literary world

Chapter 343 Corporate Corruption

Chapter 343 Corporate Corruption
On the way from Hongqiao Airport to Jindu Road University Student Industrial Park.

Wu Jing hesitated and asked a lot about Liu Peiqiang in "The Wandering Earth".

Fang Nan was very angry.

Wu Jing is several years older than him, and he is not a young person. If he has to imitate a female star, he is worried about playing a middle-aged role. Why would he miss more of her roles?

I don't even look at what movies I have made in the past few years.

Acting as Hsiao Yaxuan's male lead in the MV, "Mecha Man", "Moonlight Box", "New Shaolin Temple", "Happy Magic", and made a lot of bad movies that are not the protagonists.

Fang Nan said "I'm 36 years old, don't pretend to be young", Wu Jing pursed her lips and calmed down, and followed Fang Nan to Tangtang Film and Television honestly.

The further he walked in, the more shocked Wu Jing's expression became.

In recent years, he has often heard people in the circle discuss that Tangtang Film and Television has done a great job, which vaguely means that China's No. [-] Film and Television Company.

Before today, Wu Jing felt that the media was bragging.

He is not someone who has never seen the world. In order to find out the production side for "Spike Fang", he has been to dozens of film and television companies across the country.

Among them, there are many well-known entertainment companies like Emperor, one of the best in the country.

It wasn't until just now that he realized how wrong he was.

Because even the emperor is not as lively as Tang Tang Film and Television.

Many personnel with badges, coming in and out of Tangtang Film and Television are like beads connected into a thread.

In front of the company's gate, dozens of luxury cars and RVs are lined up neatly.

Reporters standing by.

Familiar faces in the circle.

The stalls outside the fence create a crowded scene.

Watching this scene, Wu Jing felt boundless emotion, and at the same time, the feeling of comparison that had been hidden in her heart for many years gradually dissipated.

He is also a human being, and as a human being, he is jealous.

Back then, he was the number one male in the crew of "The Love of the Sons and Daughters", and Fang Nan was a martial artist.

A brief fight made the two feel sympathetic to each other.

Therefore, he sincerely introduced Fang Nan to the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

After a few years of separation after this cooperation, Fang Nan began to show his talent as a director, which appeared in the newspapers from time to time.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, he just polished himself up.

But as the news of Fang Nan winning awards and breaking box office records time and time again spread to Xiangjiang, Wu Jing who heard more and more could not help but feel a sense of comparison.

Therefore, he rejected Fang Nan's kindness to let him go back to the mainland time and time again.

He doesn't bother to eat the food that comes from you!

Even after the failure of "Red Teeth".

But today, he finally gave up.

Today's Fang Nan, whether it is the achievements he has made in his personal director career or his company, makes people unable to resist.

"Fang Nan is a freak, and also what the media calls a genius!"

With a wry smile, he arranged Fang Nan's sentence, and Wu Jing felt a lot more relaxed.

The mountain that had been pressing on my head for several years finally disappeared.

"I haven't been here for a few months, and the place I want to come to is much smaller, so let's go in."

While signaling Wu Jing to enter the company, Fang Nan frowned wonderingly at the row of RVs facing the company's gate, and the crowd chatting around the RVs.

After entering the company, the front desk recognized Fang Nan at a glance. After being stopped by Fang Nan to say hello, he watched the two enter the company from the left passage.

A wave of heat hit the face, Fang Nan reckoned that the company had added a lot of people.

Familiar faces in the circle also mean that the company is still making big plays in addition to working on "The Wandering Earth".

Thinking of this, Fang Nan pushed away the room beside him, and an extremely empty room jumped into his eyes.

In the room, many young women were dressed in court attire, or swaying in the catwalk.

Either make up a concave shape, or scatter and chat around in twos and threes.
Fang Nan withdrew his body, and glanced at the house number in surprise. It's for the crew of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?
"This opens up the modeling room and the actors' lounge?" He clicked his lips and closed the door without showing any signs.

Wu Jing looked shocked: "What TV series, why are there so many girls?"

Fang Nan said cheerfully: "I will give you a list of actors later, you can see who is not married, and talk to them."

"Put it down, I'm not interested in women in the entertainment industry."

Fang Nan glanced at Wu Jing calmly, he didn't know whether to call this straightforward and cute, or low EQ?
If such a simple sentence is spread outside, everyone should not shout and beat him?
As soon as he led Wu Jing to sit down in the personal office, the door was knocked and pushed open. Fang Nan got up to greet people, "Uncle Da, thank you for your hard work. When did you arrive?"

"Director Fang, hello, I'm Pujiang who arrived last night, thank you for inviting me to audition."

"You're welcome. I invite you only if I feel that the role is suitable. If it's not suitable, I won't invite you by force, and the producer won't let me mess around."

"Yes, yes." After Da Shu nodded with a smile, he stretched out his hands to Wu Jing: "Hello, hello!"

The two were greeting each other when the closed office door was opened again, and this time more people came.

A 10-member special effects team led by Lu Qing.

The Academy of Aerospace Sciences provides theoretical basic knowledge and is responsible for helping the two technicians who conceive and build space stations, dungeons, and transport vehicles.

Da Liu, the original author of "The Wandering Earth", is responsible for drawing the picture in his mind.

Several experts in physics, dynamics, and meteorology.

Guan Xiaotong and several audition actors.

Cai Yinong, Shi Nansheng and other executives.

The crew of "The Wandering Earth" led by deputy directors Lin Hao and Huang Weiming.

There are many people and the office is small, Fang Nan signaled to go to the conference room, unexpectedly the company also opened up a special studio for "The Wandering Earth".

"All the director's offices in your row have been opened?" Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong curiously.

"That's right, it will only be a few months. China Construction Second Engineering Bureau has been working in Fengjing day and night. After the first phase of the project is completed, there will be no need to be so crowded."

Fang Nan nodded, and focused his attention on Lu Qing. Lu Qing understood, and shook his hand: "Unpack."

lean less.

Several large boxes of messy props were exposed.


Pearl of the Orient.

city ​​model
"The two obsolete empty-shell airliners ordered from Sichuan Airlines were also disassembled and packaged today, and are expected to be assembled in the Oriental Movie Metropolis in a week."

"Now wait for the advanced studio to add and adjust the equipment, the crew can shoot some simple shots first, and several prop companies guarantee that the production of props will not slow down the progress."

Lu Qing said that Lin Hao handed over a large stack of storyboards and design drawings to Fang Nan.

He had stayed in Pujiang for more than two months, and his head hurt from reading the documents, so he had long wanted to resend this pile of blueprints to Fang Nan.

"Equip the actors and see the effect."

After Fang Nan finished the task, the artist and prop master instructed the staff to help the actors get dressed.

While explaining the design concept of props, what looks tougher and has a heavy industrial texture.

Fang Nan listened very seriously, "The Wandering Earth" is indeed a sci-fi movie whose content and plot are all based on imagination.

But the more sci-fi movies, the more they must conform to certain rules, pay attention to details, and use nonsense like a powerful and unconstrained style. That is a mythological movie.

So Fang Nan listened attentively to the staff's report.

After that, he took the trouble to communicate with the people present on the shooting techniques, prop production, special effects, music and other preliminary work.

The specially invited technicians from the Academy of Aerospace Sciences, physics, power, and meteorological experts did not escape his harassment.

He doesn't understand physics, dynamics, meteorology
But he also has to shamelessly ask for advice, and his movies are inseparable from this knowledge.

Film is a technical activity!

After the audition actors put on props and space suits, Fang Nan looked around and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he handed it over to the assistant director to make a final set of makeup.

Several young actors were very excited when they heard that the makeup photo was taken.

They never expected that Fang Nan's role would be so easy to get.

Fang Nan didn't feel much about it. In his plays, the actors were naturally in his hands, so as long as he received an invitation to audition, and there were no special circumstances, the audition actor basically got the role.

"Won't the male number one change? If not, I'll have someone draft an actor's contract."

"Just Chen Xiao, he looks good, where did you find it?" Fang Nan put down the photo in his hand and asked Chu Xijun.

"The crew of "Di Renjie's Heavenly Empire"."

"Old Freak Xu has a good eye. When it's time for dinner, ask someone to bring me something to eat on the hour."

While speaking, Fang Nan opened the folder that recorded the company's first quarter expenses. There was a row of brand new RVs parked outside. He wondered how much the finances had approved to buy so many cars.

"Your secretary is getting it. I'll go out first. Mr. Cai still has something to ask for you."

After a while, Cai Yinong came again, she wanted money from the first word, Yan Hong asked for too much remuneration for Fang Nan, scriptwriting fee, director fee, extra script, a total of 4000 million RMB.

China Film and several of their producers couldn't accept it.

"You guys just have fun. If the project wasn't confirmed too early, my salary would have to go up. The salary Lilith talked to me about "The Martian" was 700 million US dollars, more than 5500 million yuan."

"The film market is different, a domestic market and a global market."

"What are you going to do? Give me a cut of the box office?"

"No, it's just divided into several more stages. After discussion, several of us decided that before the film is released, we will pay 1500 million in five stages, and within 18 months after the film is released, we will pay 2500 million in three stages. This will reduce the pressure on the company.”

"You guys talk to Yan Hong."

Fang Nan didn't care much about these things, as long as he had the money to make movies.

What he cares about is that the company spent 3000 million to buy 15 RVs.

"Are you ready to live?" He asked Cai Yinong sullenly.

Cai Yinong's excuse is very good.


Times are different.

Today's celebrities are not like most of them in the past who are limited to making money by filming. Now the famous celebrities usually accept endorsement advertisements and are worth tens of millions.

People, once they have money, no matter where they go or where they are, they naturally want to pursue enjoyment.

So now that some well-known stars are filming, the producer provides the most basic treatment for them to rest in a caravan.

The other party does not require three meals a day to come from the hands of the chef, and the accommodation must not be lower than a four-star hotel, even if the other party is kind.

If one star does this, other stars must not follow suit?
Let's talk about Tang Tang Film and Television, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, Ni Ni, Zhang Jiayi, Hai Qing, Mei Ting, and the newly popular Liu Sishi, and the somewhat famous Yang Fun.

Their reputations are not bad, if they know that male and female stars who are obviously not as good as themselves enjoy filming in various ways, can they not murmur in their hearts?
It is not unusual for celebrities to be so extravagant once they start to compare themselves.

"So, the company has assigned a caravan to every contracted artist?"

"Anyway, it meets the requirements. Basically, everyone owns one. If you don't like it, I can't help it. I still don't want to part with the money, but this is the truth."

Fang Nan continued to flip through the documents with a face full of pain.

Looking at it, he frowned and lit a cigarette again, spit out, and said angrily: "The crew of "33 Days of Broken Love" spent more than 30 yuan a day on food, this is all they eat Ingredients from Mars? Is this a movie or a vacation?”

"You have to ask director Wang Liang."

"I have to ask everything, what do you want? Are you no longer in charge of the company? Or is it that Shi Nansheng can't manage the film department?"

When Fang Nan slapped the desk, the two lunch boxes that the shocking secretary had just put down immediately jumped up, which showed how shocked he was by this absurd thing.

It's normal, Fang Nan never asks about the crew's expenses, and has no time to care about these trivial matters.

When I arrived at the company today, I saw a row of RVs parked in front of the door where I shouldn't park, so I thought about taking some time to look at some financial documents that I usually don't read.

This is unbelievable. According to the way the crew of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" eats like this, in a few years, the crew's food expenses alone will be able to eat up the company.

Encountering such a terrible incident, Fang Nan stopped eating and called Shi Nansheng and Chief Financial Officer Ma Sanyou over temporarily.

"I know about this. It was the birthday of an actress named Zhang Xuan in the crew. Director Wang Liang proposed a dinner for the crew. It was the crew's financial account, so there are records."

Shi Nansheng didn't say a word, so Ma Sanyou had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain.

Fang Nan glanced at Ma Sanyou: "It's understandable to spend some money on a birthday cake for the cast and crew. But do you think it's normal to spend so much? The finance team you sent out can approve such a large amount of money so casually." For the actor's birthday?"

"And Director Shi, have you paid attention to the crew of "33 Days of Broken Relationship", are they filming or traveling?"

"I found out that apart from Ma Sanyou's birthday, the crew also spent more than 20 yuan on food every day. The film was filmed for two months, and the food expenses cost more than 1000 million yuan. How many people are there in this crew? A group chef in a five-star hotel?"

Fang Nan fired a series of cannonballs, and there was nowhere to hide Shi Nansheng nodded and said:
"I have been to the crew of "33 Days of Broken Relationship". They usually eat boxed lunches. But sometimes some barbecue stalls and food stalls are directly called into the crew."

Fang Nan laughed angrily: "The crew of "Broken Love" is still booked out, right? It shouldn't be sometimes, right? Wang Liang is in a daze? Director Shi, are you going to help him explain?"

"Mr. Fang, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Wang Liang is the company's most profitable director. Last year's "Those Years" brought the company several times the production cost. Therefore, I think it is better to close some things." Just keep one eye open."

"Furthermore, many of the cast members of "Broken Love" are entertainers from the company. The lead actress Ni Ni, Zhang Jiayi, Hai Qing, Guo Jingfei, and the leading male Zhang Wenwen have also collaborated with the company in several plays. Film and television companies sometimes have to pay attention to the relationship with stars."

"Which water is so clear that there are no fish?"

Before Fang Nan could speak, Cai Yinong took the lead to jump out and accuse: "So Director Shi, you join forces with Ma Sanyou to let Wang Liang spend the company's money vigorously?"

The flames of war came to him again, and Ma Sanyou couldn't help saying depressedly: "Mr. Cai, don't slander me. Wang Daohua's money is recorded by the Finance Department, and I don't have any profit."

"Director Wang also promised when he used the film crew's funds to treat guests. After the film is finished, he will make up all the shortfalls."

"In addition, whether it's the film department or the TV drama department, our finance department treats you all equally."

Cai Yinong continued to ask: "Then the movie is finished, has the money been made up?"

Ma Sanyou was honest: "Not yet."

Fang Nan, who looked at the few people coldly, was somewhat startled. The company grew bigger, scrambling for power and profit, and signs of suppressing dissidents began to sprout.

He shook his head calmly, ordered Shi Nansheng to let Wang Liang come to the company as quickly as possible, and then drove everyone away.

Not long after, he called Gao Yuanyuan again and asked him if he wanted to come to Pujiang. It was not easy for him to go lightly this time.

(End of this chapter)

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