literary world

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

As the white policeman twisted his right hand until it hurt, Fang Nan let go with a smile.


Amidst the exclamation of the surrounding police officers, the Civilian Superintendent of the Manhattan Police Department joked, "Hey, Fang, maybe you can be our trainer for the Manhattan Police Department."

Fang Nan glanced at Mao Jianguo, Liu Qianqian, Zhou Xun, Lu Qing, the lawyer and others on his side, and laughed loudly: "Warner definitely doesn't like your jokes, but they have invested tens of millions of dollars in me."

"I'm very sorry." The Chief Superintendent looked regretful, as if he had missed a great talent.

After leaving the police station, Fang Nan looked curiously at the group of people beside him.

Less than two hours after he entered the Manhattan police station, Liu Qianqian, Lu Qing, Zhou Xun, Mao Jianguo, Li Meijing and others rushed over one after another.

Mao Jiguo was the one who made the call, and the others got the news from nowhere.

Fang Nan asked around, and Mao Jianguo chose to tell the truth.

The first time he heard that Fang Nan was at the Manhattan police station, his entire body exploded with anger.

He repeatedly asked Fang Nan not to do anything, and Fang Nan even put himself in the police station.

He didn't believe the reason for Fang Nan's arrest. He was robbed on the subway?

Fang Nan's assets are more than his. Taking the subway, his brain is out of control?
Angrily hung up the phone, Mao Jianguo passed the news of Fang Nan's arrest to Lu Qing, which meant that your bosses paid their own money to find a lawyer, and he didn't want to join in.

Lu Qing didn't dare to neglect when he received the call, so he contacted Cai Yinong, Yan Hong and others in China.

In the end, a group of acquaintances in the United States gathered together and brought lawyers to the door to try to find someone.

When they arrived at the Manhattan police station, a group of people were dumbfounded. Fang Nan was drinking coffee and teaching a group of white police officers how to capture him. Only then did they know that Fang Nan was not bragging, he was really robbed.

But in the end, he brought down the two robbers without any damage.

Knowing what happened, Fang Nan looked at Mao Jianguo coldly, and scolded him directly: "You are such an idiot!"

Over the years, his temper has restrained a lot.

But the hostility and loyalty generated by struggling at the bottom for two lifetimes have not all dissipated.

So when he knew that Mao Jianguo, a foreigner who had known him for several years and had worked with him many times, chose to shirk even such a small favor, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Damn, I used "Parasite" to earn you Warner tens of millions of dollars, but you don't even want to use your company's free lawyers on me?"

Next to the extended Lincoln in front of the Manhattan police station, Fang Nan pointed at Mao Jianguo and cursed, Liu Qianqian, Zhou Xun and the others couldn't help being stunned.

"Fuck, who do you think I am? I got you the best talk show in North America, and got you party invitations from Leonardo DiCaprio and other superstars with a shy face."

"Without me, do you think you can be on these shows and attend high-end banquets? Just because you have the Palme d'Or? The Palme d'Or is a fart in North America."

"Hey, Fang, you know, you are very good in China, but here, you are just an ordinary person, you have to obey my orders, don't let Warner see you doing stupid things again."

Fang Nan looked at Mao Jianguo with contempt: "You are as stupid as a pig without knowing yourself, and you obey your orders? I really thought that a few talk shows, a few parties, and a "Time Magazine" can make you foreigners know me. Chinese people, do you know "Parasite"?"

Mao Jianguo said in a strange tone: "God, that's why you got into a fight with someone and entered the police station? The news about the fight is so hot, we're going to take it to Conan Show? Let us foreigners laugh at a disgraced Chinese director?"

"Really? Keep your dog eyes open to see what this is?"

Fang Nan threw the phone away, and when Mao Jianguo clicked on the video in doubt, he sneered and said, "If you don't know how to operate this video, you stupid pig, you deserve to be trampled under your feet for the rest of your life."

"Lu Qing, Qianqian, Xiaoxun, let's go."

Fang Nan angrily fucked the lengthened Lincoln.

It's true that he went to experience the New York subway, and it's also true for the sake of making troubles. The reason why the soldiers took risks is that there is no other way.

The United States is indeed a country of immigrants, but the habit of xenophobia for hundreds of years has already been deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

The massacre of the aborigines when they first landed in America.

The so-called political correctness that is almost abnormal today shows how difficult it is for all walks of life and all races to gain a foothold here.

So what if he was in Time Magazine, education and Hollywood are so out of tune.

So what if he is about to appear on the Conan show, a foreign director who has no shining points, will foreigners choose to get to know him in depth?

So what if he is rich.

In later generations, Wang Yida, who was richer than him, acquired Hollywood Legendary Pictures, fully acquired the second largest cinema operator in North America, and acquired cinemas all over the world.

Even so, did Yida, with so many resources in its hands, launch even a new Chinese world movie star?

China Film is so rich and has invested in many blockbuster films, but what they have spawned are only special films with Chinese actors.

If money can allow Chinese actors to enter Hollywood, later generations of domestic traffic stars have already occupied Hollywood.

If money could solve everything, capitalists would have taken over the earth long ago.

North America is too xenophobic, and money can't solve their inner xenophobia.

In this case, if Fang Nan wanted to increase his personal popularity, he had to take a slanted approach.

And the best way is to use the most familiar and curious skills of foreigners to make a fuss. It just so happens that he also has this skill.

Therefore, without hesitation, he took out a little bit of his own fist and kick to see if he could break the situation that no one cared about and didn't care about in the early stage.

For the first time, Fang Nan put a label on himself.

"Hey Fang, we need to have a good chat"

Mao Jianguo's face wrinkled with a smile, and he slapped the window and yelled, but Fang Nan turned a deaf ear and waved the driver to drive.

The neon lights flicker outside the car window, and the towering summer is full of brilliance.

""Avatar" is about to be released, and I don't know if my operation will greatly increase my popularity, so that the box office of "Parasite" in the cracks will be higher." Fang Nan stared blankly at the night view of New York outside the window, Everyone didn't dare to say anything for a while.

They had never seen Fang Nan make such a big fuss, and it was directed at the vice president of Warner Bros. Pictures.

At this moment, they realized that Fang Nan, who usually looks gentle and elegant, also had a temper. The gap between them and Fang Nan was huge.

Among other things, Fang Nan's momentum alone is beyond comparison to ordinary people.

"Xiaoxun, are you also here to audition for "Cloud Atlas"?"

Fang Nan spoke suddenly, startling Zhou Xun, and stuttered for a while: "Uh, yes. Ah, Sissy and I are on the same flight, and we both fly directly to New York after participating in the Golden Horse Awards."

"Have you gained anything from the Golden Horse Awards?" Fang Nan turned his head and smiled, completely different from him just now.

"Brother Nan, it's a pity that Li Bing won the best actress for the role of Li Ningyu in "The Wind". It's a pity. But the awards were basically rounded up by "The Wind" and "Parasite". You also won the best director award , "Parasite" won Best Picture."

After Assistant Zhou Xun finished speaking, Assistant Liu Qianqian hurriedly said, "Brother Nan, Sissy also won the Best Supporting Actress Award for "Parasite."

"Really? That's pretty good." Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian and asked again, "Have you got the script of "Cloud Atlas?"

It was Zhou Xun's assistant who answered on his behalf: "Wait for the news. Hollywood is different from China. You can only get the script after signing a contract."

Fang Nan looked at Lu Qing: "You have been in Manhattan for several months, so do the employees poached from Digital Domain have any real skills?"

"Yes, these more than 20 employees can help us solve many problems in water special effects."

Fang Nan nodded, although he is a layman in special effects.

But I also know that the most difficult visual effects production is related to water, which requires too many disciplines, such as physics, optics and so on.

If Lu Qing hadn't lied, the deal would have been a big profit.

Disgusting Zhang Ming also improved the skills of the Thirteen Swordsmen.

"After the new year, people from Pujiang will be transferred to work in batches. You have made arrangements here to return to China early, and then do "The Wandering Earth", "The Return of the Great Sage" in China, and Zhou Xingxing's "Journey to the West" is basically confirmed. People sit in town."

Lu Qing nodded and said, "Brother Nan, we need money here. The money in my hand is gone after renting an office in Manhattan and buying a computer."

"I still have less than 5000 million yuan in my net worth. Give it all to you. You can go back to China and operate it yourself."

Fang Nan is not short of money at present.

His private treasury, Fangnan Culture, has already paid off the 3 million owed by Cai Yinong, and Dream Literature, which needs to pile up money, has also spun off the company. If money is needed urgently, Fangnan Culture can raise [-] million for him within three days.

However, Yan Hong has recently been in a hot relationship with Kuwo Music, and wants to develop her own music software. After all, the company also has a lot of song copyrights.

"Brother Nan, where do you live?"

"Find a hotel in Chinatown and drop me off. I'm going to see Ang Lee tomorrow. By the way, where did you get this car? Did you rent it from a dealer?"

Lu Qing smiled and nodded: "Well, foreigners like this."

The car soon arrived at Central Park.

Fang Nan got out of the car without saying a word.

Manhattan is a long and narrow island, divided into upper, middle and lower cities, with attractions such as the Metropolitan Museum and the American Museum of Natural History occupying it.

The central area is a commercial center and a gathering place for luxury stores. The famous Broadway is also located in the central area.

The lower area is the financial center, where financial buildings such as the New York Stock Exchange are located.

In addition, there are some special areas in Manhattan, and the Manhattan Chinatown that Fang Nan is going to is one of them.


The sound of high heels touching the ground prompted Fang Nan to turn his head.

"What are you doing down here?" Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian.

"Dining and shopping, it's so lively here."

Fang Nan looked behind him, saw that no one was coming down, nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Chinatown occupies more than 40 streets in New York, with a population of 10. Although it is night, there are still many customers, and the shops are brightly lit.

"What do you eat?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian.

Fang Nan seemed to be familiar with the way, Liu Qianqian raised her upper lip slightly, her face full of disdain: "I am more familiar than you, the one in front, I have eaten there before, the stewed chicken soup and dry noodles, the chicken soup is very fresh."

Fang Nan didn't care, and followed Liu Qianqian into the store. Not long after paying the bill, the boss brought food, "Jiangcheng hot dry noodles with Fujian Shaxian snacks?" He looked suspiciously at Liu Qianqian.

"Eat, it's delicious."

"I believe you ghost." Fang Nan muttered and stuffed a piece of noodles into his mouth. Once again, the CD-ROM tasted mediocre. He sipped his soup and looked at Liu Qianqian who was wearing a knitted hat.

"If you don't go back for one night, your mother may hate me again."

Liu Qianqian bit off a noodle she was sucking, and wiped her mouth: "What does she hate you for?"

"Boss, can you smoke?" Fang Nan asked the boss in Hokkien, and after getting the consent, he lit a cigarette and exhaled, "Take her precious daughter away."

"Am I stupid?"

"Then what do you think we should do with our current relationship?"

Liu Qianqian glared at Fang Nan impatiently: "How do I know?"

Fang Nan had to admit that his confidant daughter Mo Ruomu, Liu Xiaoli was quite clear about her daughter's temperament, and the girl in front of her was really conflicted.

But it also depends on him, he has too many romantic debts, and he can't end after being exposed, so he can only put a wedding ring on Gao Yuanyuan, so that the girl opposite wants to hack him to death but is reluctant to give up. After entanglement, an extremely entangled girl was born.

Compared to Gao Yuanyuan, who knew nothing about Fang Nan and was kept in the dark, Liu Qianqian obviously had to bear more.

As for her, she is not as broad-minded as Zeng Li, so she can only torture herself in the end.

Thinking that Liu Qianqian would drag herself down if she dragged on like this, in case the other party suffered from depression again, Fang Nan thought about asking a philosophical question: "What should a person do most in life?"

"How do I know?" Liu Qianqian repeated what she had just said.

Fang Nan was speechless, so he could only talk to himself: "Life is short, so the most important thing to do in this life is to live life according to your heart, and other money, fame and fortune are just floating clouds."

"Of course, if your original intention is to become the richest man in the world, then the most important thing to do is to make money like crazy all your life, because you followed your original intention."

"So Sissi, what is your original intention? To become famous, to make money, to be the highest-paid actress in the world, or to win various acting awards in the world? Or something else?"

Her eyes became colored, and Liu Qianqian, who frowned, asked curiously, "What is your true heart?"

"In the past, there was only one director who became a world-class director. Don't look at me opening so many companies. I really don't care about money."

Liu Qianqian caught on to Fang Nan's poor language: "There was only one before? Now there is another one?"

Fang Nan's rare old face flushed: "It's true that there is another one, which is also the reason for opening so many companies. I won't hide it from you, just to see if I can do something practical for Huaxia culture to go global."

"Gao Yuanyuan and Sister Lizi are not your true heart?"

"That's different, they are all my relatives." Fang Nan paused, glanced at Liu Qianqian, and said cheekily, "They are just like you, they are all in my heart."

Liu Qianqian said with disgust: "It's the first time I've seen someone say such a shameless thing in such a clear and refined way!"

"It is true that I have a lot of moral flaws. Fraternity may be the biggest stain in my life. Maybe a hundred years from now when people mention me, they will show disdain, even abuse and spurn like you do now."

"But what to say, I just need to follow my heart and live this life. Everything else is just floating clouds to me. I am not an emperor. I don't want to be forever, and I don't want people to remember me for 1 years! I I'm a layman, I just want to live vigorously in this life."

Fang Nan picked up the soup, while looking at Liu Qianqian whose smooth forehead was already showing the shape of Sichuan.

"The words I opened my heart today should have had a huge impact on her. I don't know what kind of life she will choose in the future."

Fang Nan took a sip of the soup and shook his head.

Just then, a little black boy rushed up yelling, Fang Nan was so frightened that he put his hands on the table for a month and a half, and kicked the opponent's chest with both feet.

After the black brother fell to the ground, he held his chest while holding his mobile phone and shouted at Fang Nan who was looking down at him, "oh my god, you are Bruce Lee, are you him?"


Fang Nan stretched out his hand, smiled and pulled the black brother up: "It should be me."

(End of this chapter)

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