should I do if I go to the birth checkup? What if I don't get used to the environment and the food? You must be running around in North America to do publicity, and you won't stay in one place."

A teacher who never forgets the past, Gao Yuanyuan really wanted to accompany Fang Nan to North America after the incident of a hidden marriage and birth of a daughter happened.

But for the sake of the child, she could only reluctantly reject Fang Nan's proposal.

"Then I'll take you back?"

"When you leave, I will drive home by myself."

While stuffing the folded woolen coat into his luggage, Gao Yuanyuan glared at Fang Nan and said, "Stop flirting with me."

Fang Nan looked embarrassed: "Definitely, definitely!"

Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Fang Nan, but he wasn't putting a curse on him. If there were too many warnings, Fang Nan might become an old man, let alone feel guilty, and get worse.

If you want to blame, blame yourself for falling in love with a lone wolf, a satyr.

That night.

The two of you and I didn't sleep well until the middle of the night.

The next day, Gao Yuanyuan drove Fang Nan to the airport and returned to her natal home. She walked forward, and Fang Nan, who had made a disguise in the airport toilet, left the airport behind, stopped the car and went straight to Yonghe Villa.

"Brother Nan."

"Thank you, I must be tired these days."

Yonghe villa, Fang Nan asked Ma Dayong and Yu Hai with a smile.

Yu Hai shook his head: "Not tired, dealing with the media is much easier than dealing with Wu Zhi."

"The turmoil will soon be over, and then you two can go home directly for the New Year." Fang Nan comforted Ma Dayong and the two who were temporary bodyguards, while looking at Zeng Li who was downstairs.

"Comfort Gao Yuanyuan?"

"Don't say it so harshly, Yuanyuan and Lizi are as understanding as you."

Zeng Li teased: "Well, it's quite understanding, let you carry your luggage to see our mother and daughter."

Fang Nan kicked Ma Dayong who was holding back his laughter in embarrassment, and then hurriedly dragged Zeng Li back upstairs.

After a fierce battle, the anger on both sides disappeared, and only then did they start to fight their hearts out.

Zeng Li was not angry at all, she had anticipated this turmoil, but she was a little annoyed by being stuck at home and not being able to get out.

As for Thong Wanzhuo, as long as she can go to school and have children to play with her, she will still be happy every day.

Fang Nan was completely relieved, his backyard was very safe, he could go out and venture out, realize his ideals, and start a career by the way.

"Ma Dayong and Yu Hai have had a hard time picking up and dropping off their children. During the Chinese New Year, I'm going to give them a 10 yuan red envelope. Do you think it's too much?"

"Not much, they are all old people who have been with me for several years, it's okay to give more."

Fang Nan turned over and got out of bed: "I'll put some money on your card in two days."

"I have money here."

"Your money is your money."

Fang Nan didn't bother with this trivial matter, he left Yonghe Villa and went straight to the airport, and when he arrived at his personal office in the evening, he stopped a group of high-level executives who were about to get off work.

The staff gathered, Fang Nan looked at Ma Sanyou: "Director Ma, have you confirmed the amount of dividends and year-end bonus?"

"This year, 1 million yuan has been allocated as the partner's dividend fund, and the general partner can get 50 in dividends, and the year-end bonus for the rest of the staff is two months' basic salary."

"Last year, Tangtang film and television production cost 2 million."

"Stop, there is no need to report the data, I will read the file when the time comes."

Fang Nan stopped Ma Sanyou's data report, but said: "The year-end bonus for 2 months is 2160? The year-end bonus is too conservative during the period when the enemy is on the lookout. It is not more than 5000 million if it goes up to 400 yuan."

"I see." Ma Sanyou handed over the document that Fang Nan needed to sign.

Fang Nan signed two strokes, then looked at Cai Yinong: "Sister K, have you decided on a partner for this year? Which ones?"

"In addition to Sissi from earlier, there are also Ni Ni and Director Shi."

"What projects are set for next year?"

"Next year, "Scary Step by Step", "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and "New Water Margin" will be released on the small screen, and the movie "Di Renjie's Heavenly Empire" will be released on the small screen.

"The small-screen scripts that will be filmed next year basically include "Love Story in Beijing", "Love Apartment 2", "You Are My Brother", "The Era of Naked Marriage", "Gongsuo Xinyu", "Three Daughters of Xia Family", "Strange Hero Yizhimei", "The Secret History of Empress Wu Zetian", "The Temptation of Going Home", all kinds of themes including idols, ancient costumes, eras, and modern times are included."

"The film scripts confirmed to be produced include "Mr. Tree", "The Piano of Steel", and "33 Days of Broken Love". Director Xu also intends to do "New Dragon Inn". Due to the large investment, we are still in communication."

"The most important thing is, what about your script? The pre- and post-production of "The Wandering Earth" will take at least two years. During this period, do you want to spend a few months filming the first one?"

"I had to prepare again. After I finish this part, I will know whether to shoot or not when I go to North America."

Fang Nan took Secretary Cai Yinong's production budget and made a few more strokes.

Chu Peijun: "Brother Nan, this is the artist's packaging budget for next year, please approve it."

As soon as Fang Nan wrote the pen, Hu Wen followed closely: "Brother Nan, this is the publicity budget for next year, and all that is missing is your signature."

All kinds of signing were busy until 10 o'clock in the evening. Fang Nan finally stood up rubbing his wrists, and then chatted with the secretary who had been with him all the time.

From the secretary's mouth, I learned that Tang Tang Film and Television, except for some fluctuations in the second half of the year due to Hua Yi's poaching, other times the company's atmosphere is quite harmonious.

The most prominent contradiction is mainly concentrated in the dispute over the amount of funds between the TV drama department and the film department, which vaguely means that there are two factions.

Fang Nan laughed, he didn't expect the little Tang Tang Film and Television to highlight the shortcomings of the entire film and television industry.

"You don't care about everything, just listen, read, and help me sort out the files that need special attention."

After leaving a word to the secretary, Fang Nan left the company and went to the hotel.

The next morning, he met with Wu Jie and transferred 7000 million of the 5000 million dividends that had just arrived in the account to the specific account of the Performing Arts Center, and then chatted with Tangtang Cinemas.

Finding nothing wrong, Fang Nan went straight to the airport and arrived in Seoul before the opening of the red carpet of the 30th Blue Dragon Awards.

(End of this chapter)

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