literary world

Chapter 338: Climbing to the Top: Best Director Oscar

Chapter 338: Climbing to the Top: Best Director Oscar


The national debate over "Avatar" upset the hits "The Hurt Locker", "In Van Don", "Inglourious Basterds" and "Parasite" at the 67th Golden Globe Awards won Best Director and Best Picture continue.

Yan Hong, Cai Yinong and others flew to Los Angeles.

Fang Nan was very surprised, so why did he come?
Yan Hong and Cai Yinong did not have much BB, and bluntly said that the turnover of the two companies was nearly 1000 million US dollars, trying to help him publicize the best director award.

Fang Nan was startled.

He also wants to win an award. For the personal award, he has been arguing with Warner, cj entertainment, North American media, various organizations, and members of the judges, trying to get an award for nothing.

But I never thought that I would personally spend 1000 million US dollars for the best director award in public relations. The chances of being in vain are too high.

If you talk about it, it doesn't matter if you win an award or not, there is no loss anyway.

He is still young, and there will be more opportunities in the future.

But Cai Yinong and Yan Hong don't think so.

They were not as optimistic as Fang Nan.

Fang Nan is very young, but the Oscars are not a bad award ceremony.

What's more, they are still foreigners in the eyes of North American audiences.

The chances of Fang Nan making another film nominated for the five major Oscars are too low, and he will not come again when the opportunity is too late.

From the perspective of the company's development, there are many benefits for Fang Nan to win the award.

From their point of view, whether Tang Tang Film and Television or Fang Nan Culture, all companies related to Fang Nan, including 13 Swordsmen, do not promote Fang Nan's popularity. He is the soul of the company.

The greater Fang Nan's popularity and international status, the greater the hidden influence on the company.

Just this time, as soon as "Parasite" won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, as many as 20 PEs stepped into Douyin Video and Dream Literature Company.

Tang Tang Film and Television is similar.

"Parasite" won the award, which caused the price of TV series produced by Tangtang Film and Television to be 10%-30% higher than that of other companies. Many TV stations fought fiercely for "Scary Step by Step". .

The Tomato station, which won in the end, made a big deal of its abacus.

What is this money for?
As long as the TV show is released, the publicity will be sidelined, implying that the hero and heroine of the TV series will be determined by Fang Nan. In this way, the station will not only save the boss a lot of publicity fees, but also attract a lot of attention.

It can be described as blood earning!
Of course, it's not too much of a joke on the stage. The manager of the production department of Tangtang Film and Television TV series did reveal that Liu Sishi is Fang Nan's appointed number one female.

A Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film has brought so many benefits to the two companies, and it became inevitable for Fang Nan to compete for the Golden Globe Award.

Cai Yinong and Yan Hong came with money, and Fang Nan couldn't say much.

Moreover, he does have this spare cash at present.

Fang Nan had no objection, so Cai Yinong, Yan Hong and the public relations team started to hire more than 8000 lobbyists and public relations judges.

Shi Nansheng, who is more familiar with European filmmakers, went to lobby the European judges.

Fang Nan was not idle either, he talked to Li An again and told him that he had changed his mind and wanted to do his best to publicize the best director, and asked Li An to speak in front of his old friends and colleagues.

As for the other Chinese judges Wang Shajing, Li Lianlian, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yimou, Michelle Yeoh and others, needless to say, if he speaks in his current capacity, the other party will definitely help.

The only ones Fang Nan didn't speak to were Chen Kaige, Feng Dapao, and Gu Changwei who entered the 8000 judges camp with "Peacock".

He and Gu Changwei had no conflicts, but he invested, Zhang Yang's "Unmanned Driving" was so good that Gu Changwei sneered at Zhang Yang several times in front of the media, Fang Nan thought about it and let it go.

After greeting a group of his own people, Fang Nan took the initiative to throw money and joined seven or eight associations including the Directors Association, Photography Association, Film Production Association, Music Association, and Film Editing Association.

Afterwards, he had frequent interactions with Mao Jianguo and Li Meijing, and finally made the two give up the best film award, which was the most difficult in public relations, and support him for the best director award, which had a higher chance of winning public relations.

After the three families came together, Fang Nan accepted exclusive interviews from "Hollywood Report" and other media.

In the communication with the reporter, Fang Nan modestly stated repeatedly that the possibility of "Parasite" winning the award is very low.

As for the reason, he stated it without any ambiguity.

First of all, the industrialization of Hollywood movies makes Hollywood movies look better and better than movies from many other countries.

As a result, North American audiences are naturally xenophobic about foreign language films and are not optimistic about them.

Second, he showed that being a person of color in the Oscar race also has a natural disadvantage.

The reason is self-evident. There are only a handful of purely foreign-language films that have won Oscar statuettes. As for whether there is a reason for the suppression by white people, the beholder has a different opinion, and the wise see wisdom. Please make up your own mind.

In the end, Fang Nan smiled and said bluntly that even if "Parasite" had countless grains at the 82nd Oscars, he would not feel the slightest bit of frustration.

He said that the box office of "Parasite" has exceeded 2500 million US dollars. Since "Parasite" landed in North America, it has been creating its own history every day.

During the 40-minute interview, Fang Nan stepped back, lowered his posture, and at the same time subtly brought a wave of rhythm.

He is also a person of color. Since you advertise democracy in the United States, your Oscar always emphasizes political correctness, so should you pay attention to the foreign language film "Parasite"?
Fang Nan's operation directly brought "Parasite" to the same starting line as "The Hurt Locker".

Of course, if Oscar also favors "Avatar", then he has nothing to say.

But if "The Hurt Locker" wins the final prize, "Parasite" must also participate.

The next day after the "Hollywood Reporter" interview, Fang Nan accepted an exclusive interview with two CCTV programs.

This time, CCTV also counted their capital for him.

Jing Wei, the host of the sixth princess, came and said nothing.

Bai Shisong, the host of 13 sets of "Face to Face", also came, and nearly 20 people from the whole team went to North America.

Fang Nan was very surprised when he received the invitation, the salary was too high for most people to enjoy.

He discussed with Yan Hong for a long time, and Sanxing came to a conclusion by himself.

What he has done over the years has been fully recognized by the leadership.

Thinking about him, he has played movies very well in these years, and the box office of each movie is higher than that of the next movie. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has driven the domestic movie market.

Then, his identity is also very pure.

He was born in Yangzhou and settled in the capital. He is an authentic Chinese.

Sometimes in the face of media interviews, he always emphasizes that there would be no orphanage without him. This is a disguised expression that he is a director trained by the state.

The most important thing is that after he became famous and rich, he never made arrangements for the country outside, and occasionally confessed his love.

In it, he has never learned from public knowledge and cultural people to criticize the policy.

"Parasite" won the Palme d'Or in Cannes but did not enter the domestic theaters, nor did he speak out in front of domestic and foreign media. He was filled with righteous indignation and accused a certain department. He always hid his tears in his heart and endured everything silently.

What is this called?
This is called general knowledge!
A director who is so knowledgeable has made amazing achievements in his own industry, and he is about to be on the top award-winning stage in the industry, so the country involuntarily gave him a wave of support.

As for his little moral blemish, it seemed so insignificant at this moment.

I have been interviewed by [-] or [-] media from various countries in a row, and the time has come to March.

At this time, the competition between the hit films "Avatar", "The Hurt Locker", "Parasite", "Inglourious Basterds" and "In the Cloud" has completely heated up, reaching the stage of splashing dirty water on each other.

"Parasite", which has been showing weakness to the enemy, did not end.

After all, "Parasite" is playing the weak card, so I can't wait for other movies to criticize it.

The anxious days passed day by day, and on March 3th, the 7nd Oscars came.

The long red carpet rolled out at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California, but the day before, Fang Nan achieved another personal achievement.

He pressed his personal fingerprints at the TCL Huaxia Theater in Hollywood, and he is the first Chinese director to achieve this achievement.

All of this is regarded by North American audiences as a hint of the academy.

But few people ridicule.

Since Fang Nan set foot in North America, he left a very good impression on North American audiences.

His movie "Parasite" speaks for the poor, and the word-of-mouth box office is so good.

He knows kung fu at a young age, is humble, never insinuates and abuses disgusting opponents, and remains optimistic when suppressed. Everything about Fang Nan created by Fang Nan and Warner makes many rational young North American young people hate Fang Nan.

"Fangnan Ouba!"


In the hotel room, seeing Lin Yun'er who was wearing a tube top group of fans spread her arms, Fang Nan rubbed his nose and greeted her.

The two hugged each other, Fang Nan said with emotion, "I am more social, and understand the ways of the world."

Korea's entertainment industry class is very clear.

It is too difficult for idols born as singers and dancers such as Lin Yuner to take root in a higher-level actor circle, and it is inevitable to rely on the strength of others.

Now it seems that Fang Nan, who has opened a branch in South Korea and is also a great director, is a perfect candidate.

Letting go of Lin Yuner, Fang Nan symbolically hugged Han Jiaren, Zhao Ruzhen, and Lee Jun Ki.

Whether it's an awards ceremony or a red carpet, the Oscars are much more influential than the Golden Globes.

Local actors, and actors outside of the local area all flock to it.

When all the staff arrived, Fang Nan knocked on the closed door of another room.

After a while, Liu Qianxi, who was wearing a Chanel haute couture black pleated mermaid dress, walked out slowly with the help of her assistant, North American manager Lilith, and Chanel staff.

The shabby dress she borrowed is worth more than 100 million yuan, and a small hole in it is equivalent to losing a car worth tens of thousands of dollars. If it is not for the Oscar red carpet, Liu Qianqian is also high in the domestic ranks, and Chanel is not even willing By borrowing, Fang Nan looked down on him very much.

The staff of "Parasite" gathered together, and Mao Jianguo waved his hand in high spirits: "Go, go downstairs and get in the car, and come back to the celebration banquet together in a few hours."

Today is the judgment day of "Parasite", and it is also his judgment day.

If "Parasite" wins the grand prize and drives the film's box office to climb to 5000 million US dollars, he may go to heaven.

"Parasite" did nothing, spent 500 million US dollars in public relations funds, and he who used Warner CNN Media will go to hell.

On the red carpet, Fang Nan has already vomited this year. Even if it was the Oscars, he didn't feel much. It's just that there were more media on the scene, the spotlights were brighter, and everyone's clothes were brighter.


So after Fang Nan and his group got out of the car, the men basically dragged the women away.

Especially Liu Qianqian, that guy, Fang Nan almost held the hem of her skirt for her the whole time, and the media called for POSS, so he was able to let go, and the whole red carpet was lonely.

Entering the Kodak Theater, Fang Nan and his party found their own wine table under the guidance of the staff.

This time, the guests at the scene were not as relaxed as expected. They ate food and drinks in small bites with grace, and were more indifferent.

After all, there are tens of millions of viewers watching the Oscar live broadcast every year, so it is necessary to maintain a little image.

The directors are okay, they are behind the scenes, and they don't need to maintain their image and pay attention to their figure.

Therefore, when Quentin raised his red wine glass at Fang Nan, Fang Nan immediately returned it.

Everyone was whispering and whispering, and the two hosts appeared wearing cartoon glasses, and started by commenting on the most popular movies of the night with American humor.

"Hi, why is Fang this guy a genius? Did he play a game of millionaire with God, and also beat his old man."

Amidst the loud laughter at the scene, Fang Nan raised his glass to the stage with a smile.

The two hosts used last year's Oscar-winning film "Slumdog Millionaire" to tease the untruth of his power and genius.

After the 5-minute prologue, the first group of award presenters came to the stage to announce the first Best Animated Short Film Award, and "Trademark Film" came out on top.

It was followed by Best Live Action Short and Best Documentary.

When the guests announced that the best documentary award was "Dolphin Bay", there was a small climax at the scene, and all the guests stood up and applauded.

The shooting of "Dolphin Cove" was very difficult.

This documentary was exposed to the custom of killing dolphins by local fishermen in Taiji Town, Japan, and the film crew was once threatened with death.

After knowing that the documentary will be on the Oscars, the Japanese side has been blocking it. The main creative team of the documentary is not easy.

The short film and other awards are over, and the next best screenwriting, editing, photography, and art awards will be awarded by "Avatar", "The Hurt Locker" and "Treasure", which is a blow to everyone in "Parasite" .

As for the subsequent music, visual, and makeup technical awards, since "Parasite" was not nominated, let alone.

Until the arrival of the best picture and performance awards, Robert Downey Jr. appeared on the stage, and the atmosphere on the scene began to become depressing.

Mao Jianguo and Song Kanghao tensed up.

Liu Qianqian kept her waist straight.

Newcomers like Lin Yoona and Lee Jun Ki rubbed their hands nervously and frantically.


As the award presenter Robert Downey Jr. announced the award-winning film for the best foreign language film, Song Kanghao and Lee Jun-ki jumped up.

Even Fang Nan, who had experienced many battles, smiled and exhaled.

In order to win the award for "Parasite", the public relations fees of the three companies together cost nearly [-] million yuan, and it is impossible to deal with it calmly.

Not long after Mao Jianguo led Li Meijing, Lin Yuner, and Liu Qianqian to give their testimonial speeches, Christoph Waltz won the Best Actor Oscar after winning Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival.

For this reason, Fang Nan specially raised a red wine glass to pay tribute to Quentin. "Inglourious Basterds" made Christopher a winner. This year, he probably won dozens of best actor trophies.

He was raising his head and was about to gulp down the red wine, when the crook of his thigh was violently attacked, Liu Qianqian said excitedly: "The guest of honor is Ang Lee!"

Fang Nan took a closer look, his eyes couldn't help but filled with joy, Li An's appearance was too unexpected, but it also confirmed a statement posted on Twitter.

"Parasite" won the best director and film awards. The most likely award presenter is Chinese, and the most likely Chinese guest is Ang Lee.

Conversely, if "The Hurt Locker" won the best director and film awards, the gender of the award presenters must be women.

As for the award presenters of "Avatar", that's up to you.

On the stage, Li An politely opened the letter card with the winner's letter and said with a smile:

"I know you're in a hurry, so I'm not going to make a fuss, "Parasite", Fangnan! The youngest Oscar director was born tonight, and Fang Nan is a few years younger than the director Norman Taurrog in the 30s moon."

 It's too late, I'll write tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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