literary world

Chapter 337 History Breakthrough - Best Foreign Language Film

Chapter 337 History Breakthrough - Best Foreign Language Film
Fang Nan feels like a fish pond to the American people.

When people finish catching the big fish in the fish pond, they will suddenly find that there are still small fish running around in the fish pond.

And when people have worked hard to catch small fish, they will find that there are still small shrimps in the fish pond, and later clam shells and snails.

So, Fang Nan is a treasure boy!

Searching for his information is like opening a blind box, full of mystery and anticipation.

He knows kung fu, and kung fu can fight villains bravely.

His family is very loving.

He has twice reached the highest award stage of the International Film Festival.

His film box office is the record holder of the box office chart in the Chinese film market.

He is China's Spielberg and James Cameron!
He grew up in a welfare home.

He is only 31 years old.

This is genius!
After a small screening of "Parasite" in the American Chinese community.

"Conan Show" and other talk shows have been broadcast one after another. When Fang Nan frequently goes to charity, schools, police stations, award ceremonies and other occasions, many guys in North America who pay attention to Fang Nan will say to their companions and classmates, "Hey, buddy, this Guy is a real genius!"

Mao Jianguo was very excited.

Warner's marketing was very successful, and North American audiences were full of curiosity about Fang Nan and "Parasite".

at the same time.

The Rotten Tomatoes freshness of "Parasite" released around Chinatown is only 5% less than the 100% freshness of "Parasite" after it landed at the Cannes Film Festival in May, as high as 1%.

The super good word-of-mouth of the film, coupled with North American audiences' curiosity about Fang Nan, made "Parasite" a surprisingly good box office.

According to real-time data from the North American Beacon, "Parasite" was released on a small scale in three theaters in New York and Los Angeles, and the box office reported 3 U.S. dollars in three days on weekends, breaking into the top 3 box office list of the week in one fell swoop.

Based on this calculation, the single-house revenue of "Parasite" is as high as 12.8 US dollars.

The data website expressed its inner shock with "amazing".

A few numbers look pitiful.

But behind it is the super high attendance rate of "Parasite",
The attendance rate is the most basic bargaining chip for producers, distributors, and theaters to negotiate, increase publicity, and increase large-scale screenings.

So, on to the next week.

The screening of "Parasite" has been further expanded to 33 theaters.

The weekend box office rose 223% month-on-month to US$124 million, and the cumulative box office reached US$182 million, setting the best annual record for Korean films in North America.

On the day when the box office came out, the South Korean cj promotional team headed by Li Meijing specially invited Fang Nan who was running promotions in the Harlem area on the west coast [Black, Spanish area], and held a grand celebration banquet.

The box office of 182 million US dollars is very small, but for Korean filmmakers, it is a significant and extremely commemorative figure.

In the future, when Koreans mention Korean movies at the North American box office, they will not be able to avoid "Parasite".

And everything about "Parasite" is inseparable from cj entertainment.

Entering the end of January, the box office of "Avatar", which won the North American box office champion for six consecutive weeks, fell by more than 6%.

And the time for the Oscars is getting closer, and the distributors and theaters have made further efforts, and the number of theaters where "Parasite" has landed has expanded to 461 theaters.

This amount is nothing to a blockbuster movie that is screened in [-] theaters, but it is very rare for a foreign language film.

Correspondingly, the box office of "Parasite" soared, and the box office skyrocketed to 1080 million US dollars overnight.

The box office performance of 1080 million US dollars is enough for Fang Nan to attend the 67th Film and Television Golden Globe Awards Ceremony.

The Golden Globes were founded in 1943.

At first it was a self-entertainment activity organized by 8 journalists from Europe and Asia who specialize in reporting on the American film industry in Hollywood.

Unexpectedly, after decades of development, it has become an internationally renowned awards ceremony and was once considered the weathervane of Oscars.

As for the gold content of the award, it can only be said that different people have different opinions.

After all, the judges are composed of more than 70 foreign journalists in the association.

In 2009, the official dinner of the 67th Golden Globe Awards was held at the Hollywood Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

Since the Golden Globes don't have to pay taxes and don't have to be as serious as the Oscars, they have always been very grand and extravagant.

This year's Golden Globe Awards has 1300 guests, all of whom will be transported by luxury cars.

There are also a variety of appetizers, main courses, desserts and famous wines from many countries at the formal dinner.
There are more than 100 senior chefs in charge of the banquet, who can take care of the taste of each guest.

"America, paradise for the rich, hell for the poor!"

In the luxury car bound for Beverly Hills, Fang Nan, who had already run more than half of the United States, dropped the newspaper and shook his head.

Liu Qianqian couldn't help but patted Fang Nan's thigh: "You are more sentimental than the poor people here!"

Fang Nan chuckled, "I'm sorry."

There are so many poor people in the world, how can he come here so sentimental, it is only serious to take care of himself first.

"You have been nominated for 3 awards, which one do you want to win the most?" Seeing the place, Liu Qianqian couldn't help asking curiously.

"Taking one counts as a success."

"Parasite" was nominated for three film awards at the 67th Golden Globe Awards, namely Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Foreign Language Film. No matter which one of the four awards has broken through history, Fang Nan did not anything in particular.

In his heart, "Parasite" has completely exceeded expectations.

He once thought that the 2009 "Parasite" would not be staged again with word-of-mouth and awards, but he didn't expect it intermittently. He inadvertently won dozens of trophies through this movie.

The box office has also become more and more terrifying as the movie landed in North America, and "Parasite" praised him high enough.

Moreover, Warner did not specifically publicize the Golden Globe Awards. There are too few judges for the Golden Globe Awards, and each ticket is precious. Some judges have made some extremely excessive demands.

"I hope you get the best director, you haven't won an international director award yet."

"Don't force it, go, get out of the car."

Getting out of the car first, Fang Nan supported Liu Qianqian, who was wearing a black cotton V-neck dress, and stood on the lawn in front of the red carpet. At this moment, the celebrities who arrived first were leisurely chatting with acquaintances.

Fang Nan ran around the United States, participated in many award ceremonies and various organizations, and met a lot of people more or less.

After a while, he brought Liu Qianqian to chat with Michael, the German director of "White Ribbon".

At the Cannes Film Festival, "Parasite" and "White Ribbon" were competitors, and they were still competitors at the Golden Globe Awards, but they were more like brothers and sisters.

So Michael has no scruples to accuse more than 70 judges of the Golden Globe Awards in front of him as Guabi.

Fang Nan smiled slightly.

He had also heard gossip flying all over the sky outside.

The final grand prize is scheduled for the North American film "The Hurt Locker".

The reason is that "The Hurt Locker" is too thematic and politically correct.

The main theme movie, this stuff is so easy to understand, it just means that the movie is made of the United States, the US military's ass.

The so-called political correctness refers to the director of "The Hurt Locker", James Cameron's ex-wife Catherine Bigelow is a woman.

In the United States today, caring for and paying attention to women and minorities is political correctness.

Old European artists like Michael are very popular, and movies should not be kidnapped by politics.

Fang Nan is fine, there aren't many boxers in China right now.

It is also common for the main theme to win awards, so the ability to resist is very strong.

Saying goodbye to Michael, Fang Nan ran into Quentin.

This guy has a bad mouth, and when he saw Fang Nan coming up, he was stunned. In front of Brad Pitt and others, he asked Fang Nan to show his skills, saying that if kung fu was real, he would worship Fang Nan as his teacher and so on.

Fang Nan was terribly disgusted.

Does he have a lower status than the people on the lawn, or does he have less assets than people?Put on a monkey show for a bunch of people!

Do you really think that Fang Nan is like you Quentin, shamelessly proclaiming that he likes to play with feet?

Fang Nan ignored this guy, greeted Pete and the others and walked towards Song Kanghao.

After chatting with Li Meijing and Song Kanghao for a while, the red carpet started, and everyone shifted to wait for the red carpet.

Be it the Golden Globes or the Oscars, their red carpets are no different from other awards ceremonies, that is, a rectangular red carpet is placed on the ground.

The difference is that many stars who step onto the red carpet of the Golden Globes and Oscars are so famous that a star may have hundreds of millions of fans around the world and the attention of the media all over the world.

For example, Brad Pitt, who led the red carpet.

"Hey, Pete is also old, and his condition is worse than yours, and his face has creases."

Liu Qianqian, holding the stove specially prepared by the organizer, looked at Pete on the red carpet with regret and regret.

Fang Nan almost vomited blood for three liters: "Can we compare with others? I am 16 years younger than Pete, okay. I can't even compare with him in condition, so I can still live?"

"Don't be cheap and good-looking. When you were young, you were much more handsome than you."

"Handsome is useless, the corners of his eyes are black, his footsteps are flimsy, obviously he is not useful, but I am different, I am a pile driver."

The extremely complacent and proud Fang Nan disgusted Liu Qianqian.

This is the red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards, how come a hooligan got in here.

If she knew that most of the more than 1300 people at the scene were hooligans, Fang Nan's scum was innocent compared to some people at the scene, she wondered if she would go crazy.

It can only be said that after Fang Nan took over Liu Xiaoli, he protected the eldest lady even better.

If she still fights alone like Yuan Shikong, she must be well aware of the darkness in the entertainment industry.

Just like that, the two chatted nonsense while answering the reporters' questions from time to time, until the staff arranged to walk on the red carpet.

The Golden Globes are no more influential than the Oscars, and there are too many uncertainties in the award of "Parasite".

So only Song Kanghao and Liu Qianqian came to Los Angeles to participate in the Golden Globe Awards at their own expense.

Fortunately, the two people's brokerage company was rich and powerful, and took the initiative to cover the round-trip transportation, board and lodging, allowing the two to come to a red carpet show without distraction.

After walking the red carpet in three steps and one stop, the three of them accepted brief interviews from and Yonhap News Agency. reporter: "Director Fang, are you confident of winning the award? Many people in China are paying attention to you."

"According to the reputation of film critics and audiences, I should be able to win one. I can't guarantee it. This year's competition is too fierce. Many people in China pay attention to it? I don't know about it. I have been promoting in North America for more than a month. Movie."

Facing the reporter of, Fang Nan said something against his will.

He knows many domestic netizens, and the media has been paying attention to the Golden Globe Awards, looking forward to him blooming abroad again.

It is even more clear that because "Avatar" has landed in China, there have been many domestic film critics, public knowledge, and netizens who satirized him recently.

The positive and negative reviews for him are basically [-]-[-].

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, let's give the domestic audience a New Year's greetings in advance, maybe we can get 3 nominations with good luck."

"Haha, thanks for your good words, I also wish everyone in the country a happy new year and good health in advance."

Reporter from Yonhap News Agency: "In just over a month, the Oscars ceremony will be held. Director Fang Nan, how many Oscar nominations do you think "Parasite" will receive?"

"It has always been said that the Golden Globes are the wind vane of the Oscars, so I think there should be three to four Oscar nominations."

"Maybe there will be nominations for actor?"

"I'm not too sure about this. I'll know when the academy announces the nomination list in half a month."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Liu Qianqian and Song Kanghao said a few more words respectively, and then the three of them entered the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

The waiter led them to the table, Fang Nan unceremoniously finished a piece of steak first, the organizer was procrastinating, and he was hungry for a long time.

Half an hour after he ate a piece of steak, the 67th Awards Ceremony started in a relaxed and active atmosphere. Fang Nan put down his knife and fork, picked up his wine glass and touched Matt Damon from the crew of "It's All About You" at the next table : "Is there a schedule next year?"

"Huh? Huh?" Matt Damon looked confused: "I have to ask my agent to find out."

Since his debut, it was the first time he was so lucky to meet a face-to-face invitation from a great literary and art director, and it was also the first time he encountered such a straightforward invitation, so he was a little at a loss for a while.

"This is my business card, let's have a good chat after the Oscars."

Fang Nan punched Matt Damon with a wolf-like smile, and a voice came from a distant stage: "Fang Nan "Parasite"."

Fang Nan: "???"

"I won the award, Best Foreign Language Film, hurry up and go on stage."

Liu Qianqian was so anxious that she crazily kicked Fang Nan's buttocks.

When the guests on the stage announced the winner of the best foreign language film, she was looking like a thief for food that was less greasy, less sugary, and not easy to gain weight.

Suddenly, the sound of "Wow" shocked her. Seeing Li Meijing and others all jumped up, she realized that the first award announced by the Golden Globe Awards was actually the best foreign language film.

"Parasite" broke through the encirclement and took the lead as soon as it came up.


After Song Kanghao, Mao Jianguo, and Li Meijing at the same table all smiled happily, Fang Nan finally came to his senses. The Golden Globe award was really unexpected and caught him off guard.

The award belonged to Warner. Even if Liu Qianqian swollen Fang Nan's butt, Fang Nan was too embarrassed to go up, so he could only sit down and listen to Mao Jianguo thanking him for this and that.

The ceremony continues.

But the first Best Foreign Language Film award seems to have exhausted all the luck for "Parasite". It lost the Best Screenplay Award, Best Director Award, and finally lost the Best Picture Award.

The big winner of the 67th Golden Globe Awards was the truck driver.

His "Avatar" defeated Fang Nan's "Parasite" and his ex-wife's "The Hurt Locker", winning two awards for best director and best film in one fell swoop.

The live filmmakers and the audience in front of the TV were in an uproar.

The next day, the entire North America was in an uproar.

The James Cameron who once swept the Oscars with the commercial film "Titanic" is back?

This time, the academy will let him stand on the Oscar stage and shout "I am the king of the world" again?
Fang Nan didn't care so much, and continued his promotional activities during the Spring Festival in China.

In mid-February, after the Academy announced the nomination list for the 2nd Oscar.

A 42-person PR team led by Yan Hong and Cai Yinong successfully arrived in Los Angeles.

In the 82nd Oscars, "Parasite" was nominated for five awards: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Director, and Best Picture. .

(End of this chapter)

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