literary world

Chapter 334 Oh my god!

Chapter 334 Oh my god!

Time Warner.

The world's top 500 media group, formerly known as Warner Bros., founded in 1903.

After more than 100 years of vicissitudes, Time Warner not only has not disappeared in the torrent of time, but has become a multinational media group in the United States through years of mergers and acquisitions.

It was once rated as the world's number one media group.

The business map spans various industries including publishing, film and television.

Among them is the representative magazine "Time Magazine".

There is a Turner TV network that covers more than 1000 million people in the United States, and was evaluated by Wang Wang as a special production of fake news【CNN】

There is a premium channel HBO that has produced many hit dramas【"A Song of Ice and Fire".】

Warner Bros. Pictures, which has produced many hit movies ["The Matrix Series", "Harry Potter Series".]

There are DC comics [Superman, Batman] that used to be around the world

Time Warner, a super behemoth.

Fang Nan flicked his feet, walked into Warner Bros. New York branch with Li Meijing and his group.

There's nothing wrong with his feet.

The blame is that the sand on Minputao Beach is not very soft, and the battle was very fierce. The two fought fiercely for half a night, and the soles of his feet were worn out.

This unexpected peace was wonderful.

Han Jiaren was probably hysterical all night because of her broken marriage, and later said it was revenge.

Fang Nan is very simple, this night is another indulgence in the journey of life.

But he kept his promise.

He asked Hou Weidong, as the general manager of the branch, to ask for the lead actress in "The Temptation of Wife" for Han Jiaren.

Before Fang Nan left, Han Jiaren told Fang Nan that she was about to leave for Huaxia, and she enrolled in a Chinese class in Huaxia.

Rubbing his calves, Fang Nan and his group entered Warner Bros. Pictures. After Li Meijing accompanied the secretary to show that he had an appointment with Mao Jianguo, the group was arranged to sit in the reception area by the front desk secretary.

Mao Jianguo has been transferred back to the United States from China Film Warner Hengdian Company.

Currently one of the vice presidents of Warner Bros. Pictures.

Ambitious, he wants to climb to the top positions of the parent company Time Warner, and ten or twenty years is not enough.

You have to get promoted several times just to get promoted.

"Oh my god, Fang, you let me down."

Mao Jianguo, dressed like a dog, came, and after reminding the secretary to make a few cups of coffee, he complained and babbled at Fang Nan.

Complaining that he didn't even accept an interview with Time Magazine.

Complaining that he missed the Hollywood Film Awards.

Missed the annual special award selection event of the American Film Institute Awards.

Missing out on events like the Toronto Film Festival that required him to appear alongside "Parasite."

"Are you crazy? It's Time Magazine. It can let you enter middle-class families all over the world. It's a good opportunity to expose you." Mao Jianguo yelled without grace.

"Parasite" is the first project he returned to the United States to operate. Once it fails, one can imagine the blow to his career, but his partner is a clueless master.

So he was very angry.

"If you miss it, you'll miss it. It's useless to say so much. Let me tell you about Warner's next publicity and public relations plans. By the way, Kevin promised to meet with me." Kevin Tsujihara is the director of Warner Bros. CEO, Fang Nan wanted to cooperate with Warner on a new film, but he couldn't get around the Japanese American, and Mao Jianguo couldn't spend much money except for talking.

"No, he's not interested in you."

"He doesn't even want to call me father?"

Fang Nan chanted the stalks in "The Godfather" and nodded, but he was not angry at all, this is capital.

Before he has shown his ability to make money in North America, the capital here will never take a look at him.

"Tell me about your plans."

Mao Jianguo made a long list of plans for Fang Nan and "Parasite".

The award-winning activities that need to participate include: New York Film Critics Association Awards, Screenwriters Union, National Association of Film Critics activities, Film and TV Golden Globe Awards, until the final Oscar and so on.

Publicity activities include: Fang Nan's appearance on the Jimmy Show, participating in some salons about children's education, etc.

In addition, Warner will try its best to arrange for Fang Nan to participate in parties related to movies and charity.

In short, before the start of the Oscars ceremony, Fang Nan would appear in front of the American people every now and then and create good topics.

Correspondingly, Mao Jianguo's public relations team will also try his best to publicize the nearly 8000 Oscar judges.

Warner will spend $300 million in public relations fees for this.

Fang Nan felt disgusted, 300 million US dollars was too little.

There are 8000 judges at the Oscars, many of whom are not well paid.

But those who know how to deal with it may be able to find dozens of votes and talk loudly.

Every year during the Oscars awards season, many judges with no minimum limit will choose to hold a group to keep warm. He wants a high-end speaker, and your family wants to change electrical appliances, etc., just wait for the producers who covet the Oscars to come to public relations.

$300 million is not worth the trouble.

And such Oscar corruption has not declined.

The big reason is that compared with the scum judges, the more than 8000 Oscar judges also include many outstanding filmmakers from all over the world. These bottom-line filmmakers set a bottom line for Oscar.

There will be times when Oscar is criticized for being unfair.

But more often than not, award-winning films are recognized.

Its award mechanism has loopholes, but it also has a bottom line.

Why almost all the award-winning films come from the local, or the West.

This is the problem of industrialization. The industrialization of Hollywood movies gave birth to the seven major film and television companies in Hollywood, and the seven major companies also produced high-quality movies.

Of course, the reason why the Seven Great Powers are powerful is inseparable from the domineering US military.

The U.S. military has brought Hollywood films to many countries around the world, making the Hollywood film market no longer limited to North America. By plundering the global film market, the Big Seven will have more money to improve and lead their own film industry.

The infinite matryoshka and blood-sucking modes are the real strengths of Hollywood movies.

The use of movies to convey American culture is nothing to mention, the world knows it, and the world is very helpless.

The quality and technology of many Hollywood movies surpass those of local movies, which are naturally eye-catching.

Capable and ideal countries will impose restrictions within the rules.

The film market with no capacity and no ideal country has become the back garden of Hollywood film box office.

After taking the itinerary, Fang Nan asked curiously: "Warner is the same as CJ Entertainment, only preparing the best film for public relations?"

"Yes." Mao Jianguo did not deny it at all.

Fang Nan was very distressed. Although the list of Oscar nominations has not yet been released, the news that "Parasite" was nominated for the best foreign language film has been announced in advance.

Since "Parasite" has been nominated for the best foreign language film, there must be nominations for awards such as best director, best screenwriter, and best photography.

It's a pity that Warner and CJ Entertainment are unwilling to pay for him as a foreigner. He feels that he should do something to win for himself.

"That's it, I will participate in the publicity plan you made on time."

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan got up and was about to leave. This trip to the United States, he had to meet and do too many things.

First of all, I have to meet Lu Qing.

After Lu Qing recruited more than 20 people from Digital Domain, he founded a special effects company named Swordsman [swords man] in Manhattan.

In addition, he also wants to visit the largest studio in the world, Warner Studio.

He also has an agreement with Ang Lee, and he wants to meet with Elon Musk, and the time is very tight.

"Hey, don't forget to go to Conan show the day after tomorrow, don't let me find someone."

Fang Nan turned around and nodded, then turned around and couldn't help being startled when Liu Qianqian and her daughter suddenly appeared in front of him.

Liu Qianqian took off her sunglasses and waved her hand. She said in a strange way, "Hi, hello, Boss Fang, I heard that you are married again!"

Fang Nan glared at her: "Speak up, what are you doing here?"

He was very curious, why did Liu Qianqian come here? She wouldn't go to Warner's office when she was traveling, right?

You can't be so stupid.

He came to North America to promote "Parasite", and all the consumption during the promotion period was borne by Warner and CJ Entertainment. The other main creators in the film did not have this treatment, and the two distributors would not be stupid enough to waste money.

Even if the mother and daughter pay for it themselves, all publicity methods will not be used on them.

Again, there are only two kinds of stars in the world, Hollywood stars and stars outside Hollywood.

Liu Qianqian is popular in China again, and here she is just like him, just a small shrimp who can only be manipulated by others.

"You can come, but I can't?"

Fang Nan sternly said, "Let you speak well."

In China, it doesn't matter if everyone is playing around, but in foreign countries, we have to maintain our personal image, right?

One more thing, he didn't want Liu Qianqian to waste money.

Not worth the loss.

"Mr. Fang, we flew here from Taiwan. William Morris' agent asked Sissy to audition, and this is Miss Lilith." Mama Liu introduced the blond-haired woman in brown business attire next to Feifei.

Mao Jianguo said seriously, "Are you here to audition for 'Cloud Atlas'?"

"What role, who directed it?" Fang Nan was curious.

"A sci-fi film project by the Wachowski sisters. There are two Asian-American characters in it. The film company has given a budget of [-] million yuan. It can be regarded as a category A project of Warner next year. I hope your audition will be successful."

Mao Jianguo smiled at Liu Qianqian, he and Liu Qianqian also knew each other.

After all, he has a role in "Parasite".

Fang Nan understood, but also became more depressed.

Aren't the Wachowski sisters the directors of "The Matrix"?
The two were filming a movie, and even took time to change their gender from male to female.

After the Wachowski brothers became the Wachowski sisters, the two have never made any decent movies.

"You go to the audition first."

Liu Qianqian has come all the time, and Fang Nan can't strictly stop her. She also has the right to choose. Of course, she has to bear the consequences of choosing the wrong movie.

The relationship between the two is indeed unusual, but Fang Nan will not take care of her like a child.

Life is something you have to experience personally.

Lilith accompanied Liu Qianqian to the interview, and Liu Ma and Assistant Feifei sat down in the reception area under Fang Nan's signal.

"Boss Fang, how about a few words?"

Fang Nan, who wanted to leave, was stopped by Mama Liu, and at the same time, Fei Fei sensiblely stayed away from the two of them.

Fang Nan glanced at his watch, it was a bit late to see Lu Qing again, he nodded and sat down: "What's the matter?"

"That Sissy is still young, and she doesn't know much about many things. Can you let her go, after all, you are married."

Mama Liu hesitated for a while, then spoke softly.

She couldn't beat Fang Nan at all. This guy's rise was too fast, which made her fearful and helpless.

But there is no hate.

From the small screen to the big screen, Liu Qianqian has gained a firm foothold in the domestic entertainment industry, and she cannot do without Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan.

A "Youth in Youth", a "Parasite", a "Assassination of a Novelist", and a "Girl I Chased Together in Those Years" made Liu Qianqian the well-deserved No.80 post-1s actress in China.

And there are no actresses to catch up with, which is a fault.

So Liu Xiaoli's feelings for Fang Nan are very complicated.

If Fang Nan wasn't married, she would be happy to turn a blind eye and watch Liu Qianqian and Fang Nan make flirty phone calls.

Now it's gone, no matter how grateful she is to Fang Nan, she doesn't want to see a woman share a man with another woman, what is this called?

It's not uncommon to share a man, and she has seen it a lot.

But it doesn't mean she can accept her daughter acting like this.

"When did you see that I got married?"

Under Liu Xiaoli's expectant gaze, Fang Nan spoke, and once he spoke, Liu Xiaoli became angry.

"The ring is on, Gao Yuanyuan is also pregnant, and Tangshan is also gone, can you stop making excuses? Can you work with Qianqian in the future?"

Fang Nan crossed his legs and picked up the cold coffee: "Pull it down, wait until I get the marriage certificate."

"Fang Nan, please just be an aunt, Sissy is too young, she is very confused now."

"In the past year, she sometimes wants to act in literary films to win awards, and sometimes wants to act in commercial films to make money. She has no goals in life. You wait for her to be 25 years old, no, 30 years old, she can do whatever she likes, and I will I won't care about her anymore."

Fang Nan was numb.

According to Mama Liu, he's just a big bad wolf who deceived Little Red Riding Hood.

In fact, when the two are together, they are in perfect harmony.

"Think whatever you like, I'm very busy now, and I don't have time to waste energy on talking."

Fang Nan dropped his sentence and walked out.

On the street in a foreign country, he made a phone call to Cai Yinong while walking randomly towards the subway station.

Liu Xiaoli travels around with her daughter every day. Is it going to be paid by the company or reimbursed by herself?

If he reimburses himself, he can't control it.

If it's the company's account, call her back quickly, it will be very troublesome.

Arriving at the subway station, Fang Nan got a ticket card out of curiosity, and passed by the four-person rifle team.

He hasn't taken a subway, bus and other closed means of transportation for a long time, and he really doesn't dare to ride in China, which makes him a little out of touch with society.

In the carriage, there were quite a few passengers. Fang Nan sat down next to an old black man. As a result, people saw him taking the subway in New York, the world's largest business district, without mentioning his briefcase, and immediately changed places.

Fang Nan was happy, you are afraid of me, and I am still afraid of you.

The subway went around and around until dusk rose, and the number of passengers on the subway began to decrease. Fang Nan, who had nothing to gain, rubbed his chin and prepared to get off in Manhattan.

"Hi, boy Huang in front."

Fang Nan paused, turned around and looked at two young people in their twenties, one white and one black, walking side by side.

"Bat shirt, hip-hop pants, and dull eyes, the villain has finally arrived." Fang Nan took out his phone and turned on the video and sat back.

"Borrow money?"

Fang Nan nodded: "I have money, but this is my first time in New York, and I'm really eager to get in touch with guns. Have you brought them? Let me have a look. I'll give you 200 US dollars for seeing it, and 500 US dollars for touching it."

"Wate, are you crazy, you yellow boy, this is the subway, and the law doesn't allow you to run around with a gun."

Fang Nan glanced at the passengers who were far away from them, and threw up his hands at the two gangsters: "Then there's nothing we can do."

"Are you kidding us?"

Fang Nan smiled and nodded: "Yes."


A right uppercut struck, Fang Nan took advantage of the momentum with his left arm, kicked the puncher's calf, and pulled the opponent's collar with his right hand, knocking Hei boy's head on the seat.

Fang Nan himself stood up, and calmly looked at the young white man who made a punching gesture.

Sure enough, the opponent couldn't stand this kind of provocation, and rushed straight to Fang Nan's door with his fists clenched.

Fang Nan smiled contemptuously, opened his right hand and came first, grasped the opponent's fist, then leaned to one side, and pulled the opponent violently in front of him, stretched his right foot lightly, and the opponent immediately came and remembered the shit.

"oh my god!"

"Jake Cheng?"

"Bruce Lee?"

The passengers in the carriage were completely dumbfounded when they saw Fang Nan casually grabbing the mobile phone on the window to call the police. What they saw just now, Fang Nan used Chinese kung fu to smooth out the two little gangsters in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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