literary world

Chapter 342 The Rare Woman of Old and Young Men

Chapter 342 The Rare Woman of Old and Young Men
According to "Scary Step by Step" chief director Li Guoli and director Li Yufen revealed.

In order to select the number one male lead that most fans of "Scary Step by Step" are satisfied with, the crew sent audition invitations to almost all male actors in the circle who meet their age.

After layers of selection and votes by book fans, Nie Yuan, who took the initiative to reduce his salary, was finally finalized.

The reason why Nie Yuan fought for Yongzheng is also very simple.

Tang Tang Film and Television is not another time and space, it can only shoot ancient costumes, love idol dramas, and Tang Tang Film and Television is a petty family.

Fang Nan's Tang Tang Film and Television has a variety of film and television themes, such as love, costumes, martial arts, comedy, family ethics, spy wars, anti-Japanese and other film and television dramas. All actors must be friends with each other.

Other than that.

Fang Nan's Tang Tang Film and Television is not a simple film and television production company.

Tang Tang Film and Television has its own distribution, investment and publicity capabilities, and has good relations with many domestic and foreign TV stations and advertisers.

And companies such as Fangnan Culture, 13 Swordsmen, Dream Literature, Douyin Video, and Tangtang Cinema, which have reached an all-weather partnership with Tangtang Film and Television, have allowed this company to have a complete film and television industry chain in disguise.

Fang Nan's Tang Tang Film and Television has long been a giant entertainment group.

Shouldn't an actor be willing to work with such a company?

After thinking about this, Fang Nan put down the phone and stopped entangled. Whoever starred in a film and television drama will be the number one male and female. Just don't make a blockbuster drama so different.

The results of "Scary Step by Step" are not worse than the original time and space, and millions of heroes have assembled in the post bar, ready to go at any time.

After turning off the computer, Fang Nan waited on Gao Yuanyuan for a rest after lunch, and then drove to the overpass.

The progress of the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center is very fast, and the entire framework has been built. Wu Jie said that it should enter the finishing stage by the end of this year, and then decorate and add debugging equipment.

"Are you tired from running both sides of the Pujiang River and the capital?"

Wu Jie smiled and said: "It's okay, I feel quite fulfilled."

"What has Cao Guozhong's Tang Tang Film and Television been busy with these past few months?"

"He also ran around a few places. Didn't you ask the company to build a multi-functional cinema in Yangzhou? He took advantage of the opportunity and took three more lands in Wuxi, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. The four places were started at the same time. The Bund has not yet been completed. Then It's pretty busy too."

Fang Nan said with a half-smile, "But I don't seem to have received the application for the three projects outside Yangzhou, nor have I received your call."

"When you were in North America, several major domestic banks increased the credit line for Tangtang Cinemas, which was more than 60 billion. Cao Guozhong said that the opportunity must not be missed, so he cut it first and then played it. He said that you will definitely support him, so I will Didn't call you."

Fangnan Gujing looked at the ashamed Wu Jie silently: "What do you think of Cao Guozhong?"

"He is more suitable to be a capitalist than you. Cao Guozhong once had a famous saying at the company's high-level meeting: If you spend the company's money to build a building, I will criticize you; if you spend the bank's money to build a building, I will reward you!" His words , so that the company has a very powerful targeted public relations team."

"If you didn't impose too many restrictions, there would be at least ten Tangtang Films and Televisions in the country under construction."

Fang Nan nodded and got into the car: "Don't run around in the future, just keep an eye on the Performing Arts Center. The capital attaches great importance to the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, and it will be the main place to promote the country's traditional culture in the future."

Leaving the flyover, Fang Nan arrived at Soho Fang Nan Culture.

After Dream Literature moved out, Fang Nan's culture became empty again, so that Fang Nan would not have to enter Yan Hongxue's office.

"Is there any explanation for the listing of Dream Literature?"

"After three rounds of financing, Mengmeng Literature has expanded its server and acquired several novel websites. Now all aspects are in order. Several capitals headed by Penguin are planning to push Dreamliterature to Shenzhen Stock Exchange in June. Boss, what do you want? If you get rich, someone should want to buy your shares."

"always have."

During his stay in North America, many CEOs of domestic companies called him privately, planning to overtake and buy some shares of the two companies.

There are even many big companies that want to exchange shares with him.

In the words of these people who praised him, the companies he holds are all in the blue ocean, film and television stocks, and Internet company stocks are all hot stocks at the moment, and they can make money when they go public.

He is the Chinese version of Warren Buffett, the visionary stock god.

China's entertainment king Murdoch.

In short, the shares of Dream Literature and Douyin Video are very popular, and many people are eager to seek them.

Fang Nan was not hypocritical, he told everyone to go back to China and discuss in detail, the two sides have not met yet, we have to wait for him to go to Pujiang.

But it must be to give up a lot of shares. The 51% absolute controlling stake he envisioned is actually too high.

Fang Nan shook off the string of golden numbers in his eyes, and said, "Stop talking about it, it's boring, I'll go back if you don't have anything to do here, and fly to Pujiang in two days.

Yan Hong was very annoyed, how could such a big company be fine, and she gets paid for nothing every year?

"There's a lot going on."

Fang Nan pulled up a chair and sat down: "Let's talk about it briefly. If you can handle it personally, what else can I do with money?"

Yan Hong rolled her eyes: "First of all, the company has fully acquired Kuwo. Recently, we want to arrange for a group of domestic singers to shoot a promotional video. Now we are short of two fronts. See if you can make a couple of phone calls."

"The person in charge of the facade, who are you referring to?"

"Jay Chou, Princess!"

"Jay Chou has been cooperating for a long time, why didn't you invite me? The princess can understand, she has retired for a few years."

"Jay Chou is not doing his job properly and is making a movie. The agent is too busy to refuse. The Princess is rumored to be coming back. With your relationship with her, you should be able to invite me."

"let me try."

After Fang Nan nodded, he asked curiously, "How can the company maintain its operating costs by ignoring the mobile CRBT to develop Kuwo music alone?"

In 2010, not to mention China, few people in the world were willing to spend 2 yuan to download a legitimate song, and free MP3 and MP4 download links can be seen everywhere.

Spending money to listen to music is a fantasy.

Fang Nan vaguely remembers that the first overseas music copyright fee was the female singer Taylor Swift.

In China, it was Jay Chou, when he released his album "Ouch, Not Bad" in 2015.

"The CRBT business is Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year, and every year is not as good as every year."

"But listening to and watching genuine movies and songs is the general trend. However, in the first two years, we will help Kuwo registered members to listen to nearly 1000 songs on Kuwo Music for free by subsidizing singer copyright fees. There's stickiness, and we're in."

Yan Hong raised her right hand and swiped down hard, making Fang Nan roll her eyes.

He stood up and said, "In order to be in line with international standards, the country is indeed paying more and more attention to combating piracy."

"However, it is unrealistic to charge a single song. I think you will start a membership system at that time. You can listen to all the songs for a few dollars a month. The huge number of users will make a profit."

"In addition, don't build a car behind closed doors. Get in touch with Lu Qing and the mobile phone manufacturers. It's best to jointly develop a mobile phone audio-visual software. The development of mobile phones is so fast. In the future, everyone will use mobile phones to watch TV and listen to music."

"I'm going to Pujiang in two days, and I have to talk with Lu Qing. By the way, which channel did "A Bite of China" sell to?"

When it comes to "China on the Bite of the Tongue", Yan Hong has deep resentment.

She originally thought that "Oil Salt Sauce and Vinegar Tea" was a variety show like "Running Man" which was popular in Southeast Asia.

After all, Fang Nan opened his mouth, and if there is no one hundred million, we will not sell it.

After she watched a full-length episode, she suddenly realized that the director actually played a raccoon for her prince, and the variety show turned into a documentary.

The documentary sells for [-] million yuan, and many provincial satellite TV stations obviously won't take advantage of it, picking up the bag and running faster than a rabbit.

Yan Hong was so angry that she scolded the director bloody on the spot.

This dragged on until the Chinese New Year, and it wasn't until Fang Nan won an Oscar, CCTV, which had a lot of money and was burdened with promoting the country's diverse culture, jumped out again to negotiate the purchase of "A Bite of China".

So until now, the copyright of "A Bite of China" has not been sold.

"Where there is anything to see, take me to have a look."

"It's on the computer in my office." Yan Hong stood up.

Leaning a little, Fang Nan quickly finished the progress bar of the video, got up and vowed, "It's only [-] million, whether CCTV loves it or not."

Saying goodbye to Yan Hong, Fang Nan drove to Cotton Kindergarten to pick up Wanzhuo from school.

Goodbye Fang Nan, Thong Wanzhuo, who was one year older, questioned why he was always away for the first time.

Fang Nan was speechless, he could only pat his daughter's head, forced a smile and said, "Dad is busy, so what should I do? I don't make money, so you don't have so many toys and snacks, do you?"

Thong Wanzhuo struggled and said, "Then I don't want many toys and snacks in the future."

Fang Nan felt relieved: "Then how can it be done? Children should spend their childhood happily."

"But I'm not happy at all now. All the kindergarten children have gone to preschool. No one plays with me, and the teacher won't let me talk."

"Huh? When we get home, Dad will have a good theory with your mother."

Fang Nan was calm on the surface, but shocked inside.

Turtle son, her daughter is only five years old, and the kindergarten is going to deprive her of her happy time?

Back at Yonghe Villa, Fang Nan went upstairs in a bully manner. Seeing Zeng Li folding the clothes, he coughed and yelled: "Preschool, preschool, it is said that you are still holding books to study at the preschool age, what do you think? ?”

The moment Fang Nan appeared, Zeng Li was still very happy, and after hearing the accusation from the other party, he quit completely and threw away his clothes:
"Then go and report it. It's like this in China. She will be inferior to others if she doesn't study now. Other children can endure hardships and are all learning. Why can't Zong Wanzhuo?"

Fang Nan stomped his feet in anger: "A five-year-old child is working so hard, do you expect such a child to study actively when he grows up? Do you think my daughter will throw up when she comes out of school? Learning should be a lifetime thing!"

"What is your daughter, that is my daughter, her surname is Zeng!"

"I don't care whether her surname is Zeng or Fang, it's all my species. My children must stay away from this kind of education."

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan, who couldn't help feeling angry, bit his bullet again and said, "Besides, you're only going to be admitted to an art school, so why should my daughter be desperate for death!"

The always good-tempered Zeng Li blew up, grabbed the clothes rack and chased Fang Nan who had slipped out of the house, and said, "I'll kill you!"

Fang Nan went downstairs with a "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump" and ran away, holding onto the daughter who was tearing up the snack bag in the middle of the living room. Let's eat."

The father and daughter just sat down in the car, Zeng Li pulled the door and got into the car, then fisted Fang Nan twice, before saying: "Why are you going?"

Thong Wanzhuo showed off, "Father took me to eat delicious food."

Zeng Li knocked on Fang Nan's head in dissatisfaction: "Drive, I'll go too."

A mutton shop opened in the alley. After Fang Nan led Zeng Li's mother and daughter into the box, he discussed Zong Wanzhuo's study with Zeng Li seriously.

The quarrel just now was half-true and half-false, but it will be true in the future. The two people's educational philosophy must at least be consistent in the general direction.

Moreover, children's education does not mean that he is rich, and it doesn't matter whether the child learns well or not, anyway, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

On the contrary, the richer one is, the more attention should be paid to the education of the next generation.

Whether he is willing to inherit his assets, whether to help him manage the company is one thing, and whether the child has the ability is another.

For this reason, Fang Nan talked about his idea of ​​happy education.

What he meant was that before the age of 10, Zong Wanzhuo could have fun and have a happy childhood.

It doesn't matter if her grades are poor during the period, even junior high school is fine. When it comes to high school and university where knowledge is most needed, it depends on whether she realizes the importance of knowledge.

If at that time, Thong Wanzhuo is still unwilling to take the initiative to learn, that's fine, she is not material for studying.

Zeng Li couldn't accept Fang Nanyang's teaching philosophy of not being foreign and not native.

She is like many mothers from middle-class families in China. My son and daughter are geniuses who can learn and understand everything. Then they started to study the first grade at the age of five. In the first grade, they learned book knowledge and began to enroll in interest classes.

In short, children's childhood is just two words, learning and misery.

Fang Nan looked down on this set of educational concepts.

Of course, this is mainly because he, the father, has laid the foundation for the child, and he is not afraid that his daughter will be rejected by exam-oriented education. The children of ordinary families must study hard, after all, there is an insurmountable threshold.

The two argued for a long time, and finally each took a step back. Before the age of seven, Tso Wanzhuo could play happily besides practicing.

After the two adults and the ignorant Tso Wanzhuo high-fived, Fang Nan called the concubine who was not far from the mutton shop and invited her to come over for hot pot.

Zeng Li got up and wanted to go home: "Then I go?"

"No, you don't need to hide anymore. Reporters or others ask, and don't feel like a dwarf. They openly blame me for all the problems and call me a heartbreaker."

"A heartbroken man? It really fits." Zeng Li sat down again, and held a piece of broccoli for Zuo Wanzhuo.

Fang Nan took a sip of his wine depressed, and had to tickle him for what he was doing.

After a while, the princess and Li Yapeng arrived, followed by Na Ying, the faces of the three were flushed, and they didn't know if they were frozen or just finished drinking.

"Director Fang, congratulations, I private messaged you on Weibo, did you see that?"

"I haven't opened Weibo since I came back yesterday."

Fang Nan arranged the three of them to sit down, and smiled at Li Yapeng.

"You're too busy, I don't have time to call you out for drinks or karaoke." The princess complained after filling up the drink by herself.

"You are busy even if you haven't retired. To be honest, have you ever thought about coming back? I was entrusted by someone to ask you for help."

There are so few people in the circle that a bunch of old men in the country will never forget.

One is the princess and the other is Yu Feihong.

The former, with his early fame, special singing voice, and independent style of acting, was loved by young and old who lacked entertainment in the early years.

So much so that after his comeback, a concert ticket was fired at a sky-high price.

Yu Feihong is missed by young and old, partly because he became famous early.

The other part is because of the intellectual beauty on her body, which is especially attractive to literary youths in the 90s and [-]s.

So when he was preparing to make the literary film "Love Has an Afterlife", even though the production cost of the film was as high as tens of millions, after several years of filming, a group of old and young men still contributed money, money, and efforts to help him realize his dream.

"What's going on?"

After Li Yapeng finished speaking, the princess glanced at the other party, and said to Fang Nan, holding a glass of wine: "Think about it, if you direct this year's Spring Festival Gala, how about I?"

Fang Nan scratched his head, the two of them were already in harmony?

"Then do me a favor." Fang Nan ignored Li Yapeng and said directly.

Naying jumped up: "Hey, Wangfei, it's okay to help, I have to let Fang Nan drink."

Fang Nan smiled and clinked glasses with the two, and then talked about asking the princess to come out of the mountain and act as a front.

The concubine did not refuse or agree on the spot, saying that she wanted to discuss with the manager. Fang Nan did not chase after her, and chatted with the three of them while drinking.

The princess could see her dislike for Li Yapeng.

Almost every time the other party said a word, she would turn her head or roll her eyes.

Especially when the other party showed his affection, he frowned in disgust.

But Li Yapeng is also amazing, and it's overwhelming when he blows it up.

In front of Fang Nan, a tens of billionaire, he spent tens of billions to build a resort, and sold a painting for tens of millions. That money was as much as money.

Fang Nan was very depressed, I was ranked dozens of times in China's wealth list, and I didn't see the word Li Yapeng on my list.

After chatting for a while, when Li Yapeng asked Fang Nan to do business with him, Fang Nan took the initiative to end the dinner and promised the two princesses that they would have a good drink when Pu Jiang came back.

After returning to No. 28 courtyard, Fang Nan hurriedly served Gao Yuanyuan for dinner.

Fortunately, he counted the time well, and came back in a matter of seconds, after all, he didn't starve the other party.

"You eat, I'll call Wu Jing."

"Wu Jing, are you looking for him to film?"

"Uh, let him go to Pujiang for an audition."

The call was connected quickly, and Wu Jing's tone sounded very surprised. The two hadn't contacted for a long time.

After learning that Fang Nan asked him to audition for the role, Wu Jing's tone became twitchy and hesitant again.

Fang Nan was really impatient and scolded the other party for the first time.

If he is a big girl with a yellow flower, looking for a partner, he can't make up his mind about emotional matters, so it's fine if he's twitchy.

We're looking for you to audition for a role, you're a big old man, you're a bitch.

After being scolded by Fang Nan, Wu Jing honestly explained the current situation. After Xiangjiang couldn't get along, he returned to the capital early, and now he is almost like a vagrant.

Fang Nan didn't bury the opponent anymore, after staying in the capital for another day, he flew to Pujiang with Wu Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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