literary world

Chapter 336

Chapter 336
Fang Nan's plan has achieved initial results.

With the help of subway passengers, the video of him tackling the gangsters in twos and twos was uploaded to YouTube, and it was played more than [-] times in two hours.

Just 2 minutes long, shaking, and rough video comment area, and there are as many as hundreds of comments.

In the comments, some netizens questioned the authenticity of the video.

Another netizen said that the protagonist of the video, an Asian, was relatively flexible, so he easily avoided two attacks, and finally made a sneak attack.

But most netizens who have been baptized by Kung Fu movies stereotyped that this is real Kung Fu, Chinese Kung Fu, and then there are all kinds of bragging about Bruce Lee, Jake Cheng, and Jet Li.

Fang Nan's first YouTube appearance ended in controversy.

And this video, until Fang Nan was recognized by the black brother in Chinatown, was just an ordinary short video on Youtube.

The next day.

The second episode of Fangnan Subway Wars reappears.

Compared with the unretouched rough video, the video of Fang Nanyong fighting the gangster personally edited and retouched by Warner staff is extremely clear, and even added a slow motion video.

He told netizens in detail what methods, gestures, and postures Fang Nan used to deal with the thugs easily and easily.

Of course, the most important thing is that Warner Bros. propagandists took the initiative to expose Fang Nan's identity as a spectator.

An Asian who knows kung fu is nothing.

So what about a father who was featured in Time Magazine some time ago and became popular all over the Internet?
How would a director who has won the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or do?
Warner is worthy of being one of the Big Six in Hollywood.

They spent a day, layer upon layer of publicity and hype, making Fang Nan's appearance like a thunderbolt.

In one day, the number of views of Subway Wars II exceeded 500 million, and the number of views was 300 million.

Nearly 5 people commented, and the subway battle suddenly became a popular video on Youtube, going straight to the homepage.

The UP owner who was the first to upload the subway battle video was driven to earn thousands of dollars overnight.

As for the black boy in Chinatown who was kicked down by Fang Nan, on Twitter, after uploading a group photo with Fang Nan and exaggerating the process of being kicked by Fang Nan, his fans skyrocketed.

Fang Nan became an Internet celebrity in the United States overnight.

And his traces in Chinatown have turned Chinatown into a new round of punching mecca, and many Chinatown bosses are smiling.

"This may be the charm of the Internet."

Li An, who drove Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian back to another home, laughed.

Fang Nan said with a chuckle, "I let you see a joke, I never thought there would be such a big commotion."

"I envy you. If I had your skills and brains, it wouldn't be so difficult. You have saved Warner tens of millions of dollars in publicity budget at least."

Fang Nan smiled, he didn't think he was very good, but he had experienced the era of short videos and Internet celebrities, and he concocted a route to becoming famous as an Internet celebrity according to local conditions.

When the car arrived in Larchmont, New York, Ang Lee called his wife and invited them into the yard.

Fang Nan glanced at the villa. It was a white house, the lawn was neatly repaired, and there was a chicken coop built on the side of the house?
"When the real estate agent brought me to this small villa, my wife and I fell in love with it immediately. The back of the house is a swamp, and the two sides are also very open. My wife and children can raise chickens."

Fang Nan was dumbfounded: "Which side has the most people?"

"I still stay here a lot, I have a job, and I go to live in Chinatown by myself during the holidays. My wife and children don't like Chinese festivals."

"For a while, I wanted to go back to Taiwan, or go to Los Angeles, which is closer to Hollywood. As a result, my wife doesn't like the climate in Los Angeles. I don't have such freedom when I go back to Taiwan. Here I can go out alone."

The door opened, Li An introduced to his wife: "This is Fang Nan, the director of "You Are a Young Man" and "Assassination of Novelists" we watched, this is Liu Qianqian, a very good actress in China, he is her boss."

Liu Qianqian called her aunt, and handed out the gift with a smile, "Come in, come in." Li An's wife said kindly.

After entering the room and sitting down in the living room, Fang Nan and Li An chatted about the 80th Oscars. The purpose of his visit to Li's house was a courtesy visit, and the second was naturally for the Oscars.

After chatting for about half an hour, Ang Lee also agreed that he should strive for other awards that are more likely, such as the best foreign language film that has been successfully shortlisted.

The 82nd Oscar has an absolute theme of "The Hurt Locker".

There is the sci-fi blockbuster "Avatar".

There is a cut film "Inglourious Basterds".

A female film "Growth Education" with political struggles.

There is also "The Ninth District", which has a strong reputation and box office.

"Parasite" also has strengths, but the degree of difficulty in winning the best film is still too great, and political and other factors have to be considered.

"Fang Nan, eat some fruit."

"Eh, okay."

Fang Nan took a bite of the apple handed by Li An's wife, and said with a smile, "If you have time, you can go back to China to have a look. The domestic market has undergone great changes. Take the movie market as an example. We will soon surpass Japan and become the world's largest apple market." The second largest movie box office market."

"I don't really want to go back. He has no choice. There is an old mother and a younger brother at home, so every time the Golden Horse Awards come, he is helpless."

The debt of favor is the most difficult to repay. Ang Lee smiled wryly: "Every time I go back and see those people fighting for power and making Taiwan like that, I am more and more reluctant to go back. When the Spring Festival comes, I would rather go to Chinatown." "

"Fang Nan, you may not have a deep understanding in China. Those who are truly patriotic and know that the country is good are us first-generation immigrants."

Fang Nan nodded.

In philosophical terms, this is the legacy of culture shock.

When a person finds that he is out of tune with the people around him, he will start to miss home after experiencing and seeing all kinds of disadvantages in the country he lives in, and the forced life will infinitely magnify this feeling of nostalgia. "

vice versa.

Many public intellectuals in the country are desperately trying to slander the country, either because they use money to do things, or because they have stayed in the country for a long time and spent less time abroad, thus imagining the West as a Utopia-like ideal country.

As everyone knows, there is no perfect country in the world.

The public knowledge is either a one-sided and shameless talker who avoids the important and ignores the trivial, or is simply ignorant and full of shit.

When the bosses communicated, Liu Qianqian, who had been acting as the audience, suddenly expressed her feelings: "But I will be scolded by many people."

Fang Nan pursed his lips and smiled, while Li An smiled and said, "Remember, there will never be as many people who scold you as the president of the United States. What you have to do is take good care of your mother and relatives, and do something that you think is meaningful." things, not anxiety today has anyone accused me."

After chatting for a while, when it was time for dinner, Fang Nan and his wife stayed for a meal at the strong invitation of Li An and his wife.

During the period, the four of them chatted about movies again, and Ang Lee even explained to his wife and Liu Qianqian the origin of Fang Nan's movie style and ideas in detail.

To sum it up in one sentence, art comes from life.

Fang Nan made "You are a young man", "Parasite" and other films that reflect social evils because he grew up in an orphanage, and when he was a teenager, he wandered in China and watched too many corners.

The stories of little people in comedies such as "The Unknown" and "Lost in Thailand" are also related to Fang Nan's growth environment.

After becoming famous, he solved his food and clothing, and began to pursue his ideals, so "Assassination of Novelists" came into being.

Now his eyes are wide open, ready to travel the universe.

Fang Nan was startled.

He didn't even think that he could connect several of his movies in this way. It can only be said that Li An is on the fifth floor.

After dinner, they bid farewell to Li An and his wife, and Fang Nan and his wife took a taxi back to the central area of ​​New York.

The two were going to watch the midnight show of "Avatar", but James Cameron, a truck driver-turned-director, had so many fans that he didn't know the movie's reputation and ratings. The two couldn't help but look at the long line .

On the way, Fang Nan said: "James Cameron is my biggest opponent in this life."

Liu Qianqian sneered: "How is it possible, you are dozens of years younger than him."

Fang Nan didn't explain: "Go back to the hotel, I'm going to be busy tomorrow, so work hard at night."

"You're funny, what am I trying to do?"

"You don't know, you were born in dancing, and your legs are curled up powerfully." Fang Nan put on a look of ecstasy desperately.

"You only have 12 minutes. Within 12 minutes, you have to talk about kung fu, back view, and the introduction of the movie "Parasite" under the guidance of the host, OK?"

In the dressing room of American cable television station TBS, the director of "Conan Show" tirelessly whispered in Fang Nan's ear, as if he was terrified that Fang Nan would stay on stage.

After putting on makeup and styling, Fang Nan was brought to the scene area.

After a while, the host Conan on the stage mentioned the topic related to Fang Nan. Amidst the shouts, Fang Nan lifted the curtain and came on stage with a smile.

at the same time.

Conan waved his fists and rushed forward aggressively. Fang Nan followed the negotiation process and knocked down the opponent with a fluttering punch, causing the audience to scream.

"God, I'm going to the hospital." Conan said funny, covering his face.

Fang Nan smiled and pulled him up, and the two hugged and sat down in their respective positions.

"Let's welcome the fangnan that's been all the rage in America lately."

Fang Nan waved to the screaming crowd, and Conan, who had just finished reciting Fang Nan's name, said: "Why don't you choose an English name, Bruce, Jake, Jet Li? You know, I have a very good relationship with them, Learned a lot from them."


"Who would have known that I would be on such a popular Conan show, otherwise I must have thought of a nice name."

Amid the applause, Conan yelled at the audience: "I like him, really, I like him very much. The Conan Show is the most popular talk show in North America."


"Let's talk about kung fu. Does everyone in China know kung fu?" Conan stood up and punched him twice before sitting down: "How can you knock down the opponent so quickly?" ?”

"No, Kung Fu is so popular thanks to the three Bruce Lees you just mentioned. They brought Kung Fu to Hollywood, thus allowing the world to see a new culture."

"As for you wanting to practice kung fu, it's too late."

Fang Nan shook his head and expressed regret, making the audience laugh out loud, and Conan very cooperatively put on a bad face: "Why?"

"you have grown up."

Conan: "Which aspect has grown up?"

Fang Nan: "Every aspect has grown up!"

Conan's face became even more stinky.

【Ha ha.】

"So practicing martial arts should start with children." Conan asked.

"of course."

Conan leaned forward: "Then you were on Time Magazine again, and I haven't been on it until now."

Fang Nan: "The turning point is so sudden?"

"We're just so sudden." Conan's blunt and funny way of shaking his head made the audience laugh, and Fang Nan had no choice but to say depressedly:
"It was also very sudden when I went to Time Magazine. I went to pick up my daughter from school and was photographed. It was posted on the Internet and then used by Time Magazine. Many people said it was the greatest fatherly love, but I was so confused. "

Conan expressed shock: "Why? That is a photo full of art. You are a director and have won awards in Cannes and Berlin. What about your artistic vision?"

"Sorry, I didn't feel the beauty of the [back view] at all. Many people told me that you have to see the meaning behind the photo, but do you know, I was thinking at the time, the moment the photo was frozen, my daughter Do you want to be cuter at me again?"


Fang Nan's answer made the audience laugh, as well as the host Conan.

Art is great, but there are more ordinary people in the world. They don't have such a strong artistic pursuit and artistic vision. On the contrary, Fang Nan's "cute" can resonate with more people.

At this moment, the audience and the audience in front of the American TV all praised Fang Nan's life-like answer.

"Did you buy it for her?"

"Of course, even though it was very cold at the time, I made an exception and bought it for her once. My daughter has a natural obsession with cuteness."

Conan laughed loudly: "Why?"

Fang Nan glanced at Conan and thought, "If you're so tangled up, you're much cuter, and if you go off topic like this, I don't even have time to introduce movies."

But he still said: "Because I suspect that she repeatedly begged me to pick her up from school because I am more willing to fulfill her request than her mother."

【Ha ha.】

[crackling applause]

Fang Nan's narration about family members drew the most enthusiastic applause since he took the stage.

Through his narration, the images of a smart and lovely daughter, a strict mother, and a gentle father who is willing to meet all the requirements of his daughter left a deep impression on the audience.

Fang Nan was numb, things changed too fast.

In the last second, he was still proud that he opened up the promotional situation of "Parasite" with some simple fists and kicks.

In the next second, many viewers talked about his family happily.

This world is too impermanent!

Fang Nan thought of this before leaving the TV station.

After recording the Conan show, Fang Nan, who became popular on YouTube with his kung fu and director status, received Jimmy Show and other two other hottest talk shows. Fang Nan had no reason to refuse, and his schedule was full.

Seeing that Fang Nan was so popular, Mao Jianguo also urgently applied for 200 million US dollars, combined with the 300 million US dollars offered by CJ Entertainment, and madly marketed Fang Nan's family, kung fu, director, and "Parasite".

For a while, Fang Nan and "Parasite" unexpectedly withstood the pressure from the world-famous "Avatar".

Ever since, while "Avatar" harvested the global box office, "Parasite" also generously landed in community theaters with more Chinese and more Koreans.

(End of this chapter)

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