literary world

Chapter 333 The Charm of Incheon

Chapter 333 The Charm of Incheon

out of the airport.

Fang Nan received a high-level reception from the Korean side.

Li Meijing, Vice President of CJ Entertainment, was in charge of welcoming them at the airport, including Li Jinxiao, one of the producers of "Parasite".

When he arrived at KBS TV station, where the 30th Golden Dragon Awards was held, the staff arranged for him to have a short, intimate meeting with the leaders of the Korean Ministry of Culture.

According to the leaders of the Korean side, Fang Nam has made outstanding contributions to the introduction of Korean films to the international stage.

Fang Nan is a noble person, a pure person, a person who has escaped vulgar interests
Fang Nan responded with a smile on the surface to the compliments from the Korean officials, but he was indifferent on the inside. During the honeymoon period between the two countries, it was natural to flatter him when he was caught as an influential figure.

The 20-minute meeting ended, and Fang Nan, accompanied by Li Jinxiao, went to the backstage of the red carpet to meet again with the main creators of "Parasite".

This time the awards ceremony was held in South Korea. All the big and small actors of "Parasite" were present. Fang Nan and Song Kanghao shook hands, and then looked at Han Xiaozhou who had a good relationship with him once.

In the end, the two generously gave each other a hug.

Fang Nan was relieved, originally, instead of thinking about unrealistic things, it is better to make some real deals.

To put it bluntly, he and Han Xiaozhou were very thirsty in the scorching sun, and they vented their anger on each other, so there is no need to entangle.

"Yun'er, you are very hot now."

"Thank you, Director Fang. When Girls' Generation held a concert in Pujiang, I wanted to invite Ouba to dinner, but your manager said you were too busy. It's a pity!"

"Next time I go to Huaxia to hold a concert, I will treat you to dinner."

After Fang Nan finished speaking with a smile, the staff invited them to walk on the red carpet.

The sponsor's car circled around KBS and arrived at the red carpet location, got out of the car, and Fang Nan and his party, who appeared on the finale, were warmly welcomed by fans on both sides of the red carpet.

Among them, there is the powerful actor Song Kanghao.

There is Lin Yuner, the hottest girl group member this year.

There is the new generation of actor Lee Jun Ki.

For the past two years, Han Jiaren has been popular on the small screen with "Witch Young Hee".

"Parasite" itself is also a Cannes award-winning work, and the number of viewers in South Korea exceeded 1000 million. Therefore, the fans at the scene were crazy and hysterical.

Fang Nan listened carefully to the Korean vocabulary that he didn't know much, and couldn't help being surprised. Not only did no one scold him, but fans called him excitedly. He thought he was in Korea's smelly street.

"The members of SM Group's superjunior group have a lot of scandals, such as drunk driving, scolding fans, and members leaving the group. Doesn't this show that you are more attractive!"

Li Jinxiao next to Fang Nan explained with a smile.

"Then I have to thank Lee Soo Man, president of SM, for recruiting such a large group of talents!"

Li Jinxiao laughed loudly: "Haha, let's go, let's sign."

Signed and entered the infield, the person who accompanied Fang Nan was replaced by Li Meijing and a staff member of the Ministry of Culture.

Accompanying them is Hou Weidong, head of Tangtang Film and Television Korea Branch. The four will use this rare time to discuss the next cooperation between the two companies.

CJ Entertainment is Korea's largest film production and distribution company.

However, since South Korea opened its arms to Hollywood blockbusters, and because of the small population and small market in the country, CJ Entertainment has been operating at a loss every year.

Not only cj entertainment.

In 2007 and 2008, the loss scale of Korean domestic films reached more than half of the production cost.

Movies cannot be sold locally, and there is no success in exporting them abroad.

In this case, Korean film and television have been reduced one after another.The scale shrinks again and again.

Actors' remuneration also dropped again and again, and finally they were dubbed first-class film workers with third-rate income.

In 2009, the situation of Korean domestic films became more and more difficult. This year was described by domestic media and filmmakers as a last stand.

Until "Parasite" turned out in Cannes, Korean film talents saw a glimmer of light from the darkness.

The emergence of "Parasite" made the national actor Song Kanghao's salary successfully break through 70 million won, as high as [-] yuan.

The [-] million U.S. dollars copyright fee for "Parasite" in Europe and Asia has made Korean filmmakers firmly believe that only by going out in Korean films can the fire not be extinguished.

Therefore, CJ Entertainment, which is in a difficult situation, attaches great importance to the cooperation with Tangtang Film and Television and Fang Nan.

Therefore, Korean filmmakers value and respect Fang Nan more than fans who don't know anything.

"Ah, you, Saiyo, I'm Ha Ji-won."

"Ah, you, Seyo, I'm Son Yejin."

"Ah you, Seyo, I'm Jun Ji Hyun, Kim Ha Neul, Choo Ja Hyun, Lee Byung Hun"

The female stars with exposed thighs, low cuts, and backless outfits came to say hello in an endless stream, which made Li Meijing very unhappy, but it was not easy to be a villain, and the scene was not suitable, Fang Nan was also happy.

After pinching dozens of pairs of Rouyi, I secretly picked up a few balls of paper, and the award ceremony began after all the audience entered the venue.

While handing Fang Nan the simultaneous translator, the staff greeted him to go backstage and get ready to go on stage soon.

Fang Nan was stunned: "The first award will be awarded to me?"

The staff looked embarrassed: "No, according to the rules of the Blue Dragon Awards this year, all creators nominated for the best film should go on stage and bow to thank the audience."

Fang Nan suddenly realized that this small process is quite good, after all, the audience is the bread and butter of filmmakers.

Xing Ran went to the backstage, and a few minutes later, the staff told the main creative team of "Parasite" to go on stage.

Pushed by Park Chan-wook and Song Kang-hao, Fang Nan stood in front of the microphone, and received countless screams and warm applause with the phrase "Kang Sang Mi Da".

The main creator of "Parasite" bowed and stepped down, and officially entered the awards mode. The big screen that was lit up was advocating first.

The large screen in the center of the stage shows that in 2009, South Korea produced a total of 88 films, and 30 films were nominated for the 22th Blue Dragon Awards, with genres including horror, thriller, disaster, love, comedy and other themes.

This point is indeed worth bragging about. In 2009, South Korea made the first disaster movie "Haeundae".

Filmed the sports genre film "National Representative".

Filmed the comedy movie "Morning President".

The types of movies are indeed richer than those of Huaxia movies.

In domestic filming, there may be costumes, action, romance, and comedy. In the past two years, there may have been more magical and fantasy themes.

After advocating the theme, the big screen played the grand occasion of Korean films going overseas.

The longest scene is the moment when the chairman of the Cannes jury announced that "Parasite" won the award. Song Kanghao, Park Chanwook and others pressed Fang Nan under them, Han Jiaren Lin Yuner hugged each other, and Liu Qianqian stood up smiling and applauding.

Fang Nan's cheeks ached. In the video, he was just a man, not a single shot was shown, and he was strictly blocked.

Fortunately, he doesn't care about these anymore.

There are a total of 30 awards in the 18th Blue Dragon Awards, and the male and female newcomer awards are awarded first.

The female newcomer award had a double yolk, Fang Nan expressed his disdain, Wen Wu was not the first, and Wu was the second. He had seen too many pork awards in China, and he hated it from the bottom of his heart.

The Blue Dragon Award simply kept the bottom line. Best photography, best art, best technology, best lighting, and best short film, all five awards in a row are single winners.

Among them, Cheng Siu Keung won the best photography. He did not come, but Lee Kam Hau took the stage.

Afterwards, Fang Nan successfully won the best screenplay, and then, "Parasite" went crazy.

Best Supporting Actor for "Parasite" Lee Jung-jae.

Best Actor Song Kang-ho for "Parasite".

Best Actress "Parasite" Zhao Ruzhen.

Highest-grossing film "Parasite."

Best Director "Parasite" Fang Nan.

"You can say a few more words, there is no time limit for speaking in the Blue Dragon Awards."

When Fang Nan took the stage amidst applause, Li Meijing smiled and reminded him kindly.

Fang Nan appeared on the stage twice, and both times ended his speech with "Kangsang Mita". The KBS TV station and the on-site director were very depressed. They especially asked Li Meijing to persuade Fang Nan to express some reflections. The ratings showed the audience outside the venue. Love to watch, love to pay attention to what he has to say.

"Kangsang Mita."


The first sentence Fang Nan spoke made the fans, movie fans, and audience in front of the TV break their defenses.

What they love to hear and want to hear is not a thank you.

It was Fang Nan who, as an international director, praised the achievements of Korean films, or praised the Korean actors he had worked with, and expressed the Korean actor he most wanted to work with, or his favorite idol.

The fans at the scene quit, and spontaneously shouted with a full rhythm: "Lee Jun Ki, Lee Jun Ki, Lim Yoona, Lim Yoona, TARA"

It turns out that what so many people are after is the spiritual victory method?
Fang Nan realized, looked at Lee Jun-ki in the audience and said with a smile: "Jun-ki is a good actor, we had a great time working together in "Parasite", and look forward to working together again next time!"

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Lee Jun Ki hurriedly stood up and bowed to Fang Nan on the stage. The fans at the scene had an instant orgasm, and the deafening screams made many actors turn their heads frequently.

"YoonA is very talented as an actress. It doesn't matter if I didn't get a new female actor today. I will definitely gain something on the stage of the Blue Dragon Awards in the future. We will definitely cooperate again."

The voices of the fans became even louder, and their screams hit the roof of the KBS studio in high spirits.

"Of course, there are many other good actors in South Korea. I hope we can cooperate in the future."

"Finally, I would like to thank the seven judges. I should be the first foreign director to win the Blue Dragon Award for Best Director. Thank you. Movies need this kind of tolerance."

"I wish the Blue Dragon Award the best, and I wish all the filmmakers here will make more excellent films in the future."

Amid the applause, he stepped off the stage and leaned slightly. When "Parasite" won the best film [film] award, Fang Nan declined to go on stage again and gave the right to speak to Li Jinxiao, one of the producers.

So far, the 30th Blue Dragon Awards Ceremony has ended, and "Parasite" has won a big victory.

In one fell swoop, he won seven awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, New Actor, and Highest Box Office.

That night, CJ Entertainment invited many Korean celebrities and stars to hold a grand celebration banquet for "Parasite", and Fang Nan was forced to cancel the flight to Los Angeles.

Surrounded by witches and followed by the media, Fang Nan didn't dare to drink too much that night, and even tore up the small ball of paper in his pocket and threw it into the trash can.

"Boss, these two are Ahn Soo-hyun and Cui Dongxun, the producers and directors of the Korean branch's first project "Alliance of Thieves". I plan to jointly produce "Alliance of Thieves" with Xiangjiang Branch and the Korean company."

"Hello." After greeting the two, Fang Nan looked at Hou Weidong: "Who is the main prosecutor?"

"It's a Korean company, but the combined production fees of our two branches exceed that of the master controller."

"Then do it boldly."

Hou Weidong's approach was very old-fashioned, Fang Nan nodded in agreement.

The branch is located in a foreign country, and the resources and contacts are definitely not as good as those of a local company. It is not worth the loss to be the controlling party, and the main responsibility is to supervise the movement of investment funds.

But Fang Nan also left some suggestions for Hou Weidong at the end.

He believes that the country is small and sparsely populated, geopolitics and other factors doom the country to be incapable of doing great things in any aspect.

Therefore, he suggested that the branch in charge of Hou Weidong should make more attacks and use Xiaobo to invest mostly in genre films and literary films.

This kind of niche film went to Europe, and he could talk a little bit, and he could recover his blood and even make a small profit by winning a little award.

As for South Korea's big-budget films, they are basically scams. Art comes from life, and filmmaking also requires structure and cultural support. Few filmmakers here have such a structure.

The only major Korean production movie he knows is "Mingliang Sea Battle", which is an adaptation of a story many years ago.

Can you let Korean directors like Bong Joon-ho and Park Chan-wook make the Korean version of "The Wandering Earth"?

The director himself does not believe that Korea Aerospace has such strength.

After dismissing Hou Weidong and the others, a light, ghostly voice sounded behind Fang Nan, "Director Fang, I offer you a toast."

"Thank you, it's a pity that you didn't get the Best Supporting Actress award today."

When Fang Nan clinked glasses with Han Jiaren, he spoke in English with a look of regret.

When he came to Korea this time, he found out that Han Jiaren and her husband had completely entered the cold war stage because of the large-scale scenes in "Parasite", which made him very sad.

"Thank you, there must be a chance in the future, do you still need to entertain?"

Han Jiaren's English wasn't very good, so Fang Nan didn't know that the other party wanted to invite him out even after guessing through the translator.

Fang Nan wanted to refuse, but seeing Han Jiaren's lonely face, he was too embarrassed to speak up.

Every scene of "Parasite" is a blow to this woman, and his handling of this matter is really a bit dishonest.

"Okay, where do you want to go, I'll let someone arrange a car."

While talking, Fang Nan sent a message to Hou Weidong, asking him to arrange a car and a trustworthy driver.

Not long after, Hou Weidong drove the car himself, turned around, and took Fang Nan and his wife to the sparsely populated Minputao Beach after more than an hour. Never heard of it.

On a December night, he was shivering standing on the beach wearing a woolen coat.

Han Jiaren is very intellectual, walking on the beach with her hands in her hands, stepping on the waves.

"If you leave Korea for a while, I can arrange for you to go to China to film."

After fighting back the coolness and catching up with Han Jiaren, Fang Nan said softly.

Yesterday he heard about Tang Tang Films' filming plan for next year, and he knew that there was a drama called "The Temptation of Wife" in the plan. Fang Nan felt that besides the original lead actor, Choo Ja Hyun, Han Jiaren could also challenge her, which was also his compensation for this woman.

Han Jiaren stopped abruptly, and put her hands through Fang Nan's wool coat: "Ouba, let me give you a hug."

Han Jiaren, whose upper body was completely thrown on Fang Nan's chest, looked intoxicated, Fang Nan was dumbfounded, don't come in love, he really can't stand this thing anymore.

"Big sister, brother has already stepped into the grave of love. If you can eat fast food, don't come here if you want to get a long-term meal ticket."

Fang Nan straightened Han Jiaren depressedly, and under the moonlight, he could see clearly that the woman's face was full of tears.

"Ouba, I'm divorced."


Fang Nan was trying to comfort the other party with words, a small wet mouth was already pressed against him, and a jasmine-like scent was continuously drilled into his nose.

Fang Nan had never been so bold in his life. On the beach in winter, he and Han Jiaren leaned against the cliff and did things with two pieces of clothes. It was cold, hot, exciting, and urgent. .

Fortunately, the other party's voice was soft and waxy, and Fang Nan heard it like the sound of nature, which made him feel comforted while sweating.

Incheon, sleepless tonight.

Incheon, someone is crying for you tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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