literary world

Chapter 340 The North American Box Office Smash The Hunger Games

Chapter 340 The North American Box Office Smash The Hunger Games

Waking up again after a night of exercise and rest.

Fang Nan's altar was completely restored to clarity.

The noise in the TV automatically translates faster.

With no strands beside her, the spring scenery of the beautiful woman who is scratching the notebook is clearer.

"Are you awake? Manager Mao called you a lot."

Han Jiaren flattened her legs shyly, and handed Fang Nan the mobile phone beside her.

"He is bluffing about things, don't worry about it."

Fang Nan glanced at the phone and threw it away, rubbed his eyes and pillowed it on Han Jiaren's straight legs, and asked curiously, "What are you looking at? Are you going to buy some gifts to take home? Go buy it today, is there a rush to change the ticket?"

He took a few glances at Han Jiaren's small luggage yesterday, and found almost none of the luxuries used by domestic actresses, and it couldn't compare to Gao Yuanyuan, it's pitiful!
But considering that Song Kanghao's salary is only a few hundred thousand, it's understandable that Han Jiaren is so poor.

"No, I'm watching the movie box office."

"Do you understand? Which website and how much is the box office?"

"I can understand a little box office data on the BOM, what do you think these two words mean?"

As Han Jiaren spoke, she moved the notebook in front of Fang Nan. Fang Nan lay down instead of lying on his stomach. He thought for a while while squeezing his thighs, and said in Korean:

"It means the growth rate. This passage means that the North American box office of "Parasite" has risen by 270% compared to before the Oscars. The daily revenue may exceed 3 million US dollars on the 600rd. The number of movie theaters has also skyrocketed to 1500, which is already a medium-sized one."

Apart from his primitive instincts, it was difficult for him to communicate with Han Jiaren. Han Jiaren only knew Korean, a little bit of English, and completely ignorant of Chinese.

He knows a little bit of Korean, and proficient in Chinese and English.

So he often had to combine the three languages ​​to explain one or two Chinese and English words to Han Jiaren, which took a lot of effort.

After all, many words can't let the other party know whether to lie down or lie down by patting the buttocks.

One of the two was acting as a teacher with great interest, and the other was a good student who was enjoying themselves. Just as they were getting bored, Mao Jianguo called again and said, "Boss agreed to your meeting request and wants to chat with you."

Fang Nan was bored and threw away the phone again.

The North American box office of the foreign language film "Parasite" is getting stronger, with a total box office of 2600 million, and the number of theaters has also increased to 1500. Kevin, the Japanese-American president of Warner Bros. Pictures, wants to talk to him now?
Why did you go early?
More than two months ago, the first thing Fang Nan did after arriving in North America was to send an invitation to this guy, trying to talk about in-depth cooperation. After all, Warner has global distribution capabilities.

The future of him and Tangtang Film and Television cannot be separated from a company like Warner with global distribution capabilities.

But this guy had to put on his face and showed disdain for him.

Seeing that Fang Nan could really become famous in North America, earning a high box office and boosting Warner Pictures' performance, Kevin immediately agreed to meet him, but Fang Nan is not a stick?

If he didn't know the twists and turns inside, how could he not push his nose to his face again.

"Today you ignore my love and answer, tomorrow I will make you unable to climb high! Just wait and go, I will see what kind of bird you look like when I am in a good mood!"

Fang Nan's broken words sounded very harmonious to Han Jiaren's ears.

"What?" She buried her head in curiosity and asked, but she didn't expect to be kissed deeply by Fang Nan. It wasn't until Han Jiaren muttered, "Legs are numb", that Fang Nan jumped up and took him to take a shower together.

Afterwards, he put on a disguise and took the other party to Rodeo Drive luxury clothing shopping mall despite the phone bombardment.

The time he spent with Han Jiaren was very short, only about 10 times per day.

But physically and mentally, I got great joy and satisfaction.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to pay for the opponent's next attack.

Money and everything are floating clouds, and happiness is real. He is willing to spend money and resources on people who make him happy and not entangled.

It's not that Fang Nan is bragging, but in the hearts of most young women, his behavior is definitely that of a high-quality man.

Of course, young women do not include women in special industries. The high-quality men in the hearts of such women are also called three-second men. Fang Nan is obviously not eligible.

Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Bartley Misaka.
Various luxury brands of watches, clothing and hats, jewelry and jewelry, even though Han Jiaren tried her best to resist, Fang Nan still matched them for her.

The entire shopping trip cost more than 30 U.S. dollars, which was his craziest spending in several years. The gift bags were almost covered in the master bedroom of the hotel room.

The beautiful woman who received a whole room of gifts was so moved that she had to cancel the flight again, allowing Fang Nan to enjoy the trembling of flowers again.

The next day.

Fang Nan didn't keep Han Jiaren any longer, and after putting him on the passenger plane to the other side of the ocean, he also flew to California.

He has been an asshole for three days, it's time to start a new stage of work mode, lying on the credit book and masturbating is an act of death!

"Hi Fang, are you in New York? I'll pick you up!"

"I'm in New York, but I have another appointment, tell Kevin, see you tomorrow."

"Stop playing, Kevin is the president of Warner Bros. Don't you want Warner to invest in "The Martian"? Then don't offend him."

Fang Nan dismissively said, "That's right, so I made an appointment with investment managers from Disney, 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures, and Columbia."

"Don't be kidding, you make it difficult for me to do this. I'm trying my best to get you the filming funds."

"Let's not talk about it, I'm here." Fang Nan hung up the phone the moment he saw the blonde.

The blond girl named Lilith is one of the 150 managers of William Morris [wma], the second largest agency in Hollywood, and her artists include Natalie Portman, Zhang Ziyi, Liu Qianqian and so on.

Recently, she has been wanting to promote Fang Nan to WMA. Fang Nan doesn't know the ability of the other party and has not agreed yet, but he gave the opportunity to find funds for "The Martian".

Therefore, it is not a lie for Fang Nan to say that he met the managers of Disney and other companies.

And he himself flew to California because he was invited by Elon Musk.

Fang Nan was also looking forward to their first meeting.

"20th Century Fox is very interested in the scripts of "The Martian", including the two scripts of "Gravity" and "Interstellar" that you filed with the Screenwriters Guild."

"So they made a suggestion, Fox invested in "The Martian", and you sold the other two scripts to Fox, and they wanted their own man, James Cameron, to run these two science fiction scripts."

"This is coercion, denying Fox."

Fang Nan didn't think much about it, and directly removed Fox from the cooperation list. Fox, who couldn't be supported by mud, wanted to prostitute him for free, thinking too much.

"What about other companies?"

"Several big companies are hesitating. They don't doubt your ability to create a good feature film, but if you don't have the experience of shooting science fiction movies, they are very suspicious. Among the second-tier companies, Lionsgate has put forward $500 million cooperation intention."

Fang Nan was surprised that Lilith really had two brushes, which cost a lot of US$500, accounting for one-sixteenth of the total budget.

"Go back and draw up a contract. If possible, I will sign the North American agency contract to WMA."

I'd rather be a cow's head than a phoenix tail.

Instead of signing the agency contract to CAA, which is the largest agency in Hollywood and has many celebrities and directors, he might as well sign it to the second largest agency, WMA.

With his current status, going to CAA may not be able to enjoy the highest standard of service.

On the contrary, entering WMA as the best director of the Oscars may get meticulous care.

In fact, to put it bluntly, so far, his debut in North America has been very successful, but if he wants to get more respect from big companies, it depends on the follow-up development.

Lilith smiled and said: "On the day the contract is signed, I hope you can appoint me as your agent."

"Okay, go back and get busy, hurry up, I want to go home." Fang Nan nodded sincerely.

He has been in North America for almost three months. He lives in a high-end and luxurious hotel, but he is not used to the food.

Bread, burgers, fries, fruit salad, he is not interested in any of them.

The most important thing is that there are wives and children at home.

In the three months since he arrived in North America, although he didn't lose contact with Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, and his daughter, he still missed him very much. He knew that the prodigal son in his previous life had already been bound in this life.

He is really homesick.

This kind of longing reached its peak after Cai Yinong, Yan Hong and others returned to China, and Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter traveled to Europe.

Saying goodbye to Lilith, Fang Nan boarded the luxury car sent by Space Exploration.

When he arrived at the place, he was almost blown up by Musk, who even arranged dozens of media at the place where the two met.

"Fang, you know that although the company has received a large order from NASA, the company's survival is still relatively difficult. We need more people to pay attention to space exploration."

"Why don't you just say that you want to use my little fame to hype? The company's business is difficult, and the rockets developed by myself always make mistakes. Isn't life difficult?"

Under the spotlight, Fang Nan shook hands with the other party with a look of disgust.

The first meeting was not very pleasant, so Fang Nan decided to discuss with the other party about the idea of ​​exploring outer space, and planned to visit the space exploration company and leave directly.

Who would have thought that an immature idea of ​​​​Musk made him stay for a while.

Space Exploration wants to use Long March rockets to launch satellites to some small countries.

As for why Huaxia rockets are used, they are naturally cheaper than Western rockets.

This is a good thing for Huaxia. It can earn extra money and have more money to develop its own space technology.

But Fang Nan didn't know what was going on in the country, so he didn't dare to speak rashly. He stayed alone at night, and he passed the news to his uncle.

He didn't care about the rest, and flew to New York in a hurry the next day.

When Fang Nan met Kevin, there were already 2001 movie theaters showing "Parasite", reaching the level of showing blockbuster movies in North America.

The number of movie theaters in 2001 exceeded that of "Kung Fu", which was released in North America in 2005.

The multiple rows of films resulted in the box office of "Parasite" exceeding 4000 million US dollars, ranking No.4 in the box office of foreign language films in North America.

Today, there are only three foreign-language films before "Parasite":

Released in 2000, the Chinese film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" had a box office of 1.281 million US dollars.

Released in 1997, the German and Italian film "Life is Beautiful", with a box office of 5720 million US dollars.

Released in 2002, the Chinese-language movie "Hero" grossed US$5370 million.

The fourth-ranked film is "Parasite", which is still in theaters, with a whopping US$4000 million. This is a very proud achievement.

Everyone knows how much producers, distributors, theaters, and audiences in North America resist foreign films.

In the heart of "North America", that's really big, earth is second, it's third, and everything outside of North America is garbage.

The box office of "Parasite" exceeded 4000 million US dollars in such an exclusive North America, which shows how much North American audiences recognize this movie and how successful "Parasite" is.

The most frightening thing is that the movie has not yet been released. North American theaters have just increased their film schedule. "Parasite" still has box office potential.

Another influence brought by the Oscars is that more than 100 countries outside North America have been shown "Parasite" again.

Among them, in South Korea alone, millions of people went to the cinema to watch "Parasite" again.

At the same time, the global box office of "Parasite" has also risen, reaching 1.8 million US dollars.

When "Parasite" is screened in China and North America, the box office is likely to exceed 2 million US dollars.

Several North American box office websites have taken the lead in increasing the global box office estimate of "Parasite".

Compared with the 2000 million yuan filming cost of "Parasite", the box office of 2 million US dollars is 80 times the profit.

"Parasite" is an absolute hit at the box office.

In addition to box office revenue, movies have a large amount of income in disc copyrights and online broadcast copyrights.

If "Avatar" hadn't been too strong, this super profitable movie would have been full of news.

Therefore, when Fang Nan faced Kevin, the president of Warner Bros. Pictures, he was extremely arrogant. He really stared at the sky, leaving only his nostrils to the other party.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to return to China, and wanted to take advantage of the other party's global distribution capabilities and the parent group's publicity capabilities, how could he only hold the other party for three days, at least three months plus another three months.

"Cigarettes, cigars? Coffee with sugar, or tea?"

Asked by Kevin, Fang Nan shook his legs and said "uh", the corners of the other party's eyes drooped and his brows drooped, and he asked the buttocked secretary to serve tea, while he found a cigar and cut it out and handed it to Fang Nan .

Only then did Fang Nan put down his legs, and took a direct look at the Japanese old man in front of him.

The small amount of hair is meticulously styled into threes and sevens, the muscles on the face are slack, the bags under the eyes are thick, and the skin is fair.

"Kevin, we should have had a great time working together."

"It's also very happy now. You have North America, the largest stage in the world, to display your talents, and you have also gained the friendship of Warner Bros."

Kevin smiled and pointed to Lilith and the others on the conference table in front of him.

As soon as the news of Fang Nan and Disney discussing cooperation came out, Warner quickly promised to spend 5000 million US dollars to invest Fang Nan in the filming of "The Martian".

But the legal provisions of the cooperation are as detailed as more than 100 pages.

It includes director rights and director remuneration.
There are too many contracts, and I don't know which director's contract was applied.

The WMA lawyer team led by Lilith is in talks with the Warner team headed by Mao Jianguo on the "The Martian" project.

"A mercenary, brazen old bastard!"

Having made a basic judgment on Kevin, Fang Nan didn't bother to say any more. After saying "You are busy, I can do whatever you want", he took out his mobile phone and browsed Amazon while waiting for the MSI message.

During his three months in North America, besides promoting "Parasite" and participating in activities.

The two things I do the most are to use my computer to log on to the official website of the Screenwriters Association to find scripts, and use my mobile phone to log on to Amazon and other websites that can publish and sell novels to find original novels.

Therefore, he was the first to know that "Gravity" was sold at a super cheap price on Amazon.

In addition to "Gravity", he also found another novel that just came online - "The Hunger Games".

Last night, he chatted with the author Collins for a long time as a fan of "The Hunger Games". no?

The other party immediately refused.

Fang Nan was not annoyed either. While revealing the passport, he smiled and said a few sets of numbers.

One, use $50 in exchange for the author to change the heroine to Asian.

Second, use 200 million US dollars to purchase "The Hunger Games" and the film and television rights of subsequent series of books.

Three, spend $300 million to promote The Hunger Games.

The other party was silent at the time, saying that he would give him another message today.

Fang Nan waited until the night when he was packing his luggage, the other party asked to meet.

Fang Nan had no choice but to change the boarding time and take Lilith with him.

Collins was similar, bringing his man and a lawyer friend.

The speed and result of the negotiation were beyond Fang Nan's expectations. The speed and quality were bizarre. After drinking three rounds of coffee, Collins gave up.

She and her husband are ordinary employees of an ordinary company, and their family income is not even considered middle-class in the United States. Whoever wants to go to work to fish for a novel, an Oscar director offered 250 million US dollars.

This temptation is really irresistible to ordinary people.

The lawyer friend has always insisted on being a friend.

But when Collins saw Fang Nan coming over with his luggage, as if he couldn't agree on an agreement and returned home immediately, he really didn't dare to refuse.

After dealing with the last thing in a general way, Fang Nan handed over the rest of the rules to Lilith, the manager, and took his luggage and boarded the plane to the other side of the ocean.

With his temporary departure, the labels on him gradually faded away.

Half a month later, "Parasite" broke through $5000 million at the North American box office.

A month later, "Parasite" made $6300 at the North American box office, making it the second highest-grossing foreign-language film in North America.

At the same time, Warner Bros. Pictures, Lionsgate Pictures, Fang Nan Culture, Tang Tang Film and Television Company, and Light and Shadow 13 Swordsmen jointly invested. The science fiction film "The Martian" directed by Fang Nan released the first concept poster.

It was a pitted red land, and a man in a spacesuit turned his back to a blue planet——I was left on Mars!
Fang Nan, who made his debut at the North American box office with great success, thus opened up the North American film market.

(End of this chapter)

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