literary world

Chapter 339 The acceptance speech is famous all over the country

Chapter 339 The acceptance speech is famous all over the country
"Parasite, Fang Nan."

As Ang Lee announced the winner of the best director without hesitation, Fang Nan's head buzzed.

Since "Parasite" won at Cannes last year.

For the past year, he and many others have been busy making "Parasite" on the Oscar podium. Countless people are looking forward to the success of "Parasite" in public relations. Today, everyone finally got their wish.

In the tide of applause.

Thousands of people at the scene paid attention to Fang Nanxing.

Under the dazzling spotlight, Fang Nan got up slowly, and buttoned the top button of his suit to show his solemnity.

After that, he smiled and hugged and shook hands with Mao Jianguo and Li Meijing beside him, Liu Qianqian, Han Jiaren, Lin Yuner and others at the same table.

The best director award he won was an individual award, but this honor belongs to the entire team.


On the way Fang Nan bypassed the round table and took the stage, many people got up and begged for a handshake and hugged congratulations.

Not to mention that Fang Nan has been participating in various Hollywood parties, industry and association activities in the past three months, and has met many actors and filmmakers on the scene.

Just because of his status as the youngest Oscar director, how many actors and actresses are unwilling to take the initiative to become friends with him!
Even when he was approaching the stage, even the world-renowned actor Xiao Li, who was the most expensive actor in Hollywood, stood up: "Congratulation!"

"Thank you."

After the two shook hands, Fang Nan stepped onto the steps to the stage, smiled and hugged Li An who had already opened his arms.

"You made history." After the two parted, Ang Lee said with a smile: "Let's give a speech, the director told me in the headset, right now, there are more than 4000 million North American audiences waiting for your acceptance speech, although it is only short. A short 45 seconds."

Fang Nan smiled and nodded to accept the statuette representing the best director and the certificate, moved to the microphone, and said vigorously: "Thank you Ang Lee, thank you everyone, thank you the entire team of "Parasite", and my family."

After thanking him, Fang Nan changed the subject and teased Oscar with a smile: "Actually, I still have a lot to say, but I'm afraid the director will cut the time, so I can only speak briefly. I am Fang Nan, from China, and I will come back again! "

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

The young, confident and humorous Fang Nan won the second full house of the night.

The North American viewers who watched the live broadcast were shocked when they knew that Fang Nan had won the award.

They were surprised that award-winning favorite James Cameron was dropped by the Academy.

Surprised that Fang Nan, who was still unknown in North America a few months ago, once again broke their inherent imagination.

Oscar's Youngest Best Director Award Winner!
tsk tsk!
Fang Nan, such a fanciful director!

Backstage, Fang Nan handed over the statuette to the staff to engrave his name, while watching the stage from the side.

The moment the award presenter read out the best picture award-winning film, he finally gave up.

In the 82nd Oscars, the final big winner is still the main theme, promoting the movie "The Hurt Locker" by the US military.

"Avatar", which has high expectations from North American audiences and won the Golden Globe Awards, has swept the global box office of 20 billion and has not stopped, seems to have become a joke, but won three insignificant technical awards.

Another big winner was "Parasite."

Two of the five nominations for "Parasite" won the Best Foreign Language Film Award and the Best Director Award respectively.

And two prizes are worth it.

Best foreign language film means that "Parasite" is the best foreign language film of 2009 outside of North America.

The best director represents last year, and Fang Nan is undeniably the best and most successful director in the world.

The 82nd Oscars came to an end. At the real dinner later, Fang Nan was enthusiastically sought after as the award-winning guest of the night.

He was not pretentious, especially chatting with Matt Damon and the other party's agent.

"The Martian? I seem to have heard of it somewhere." Matt Damon's manager looked at Fang Nan and frowned.

"Amazon? There is indeed an unknown novel on it that collided with the script I filed with the Screenwriters Association. I have already applied for legal assistance to the Screenwriters Association, and the matter will be resolved soon."

Fang Nan said brazenly.

The author of "The Martian" sold his short stories on Amazon at the price of 0.99 US dollars at the end of last year. Fang Nan notified the Screenwriters Guild as soon as he found out.

He didn't want to sue others for bankruptcy, but the other party is bound to join his camp to prevent troubles in the future.

Under the pressure of the Screenwriters Association and the labor union, the two parties negotiated well.

The two parties agreed that after the Oscars ended, Fang Nan would buy the copyright of the novel "The Martian" with a small amount of money, and hire the author of the novel to be the screenwriter of the movie "The Martian".

And he chose to make "The Martian" because the film does not have a lot of special effects and the production cost is not very large.

"Can you talk about the producer and the amount of investment?"

"I'm trying my best to invite Warner Pictures to be the first producer of "The Martian". As for the cost, I think it should be 8000 million US dollars, which should be a top mid-level production in North America."

Matt Damon's agent happily raised his glass: "We are very interested and hope to receive Warner's audition script."

After bidding farewell to the two, Fang Nan returned to the food counter where Liu Qianqian and the others were. He had a big appetite and digested quickly, and the steak he had earlier couldn't fill his stomach at all.

Taking a plate tool, he was just starting to strike at an Australian lobster, with a clean white wrist, a plate piled with tender lobster meat stretched out in front of him.

"Thank you." Fang Nan took the plate and nodded at Han Jiaren: "I heard that you have already joined the crew of "The Temptation of Wife". You didn't speak the language in the crew, so you didn't get bullied?"

Han Jiaren avoided Fang Nan's bright and aggressive gaze: "The crew are very nice."

"That's good. If you are bullied, tell Hou Weidong directly, and he will definitely help."

Fang Nan pondered, and said again: "You have to be more confident yourself. Divorce is never a serious crime. If you have nothing to do, learn more Chinese. Maybe the TV series you are filming will suddenly become popular, and you will have to accept many interviews with Chinese media. By then, your Chinese will not be too serious. It's embarrassing to be crappy."

Han Jiaren didn't understand what was so embarrassing, but thinking it was not a good word, she couldn't help but gave Fang Nan an angry and ashamed look.

It wasn't until Liu Qianqian whispered devilishly behind him, "Do you like lobster? Come on, I have another plate here." He was startled, and said, "I still have to discuss a few things with someone, you guys eat first."

Fang Nan wandered around the banquet, chatting with acquaintances.

The news that "Parasite" won the award spread quickly outside.

The first to know was Cai Yinong, Yan Hong, Shi Nansheng and others who were squatting in front of the TV in the hotel. When Li An announced Fang Nan's award, the excitement of the three was needless to say.

Fang Nan is the second Asian to win the Oscar for Best Director after Ang Lee.

He broke the age record for an Oscar winner again. I can't be too excited or happy.

But the three of them didn't bother to get excited, and urgently sent the news back to the other side of the ocean during the period.

The two companies spent 1000 million US dollars in public relations fees, and they have to listen to it no matter what.

On the other side of the ocean, Tang Tang Film and Television had only been at work for half an hour, and Hu Wen was dazed with her elbows propped on the desk, when someone came into the office.

"Sister Wen, "Parasite" won the award, Brother Nan for best director." Assistant Hu Wen danced excitedly.

Hu Wen suddenly came to her senses: "Really?"

"President Cai called me personally."

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, there was already a sky-shattering shout outside the office.

"Best Director of Brother Nan, Best Foreign Language Film of "Parasite"!"

"Mr. Fang won the 82nd Oscar for Best Director, and the age of the award broke the record!"

"Mr. Fang won the award, the best director."

"Director Ang Lee personally presented Brother Nan with the Best Director Award"

Shouting "Fang Nan", the voice of passing the news spread from the ordinary work area to the screenwriting department, production department, and financial department, and finally forced the directors to come out of their personal offices to appease the employees.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.

Under the noise, there were more and more ordinary employees with pride, and a group of directors could only look at each other and smile.

It is indeed a day worthy of great celebration, count the ball.

Hu Wen retreated to the office with a smile on her face, and said to her assistant: "Let all the publicists in the company contact their friends in the media, and let them spread the news of Brother Nan's award all over the Internet."

As soon as Hu Wen's order was issued, Tang Tang's film and television propaganda department started immediately like an engine.

To the surprise of a group of propagandists, the news of Fang Nan's Oscar winning did not need them to contact the media for publicity. The major domestic websites, social media, and mainstream media have long been ready to go, looking forward to this moment.

Penguin, Zhalang, Netease, Sohu, Tianya, put Fang Nan on the headlines as soon as they received the news.

The most courageous TV station is Yangzhou City Channel. Fang Nan has not yet won the award, and the city channel has already reported the news of Fang Nan's award.

Another half an hour later, in the morning news program, the news of Fang Nanmei's award was officially reported for the first time by asking the host to insert a text message.


At the 82nd Academy Awards Ceremony held in Los Angeles, USA, the film "Parasite", which was produced by China, the United States, and South Korea, and directed by the young Chinese director Fang Nan, won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Director Two big awards.

Director Fang Nan is so far the first director in Asia to win the Oscar for Best Director.

He is also the first Chinese director to win an Oscar.

As soon as the newsletter came out, almost all TV stations across the country interrupted the good news temporarily.

And on the Internet, which spread faster, there were more news about Fang Nan's award. Once the picture of Fang Nan's acceptance speech and Ang Lee's award was released, it was completely confirmed that Fang Nan won the award.

This time, there are more excited netizens.

The comments sections of various domestic forums, big and small, especially the Golden Image Award Bar, Movie Box Office Bar, and netizens in movie-related forums, seem to have unified their voices, and directly promoted Fang Nan to the film industry. altar throne.

This group of netizens and movie fans are so imposing and powerful.

The voices of those netizens who used "Avatar" to belittle Fang Nan were all scumbags.

And the more philistine entertainment industry is more willing to praise Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was able to set foot on the throne of the film industry, and the insiders contributed a lot.

There are as many as dozens of celebrities and singers who directly open Zhalang Weibo to ask Fang Nan to follow.

There are even more people who send private messages.

In the comment section of Fang Nan's scumbag Weibo, celebrities and passers-by interspersed together, it was like a hodgepodge.

Fang Nanyuan was in North America, and the harassment was unsuccessful, so many insiders began to torture Gao Yuanyuan, forcing the pregnant Gao Yuanyuan to shut down all communication tools urgently.

Time flickered to the afternoon.

Some producers who checked the approval progress of the project through the Internet suddenly discovered that "Parasite" was issued a screening license at some point.

Los Angeles, hotel.

Fang Nan bared his teeth and rubbed his headache-ridden head.

After the Oscar dinner last night, Mao Jianguo kept his promise and held another extremely fragrant celebration banquet.

During this period, he held on to his mind, covered his crotch and rejected all the call girls, and he never sank into excessive sexual desire.

But he didn't drink less wine, and when he reached the room, he fell headlong on the bed.

It was a night of pain and joy.

Fang Nan happily kicked off his leather shoes, lit a cigarette for himself, and smiled at the crystal chandelier above his head like an idiot.

It can be imagined that the joy and satisfaction in his heart at this moment have reached the point where nothing can be added, otherwise he wouldn't show the expression of an idiot.

"This life is worth it!"

Lean slightly.

He jumped up from the bed, stripped himself clean and rushed into the bathroom, took a long breath under the shower head, and regained the scumbag man who was fighting for his ideals.

This life is worth it, even Oscar had to give him an Oscar statuette.

But only one third of his life has passed, and he still has to climb more peaks. No matter how great Oscar is, it is nothing compared to his ideal.

Only Chinese fans are nothing, he wants to have his fans in every corner of the world.

"Ah, you, Saiyo, are you up yet? I'm Han Jiaren, and I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"right away."

Hearing the voice, Fang Nan wrapped himself in a towel and hurriedly opened the door.

"Are you leaving? Go back to China or fly to the Huaxia crew?" Fang Nan swallowed and asked Han Jiaren, who was wearing a set of blue jeans and had long hair loose.

"Go back to the crew, the directors are waiting for me to film."

"Why are you in such a hurry." Fang Nan walked the door gently without showing any signs, "Why don't you go to Las Vegas with Sissy and the others? Score."

"Director Fang, no, don't want it?" Han Jiaren lowered her head and broke free from Fang Nan's rough hand like a deer.

"Ah, oh, my hands don't work sometimes."

Fang Nan looked embarrassed: "You wear too little, are you cold?"

As he asked, his hands might not be in control again, and he unconsciously slipped through the hem of Han Jiaren's sweater.

Seeing that the other party didn't try to push, but kept retreating, Fang Nan exhaled into the crystal earlobe knowingly, and said affectionately: "Let's go tomorrow, please stay and talk with me, I am very empty now! "

(End of this chapter)

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