literary world

Chapter 341 Can you still have a good time?

Chapter 341 Can you still have a good time?
Capital International Airport.

Fang Nan just came out of T3, and he caught sight of the media reporters carrying long guns and short cannons in the distance, as well as the crowd of movie fans.

He regrets it a little.

He shouldn't have taken a photo with the passengers on the same flight to expose the itinerary. With such a big battle and being surrounded, it really doesn't take a few hours to get out of the airport.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Nan lowered the brim of his hat, pushed the suitcase and walked to the parking lot, but in the end it was a waste of work.

Which of the movie fans who can come to pick him up at the scene is not a die-hard fan, and which one doesn't know how many fine hairs he has on his body, no matter how much he pretends to hide, he still can't escape.

Seeing media reporters, movie fans swarming up, Fang Nan, who couldn't avoid it, had no choice but to raise his head and show a far-fetched smile: "Everyone, don't crowd."

After he finished yelling, the crowd who were running slammed into the frying pan, and many people shouted: "Fang Nan is here too, Fang Nan is here too!"


Fang Nan was confused, turned his head and looked closely, and found Fan Bing and others not far behind.

Only then did he realize that he was acting affectionate. The media fans at the scene were welcoming Fan Bing, so there was nothing wrong with him. His voice actually exposed himself.

"Damn, you can't live by doing your own crimes!"

Fang Nan watched the emergency brake with a painful expression on his face, ignoring Fan Bing and the group of entertainment reporters who surrounded him and were about to saliva.

at the same time.

The fans who originally greeted Fan Bing also divided into three hesitant factions.

A group of people rushed towards Fan Bing with a sign, and when they approached, they either asked for an autograph from afar, beckoned, or yelled "Bing Bing."

Yi Pai stopped suddenly and looked at Fang Nan from the outside.

The last faction lingered between the two groups, for a while they cast aside the fashionable and charming Fan Bing, and for a while they looked at the mediocre Fang Nan.

But journalists are the most philistine.

They knew in their hearts that the current heat was hot, and among the stars in the world, there were not many who could compare with Fang Nan.

Therefore, they, who came late and came first, put Fang Nan in the center as a matter of course.

"Brother Nan, did you just return to China?"

"Director Fang, congratulations on winning the Oscar for Best Director. As the first Oscar director in China, netizens believe that your status has surpassed other domestic directors. Do you agree with this statement?"

"Director Fang, after winning the Oscar for best director, will you go to Hollywood to develop in the future?"

"Brother Nan, the global box office of "Parasite" exceeded 2 million US dollars, how much did you personally earn?"

"Director Fang, which domestic male and female stars do you think are suitable for development in Hollywood?"

"Brother Nan, Yuanyuan didn't come to pick up the plane?"

"Stop." Fang Nan, who was arguing with a group of entertainment reporters, was one head and two big. After urgently calling for a stop, he kindly discussed:
"Everyone asks a question, can you let me go after answering? If you don't follow the rules, I will also go through the VIP passage in the future, and the bodyguard will open the way, so that you can't touch me normally."

The two parties agreed that Fang Nan began to answer the question just now.

He denies any status over other directors.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second, a thing without boundaries, should not be ranked by first and second, everyone is a good director.

And going to Hollywood is inevitable.

He even announced in front of the media the project of "The Martian" with Warner Bros. and Lionsgate.

And that the first Hollywood star to cooperate may be Matt Damon.

As for how much money he made from the movie "Parasite", he said that he didn't have time to calculate.

He invested 100 million yuan in "Parasite". After all the proceeds are divided, it is estimated that there will be 5000 to [-] million yuan.

Anyway, I made a lot of money.

"From your point of view, among the new generation of domestic actors, who are the actors and stars who may break into Hollywood in the future?"

Fang Nan wanted to say no, but in the end he left something for people to think: "It's all possible. We have many good actors in China who can be shaped by the public, so they all have opportunities."

As he said that, he tried to push his luggage forward, who would want the reporter to follow closely.

"Director Fang, why didn't anyone come to pick up the plane? Yuanyuan didn't come either?"

"What are you doing to pick up the plane? Isn't the goal of so many people picking up the plane bigger? Yuanyuan is waiting in the parking lot, not you around, I got home early."

People from the two parties were fighting each other, and Fan Bing's security team rushed towards Fang Nan's group.

Wherever they went, movie fans, fans, and reporters all took the initiative to avoid them, full of momentum, and Fang Nan was guarded in the center after a while.

"Hello, Director Fang, congratulations to you and "Parasite" on winning the Oscars and bringing glory to the country!"

After the two parties got together, Fan Bing smiled sweetly and flattered Fang Nan.

Afterwards, her manager clasped Fang Nan's arm affectionately, and said, "Brother Nan, come with us to the parking lot, or when will we have to go?"

"Then thank you."

Fang Nan squinted at Yang Tianzhen who was getting bigger and bigger, "Are you Miss Fan's manager now?"

"That's right, after Sister Lizi quit the circle, I ran around for a while, and then Sister Bingbing asked me to go, so I went over." Yang Tianzhen said with a smile.

"We are sisters!"

Fan Bing climbed onto Yang Tianzhen's other arm emotionally, connecting Fang Nan and Yang Tianzhen with himself without showing any traces, causing the surrounding fans to shout.

The flashlight of the media is non-stop.

Under the spotlight, Fang Nan frowned.

Yang Tianzhen was not very talkative in the past, and was bullied by others, and even asked Zeng Li to stand up and stand up. She was a obsequious fat girl, and she was not familiar with him.

Nowadays, when they play tricks, they are still very powerful. I think they have experienced a lot in the past few years.

But now she and Fan Bing can be regarded as complementing each other, they are both ruthless people!
A group of people arrived at the parking lot in a noisy manner. Fang Nan sent a message to Gao Yuanyuan. Seeing that they were approaching with a horn honking, Fang Nan turned around and said to Yang Tianzhen, "This is the only time. Don't leave it alone."

It is understandable that Fan Bing and Yang Tian really want to use him to gain fame.

Thinking that before the evening, Fang Nan preferred Fan Bing to play a certain role, news and gossip would be flying all over the sky that the two were friends.

But it's shameful to use friends. There are more people in the circle who use Fang Nan to hype, and there will only be more and more people in the future. When he rarely minds, he can't control it.

Yang Tianzhen is different, they are indeed not very familiar with each other.

But Fang Nan helped her out too much, and occasionally communicated with her. It was difficult for Fang Nan to accept such a person taking advantage of him.

If you sincerely ask for personal help, he will agree with Zeng Li's face, why treat him like a fool for doing such a nasty thing!
After getting into the back seat, Gao Yuanyuan looked at a group of people not far away and asked curiously, "Who is that over there? There are so many reporters."

"Fan Bing, I bumped into me at the airport after attending the Berlin Film Festival, and I'm afraid I'll get headlines again tonight."

Chasing away the reporter who had been wanting to take photos of Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan's assistant to drive, while stroking Gao Yuanyuan's swollen belly in surprise: "I've only been walking for three months, so I'm already this big?"

"Ang! The baby will be born in more than three months, and the due date is June 6."

The temperature in the car was quite high, Fang Nan lifted Gao Yuanyuan's sweater, looked at the swollen belly and said, "Good guy, it can't be twins, isn't it a bit too big."

"My mother also thought it was twins, so she went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that I ate too much and gained weight due to overnutrition." Gao Yuanyuan said shyly.

Fang Nan was dumbfounded, then laughed and hugged Gao Yuanyuan into his arms, feeling extremely happy physically and mentally.

That's why he's homesick.

Compared with home, there are too many intrigues and disguises outside, which keeps him vigilant all the time.

Back in No. 28 courtyard, Fang Nan took a shower first. After staying on the plane for more than 10 hours, his body smelled so strong that Gao Yuanyuan couldn't smell it.

When he came out of the shower, Gao Yuanyuan had already opened the suitcase, exposing the contents inside.

Oscar statuette.

Some trophies and certificates from several universities in the United States.

Personal clothing, gifts.

Some documents, a book, pen and paper.

Barbie doll.

"Why don't you go and see your daughter first." Gao Yuanyuan looked at Fang Nan, who was naked and embarrassed.

"The glory of motherhood?" Fang Nan was a little surprised: "It's already afternoon, let's go tomorrow."

Gao Yuanyuan, who was shy with a big belly, did not try to persuade him hypocritically. After bending over to pick up the statuette, he pointed to the wooden box in the corner of the trophy house and said, "My brother sent it to you two days ago. There is nothing mysterious about it." Say what."

"Your brother? He gave me something?"

Fang Nan walked to the person-high box in three or two steps, tore off the ribbon wrapped around it with both hands, and lifted a piece of wood, revealing a human-height white rocket model, with extremely fine workmanship.

"I'll go, your brother is generous."

The moment Fang Nan saw something, he knew something in his mind.

The Aerospace Academy and space exploration should have a good talk, and I sent him such a good thing to express my gratitude.

Not to mention, Fang Nan really likes it.

Counting his net worth, he is also considered a rich man.

But he didn't want to be too lazy to imitate other rich people and spend time and effort collecting antique calligraphy and paintings to enjoy himself alone.

Or put all kinds of luxury cars in the villa to show wealth.

He thinks collecting models is very interesting and does not need to spend too much money, energy and time.

Fang Nan didn't bother with this little hobby, and turned his head to help Gao Yuanyuan put the trophy on the wall. The two were happily busy when someone called outside.

The person who came was a neighbor in the alley who lived in a courtyard. Knowing Fang Nan's return, he came here to learn about the demolition. He seemed to regard Fang Nan as an expert and a capable person in the alley.

Aunt Zhang was carrying two bottles of Moutai, and started spraying the wine before putting it down. From the city, to the demolition office, to the hutong management meeting, she never escaped.

Fang Nan listened carefully and understood the two pieces of information she wanted to express.

Her original house was more than 30 square meters, but there were three children. There was not enough space, and an extra hut was built through the aisle, which was judged by the demolition office to be illegal.

Besides, Aunt Zhang was not sure about taking more house or more money, so she asked Fang Nan to analyze it.

The first one, Fang Nan didn't say much, but his words frequently hinted at her to cry and make trouble.

The second point, Fang Nan naturally advised her to ask for a house without money.

The reason is that money will depreciate, but housing prices will only rise, because this is the root of the imperial city.

There is a joke that says that robbers will take away your property at most.

But in a few years, the real estate agent will be able to snatch you into negative equity, which shows the power of the house.

Fang Nan didn't want Aunt Zhang's two bottles of Moutai, and after sending him away, he took Gao Yuanyuan for a walk all the way to the vegetable market.

He has lived here for so many years, and the residents in the alley are basically familiar, so that no one will surround him like watching a monkey.

There are naturally troublesome places.

Every off-season [there is no big news in the entertainment circle], there will always be paparazzi coming to collect materials locally, which annoys him.

The second is that some unknown people will suddenly rush out to hand over the script, chat about the project, and occasionally fans will come to shoot him.

Because of these safety hazards, when Fang Nan was not at home, Gao Yuanyuan seldom stayed here, or went out alone.

"Is Lin Hao's story true or false? I heard from Sister Hua that "No Man's Land" was banned from participating in the Berlin Film Festival for two years. The news began to circulate in the circle three days ago."

Fang Nan nodded and admitted: "It's true, two years is very little, according to the practice of Jiang Wen's sentence, it should be five years."

When "No Man's Land" was confirmed to participate, he was traveling back and forth between the east and west coasts of the United States to promote, and he really didn't have time to fly back to China, but the communication with President Han, Lin Hao, and the General Administration has not been interrupted.

In the end, Lin Hao was given a two-year time limit.

This is due to the fact that "No Man's Land" did not win the award.

But Lin Hao is not without gains. Tang Tang Film and Television won the lawsuit against Remington for him. In addition to refunding part of the proceeds, it is equivalent to getting out of Remington.

"Then Lin Hao can shoot commercials to support his family now?"

"Of course not. You think the restriction is just for playing tricks, and you even shoot commercials."

Gao Yuanyuan frowned and said: "Then he doesn't know how to act, how can he support his family? The child is so young."

Fang Nan was speechless. Gao Yuanyuan had indeed become sentimental since she became pregnant.

"Don't worry, he hasn't been idle. He has been busy with my "The Wandering Earth" project in Pujiang, and he will be my unnamed deputy when the time comes. Two years will pass in a flash." Fang Nan hugged his wife and comforted him.

After buying the vegetables and returning home, Fang Nan waited for Gao Yuanyuan, who was tired from walking, to lie down on the bed and watch a movie, while he went to make dinner, and after the two of them finished eating, they washed up and brushed. bed.

"What TV series is this? Fu Huadao did a good job."

Fang Nan checked his cell phone and found that there were no important calls, so he watched TV dramas with Gao Yuanyuan while holding the thermos.

The play is a Qing palace drama, but there are very few Qing palace dramas these days.

Especially the male actor and his acquaintance Nie Yuan.

Gao Yuanyuan cast a coquettish glance at Fang Nan: "You don't even know about the TV series produced by your own company?"

Fang Nan took a sip of the warm tea, and said indifferently, "It's from Tangtang Film and Television? I really don't know which drama the company hired Nie Yuan for."

There are estimated to be [-] or [-] film and television dramas produced by Tang Tang Film and Television last year and this year, and he can pay attention to each of them.

Nowadays, Tangtang Film and Television basically doesn't sign for film and television dramas with a production budget of less than 2000 million yuan.

"Scary Step By Step, doesn't it mean that Liu Sishi is your hand-picked female number one? Tang Tang Film and Television focuses on creating a new generation of actresses."

Gao Yuanyuan was very angry, she has such a small belly?Fang Nan also pretended not to know.

""Scary Step by Step"? I know that, but I never heard that Nie Yuan will be invited. Who will he play?"

Fang Nan didn't know anything about such a popular TV series, and Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but said angrily, "Play the fourth master Yongzheng!"


Fang Nan sipped all the tea in one sip, how can this f*cking thing still play well?
In an instant, the ending song of "Scary Step By Step" sung by Hu Ge and A Lan sounded:

【Thinking at a glance】

【One Thought Persistence】

【Destined to be moths to the flame】

【Why don't you know what to do when you know it's a disaster】

【It's better not to see, it's better not to read】

【That's why I can't fall in love with you】

[One more step to rub shoulders]

【Fall in step by step】


 If the number of words is counted, the lyrics will not be charged.

(End of this chapter)

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